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Old 10-27-2009, 08:31 PM   #311 (permalink)
Such That
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Usually avoid threads bound to be chocked full of apocryphal nonsense. Tried to catch up on this stuff and was not dissapointed.

Communist Regimes that are responsible for majority of the 20th century democide and genocide. Communism is responsible the more deaths then any political ideology in the history of mankind.
Black Book much? The fuck is this shit? Can you please provide a link to something not dripping with ideology? You can't just say this stuff; those kinds of numbers can be argued in to the ground.
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Old 10-27-2009, 08:33 PM   #312 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Barnard17 View Post
Which I assume you've done of the Koran, Torah, Adi Granth, Dasam Granth, Homer's Odyssey (from a religious rather than narrative perspective), the Shruti and Shmriti?
No. I have'nt and I don't speak like I have and that was my point. That was a reply directed at Lucifer Sam saying "no where in the Bible are the pearly gates mentioned", when they clearly are. So has he studied it and is just lying or referencing something that he's not studied or maybe remembered it incorrectly? IDK, but in any case, it was wrong.

I'll give you an example. Neopolitan used the word she when speaking about me. Then in you did the same thing. Then sleepy jack followed. If Neopolitan had'nt drawn their own conclusion without research, neither you nor sleepy jack would have been ill informed to believe that I am female. Just a guess, but maybe Lucifer Sam heard someone spout that nugget of worthless information and decided that it was either true or sounded true enough to misinform others by repeating it. News travels fast. Bullsh!t travels faster. BTW, I'm a dude.

Originally Posted by sleepy jack View Post
And Kierkegaard (which she sort of butchered the spelling of) who was a Christian theologian.
What? You gonna give me sh!t for 1 letter?

Originally Posted by Barnard17 View Post
People who do not believe in God are still able to believe and consider love, it just doesn't conform to your perception of it.
Amen, brother. I agree wholeheartedly and if you would have actually read what I said instead of chomping at the bit for your chance to rip into a believer, than you would have caught the "because there is no proof" section. I was speaking to those saying "seeing is believing".

Originally Posted by Barnard17 View Post
...By no means are they the inconsequential triflings that Jesse seems to imply.
Calm down, cupcake. Sounds like you could use some God in your life or Buddha or Tantra or a joint or something. I love you, man.
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Old 10-27-2009, 09:08 PM   #313 (permalink)
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I do not believe in god, intelligent design, religion, spiritual beings, etc. Everything that happens, has happened, and will happen is by total coincidence or mistake. You do not have a meaning in life, you have no fate/destiny. I believe what you do with your life is totally up to you, it's as simple as that. Bad people can live hansom lives, and good people can die painful deaths, it just happens, there isn't any underlying reason.

I've read several topics on evolution, to me the proof is there and undeniable. It also complete debunks any belief that we have an ultimate 'creator.' All of the answers to our existence and/or origin can be explained by scientific matters. I hope that we see emerging research that will shed a lot of light on everything.

all my opinion of course.
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Old 10-27-2009, 09:15 PM   #314 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by [Droogie] View Post
I've read several topics on evolution, to me the proof is there and undeniable. It also complete debunks any belief that we have an ultimate 'creator.' All of the answers to our existence and/or origin can be explained by scientific matters.
otherwise known as the "shit blows up, it's so good" theory.
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Old 10-27-2009, 09:17 PM   #315 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by anticipation View Post
otherwise known as the "shit blows up, it's so good" theory.
They CAN be explained by scientific matter.

WILL they be explained? Very unlikely.

What I meant to say was: There is a scientific explanation for everything, but acquiring such truths, is extremely improbable.
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Old 10-27-2009, 09:21 PM   #316 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by anticipation View Post
otherwise known as the "shit blows up, it's so good" theory.
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Old 10-27-2009, 09:24 PM   #317 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by [Droogie] View Post
I've read several topics on evolution, to me the proof is there and undeniable. It also complete debunks any belief that we have an ultimate 'creator.'
Actually it dosen't, it just proves that everything wasn't created in 7 days and that we were not made from dirt.

People can still believe that some divine being was behind the big bang and evolution.

All of the answers to our existence and/or origin can be explained by scientific matters. I hope that we see emerging research that will shed a lot of light on everything.
It only explains the means in which everything was created, they don't explain what actually created the means in which everything could be created.

Science disproves whacky creationist theories, it dosen't actually disprove the existence of god.
It's only knock n' knowall, but I like it

Originally Posted by Strummer521
Originally Posted by Crowquill View Post
I only listen to Santana when I feel like being annoyed.
I only listen to you talk when I want to hear Emo performed acapella.
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Old 10-27-2009, 10:00 PM   #318 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by boo boo View Post
Actually it dosen't, it just proves that everything wasn't created in 7 days and that we were not made from dirt.

People can still believe that some divine being was behind the big bang and evolution.

It only explains the means in which everything was created, they don't explain what actually created the means in which everything could be created.

Science disproves whacky creationist theories, it dosen't actually disprove the existence of god.
The ultimate truth, can only be explained by science, IMO. To me what you're seeing doesn't seem practical, why would a divine being behind evolution and the big bang? Why would god mask his creations with science?

Either way, even if some groundbreaking discovery came out, absolutely irrefutably disproving god. People would STILL believe. Religion comforts people, they don't want to think death is simply the end. The existence of god will and can never be disproved however. We aren't capable of attaing such a truth, and for one to claim he KNOWS there isn't a god, is ignorant.

I don't believe in god, but I'll never be 100% certain if he exists or not.
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Old 10-28-2009, 02:08 AM   #319 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by JesseB5446 View Post
No. I have'nt and I don't speak like I have and that was my point. That was a reply directed at Lucifer Sam saying "no where in the Bible are the pearly gates mentioned", when they clearly are. So has he studied it and is just lying or referencing something that he's not studied or maybe remembered it incorrectly? IDK, but in any case, it was wrong.
No, you were replying to Lucifer Sam for saying that and Right Track for saying people who take the Bible literally should be beaten (paraphrasing). Your reply: "I'd be wiiling to bet that the majority of the non-believers in this forum have not read a Bible since the last time they fell asleep in church Easter Sunday umpteen years ago. How does one base his faith on a subject he's never studied? I'm not talking about reading it to pull out all the arguable pieces, but really studied it. We are talking about your eternal soul, maybe, right?"

You challenged Pascal's Wager. Rather than simply saying "if you haven't read it properly, don't make claims about it" you instead brought up the Wager which is a whole other kettle of fish. "How does one base his faith on a subject he's never studied?" - have you studied all religious texts? How can you find a grounding for your faith, upon your own stipulations, if you haven't REALLY researched the other religions to ensure they're truly bunk?

If you didn't mean to raise Pascal's Wager you should've phrased it better.

Originally Posted by JesseB5446 View Post
News travels fast. Bullsh!t travels faster. BTW, I'm a dude.
Yah, but you've got a girls name.

Originally Posted by JesseB5446 View Post
Amen, brother. I agree wholeheartedly and if you would have actually read what I said instead of chomping at the bit for your chance to rip into a believer, than you would have caught the "because there is no proof" section. I was speaking to those saying "seeing is believing".
You'll have to excuse me. It appears you don't grasp the English language in the same fashion that I do. Maybe look up "non sequitur"? The point I was making was that "seeing is believing" (or more to the point seeking some form of valid empirical evidence) is valid to use regarding the existence of God due to it's nature as a described entity with actions taken. Love is completely separate, it's a human emotion. Plenty of people don't believe it and everyone's understanding of the word is different. So, your example is irrelevant.

Vita brevis,
Occasio praeceps
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Old 10-28-2009, 05:39 AM   #320 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by [Droogie] View Post
I don't believe in god, but I'll never be 100% certain if he exists or not.
This should be the whole thread.
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