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Old 09-17-2008, 07:17 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default This I Believe There is / is not a God

There Is No God : NPR

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Tell me\us all why you believe there is or there is no God.

I would request the mods delete any posts that use unwarranted put-downs, name calling asap.

This is a beautiful topic and none of us know the true answer so it'd be foolish not to hear someone out.
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Old 09-17-2008, 07:24 PM   #2 (permalink)
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I would say I am a deist in my most spiritual moments. I like certain ideals of organized religion but it has been used for wrong reasons and spirituality is a more individual thing.

I still go to the Catholic Church in my town with my mom and brother but I do not believe in most of Catholic rules...I go there to feel more spiritual and have a time where I can be at peace and sit and think about whether spirits, god, afterlife, etc. are 'real'.
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Old 09-18-2008, 01:18 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Double X View Post
I still go to the Catholic Church in my town with my mom and brother...I go there to feel more spiritual and have a time where I can be at peace and sit and think about whether spirits, god, afterlife, etc. are 'real'.
It actually depends on the person on how he thinks. We cant force anyone to believe that there is God nor there is no God.
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Old 12-02-2010, 12:31 PM   #4 (permalink)
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I'm a pretty straight-forward deist. Spent most of my life mouthing the tenets of Christianity, pretending to be a Christian in the vain hope of thinking that if I prayed enough or read enough Bible passages, all my doubts would simply go away. When I went to uni, I began to critically look at the Bible in terms of history and some of the issues surrounding the Bible's composition, history and other issues, and eventually rejected it.

Eventually, after exploring other religious paths, including Islam and atheism, but eventually found myself reading The Age of Reason by Thomas Paine (a famous deist booklet) completely by accident and slowly coming to the realization that all my life I was a deist, not a Christian or anything else.

I guess that my prime reason for believing in God can be divided into two. Firstly, matter and motion are not usually found together unless something makes it so, and there are some things in the universe which we observe which cannot be pinned down to totally naturalistic, mechanistic processes, such as some aspects of psychology.

So if anyone wants to hear a deist perspective on things, I'm always willing and (hopefully) able to answer.
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Old 11-25-2010, 02:35 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by double x View Post
i would say i am a deist in my most spiritual moments. I like certain ideals of organized religion but it has been used for wrong reasons and spirituality is a more individual thing.

I still go to the catholic church in my town with my mom and brother but i do not believe in most of catholic rules...i go there to feel more spiritual and have a time where i can be at peace and sit and think about whether spirits, god, afterlife, etc. Are 'real'.
if you want answers to if there is spirits, a god and a heaven. You should visit one of the adventist churches in your area.. I don't mean to offend you. I want to encourage you to visit one day and email me about how you feel and the answers that you will receive.
God bless and be with you always.
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Old 09-17-2008, 07:55 PM   #6 (permalink)
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I do believe in a creator but feel religion is simply a way for us to understand the impossible to understand.
I always say it is 50/50 as there either is or there isn't.
There is no evidence. You know as far as ghosts and supernatural are concerned there really is nothing.
Photos are all fake. Stories are just anecdotal.
I looked on youtube and there was nothing at all despite all the cameras we have now.
But there is the notion that life seems so complicated and complex how can it be ordered?
but did you know today computers do more tasks then anyone can imagine and it all is planned and ordered the way we want it. yet looking at the complexity would seem impossible.
One interesting thing I read is that lsd under a microscope has light frequencies the same as quantum matter that many believe will uncover other dimensions.
There are other dimensions and time is not a constant.
What this could mean is that God and spirit is not in outer space or inside us but simply in another dimension as yet impossible to access.
But I feel religious stories are just that.
I mean, the longest ever religion on earth was the ancient egyptian religion and now it is just a quiz question and there have been other older religions that believed in a man who was betrayed and killed and rose again before Christ.
I always liked to entertain the idea that God is actually a future being who is manipulating life the way we manipulate science today.
This isn't impossible if we look at how computers are able to carry out trillions of tasks every millisecond in their infancy.
To conclude I feel God is another dimension and time is not a constant.
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Old 09-17-2008, 07:56 PM   #7 (permalink)
not really
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Speaking of the Christian god only..

I could never wrap my head around the beginning. Why put a fruit tree down if you don't want Adam or Eve to have it?

He/She/It can see into the future right? So he knew ahead of time that they were gonna disobey him, so it must have been his intention for them to have the fruit and to kick them out?

Why is he punishing people for something they did 3,000 years ago? Let it go!

I guess i just struggle to believe in the idea that god wanted us to have free will. Whats the point in having free will if you just get punished for doing anything that goes against gods will.
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Old 09-17-2008, 10:48 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by matious View Post
I guess i just struggle to believe in the idea that god wanted us to have free will. Whats the point in having free will if you just get punished for doing anything that goes against gods will.
Well said.
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Old 11-25-2010, 02:44 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by matious View Post
speaking of the christian god only..

I could never wrap my head around the beginning. Why put a fruit tree down if you don't want adam or eve to have it?

He/she/it can see into the future right? So he knew ahead of time that they were gonna disobey him, so it must have been his intention for them to have the fruit and to kick them out?

Why is he punishing people for something they did 3,000 years ago? Let it go!

I guess i just struggle to believe in the idea that god wanted us to have free will. Whats the point in having free will if you just get punished for doing anything that goes against gods will.

i just want to comment on your status. God told adam and eve do not eat for the tree that gives you the knowledge of good and evil. They had a choice like he gives us a choice. Did you know you there are other worlds who where tempted by satan and that he tempted them also. God is not punishing us. Its because of sin that causes bad things to happened. That's why he is soon to return to get us and when we get to heaven no more dieing, punishment, struggling, working hard, divorce, abuse, pain etc. He loves you some much. In he wants us to have a free will to except him and have hope and faith... It a hope channel that comes on direct tv channel 368 you should check it out. If you want more information the number is 18884467388. God bless you always.

Last edited by RADICALLADYBUG; 11-27-2010 at 04:59 PM.
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Old 09-17-2008, 08:06 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Thank God someone finally made this thread. Now, you fuckers - THIS SHIT STAYS HERE. I don't want to scroll through forty-five pages of self-glorifying tripe everywhere else.

As for myself, my most personal convictions will remain as such but to quote the immortal wisdom of an immoral man:

"Even though I've found God, I still love blow jobs, and I still say fuck." (Dave Mustaine)
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