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swim 03-04-2008 04:37 PM

ah, America, we'll take your land after you're damn broke from winning your independence and make sure you have to go through hell to come back here.

savannah 03-04-2008 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by swim (Post 450982)
ah, America, we'll take your land after you're damn broke from winning your independence and make sure you have to go through hell to come back here.

i hope you are not refering to mexico,.....if so, you should abstain from things you really dont understand

swim 03-04-2008 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by savannah (Post 450987)
i hope you are not refering to mexico,.....if so, you should abstain from things you really dont understand

The Mexican war was an evil opportunistic imperialistic act and the legal immigration system is poo. Any dissent you have with that is obviously where opinions begin to differ. Just because I don't live in a border state doesn't mean I'm ignorant.

savannah 03-04-2008 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by swim (Post 451003)
The Mexican war was an evil opportunistic imperialistic act and the legal immigration system is poo. Any dissent you have with that is obviously where opinions begin to differ. Just because I don't live in a border state doesn't mean I'm ignorant.

ignorant,...i dont think that you are ignorant,...however i do feel as though non texans rarely really understood what went on,.....nor do i see how it relates to the us, as texas was fighting to become its own country when that happened,....

personally, sometimes i still feel like we should succeed, as we still have to right to you know,....

swim 03-04-2008 05:06 PM

Oi, I made a new thread because it was like 2 different discussions anyway and I'd still like to talk about this without ruining your little boy thread.

Will edit with response....

savannah 03-04-2008 05:07 PM

roger that

sweet_nothing 03-04-2008 05:08 PM

who's roger?

MURDER JUNKIE 03-04-2008 05:09 PM

ANYONE in any country illegally should be deported IMMEDIATELY, they are a burden to the tax system and are not the responsibility of the inhabitants of that country.

My take for what it's worth

savannah 03-04-2008 05:09 PM

are you of the generation who's never seen convoy?

sweet, sweetie,....we're gettin bad about hijackin threads,

CAPTAIN CAVEMAN 03-04-2008 05:09 PM

keep america out

savannah 03-04-2008 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by MURDER JUNKIE (Post 451020)
ANYONE in any country illegally should be deported IMMEDIATELY, they are a burden to the tax system and are not the responsibility of the inhabitants of that country.

My take for what it's worth

i agree,....whole heartedly,......

even though its hard to say that comming from a country that was built on the backs of immigrants,....
however i agree

i see it alot specially here in texas,......

simplephysics 03-04-2008 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by MURDER JUNKIE (Post 451020)
ANYONE in any country illegally should be deported IMMEDIATELY, they are a burden to the tax system and are not the responsibility of the inhabitants of that country.

My take for what it's worth

You could say that about old people.

sleepy jack 03-04-2008 05:12 PM

I sympathize with the immigrants and think we should be more active in helping them since we not only help put them in the poverty mess they're in but continue to encourage it. God bless America.


Originally Posted by savannah (Post 451006)
ignorant,...i dont think that you are ignorant,...however i do feel as though non texans rarely really understood what went on,.....nor do i see how it relates to the us, as texas was fighting to become its own country when that happened,....

personally, sometimes i still feel like we should succeed, as we still have to right to you know,....

Urgh this is why people hate Texans. You weren't in the Mexican war. You don't know what went on anymore then anybody else.

right-track 03-04-2008 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by savannah (Post 451024)
i agree,....whole heartedly,......

even though its hard to say that comming from a country that was built on the backs of immigrants,.... the expense of the natives.

sweet_nothing 03-04-2008 05:14 PM

Will somebody tell me who roger is.

swim 03-04-2008 05:14 PM

I agree that people enter countries illegally are wrong. I have no objection with that whatsoever. My issue is that system we use doesn't work because in many cases it's more lucrative and time efficient to enter illegally.

Texas would've immediately became a state if it wasn't for that slavery thing which ironically all the land we got from the Mexican War made a bigger issue of.

I'm pretty sure all confederate states had to ratify something saying they weren't allowed to succeed

savannah 03-04-2008 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by right-track (Post 451027)
At the expense of the natives.

youre right,...youre very right,.....

we brought illness and slaughtered them, then we forced them to move to crapy land

i understand that,.....however i'm not gonna sit here and say America is evil,...because i dont believe it is,....
and its not just America,.....other countries have done some quite unsavory things,....we has humans are destructive and everything we 'gain' is normaly at a high cost

as for immigration,...i have no problem with immigrants, i have a problem with illegal aliens

swim 03-04-2008 05:18 PM

I think it's ridiculous that people can't better their lives because of damn imaginary line.

sleepy jack 03-04-2008 05:18 PM

I'll copy/paste my post from the other thread discussing this, here is a history lesson for everyone.

Our economy would be fucked over (even more so) if you got rid of all the illegal immigrants in our country. Aside from that I can hardly blame them for wanting to come over. The majority of Mexicans that are middle aged to older men who cross the border on there own to get a job and then they send cash to their families over the border because they just can't make fair wages over there which is The United States's fault and we have no interesting in fixing it or trying to help. America launched a huge predatory lending spree on Mexico like 35 years ago and it's been a huge factor in Mexico's now poor economic situation. Then Mexico hired an America accounting group to help sort it out and with the help of the US Government Mexico began building all the low wage malquiladoras and they working conditions are pretty sub standard for every country and have turned back allies of cities like Juarez into basically killing fields for Mexican women. Anyway, the farmers from Mexico are being forced from there land and sent to work in factories. This smashes possibly generations of culture and history for these people and take away the only life that they have ever know. Many people simply move to the city and work in the factories there for sub standard wages so they can go home to there 1 room shitty houses and try to raise there family, but many also seek the border as a possibility. Meanwhile the US continues to push Mexico into a minimum pay war with other countries to establish them as a low cost alternative to Asian manufacturing. This way US companies can keep up with there slave labor wages and at the same time save on sending it over sea by sending it across the border. The United States has put Mexico into a complete quagmire and leaves them no practical solutions to get out.

sweet_nothing 03-04-2008 05:19 PM

If mexico fixed their own country they wouldn't be dying to get over here.

adidasss 03-04-2008 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by savannah (Post 451032)
i have a problem with illegal aliens


savannah 03-04-2008 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by swim (Post 451030)
I agree that people enter countries illegally are wrong. I have no objection with that whatsoever. My issue is that system we use doesn't work because in many cases it's more lucrative and time efficient to enter illegally.

Texas would've immediately became a state if it wasn't for that slavery thing which ironically all the land we got from the Mexican War made a bigger issue of.

I'm pretty sure all confederate states had to ratify something saying they weren't allowed to succeed

texas is the only state in the union with the right to succeed,....its still in the contract,...irronically enough, the seal, under the rotunda, in the cap building in austin still reads 'the republic of texas'

and you're wrong,..texas would not have become part of the union had it not been for the slavery issue,...
first texas was not a huge slave state,....we didnt have all the plantations of the south,....we were not the south,...we were/are texas,.....we didnt need the workers that the south needed to economically sustain,....
we were too busy building a country,.....i might add that texas fought the mexicans for our land,.....america did not fight the mexicans,....

and its not the mexican war,....its the war for texas independence,....

also, when we defeated them,....the mexicans.....they were deamed undefeatable,....its a wonder we even won

savannah 03-04-2008 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by sweet_nothing (Post 451036)
If mexico fixed their own country they wouldn't be dying to get over here.

amen,...what they need to do is work on over throwing their own government rather than draining ours

simplephysics 03-04-2008 05:22 PM

I'm not opposed to people coming in this country looking for a better life because they trying to escape violence, or extremely crooked politics in their own countires but i think its being abused by people who don't need it.

savannah 03-04-2008 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 451037)

mainly because i work my ass off to suport myself, and dont feel like it should be mandatory (through my tax dollars) to support them,....

we have enough problems

savannah 03-04-2008 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by ComingUpRoses (Post 451040)
I'm not opposed to people coming in this country looking for a better life because they trying to escape violence, or extremely crooked politics in their own countires but i think its being abused by people who don't need it.

im not either, if they do it legally,..

you wanna be an american? have at it,....
fill out the paper work,...

simplephysics 03-04-2008 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by savannah (Post 451042)
im not either, if they do it legally,..

you wanna be an american? have at it,....
fill out the paper work,...

yea, but doesn't it take an insane amout of time for all the paperwork to come through? like 10 years or somthing?

swim 03-04-2008 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by savannah (Post 451038)
texas is the only state in the union with the right to succeed,....its still in the contract,...irronically enough, the seal, under the rotunda, in the cap building in austin still reads 'the republic of texas'

and you're wrong,..texas would not have become part of the union had it not been for the slavery issue,...
first texas was not a huge slave state,....we didnt have all the plantations of the south,....we were not the south,...we were/are texas,.....we didnt need the workers that the south needed to economically sustain,....
we were too busy building a country,.....i might add that texas fought the mexicans for our land,.....america did not fight the mexicans,....

and its not the mexican war,....its the war for texas independence,....

also, when we defeated them,....the mexicans.....they were deamed undefeatable,....its a wonder we even won

We used 3 times as many troops and they weren't as well off as they could be from the recent war with Spain.

I think I'll call it what my history teacher with his masters calls it. mmk.

The issue had more to do with congressional votes than if slaves actually lived in Texas.

right-track 03-04-2008 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by savannah (Post 451038)
when we defeated them,....the mexicans.....they were deamed undefeatable,....its a wonder we even won


Originally Posted by savannah (Post 451042)
im not either, if they do it legally,..

you wanna be an american? have at it,....
fill out the paper work,...

Or take it by force.

savannah 03-04-2008 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by ComingUpRoses (Post 451043)
yea, but doesn't it take an insane amout of time for all the paperwork to come through? like 10 years or somthing?

honestly,...i'm not sure on the time limit,....
however just because the system is flawed does not mean the law should be broken,...

change the system,.....dont advocate the illegal act

savannah 03-04-2008 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by right-track (Post 451046)
Or take it by force.

that was a different time,....and a different situation

texas was a territory,....and likening texas' independance to the imagrations acts of today is ignorant,....sorry right track, i really like you and normally agree with you, but in this case,....i just think your wrong

sleepy jack 03-04-2008 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by sweet_nothing (Post 451036)
If mexico fixed their own country they wouldn't be dying to get over here.

Did you not read my post? A huge part of it is our fault, that's such a stupid attitude. Americans shouldn't just say "Oh its Mexico's problem" its very much casued by the US and I'm sure if the Mexican government had the ability to eliminate poverty in their country they would do it in a heartbeat but they don't. They aren't able to offer low interest loans or create good clean factories with decent wages, they aren't torturing their people and putting them in that situation for fun. This thread is riddled with ignorance.

sweet_nothing 03-04-2008 05:31 PM

ignorance is bliss

sleepy jack 03-04-2008 05:32 PM

Lovely, good to see you're proud to run around spitting out idiotic statements with no factual backing or even thought behind them whatsoever.

adidasss 03-04-2008 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by savannah (Post 451041)
mainly because i work my ass off to suport myself, and dont feel like it should be mandatory (through my tax dollars) to support them,....

we have enough problems

I thought illegal immigrants aren't in the system therefore the government doesn't actually spend any money on them...*unsure*
Are you saying all or most illegal immigrants are lazy and live off the state somehow? I'm really rather ignorant here so don't take this the wrong way, I really want to know...

savannah 03-04-2008 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by swim (Post 451045)
We used 3 times as many troops and they weren't as well off as they could be from the recent war with Spain.

I think I'll call it what my history teacher with his masters calls it. mmk.

The issue had more to do with congressional votes than if slaves actually lived in Texas.

when you say 'we' what exactly are you refering to? and call it what you will,...i know what it is

as for texas joining the union, i'm not denying that slave votes might have had a hand in the vote,....but the issue of texas's independence happened about a decade before we even considered joining the union, to say that had it not been for slaves we would have automatically been a 'state' is preposterous

sweet_nothing 03-04-2008 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by Crowquill (Post 451053)
Lovely, good to see you're proud to run around spitting out idiotic statements with no factual backing or even thought behind them whatsoever.

Chill the **** out it was just something i heard my geography teacher say. we had a deabate about this in my geography class and it ended up in fight.

simplephysics 03-04-2008 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 451054)
I thought illegal immigrants aren't in the system therefore the government doesn't actually spend any money on them...*unsure*
Are you saying all or most illegal immigrants are lazy and live off the state somehow? I'm really rather ignorant here so don't takes this the wrong way, I really want to know...

immigrants work like 10 times harder than any american citizen. they take the jobs we don't want, and they aren't paid well either. We should at least respect that if not anything else

Urban Hat€monger ? 03-04-2008 05:36 PM

Damn all these people coming here taking all our shitty jobs

sleepy jack 03-04-2008 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by sweet_nothing (Post 451057)
Chill the **** out it was just something i heard my geography teacher say. we had a deabate about this in my geography class and it ended up in fight.

Than why bother repeating it?

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