Originally Posted by ThePhanastasio
He's grown a lot of respect from me, but America may not be ready to embrace gay marriage.
Mitt Romney honestly seems like a nice guy, but he'd set us back at least 8-12 years, I feel.
Obama is sincere and trying to help with the worst deficit since the Great Depression, but people have no idea what's going on....they turn to FoxNews for answers, and answers are not to be had there.
It's a horrible place to be. He has at least 75,000 balls to say this during an election year, though.
Respect alone will help him in the long run. Regardless if Republicans feel he is talking out of his ass, or if he's just trying to get votes. As Sugar said, I don't think he's doing this for popularity, but I do think that some influence of what he said did indeed come from what Biden said about the issue.
To be fair though, Obama was never totally against same sex marriage, he never said he thinks it's wrong or sinful. He was more in between of the issue.