This I Believe There is / is not a God - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 05-26-2010, 07:28 AM   #531 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by My Mind Sedate View Post
The standard cosmological argument for the existence of God goes something like this:

The world is effectively, a giant causal chain. God (if we are to anthropomorphise this being) positions himself outside of the chain, he is the prime-mover-unmoved. God sets of this chain of cause and effect while he has no cause.
I believe this is St. Thomas Aquinas "First Cause" argument saying that everything has a cause but you cannot traverse an infinite series so there must have been an original cause. I think this has some logic but it is all assuming everything has a cause and that the universe is not infinite - both of which may not necessarily be true.

Personally I'm an agnostic. I don't believe that even if there was a god it would be possible to find out or understand it. For example, an ant cannot understand why we do some things they see us do. If there was a god, it would surpass our intelligence infinately (kind of like us to an ant) and there would be no possibility of us understanding it. Also, if a god was omniscient and omnipotent then surely that god would have the power to never be found - therefore we would not be able to find any proof of that god unless that god revealed themself to us.

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Old 05-31-2010, 03:36 PM   #532 (permalink)
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I'm not sure theres a God.

I mean, I don't believe in any of the "Bread and Wine = Eating Jesus" thing, or how he says that if you die for him, you go to heaven, but if you dont, you go to hell. Dying for an invisible force that may or may not exist is a big thing to ask, and those matyrs were pretty damn brave.

I like the idea of there being a God, and going to Heaven. But maybe if he never exsisted, the idea of someone who goes out of there way to be nice to people and help them is someone that had the right idea. I'd follow their example.

Its just everything that comes after that, I guess. Church every Sunday, preachers on the street, Communions, Confirmations, Satan. Its all a bit too much.

Thats my opinion anyway.
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Old 11-25-2010, 02:35 PM   #533 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by double x View Post
i would say i am a deist in my most spiritual moments. I like certain ideals of organized religion but it has been used for wrong reasons and spirituality is a more individual thing.

I still go to the catholic church in my town with my mom and brother but i do not believe in most of catholic rules...i go there to feel more spiritual and have a time where i can be at peace and sit and think about whether spirits, god, afterlife, etc. Are 'real'.
if you want answers to if there is spirits, a god and a heaven. You should visit one of the adventist churches in your area.. I don't mean to offend you. I want to encourage you to visit one day and email me about how you feel and the answers that you will receive.
God bless and be with you always.
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Old 11-25-2010, 02:44 PM   #534 (permalink)
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Default Hello this is mz radical and i hope you are not offend(withlove)

Originally Posted by matious View Post
speaking of the christian god only..

I could never wrap my head around the beginning. Why put a fruit tree down if you don't want adam or eve to have it?

He/she/it can see into the future right? So he knew ahead of time that they were gonna disobey him, so it must have been his intention for them to have the fruit and to kick them out?

Why is he punishing people for something they did 3,000 years ago? Let it go!

I guess i just struggle to believe in the idea that god wanted us to have free will. Whats the point in having free will if you just get punished for doing anything that goes against gods will.

i just want to comment on your status. God told adam and eve do not eat for the tree that gives you the knowledge of good and evil. They had a choice like he gives us a choice. Did you know you there are other worlds who where tempted by satan and that he tempted them also. God is not punishing us. Its because of sin that causes bad things to happened. That's why he is soon to return to get us and when we get to heaven no more dieing, punishment, struggling, working hard, divorce, abuse, pain etc. He loves you some much. In he wants us to have a free will to except him and have hope and faith... It a hope channel that comes on direct tv channel 368 you should check it out. If you want more information the number is 18884467388. God bless you always.

Last edited by RADICALLADYBUG; 11-27-2010 at 04:59 PM.
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Old 11-25-2010, 03:01 PM   #535 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by glastonelle View Post
I'm not sure theres a God.

I mean, I don't believe in any of the "Bread and Wine = Eating Jesus" thing, or how he says that if you die for him, you go to heaven, but if you dont, you go to hell. Dying for an invisible force that may or may not exist is a big thing to ask, and those matyrs were pretty damn brave.

I like the idea of there being a God, and going to Heaven. But maybe if he never exsisted, the idea of someone who goes out of there way to be nice to people and help them is someone that had the right idea. I'd follow their example.

Its just everything that comes after that, I guess. Church every Sunday, preachers on the street, Communions, Confirmations, Satan. Its all a bit too much.

Thats my opinion anyway.

Message for Mz RadicalLadyBug
Hi glastonelle

JESUS SAY THIS IS BY BODY TAKE PART.. 1 COR 10:16 SAYS-The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not communion of the blood of Christ? the bread which we break is it not the communion of the body of Christ.- You can also read-2 Cor 6:14 and 2 Cor 13:14. God tells us to take part so that our sins will be forgiven. When I take communion it gives me hope and faith. Also when we die we are sleeping in christ until Jesus returns again. Rev 21:1 states And I saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there were no more sea. If you would like continue to read that chapter. I also want to comment when you said being nice to people, God sees everything. Here is a verse for you. Rev 22:12-13 And behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.

God bless you and i hope you are not offend (With Love).

Last edited by RADICALLADYBUG; 11-27-2010 at 04:49 PM.
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Old 11-25-2010, 04:00 PM   #536 (permalink)
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I'm sure there's more than we can see with our eyes, but I'm also sure I'm not willing to live up to some God I can't see or listen to the rules of a religion that has been made up by people.
I try to live my life as good as possible and hope for a reward in the end. But I don't live by any written rule when it doesn't seem right to me .
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Old 11-25-2010, 04:15 PM   #537 (permalink)
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I say that there's a civilization of green-haired neon firefighting time travelers called The Proto-Mythbusters 1000 feet above the top-most layer of our atmosphere. They're invisible, so you cant see them, they are made of dark matter so you can't feel them, or detect any heat or radiation, and they don't make any sound because they're in space, and they're absolutely positively real. I say so, so therefore they are real. Anybody who denies this is a non-believer and will be subject to listening to BrokeNCYDE 24/7, or something else horrible. They rule my life and I worship them everyday.

Think about this statement for a second.
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Old 11-25-2010, 04:57 PM   #538 (permalink)
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I think you're creative.
And if you would be serious, you would need help.
And so would the others making up stories like this and trying to convince everyone they're true. So yeah, I know where you're going.
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Old 11-25-2010, 05:01 PM   #539 (permalink)
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The ridiculous story I made is partially based on Russel's Teapot. Personally I thought his idea was amusing and I thought I'd use it here. I'm clearly a non-religious person.
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Old 11-25-2010, 05:10 PM   #540 (permalink)
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Any fictional story would work in this case. Have you tried Hitchhiker's Guide? .

I'm glad there's people gaining strength from religion. It's their way of coping with life.
I'm not religious, I feel and know that there's more, but that doesn't make me want to believe in any sort of God.
I respect people that are into some kind of religion, but I do have problems becoming friends with them. I don't mind a good conversation and often it just grinds to a halt when the other person introduces his religion. It's just a different way of living, I guess.

Edit: Just clicked your link. So you did make this up yourself? Twisted .
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