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Old 10-24-2008, 05:58 PM   #351 (permalink)
Occams Razor
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Originally Posted by sleepy jack View Post
Brilliant count argument let me throw one at you now. You sure proved me wrong!
I argued with the only salient point you made. It's not about proving anyone wrong. It's about improving the quality of debate. As long as people continue to take a myopic us vs. them\right vs. left approach it's just a lot of running in place.

You're so certain of what Obama promises and so skeptical of Palin and McCain.
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Originally Posted by cardboard adolescent View Post
i prefer foreplay. the orgasm is overrated.
If you're posting in the music forums make sure to be thoughtful and expressive, if you're posting in the lounge ask yourself "is this something that adds to the conversation?" It's important to remember that a lot of people use each thread. You're probably not as funny or clever as you think, I know I'm not.

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Old 10-24-2008, 06:00 PM   #352 (permalink)
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I'm not skeptical of McCain/Palin at all. I just think their promises are bad ones whereas Obama's promises are good ones.

And if my arguments were so bad it shouldn't have been hard for you to counter them.
Originally Posted by METALLICA89 View Post
Ive seen you on muiltipul forums saying Metallica and slayer are the worst **** you kid go suck your **** while you listen to your ****ing emo **** I bet you do listen to emo music
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Old 10-24-2008, 06:10 PM   #353 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Unfan View Post
So what about pre-Carter? Wouldn't you say the jump to Carter made an impact on this field thus proving your previous point false?
No I'd say previous to Carter I was a student and didn't make very much money thus I have no way of knowing of what I would have been taxed at that time, I bet I could guess pretty close though.

Originally Posted by The Unfan View Post
Welfare helped me throughout my childhood. I think having actually lived dependent on it for a good portion of my life means it hasn't totally failed me. But thats an argument from emotion and not a logical point so I'll stop there.

Can you provide statistics on welfare and point out how, where, and why its failing?
People on Welfare are more likely to:

Be on Welfare in five years
Be addicted to drugs or alcohol
Be single parents
Be on Welfare in 10years
Be incarcerated
Be drop out of high school\college
Be on welfare in 20 years

All of this is true when compared to the non-welfare population in the US. The effects are no doubt a product of the cause but Welfare does not fix the problem as evidenced by the fact that more people stay on welfare then those who move on from it. It is intended to be a short time solution. It's not supposed to be enough to live on. If it is, it robs people of motivation to better themselves. Handouts never work. Taking motivation from a person subtly robs them of their dignity and self respect.

Originally Posted by The Unfan View Post
Money spent on war is pretty big. 1.8 billion a week isn't exactly chump change.
We're still paying off World War II, google where do my taxes dollars go and there are several sites, of ambiguous credibility in terms of 100% accuracy, that will give you a better grasp of just how much War has cost us overtime and how being the "Good Guys" costs a whole lot of money.
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Originally Posted by cardboard adolescent View Post
i prefer foreplay. the orgasm is overrated.
If you're posting in the music forums make sure to be thoughtful and expressive, if you're posting in the lounge ask yourself "is this something that adds to the conversation?" It's important to remember that a lot of people use each thread. You're probably not as funny or clever as you think, I know I'm not.

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Old 10-24-2008, 06:12 PM   #354 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by sleepy jack View Post
And if my arguments were so bad it shouldn't have been hard for you to counter them.
Never said they were bad, just that we weren't arguing about the same thing.

Don't focus on providing subjective counterpoints, lets hear some ideas and expectations for Obama. Why are his promises good? How will they improve your life? why will they work?
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Originally Posted by cardboard adolescent View Post
i prefer foreplay. the orgasm is overrated.
If you're posting in the music forums make sure to be thoughtful and expressive, if you're posting in the lounge ask yourself "is this something that adds to the conversation?" It's important to remember that a lot of people use each thread. You're probably not as funny or clever as you think, I know I'm not.

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Last edited by Son of JayJamJah; 10-24-2008 at 06:39 PM.
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Old 10-24-2008, 06:36 PM   #355 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Trauma View Post
I don't disagree with you that he was being a bully, but it's probably a lot easier to call him one if you (and it sounds like you do) support the person being bullied.
Do you realize that you just inferred that you are on my side?

"I don't disagree with you" = "I do agree with you"


I do agree with you that Ethan was being a bully.
It's easier to say that Ethan is a bully if you support the person being bullied.
It is easier for me to say that Ethan is a bully because i support the person being bullied.

Originally Posted by Trauma View Post
That woman has insulted Illinois and Canada and the intelligence of everyone on this forum; so as far as I'm concerned she can go **** herself.
Stating facts is not an insult to anyone, or shouldn't be.

i stated facts about Chicago, not Illinois, anyway, so...

The thing i did on the Canadian Pol thread, i went back, removed, and appologized for my rudeness within an hour or two.

But, i mean, do you really think i was wrong? Do you really think Canada could stand if the US fell? 'Cuz i really don't see it. Canada and the US are too close for whoever might take us over not to take y'all, especially since you're right in the way of Alaska, along with Mexico.

The truth is, one would think y'all would be interested in us having a superior military.
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Old 10-24-2008, 06:40 PM   #356 (permalink)
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Wendy Cal you need a heavy dose of Occams Razor.
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Originally Posted by cardboard adolescent View Post
i prefer foreplay. the orgasm is overrated.
If you're posting in the music forums make sure to be thoughtful and expressive, if you're posting in the lounge ask yourself "is this something that adds to the conversation?" It's important to remember that a lot of people use each thread. You're probably not as funny or clever as you think, I know I'm not.

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Old 10-24-2008, 07:00 PM   #357 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by JayJamJah View Post
Never said they were bad, just that we weren't arguing about the same thing.

Don't focus on providing subjective counterpoints, lets hear some ideas and expectations for Obama. Why are his promises good? How will they improve your life? why will they work?
You know I had typed up a long answer to this but I'm not going to answer it until you respond to my response to your seven points. I'm sick of people running around and saying Obama/McCain are the same and it doesn't matter who gets elected and never actually backing it up with anything.
Originally Posted by METALLICA89 View Post
Ive seen you on muiltipul forums saying Metallica and slayer are the worst **** you kid go suck your **** while you listen to your ****ing emo **** I bet you do listen to emo music
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Old 10-24-2008, 07:05 PM   #358 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Inuzuka Skysword View Post
@Bold: Yeah, I feel the same way. A lot of people question me for saying I would pick Kucinich over the current candidates because I am a radical libertarian. The thing is, Kucinich actually has integrity, which is something the current candidates really don't have. Only thing I am really afraid of is his plan to ban guns.

And everyone knows Ron Paul is my favorite candidate. Only one who advocates Austrian School. He should really be using more moral arguments for it, but since he is like most libertarians, he probably doesn't have any.
Uh, weren't you just going at everyone for being irrational and all your Rand bullshit? Kucinich is even further from libertarianism than Obama or McCain.
Originally Posted by METALLICA89 View Post
Ive seen you on muiltipul forums saying Metallica and slayer are the worst **** you kid go suck your **** while you listen to your ****ing emo **** I bet you do listen to emo music
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Old 10-24-2008, 07:40 PM   #359 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by sleepy jack View Post
No shit, abortion is a state by state issue, not a national one.
The Federal Government could change that. Still my point is, it's a major issue discussed during every election, but it doesn't change.

I addressed this in a previous post. Again my taxes have gone up slightly with each election both state and federal.

Originally Posted by sleepy jack View Post
Lol, because it doesn't matter where were at war all wars are the same right?
Your assumption of my sentiment is so far from accurate or explicable. All Wars are awful, but so far in my life America has been the good guys every time and I have no experience leading military campaigns so I'll leave it to the men who do to run them.

Originally Posted by sleepy jack View Post
Um, we're going to be in debt for a long time and HAVE been in debt for a long time I don't think either McCain or Obama has said "I'm going to get rid of the national debt!" Besides didn't the national debt go up a couple trillion over the past eight years?
The national debt has increased with every president the past 50 years. Everyone promises the opposite including these two.

Originally Posted by sleepy jack View Post
Except Obama actually cares about weening ourselves off it, unlike McCain who plans to "drill, baby, drill!" and keep the oil coming.
I don't believe Obama cares about it. Nothing other then his words suggest he does care. Plus he is powerless (if he did care) against the lobbyists like his VP's Son. Money talks, every president thinks they'll get us off foriegn oil and our dependency only increases. Jimmy Carter

That was 30 years ago. We've used more oil from OPEC nations every year since. Today over 75% of our oil is purchased from OPEC nations.

Originally Posted by sleepy jack View Post
Obama plans to budget for education, McCain doesn't intend to spend any more than what is currently being spent.
Where does the money come from? Taxes. And unless it's spent wisely who cares. The real solution is to avoid standardization and allow schools more private funding. But you can't tax people that way.

Originally Posted by sleepy jack View Post
As they should. We were founded on immigration.
Legal immigration. Illegal immigration waters down our tangible economy and creates xenophobia and racism.
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Originally Posted by cardboard adolescent View Post
i prefer foreplay. the orgasm is overrated.
If you're posting in the music forums make sure to be thoughtful and expressive, if you're posting in the lounge ask yourself "is this something that adds to the conversation?" It's important to remember that a lot of people use each thread. You're probably not as funny or clever as you think, I know I'm not.

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Old 10-24-2008, 08:24 PM   #360 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by JayJamJah View Post
I've seen 10 presidential elections in my life (in the US) and not one of them led to any change as a result of which side got into office.
Obviously, because you didn't see what could have happened otherwise.

Originally Posted by WendyCal View Post
Do you realize that you just inferred that you are on my side?
No I didn't.
Originally Posted by WendyCal
"I don't disagree with you" = "I do agree with you"
No, that means nothing.
Originally Posted by WendyCal
How is something being the opposite of something else give way to "therefore..."?
Originally Posted by WendyCal
I do agree with you that Ethan was being a bully.
It's easier to say that Ethan is a bully if you support the person being bullied.
It is easier for me to say that Ethan is a bully because i support the person being bullied.
Good try, but I don't support you, and by "you" (in my argument) I was never referring to me in the first place, I was referring to Predator.
How about you learn to argue?

Originally Posted by WendyCal
Stating facts is not an insult to anyone, or shouldn't be.
Your "facts" can be summed up in this hypothetical situation:
You see a really fat woman so you tell her that God doesn't love fatties and she should go shoot herself in the head because of a video on Breaking News | Latest News | Current News -

You've stated some facts and some lies, but both are extremely right-wing and meant to cause either hurt or panic.

Originally Posted by WendyCal
i stated facts about Chicago, not Illinois, anyway, so...
Shut up.

Originally Posted by WendyCal
The thing i did on the Canadian Pol thread, i went back, removed, and appologized for my rudeness within an hour or two.

But, i mean, do you really think i was wrong?
Good apology that was.

Originally Posted by WendyCal
Do you really think Canada could stand if the US fell? 'Cuz i really don't see it. Canada and the US are too close for whoever might take us over not to take y'all, especially since you're right in the way of Alaska, along with Mexico.
First off, Mexico isn't on the way to Alaska after Canada.
Second, I do think Canada could still function without the U.S.
It's an entirely separate country!

I stand by what I said before.
If we met in person I would just drop you.
I find it hard to believe that there could be people more ignorant and hateful than you.
A mi no me importa nada
Para mi la vida es un sueño
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