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Old 07-08-2009, 07:26 PM   #181 (permalink)
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watch 2012 enigma and tell me the first 5 vids don't make any sense.
<a href=http://img43.imageshack.us/img43/2131/bulletformyvale1.jpg target=_blank>http://img43.imageshack.us/img43/213...formyvale1.jpg</a>
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Old 07-08-2009, 09:15 PM   #182 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Darkest Hour View Post
I can't see how the black hole that's in the center of the galaxy would exert more gravitaional force on the Earth then the Sun in the middle of the solar system. It is all speculation anyway. In the 60's it was the Age of Aquarius, in the 90's it was Y2K, now it's 21.12.12 (or 12/21/12 abroad) it's no biggy.

Even though I may appear close minded on the subject, I like to hear what conspiracy theorist have to say, just for shizen-giggles.
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Old 07-08-2009, 09:20 PM   #183 (permalink)
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I am usually pretty open minded, but for some reason I just cant swallow this 2012 stuff... I just don't think its going to happen.... flash in the pan melodrama is how I see it....
"If you're like me, then it's possible you're a clone generated from my stolen DNA. I suggest you turn yourself in for destruction immediately" - Shaun Micallef.
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Old 07-08-2009, 09:28 PM   #184 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Neapolitan View Post
I can't see how the black hole that's in the center of the galaxy would exert more gravitaional force on the Earth then the Sun in the middle of the solar system. It is all speculation anyway. In the 60's it was the Age of Aquarius, in the 90's it was Y2K, now it's 21.12.12 (or 12/21/12 abroad) it's no biggy.

Even though I may appear close minded on the subject, I like to hear what conspiracy theorist have to say, just for shizen-giggles.
And there's no evidence that the black hole is gonna do anything in 2012. Black holes don't just slowly suck up a galaxy and then all of a sudden swallow the whole damn thing hole.

There's no scientific basis for any of this, there's even people who think our solar system will move to the center of the milky way by 2012, which anyone who knows a goddamn thing about astronomy will tell you is impossible.

Some of you people watch way too much History Channel.
It's only knock n' knowall, but I like it


Originally Posted by Strummer521
Originally Posted by Crowquill View Post
I only listen to Santana when I feel like being annoyed.
I only listen to you talk when I want to hear Emo performed acapella.
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Old 07-08-2009, 09:38 PM   #185 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by boo boo View Post
And there's no evidence that the black hole is gonna do anything in 2012. Black holes don't just slowly suck up a galaxy and then all of a sudden swallow the whole damn thing hole.

There's no scientific basis for any of this, there's even people who think our solar system will move to the center of the milky way by 2012, which anyone who knows a goddamn thing about astronomy will tell you is impossible.

Some of you people watch way too much History Channel
I watch it a lot, and even I know when to say "Ok, this is obviously biased and paid for by a specific market".

The big thing with people is they think that if a source has the word "science" in it, it's infallible. It's as though all someone has to do is make a documentary spewing crackpot ideas in the form of an equation and suddenly everyone's writing a thesis on it.
If people would learn to think for themselves at LEAST half the time, we'd have at LEAST half of these threads to deal with.
(And all the companies who will invariably make money off this 2012 stupidity would get half a paycheck. That's half the battle right there.)

If history has taught us anything, it certainly wasn't a class doomsdayers ever took.
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Old 07-08-2009, 10:03 PM   #186 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by boo boo View Post
And there's no evidence that the black hole is gonna do anything in 2012. Black holes don't just slowly suck up a galaxy and then all of a sudden swallow the whole damn thing hole.

There's no scientific basis for any of this, there's even people who think our solar system will move to the center of the milky way by 2012, which anyone who knows a goddamn thing about astronomy will tell you is impossible.

Some of you people watch way too much History Channel.
prove what this guy said is wrong then since he obviously is just making it all up. Still waiting.

YouTube - The 2012 Enigma by David Wilcock Pt. 01
<a href=http://img43.imageshack.us/img43/2131/bulletformyvale1.jpg target=_blank>http://img43.imageshack.us/img43/213...formyvale1.jpg</a>
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Old 07-08-2009, 10:03 PM   #187 (permalink)
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Hey Darkest Heezy, I'll watch the vid and let ya know what I think, cool?
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Old 07-08-2009, 10:07 PM   #188 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
The big thing with people is they think that if a source has the word "science" in it, it's infallible.
Not only that it also has the word "channel" in it so I guess those same people feel like they are channeling into the supernatural.
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Old 07-08-2009, 10:11 PM   #189 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
Hey Darkest Heezy, I'll watch the vid and let ya know what I think, cool?
that's cool. Just watch the first 5 parts of it.
<a href=http://img43.imageshack.us/img43/2131/bulletformyvale1.jpg target=_blank>http://img43.imageshack.us/img43/213...formyvale1.jpg</a>
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Old 07-09-2009, 12:03 AM   #190 (permalink)
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Here's my objective review of the video "the 2012 Enigma", specifically for Darkest Hour and whoever may have agreed with him, on any subject, in the history of the universe, ever.

Prior to starting the video, I looked up its creator David Wilcock on google to get a bit of a back story on him so I could better understand his background and previous works. (It helps to contextualize the subject at hand.)
Apart from his own website, all I found were opinions on how big of a crack-pot douchebag he is, which naturally would have created more of a bias if I didn't already think so myself, so I didn't visit those pages. Out of fairness. For the video. Which I'm sure I don't need to watch to have an educated opinion about whether we're all going to die in 2012, but am doing it anyway.
Let 'er rip...

First impression:
"Did I accidentally click on a motivational self-help seminar video?", I thought.
My confusion was shattered with David's earthquake of a joke about an umbilical cord which, on a scale of negative 10 to zero, didn't so much as crack a smile on my face.
This is going to be a long night.

We go through a PowerPoint slide-show of people he's related to and/or knows who're supposed to be similar in appearance to historic figures... Waiting for a connection beyond a traditional "doppelganger" scenario, I'm thrust into a discombobulated anti-connection spider web truly akin to the non-connected point to point line draws between things only assimilated in the brain of a delirious meth addict. Still, I'm waiting for a grand wrap up while hoping he isn't merely inserting as much weird info as possible for the sole purpose of creating intrigue.
I am disappointed yet again.

Dumped into crop circle connections to 2012, I can feel my brain giving instructions to my middle finger, although I keep myself refined and dignified as much as possible while still retaining the ability to not navigate away from this visual grab-bag of occurrences that have been kindergarten pasted together in the form of clues that even Blue wouldn't dare risk his pride following.
Just a note to myself: I wonder if he's compiled these crop circle pictures from his own photography of the actual events (probably not), or from internet sources where, even the least of us know that photo forgery is mainstay. One needs not have even a crop for circles to appear in.... Only Photoshop. Somehow I doubt this guy gave any real time to obtaining even credible photos of events, much less credibility to the events themselves.

As the first video ends, I'm reminded of Darkest Hour's comment that "the first video made a lot of sense." and I somehow think that if the remaining videos turned out to be blank screens for the duration, there will have been more sense made than the first, combined. To the power of 10.

On to video 2:

As he goes into randomly non-connected phenomena involving particle behavior, I begin wondering how this ties into the 2012 scenario. Do I really have to watch the whole mess of a theory, or can I just skip to the end of the last video to witness him saying "And that, my friends, is proof that the world will end in 2012", and resume worrying about more realistic things?
But in the interest of objectivity, I keep watching.
I take note that he is horribly inept at explaining scientific phenomena, and it probably results from the fact that he doesn't truly know what the fuck he's talking about. Again, we have a scenario where a guy vocalizes vague scientific concepts in order to lend credibility to his argument.

Here's a gem:
He says, "So if you ever get worried about electromagnetic mind control or all these silly things that people get focused on..."
In context of this video series, I'd take that gem to the bank and cash in on it. You could use the money to purchase your way into the presidential suite on planet X in before the world explodes in 2012...

He goes on to mention "healers" and an experience he had during a session where they were "healing" a person with a gangrenous toe... and lo-and-behold, his big toe starts hurting. He alludes to people channeling pain between themselves psychically. He ends that with, "So this is real stuff".
I just want to assume that everyone knows about the concept of coincidence, and even a little bit about the concept of your mind influencing sensation in your body. (Test it out. Just bring a spider to someone who's afraid of spiders) Apparently this guy has hasn't. I bet he thinks mass hysteria is the work of extra-terrestrial laser beams.

After that, he likens consciousness having an effect on what happens to you while using his previous mention of a scientific experiment between the effect of disease traveling through glass versus quartz as proof. Call me ignorant, but I don't see the relation between quartz and human consciousness.
(He also says, in context with conscious healing, that when you mess with disease, wash your hands, because it's a very effective means of getting rid of "transmitted energy".)
And all this time, I thought I was just getting rid of germs.

Onward through stuff like "How a psychic can..".
"Black Ops", and "secret experiments" apparently have all the proof, according to this guy. I guess it's still secret because the rational scientific community, using their own experiments, would (and have) disprove(d) them.

I had to skip forward through some of the videos, but I'm not going to waste text limits on here remarking on the same crap this guy has been spewing so far. Still waiting for 2012 proof.

Haha.. Xmen. I don't know how this guy attained an audience with this level of Stargate influenced presentation of... oh wait... hahaha "somebody just had a question. I heard it. In my head."
Ok. This is ridiculous.
I'm skipping to the end of the last video so I can wrap this up.

Ah... there was no end. It's just him rambling about the movie "Powder" and other crap.

Darkest Hour:
Ok.. I um... I don't know how you even dreamed up any kind of explanation in your mind as to how this video series would be even remotely a good idea to post on a forum where normal people reside, but if I have any suggestion that would ever do you any good, it is this:

Stop watching that dumb shit.
This video series was worse than watching that snuff film with the Russian kids. It's more horrifying that people like this David character are loose in the world, converting young malleable minds like yours into ET-phone-home philosophies and filling the world with retarded cult-like followers of anti-thinking.
I sincerely hope you make it as a functioning member of society.
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