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Obama ~ The Issues
Okay, so it would appear that i haven't been banned (yet! ;) ) and i would like to discuss some of this with y'all.
i'd like to start with a little background. This is partially from an 'e' i received: Pull out of Iraq? Perhaps the U.S. should pull out of Chicago. Body Count Jan 2008 ~ Jul 2008: 292 killed (murdered) in Chicago (Chicago Tribune) 221 killed (casualities) in Iraq (iCasualties) Chicago ~ Who Runs it: Senators: Barack Obama & Dick Durbin Rep: Jesse Jackson, Jr. Illinois Gov: Rod Blogojevich Illinois House leader Mike Madigan Illinois Atty. Gen. Lisa Madigan (daughter of Mike) Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley (son of Mayor Richard J. Daley) Thank all of you for the combat zone in Chicago. Of course, they're all blaming each other ~ can't blame Republicans ~ there aren't any... State pension fund $44 Billion in debt, worst in country. Cook County (Chicago) sales tax 10.25% highest in country. Chicago school system rated one of the worst in the country. This is the political culture that Obama comes from in Illinois. The State’s Pension Funds have been decimated by out-of-control, run-away spending. A Pension Fund is where you pay in so much for years and years and years, and then, when you retire, they give you back your money, a little at a time (monthly) or in a lump sum, for which you pay a substantial penalty. These monies are what you could have invested in other financial instruments, like a savings account, and made MORE back from. So in other words, not only are these greedy basters spending every cent of the interest YOUR money is earning (part of which IS theirs, of course), they are also spending your ACTUAL MONEY. Oh, and this isn’t happening just in Illinois, but it’s where the candidate is from, and his track record bears looking at. |
Obama On
all of these are taken from onthe issues.org Abortion We can find common ground between pro-choice and pro-life. (Apr 2008) No, we can’t find ‘common ground’ and anyone who says or thinks that we can is confused. Undecided on whether life begins at conception. (Apr 2008) So, even though sometimes he thinks that abortion is just the removal of an invasive organism, other times, he thinks that abortion is really just murder. And even though he sometimes thinks abortion is murder, he’s still down with it. Voted against banning partial birth abortion. (Oct 2007) In conjunction with the above, i have a REAL problem with this. Voted NO on defining unborn child as eligible for SCHIP. (Mar 2008) Voted NO on prohibiting minors crossing state lines for abortion. (Mar 2008) Voted NO on notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions. (Jul 2006) These i have a problem with on the basis that it is an invasion of family privacy. |
On Budget & Economy
Rejects free market vision of government. (Oct 2007) ??? From the sounds of it, he doesn’t believe that we should have the choice of where we go for our pension investments, healthcare insurance, education, or child-care. The state will tell us where they decided to invest our retirement monies (spooky, because of what’s going on right now in Chicago with the state pensions). The state will tell us where to take/send our children for daycare ~ he has lots of Early Educational program plans in the making. The state will tell us where to go for our ‘free’ healthcare (again, HMO ring any bells?) and rest assured that the working folks WILL be paying SOMETHING for this service ~ it will only be ‘free’ to folks that aren’t working. Last, but not least, free education. Well, not exactly free ~ BILLIONS of tax dollars will be going to fund this. **Having gone to a private college, i can tell you that it just isn’t that hard to afford ~ between the student loans, work-study and some scholarships (grants are also available), i had a little garage apt. and used car, some groceries in the kitch, beer in the fridge, you know. |
Hopefully, this is more what you had in mind, Sleepy Jack.
RE: Illinois, Obama is a Senator. His voice is on the national scale not the State scale. The political situation there is irrelevant because he has no control over it, unlike in the case of Palin who is Governor ergo has direct control and responsibility. It's a non sequitur attack. Also, what's the background of Chicago? At what point did the Democrats take control? Who was in control before hand? How long has the current organisation been in control and so on and so forth. These are merrily left out of the e-mail.
Regarding free healthcare, why does it so often seem that swathes of Americans stick their heads in the sand and ignore that so many other countries have it and it works? Hell, if I get ill I'd rather go to Cuba than America. I'd get the best damn healthcare in the world, and it'd be free for a citizen. I also realise that you apparently have a total lack of conscience but we do, in fact, live in a day and age where we can help those who are too sick and dieing to help themselves. And if that means few dollars of your tax money goes towards that it really won't be the end of the world. What's more important, owning the biggest and best Ferrari or getting somebody antibiotics so that they won't die of infection. Or is it only pro-life when it won't cost you anything? (lol hypocrisy) |
The "family unit" as was called above, should have no say in if a woman wants to do something involving growths in her body. You wouldn't throw a fit over if someone had a tumor remove and didn't inform the family of it, would you?
Family privacy? Piss off. The privacy of the individual is vastly more important. |
I regards to the health care statement. You really should have looked at what his policies will be before you posted such an alarmist statement such as that. He WILL NOT force everyone in the country into his defined health care plan. If you have health care through your employer, you will be able to keep it. If you are currently uninsured, he would give the opportunity to buy into a federal health care plan similar to the one available for members of congress. Small businesses will be given tax breaks to help them afford to cover their employees. Larger businesses will be be compensated for lowering premiums with help in paying catastrophic health costs. now with a little bit of research, it is now quite clear that your blanket statement of obama's healthcare plan is completely unfounded.
Please don't presume to know me, okay? |
i think i pretty well answered this, above. |
The Senate is on a supra-State level. It is above the state. It deals with national and international legislation. It is a branch of the national legislature. The situation that a state is in is the duty of the states Governor, the situation that a city is in is the duty of the cities Mayor. Obama is not in control. Unless you have specific instances to cite in which Obama has had a hand to play, your entire statement becomes non sequitur ad hominem. Quote:
What you say is more just a continuation of the same "the family unit can never be wrong" idiocy rather than an actual rebut. The fact that such idiocy is backed up by legislation is really neither here nor there. If it's a Right (that thing that exists only on paper) is so important why do you seem so ignorant of the Hippocratic Oath? Do they not expect nurses to take it? The "Right" of patient confidentiality to have their issues stay between them and a doctor? Quote:
go fuck yourself, you don't live in illinois and therefore you don't know shit about illinois. |
i need to take care of some other things before it gets dark, but i'll be back!
Thanks for that post then. Just so you know, I'm about to go take a shit. Don't panic though, I WILL return. Give me 10 minutes or so.
And Fal is correct, the family unit is often wrong. Many of these young women have legitimate reasons to hide their abortion from their parents. Hell, last month I bought weed off a chick whose parents had kicked her out of home at seventeen because she was pregnant. The point being that too often parents react with anger and not logic. |
I've read 1984 and the amount that gets compared to it without any relevance at all what so ever begs belief.
Indeed. What sort of Orwelian nightmare have I awoken in, where the government respects the hippocratic oath?
I really fail to see how the number of people being murdered in Chicago (a tragic event in itself) justifies that an equal number of Americans should be dying in an war we shouldnt be in in the first place and that is taxing our weak economy (700 billion and increasing).
Just as a reminder Senator Barrack Obama is a SENATOR for the ENTIRE STATE that serves a NATIONAL level. You complain because he is undecided on whether life begins with conception or not... which is something nobody knows... would you rather him lie about it like someone else I know? This is another issue where the relgions really shoot themselves in the foot. So lets take a scenario. A girl in college gets raped and becomes pregnant. John McCain helped out 'joe the zealot' by making abortion illegal. So what options does she have? Spend the next 9 months, possibly ruining her posibilities in the future, having a baby? Then what, hold onto it so that she has a memory of the man who raped her living with her. Oh no, you people who dont have to carry the baby just want her to give it up for adoption... you know foster homes... the kind that more often than not raise a child that turns out to rape someone and get them pregnant. Instead why not turn to the bible and understand that Jesus says "Permit the children to come to Me; do not hinder them; for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these", which many christians interpret to mean that babies who die goto heaven. But aparently to the christians that only works if the baby isnt aborted I guess, so they have to "save" the baby. I think in some (not all) cases abortion is "saving" the baby. |
No one here is liable to think you've just 'run off' if you disappear for a while, are they? Yeah, didn't think so. |
It's a forum, not a chatroom. Noone gives two shits.
2) Gosh, i didn't realize i was in a 'debate club' ~ sort of thought posting that all the Obama quotes came from on the issues . com would suffice... The thing i don't get? How come when i say anything, a source needs to be provided, yet, when y'all say something, it's just taken for granted? After seeing the warped outcome of y'all's comprehension of what you've read in my posts, i'd sort of like to see what you're interpreting FROM. 3) By your reasoning, there is no such thing as a law ~ just a piece of paper. No such thing a contract ~ just a piece of paper. No such thing as, well, anything that's written. (You really don't see how out in left field that line of thinking is?...) What makes those pieces of paper hold the power they do are our values as a nation. i'm not here to talk about changing all of society ~ i had my chance, and we did it. If you have a problem with the values of America, you'll have to figure out how to change them, your own selves. (Been there, done that, got PLENTY of tie-dyed T-Shirts to prove it! ;) ) *** ~> Unfortunately, folks, in order to discuss the issues, we're going to have to use the mores of society (e.g. the laws) as our 'box.' You can think outside of the box all you want, but it really has no bearing on what we're discussing right here and now. 5) If you will click to see the actual quotes, you won't have any problem keeping up with where they came from. i have cited my source ~ i don't believe that 'debate club' requires me to provide complete documentation just because my opponent can't find it... |
There is a little problem with your statement, however: You don't speak for everyone. |
Nope, sorry. Not feeling it. Once you've learned how to have a proper discussion, try again.
Obama and Friends
i don't watch TV, and missed this when it first came out, but i'd like to discuss it, if anyone would like...
It's from FOX ~ give me a break, here, folks, it's the ONLY channel that will show any of the investigative reports about Obama. Even if you know you disagree, please watch with an open mind and see if you don't have some questions, also. i'd rather this not devolve into a 'Wendy you are a Witch' thing, but whatever. And i'm being real here ~ parts of this thing are unbelievable, and other parts seem like vendetta... Well, just watch and then we can talk about it. |
somehow or other, it's my fault that you can't carry on this debate. Yeah. Uh-huh. Right. You might be shocked to get out there on the net, into some other forums, and try making some of these types of posts. They'd slap you down like a little gnat and you would have neither the courage to stay nor the intelligence to kick-back and learn something. Aaaa ~ don't worry about it ~ we all go through it. ;) |
I see no reason this can't be merged with your other thread
I've spent far too much time in the past getting involved in arguments with people like you, who fail to comprehend the fact they have to support the premises, to get involved. So yes, it is your fault. All I'm asking you to do is debate to a decent standard. As it stands you can't even construct a paragraph properly. I realise a nursing course isn't the same as a humanities and you won't be taught how to construct an argument in any sense of depth, but that doesn't mean you can't try. Although I suppose this is where we find out you took Nursing AND Philosophy at University, were a member of the debate team, and have won many a debate against rival Colleges? P.S. I'm the more important, so I'll make my text more obnoxious than anybody else's. |
2nd) If your 'decent standard' for debate is to refuse to read the BASICS of the debate, then i think you might have a real problem with any debates you undertake... p.s. i post in this font so i can see it to make editing changes, easily and quickly. i post in this font so that my 78 year old Dad can SEE what i've written, without having to have a Drive-In-screen-sized monitor. i post in this font because i like it, aesthetically. i post in this font because it makes my posts easier to find. i post in this font because i refuse to be bullied into being a follower. Oh, yeah. It should have read MOST rather than MORE, but, hey! You can call it a typo. |
i'm not complaining, per se, that he does and doesn't believe in conception being the moment of life, i'm saying that since he does, it's hard to think that he would be for abortion, and absolutely horrifying to think that he would be for partial-birth abortions, where the baby's heart is beating and it is undeniably alive. It says that sometimes he believes abortion is murder and other times he doesn't, but that he's down with it, either way. Also, if he's undecided, who's to say he won't 'get a conscience' and go pro-life? And let me get this straight ~ i'm not against anyone who doesn't want to get pregnant. But stuff happens, and hey! If you forgot to take your pills, or you left your diaphragm at home, just don't have sex. Easy. And if you can't control yourself? Guess what? Having sex makes babies. If you get pregnant, it's YOUR responsibility, not all of society's. And for rape victims? i do believe it ought to be available. But we're talking such a low percentage that it becomes an exception to the rule. If you think for one moment that Jesus was saying that 'Hey, folks, that's okay ~ go ahead and SLAUGHTER your children, by the thousands, because I will take them up to heaven' ~ you're whack. And here's something else that y'all don't get about Christians ~ we believe that with the Lord, we can deal with anything. i've known women who were raped and got pregnant. You know what they had to say about it? "The Lord took something absolutely horrible and turned it into something SO beautiful." They weren't blaming Him for it happening, because He told us that stuff was going to happen and He promised that He'd help us through all of it. |
He used the word 'the' which they teach in English as a Second Language Beginner classes. |
Yes, and thank you! i do have other reasons for liking this, too, though, and i don't like my screen so big i have to keep scrolling back and forth. i mean, if it's this big a prob, why are the options even there? :confused: |
Someone wrote in the following editorial to the local paper. Who does it sound like?
I support John McCain because the election of Barack Obama will signal the end of the United States. The destruction of America began with Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War. He created a federal government with powers far exceeding anything imagined by our Founding Fathers. It continued with Woodrow Wilson, who declared the era of Jefferson to be over. FDR added his brand of socialism in the 1930s. When Obama implements his Marxist policies, the coffin will be sealed on our republic forever. Kiss America good-bye, people. Welcome the United Socialist States of AmeriKa. Letters to the editor |
the link is taking forever to come up! lol |
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