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7gaugejames 03-02-2009 03:13 PM

my official stance on Obama;as follows,
To whom it may concern,:bringit:
I have an official stance on Obama, if this be the "official Barak Obama thread", i suppose to give it here and now. I stand with him, as Commander and Chief, as an American, as a Christian. (not in that order) To pre-suppose what will happen over the next 2 1/2 years( for that is about the time that re-election kicks in) is a little pointless, can we really hold a man to his words anymore? Tell me the last substancial campaign promise really happened and i'll show you alot a people who were pissed that it happened, point is you cant please every body all the time. Thats what the rich have said for awhile, i know from 1st hand experience how the wealthy haved used those very words to distance themselves from the actions they'd taken to obtain what is rightfuly thiers. Wealth. I say all this ,which, you all must've already known, to say this... it's our turn... hunker down and sit on your wealth all you want if it gets too bad we'll just rise up and take it from you.:bringit: My suggestion is play the game and re-invest, you're going to lose a good amount of your savings too, just like us. Might as well and get a good conscience with it to and help us out. The scales must balance for the time being, and it will hurt, we know, it's our pain that will wrest the funds from you one way or another.:bringit: Now as much as I would like I do not believe a feudal society will emerge, letting the masses re-plenish its self on the fatted flesh of the rich(gorging until our thirst for havok is slaked by the tears of those who make alot of cashola) no, no. I think that this may be the time in which,we as a country.. get to show the world we're going to beat this thing and it's going to start with a Govt. re-form period of maybe 20 years, who knows? Believe this though, it won't be fast or easy. Obama is optomistic, i believe that, i need that in my president right now. All the politicians are quaking in thier boots over AIG, The rich are going to be bailed out again, but now i think they know Obama is watching "Them"! I want that wistleblower from 60 minutes to head up this transparency program, or the Charles Grodin character in Dave, who sat down over a tuna sandwich or bratwurst or somethin' and figured out where Kevin Klein could save enough money for Ripley's children.... well you get the point. I know two Uber-nerds myself who will crawl up the down tube of every wall street / politician laced pork riddled bill with fervor, with fervor i say...and do so for the opportunity to do to those what has been done to thier parents, devestating. Madoff doesn't have an account somewhere with 50 billion in it... These nerds will find it.
Am i off topic? My stance on Obama,..... hmmmmm. Hope. Naive? Yes, but i'll go on record as being naive, and being hopeful, it's my way of helping. I wish Obama well, but i don't hear too many storie about him returning all the unused campaign monies, of which i am told there is alot. I also realize that our economic recovery depends on the feasabilty that our healthcare system doesn't collapse through the failings of AIG, triggering .....I wont pre-suppose. No, I'll just HOPE. Send 'em some good vibrations from southern calla forn eye aye. P. S. Theres no reason to now post your quoted beratements of my silly position. I know. Numbskulls forever!:bringit:

Yukon Cornelius 03-02-2009 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by anticipation (Post 605996)
that's kinda like never happened, ever.

no one has ever woken up in the morning and said, "Hey, working 16 hours for 3 cents a day is totally sweet! I'm so happy with not being able to feed myself, let alone my family."

tell that to the big 3 auto makers... And where do you get your info mad magazine? its been happening...

anticipation 03-02-2009 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by Yukon Cornelius (Post 606046)
tell that to the big 3 auto makers... And where do you get your info mad magazine? its been happening...

unions had nothing to do with poor management and no one having leadership skills/intelligence.

sleepy jack 03-02-2009 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by Yukon Cornelius (Post 605988)
Where do you live?? The "Hamptons" My own father rents out some smaller houses right now and he has a women i one who is currently living off welfare.. Her TV is so f-ing big that its hard to get in the door. Dont know maybe she sells drugs. Is your head in the clouds or are you really that excited about paying for the poor ppl. Ignorance how about you look around. I barley watch the news but i see what I am speaking about everyday. Im a military guy right and there was a toy drive for underprivileged low income families that didnt make that much money. I thought i was doing something from the heart until i noticed all these the ppl coming to get these toys were driving in nicer cars then mine. Maybe im underprivileged you tell me.

These people are either taking out loans they can't take back, liars or you're lying. It isn't fiscally possible to be living off unemployment and food stamps and still be able to afford a house, expensive car and a top of the line technology.


Originally Posted by Yukon Cornelius (Post 605988)
I dont feel like anyone driving a 40000 dollar vehical should be picking up free toys just like i dont think that that same person should get free everything. I understand if your a demo thats cool but dont call me ignorant just listen to my points as i have done the same for you.

I'm not calling you ignorant because of that I'm calling you ignorant because you're basing your entire argument off anecdotal instances that either false or have some more key information behind them that you yourself don't even know.


Originally Posted by Yukon Cornelius (Post 605988)
Its kinda like the union workers strong arming companies for unrealistic wages. This leads to the death of the company and the people who loose there jobs will knock on the doors of the people who just wanted to work and were happy with there wages.

Workers form unions because they need a certain standard of living, which includes money to provide for themselves and family, as well as things like health care. They don't do it because they're greedy and want to rob their companies blind. I can't honestly believe someone would think that.


Originally Posted by Yukon Cornelius (Post 605988)
To end if it completely overexaggerated then why the hell do they need to tax anyone to give others a break. Is it my fault or yours or your parents that these ppl cant afford anything? Maybe its piss poor planing on there part either way middle class america will be paying to make there health care virtually free. Thats something that i dont agree with. Maybe get off your A$$ and do something.

Oh give me a break. The system of health care in the United States is broken and needs reform. Even the Republicans agree with the President on that. Health care is obscenely expensive, the majority of Americans only have it because they're employed. Nearly fifty million Americans don't have health care. Are you really gong to say all those Americans are lazy Welfare queens that do nothing but watch television and free load?


Originally Posted by Yukon Cornelius (Post 605991)
Middle class is slipping because of inflation

Wrong, the middle class has been shrinking because the Bush administration gave tax cuts to the rich shifting the burden of taxes to the middle class. It has nothing to do with inflation, the economy naturally goes through periods of inflation/deflation and it doesn't destroy or build up the middle class.

Yukon Cornelius 03-03-2009 06:12 AM

Have you ever heard of more than one person claiming these fed funded organizations, and living in the same dwelling?? Obviously not.

I dont understand what you mean about the unions since there all about to have there heads chopped off. Must be something other than the ppl picketing and asking for something unrealistic. If these ppl wanted all these perks and incentives they should have become educated rather than to threaten a company. I dont believe that anyone should make over 30 dollars an hour to bolt a bumper on maybe your right, maybe i dont know the ppls situation. Maybe the ppl coming up to get free toys cause they cant afford them do have a crappy loan on a 40000 dollar vehical with my cars value in rims. The honest american will pay for that to and make do with there modest accomodations, that to me is bull.

Yukon Cornelius 03-03-2009 06:13 AM

When was that last deflation???

Double X 03-03-2009 07:49 AM

Shortened version of something I read in the paper this morning -

International news - Radio Netherlands Worldwide - English

In the newspaper it said that Bush rejected the Russia's proposal to work with them on a missile defense system in Russia. It would be amazing if Obama agree to that previously rejected plan. A strong nation who is very close to Iran, with lots of oil, and potentially be on good terms with US?

Yukon Cornelius 03-03-2009 08:43 AM

There might be an obvious down-side to that as well though.

sleepy jack 03-03-2009 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by Yukon Cornelius (Post 606401)
Have you ever heard of more than one person claiming these fed funded organizations, and living in the same dwelling?? Obviously not.

I dont understand what you mean about the unions since there all about to have there heads chopped off. Must be something other than the ppl picketing and asking for something unrealistic. If these ppl wanted all these perks and incentives they should have become educated rather than to threaten a company. I dont believe that anyone should make over 30 dollars an hour to bolt a bumper on maybe your right, maybe i dont know the ppls situation. Maybe the ppl coming up to get free toys cause they cant afford them do have a crappy loan on a 40000 dollar vehical with my cars value in rims. The honest american will pay for that to and make do with there modest accomodations, that to me is bull.

Let me get this're blaming unions for the all the industry going out of business now? This might sound like a dick comment but do you have any idea what the fuck you're even talking about?

Yukon Cornelius 03-03-2009 05:04 PM

Yes i do..

Q:Why do the unions picket and protest?
A:Because they want more money.

How can that not be correct? They will bitch and complain till they get there way. Why do you say that these ppl are so down and out. Didnt they take the job? And if so was it enough then? So with out even thinking about it its obvious.. Its easier to give ppl already pushing your product through the production lines more money than it is to hire all new ppl when these gas guzzling **** darts are in demand. Now how is that not obvious to you. Whats the difference in 28 or 30 dollars an hour. This crap has been happening for years now and it has finally caught up to these companies. Bottom line is that now it costs more to make the car. So much more in fact that they cant turn a profit. I know its not all the ppl in the unions fault since the company decided to take the easy way out but if you look at honda or toyota they make reasonable salaries and have reasonable retirements on the other hand these union workers are going to be high and dry for biting the hand that feeds. Whats better i ask you Sleepy something or nothing? Does that make sense to you yet?

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