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Arya Stark 08-05-2010 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog (Post 913629)
What about New York?

I want it to be legal here.

TheBig3 08-05-2010 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by AwwSugar (Post 913637)
I want it to be legal here.

Talk to upstate.

Arya Stark 08-05-2010 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog (Post 913657)
Talk to upstate.

Not my job.
I'm not complaining right now, I'm single.

bannister 08-05-2010 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by Meph1986 (Post 912865)
Judge overturns California's ban on same-sex marriage

Judge overturns California's ban on same-sex marriage -


Protect Marriage has already filed an appeal as of today. Hold on to your hats, ladies and gentlemen, the resulting ****storm is gonna be baaad.

Gay marriage before nation's largest appeals court | Associated Press | The Times Leader, Wilkes-Barre, PA

TheBig3 08-05-2010 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by AwwSugar (Post 913661)
Not my job.
I'm not complaining right now, I'm single.

Are you a homosexual?

RVCA 08-05-2010 09:45 PM

You know what's really funny about that whole "Protect Marriage!" garbage? The Bible actually considers marriage to be the lesser of two evils, for weak christians who can't resist their sexual urges. It was never sacred to begin with.


Arya Stark 08-05-2010 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog (Post 913757)
Are you a homosexual?

I love who I love.
There isn't much else. Some people call me ***, some call me bi, but I mostly identify with the term pansexual because I don't see gender, just personality.

TheBig3 08-06-2010 06:27 AM


Originally Posted by AwwSugar (Post 913830)
I love who I love.
There isn't much else. Some people call me ***, some call me bi, but I mostly identify with the term pansexual because I don't see gender, just personality.

I was trying to figure out why it wasn't your job to talk to upstate because you were single.

You've got 4 options (I guess 5 now) in America. Get a bus ticket, lady.

VEGANGELICA 08-06-2010 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by bannister (Post 912898)
Awesome, for now. Let's hope it doesn't get overturned.

Yes. I'm hopeful that eventually the U.S. supreme court will say state laws prohibiting same-sex marriage are unconstitutional. Laws should not discriminate against individuals based on their sex/gender. The fight for legalizing same-sex marriage is, I feel, basically a fight to say that whether I am a "man" or a "woman" should not be a factor in determining whom I may marry. This is a gender issue.


Originally Posted by AwwSugar (Post 913622)
**** Argentina.
What about New YORK??

Heh heh...even lowly IOWA, often seen as backward and conservative, allows same-sex marriage, while liberal New York doesn't. It is sad that people haven't managed to legalize same-sex marriage in New York yet, and that the opposition is apparently so strong there.

AwwSugar, The Human Rights Campaign is a great organization to join, I feel, to support same-sex marriage in the U.S....and even single pansexuals can join! ;) I became a member long ago in the 1990s after I heard a talk by HRC member Candace Gingrich, conservative Newt Gingrich's half-sister. HRC does a very good job organizating rallies and working on political and judicial issues, both on a local level and a national level. I bet New York has a very large HRC organization but could always use more support.


Originally Posted by AwwSugar (Post 913830)
I love who I love.
There isn't much else. Some people call me ***, some call me bi, but I mostly identify with the term pansexual because I don't see gender, just personality.

I like this description. "Pansexual." I think I am very similar to you, Aww, in this way. I had never heard of this term before: pansexuality. Pansexuality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia But that is exactly how I feel. Thank you! You taught me something new, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE learning something new.

Especially about sex. ;)
(I'm actually kidding about the sex part. I really just like learning new things.)

I wouldn't have guessed that pansexuality means what it does. I kind of expected it to mean one has a thing for this guy/fawn:

Arya Stark 08-06-2010 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog (Post 913921)
I was trying to figure out why it wasn't your job to talk to upstate because you were single.

You've got 4 options (I guess 5 now) in America. Get a bus ticket, lady.

Aha. **** those four options. I want to get married in NY.


Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA (Post 913964)
AwwSugar, The Human Rights Campaign is a great organization to join, I feel, to support same-sex marriage in the U.S....and even single pansexuals can join! ;) I became a member long ago in the 1990s after I heard a talk by HRC member Candace Gingrich, conservative Newt Gingrich's half-sister. HRC does a very good job organizating rallies and working on political and judicial issues, both on a local level and a national level. I bet New York has a very large HRC organization but could always use more support.

I like this description. "Pansexual." I think I am very similar to you, Aww, in this way. I had never heard of this term before: pansexuality. Pansexuality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia But that is exactly how I feel. Thank you! You taught me something new, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE learning something new.

Especially about sex. ;)
(I'm actually kidding about the sex part. I really just like learning new things.)

I wouldn't have guessed that pansexuality means what it does. I kind of expected it to mean one has a thing for this guy/fawn:

I'm already part of HRC.

And yeah I don't really like being labeled as such. I just like to say I love who I love.

Urban Hat€monger ? 08-06-2010 02:44 PM


Urgh what a horrible description.

Makes you sound like you have a fetish for kitchen utensils.

Arya Stark 08-06-2010 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 914080)

Urgh what a horrible description.

Makes you sound like you have a fetish for kitchen utensils.

Omnisexual is another way to say it.

VEGANGELICA 08-08-2010 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 914080)

Urgh what a horrible description.

Makes you sound like you have a fetish for kitchen utensils.

Pansexuality, redefined:

"MMMMM...pots and pans! Soooooo nice! Sooooooo sleek! I love you, I love you, I love you, Pot!"

chiron 08-08-2010 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by AwwSugar (Post 914089)
Omnisexual is another way to say it.

I'd rather do kitchen utensils than an Omni;

VEGANGELICA 08-08-2010 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by chiron (Post 915200)
I'd rather do kitchen utensils than an Omni;

Oh, I don't know...that one's kind of a cutie! :love:

Meph1986 06-26-2011 07:37 AM


The Virgin 06-26-2011 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by The Unfan (Post 545502)
So I needed to get this off my chest as its been bugging me. I do not understand what argument any people or persons of religious faith can form for the banning of gay marriage. As per the first amendment the state is forced to look at marriage as either being a religious right or a civic right. If it is indeed a religious right than the state can not be involved nor make laws pertaining to who can and can't wed. Its simply unconstitutional. On the other hand if it is a civic right than the state can not recognize the religiousity of it and has to let everyone do it, strictly prohibit it, or claim no involvement with it anyway. How then is it legally possible to ban *** marriage?

Furthermore, unbanning gay marriage would result in a booming market for tuxedos, cakes, dresses, and all that other good stuff. It would be economically beneficial to stop prop 8. Even if you don't want gays to get married you should be against prop 8 for your own good.

you are so right on point dude.

FaSho 06-26-2011 12:45 PM

Correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I know, there are only two genders. So is there really any difference between bisexuality and 'pan/omnisexuality'?

RVCA 06-26-2011 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by FaSho (Post 1077202)
Correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I know, there are only two genders.

There are the intersexed. Google it

FaSho 06-26-2011 01:02 PM

Okay, but excluding hermaphrodites (who typically identify themselves as either male or female), people who consider themselves a member of a 'third gender' are still scientifically male or scientifically female.

adidasss 06-26-2011 01:20 PM

My guess would be that pansexuals are attracted to a person regardless of their sex, while bisexuals might go through phases of attraction to a certain gender?

We have a few pansexuals/bisexuals I think, maybe they can shed some light on the subject.

DoctorSoft 06-26-2011 01:27 PM

I'm pretty sure the difference is that pansexuals are attracted to transexuals, intersex people and transgender. Where I'm just attracted to men and women, someone like IL Duce is attracted to all different types of sex and genders.

Key 05-09-2012 05:44 PM


Hitch 05-09-2012 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by Ki (Post 1187513)

Good on him. Whilst I've always remained skeptical about Obama in general, he does seem to pack some nerve and steel amidst all the generic and disinterested "I appeal to all" statements he had always issued.

Isn't this also on the same day as North Carolina banning same-sex marriage? Sometimes I wish public opinion didn't have a say...

ThePhanastasio 05-09-2012 11:25 PM

I do worry about this.

While I support Obama wholly, in addition to being gay...hence supporting gay marriage wholly...I don't think that was a particularly advantageous political move.

It's been estimated that 1/10 people are LGBT in America. With that, he's looking at potentially gaining 10% of the vote, but many states are wholly against the concept of gay marriage.

If I were Obama, I'd have come out about supporting gay marriage, but not until after the election. While I think that economic issues are more pressing matters, I feel like that one statement could be damning for him. I feel that it is likely in response to Biden's interview in support of gay marriage, but still...I don't see this helping him in the general election.

WWWP 05-09-2012 11:41 PM

^ All of those reasons make me respect him more for it. I'd like to think I'd have done the same thing in his position. **** votes, I'm more concerned with human rights.

Key 05-09-2012 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by ThePhanastasio (Post 1187614)
I do worry about this.

While I support Obama wholly, in addition to being gay...hence supporting gay marriage wholly...I don't think that was a particularly advantageous political move.

It's been estimated that 1/10 people are LGBT in America. With that, he's looking at potentially gaining 10% of the vote, but many states are wholly against the concept of gay marriage.

If I were Obama, I'd have come out about supporting gay marriage, but not until after the election. While I think that economic issues are more pressing matters, I feel like that one statement could be damning for him. I feel that it is likely in response to Biden's interview in support of gay marriage, but still...I don't see this helping him in the general election.

You bring up some good points, but regardless of what votes he gets, I think it says a lot about Obama's character that he is open about this issue instead of being quiet about it. He'll grow a lot of respect from people.

ThePhanastasio 05-10-2012 12:04 AM

He's grown a lot of respect from me, but America may not be ready to embrace gay marriage.

Mitt Romney honestly seems like a nice guy, but he'd set us back at least 8-12 years, I feel.

Obama is sincere and trying to help with the worst deficit since the Great Depression, but people have no idea what's going on....they turn to FoxNews for answers, and answers are not to be had there.

It's a horrible place to be. He has at least 75,000 balls to say this during an election year, though.

Arya Stark 05-10-2012 12:09 AM


Originally Posted by ThePhanastasio (Post 1187614)
I do worry about this.

While I support Obama wholly, in addition to being gay...hence supporting gay marriage wholly...I don't think that was a particularly advantageous political move.

It's been estimated that 1/10 people are LGBT in America. With that, he's looking at potentially gaining 10% of the vote, but many states are wholly against the concept of gay marriage.

If I were Obama, I'd have come out about supporting gay marriage, but not until after the election. While I think that economic issues are more pressing matters, I feel like that one statement could be damning for him. I feel that it is likely in response to Biden's interview in support of gay marriage, but still...I don't see this helping him in the general election.

That's my view.
I get standing for rights and everything. But I need him to win over Romney, and I'm afraid that he's set himself back by saying this.
I feel like either way he had the LGBTQ vote over Romney anyway, so it wasn't reeeally necessary to say that.

Some people are saying he did it to be popular, but I don't think this makes him popular.

Key 05-10-2012 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by ThePhanastasio (Post 1187623)
He's grown a lot of respect from me, but America may not be ready to embrace gay marriage.

Mitt Romney honestly seems like a nice guy, but he'd set us back at least 8-12 years, I feel.

Obama is sincere and trying to help with the worst deficit since the Great Depression, but people have no idea what's going on....they turn to FoxNews for answers, and answers are not to be had there.

It's a horrible place to be. He has at least 75,000 balls to say this during an election year, though.

Respect alone will help him in the long run. Regardless if Republicans feel he is talking out of his ass, or if he's just trying to get votes. As Sugar said, I don't think he's doing this for popularity, but I do think that some influence of what he said did indeed come from what Biden said about the issue.

To be fair though, Obama was never totally against same sex marriage, he never said he thinks it's wrong or sinful. He was more in between of the issue.

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