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CutiePants 03-06-2008 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 451078)
So it's better to spend your hard earned tax dollars on war and killing than on Mexicans?

my sentiments's better to go overseas and protect our financial interests under the guise of trying to help these people but we all know that under the surface things like the Iraq war are not at all about helping everyday Iraqi citizens and forming a democracy for them. If we care that much about the Iraqi's why don't we care that much about the mexicans, our neighbors? Because "we" don't care about the Iraqi's or the mexicans or anyone else really.


Originally Posted by savannah (Post 451083)
the war is a totally different issue,....and one that i will not get off into here

however, i will say, our tax dollars are spent on much more than use funding the millitary,....and war,...

we have hungry needy AMERICANS that could use that help as well,....
and while i will admit, supporting illegal aliens is not the only way our tax dollars are illspent, is the one that directly relates to the issue we are discussing

as a product of parents who have and continue to milk the system, as someone who grew up embarrassed because my mom used food stamps at a store where all my friends parents shopped because she just plain ****ed up her life. I would much rather spend a few extra bucks to help people that are actually sacrificing being with their families and working their asses off to be able to provide for their loved ones that they don't even get to see because they are so desperate they had to go elsewhere to make a "decent" living. Sure, we have americans that need assistance, you know who they are? the children of the drug addicted, abusive, lazy trash that america produces on it's own.


Originally Posted by The Unfan (Post 451501)
Slightly off topic but still relevant. The three things all first world countries have are technological wealth, a strong medical field, and good crop resources. These three things create the most job opportunities and long term markets. So I theorize that if we want to actually help Mexicans in the long run, we'd be better off helping them in the technological and scientific fields, including medical. Simply by introducing genetically engineered crops it'd probably create a market boom and create new job opportunities. Now imagine what other sciences could bring and you'd have them doing well. For a country to succeed it needs to be up to date on the evergrowing markets, and those markets are rooted in science. Also, another financially stable country would help commerce and better global economy so it helps more than just the mexicans in a way.

So if honestly helping other people is what we want to do than I'd suggest offering them some of what keeps the top nations on top. If we want to fix immigration laws, I'd say be more lax about it. If we are to be the land of the free, as we often suggest, I'd say being more open to immigration would be a positive thing.

Also, I'd be up for spending 11 dollars to help a stranger.

ITA with this post.

I find that a lot of the time it is the welthiest people who seem to have such a problem with illegal immigration. Why? You're wealthy already. Is it because you know the value of a dollar and you want just one more in that buldging bank account? No one knows the value of a dollar like the poor, the people that will do the jobs that others think they are above, including Americans who leech of the system. Why can't some of these Americans that need our welfare money etc. get off their asses and cut some lawns or break some concrete for $10 bucks an hour? Oh, that's right, they don't need to because they are the ones entitled to that money right? Because they are Americans. Let us not forget that we have people hungry for those jobs (legal or not) and willing to use the money to support their families not buy more speed or crack or whatever whichi s what most of the "legal" welfare recipients do. Complete garbage. I'm really sick of elitist, racist, classist bigot Americans acting like anyone who defends "the mexicans" of hating america or being un-american. That is such a load of garbage and only serves to make those people feel better about their poor attitude towards people "beneath" them. You want respect in America? Just use your "patriotism" to appear smart or better educated and accuse others of hating their country or being un-american.

10 Unfortunate Facts of Life | f*cking c*nts
You have no right to be proud, unless you did it yourself. That goes for anything from racial pride to patriotism. Your race, gender and nationality are ****ing accidents of birth. Being proud of something you got stuck with when mamma squeezed you out is stupid. You have a right to be proud of your own personal accomplishments, and perhaps those of your children (if you were actually a good parent, and your kids didn't succeed by sheer bloody-mindedness alone). That's it. Your parents ****ed, Mom got knocked up, and ~9 months later, there you were. Race, gender and nationality handed to you out of some cosmic lottery machine. **** your white pride, black pride, national pride, and all the horse**** that goes along with it.

DontRunMeOver 03-08-2008 03:12 AM


Originally Posted by CutiePants (Post 451702)
I find that a lot of the time it is the welthiest people who seem to have such a problem with illegal immigration. Why?

Because it's the wealthy who have really taken most of the money. If they can convince everybody that it's actually poor immigrants who have taken the money then they can be left alone, unhassled, to enjoy their riches.

SATCHMO 03-08-2008 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 451059)
Damn all these people coming here taking all our shitty jobs

Wow, Iv'e heard of Mexicans crossing the river, but I didn't know it was the Thames.

djchameleon 03-08-2008 04:30 PM


You have no right to be proud, unless you did it yourself. That goes for anything from racial pride to patriotism. Your race, gender and nationality are ****ing accidents of birth. Being proud of something you got stuck with when mamma squeezed you out is stupid. You have a right to be proud of your own personal accomplishments, and perhaps those of your children (if you were actually a good parent, and your kids didn't succeed by sheer bloody-mindedness alone). That's it. Your parents ****ed, Mom got knocked up, and ~9 months later, there you were. Race, gender and nationality handed to you out of some cosmic lottery machine. **** your white pride, black pride, national pride, and all the horse**** that goes along with it.
that's the most stupid crap I've read in awhile

CutiePants 03-08-2008 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 452694)
that's the most stupid crap I've read in awhile

those aren't my words, although i happen to agree with them, that quote came from a web page i visit which i gave the link to.

why, may i ask is it the stupiest crap you've heard in awhile? makes perfect sense to me....

Urban Hat€monger ? 03-08-2008 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by SATCHMO (Post 452601)
Wow, Iv'e heard of Mexicans crossing the river, but I didn't know it was the Thames.

I don't live near London or on mainland UK for that matter. :p:
But we have loads of Portuguese & Latvian workers here because there simply isn't anyone to do all the shitty jobs.

Barnard17 03-08-2008 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by CutiePants (Post 451702)
10 Unfortunate Facts of Life | f*cking c*nts
You have no right to be proud, unless you did it yourself. That goes for anything from racial pride to patriotism. Your race, gender and nationality are ****ing accidents of birth. Being proud of something you got stuck with when mamma squeezed you out is stupid. You have a right to be proud of your own personal accomplishments, and perhaps those of your children (if you were actually a good parent, and your kids didn't succeed by sheer bloody-mindedness alone). That's it. Your parents ****ed, Mom got knocked up, and ~9 months later, there you were. Race, gender and nationality handed to you out of some cosmic lottery machine. **** your white pride, black pride, national pride, and all the horse**** that goes along with it.

You posted this, quoted out.

God I'm in love.

sleepy jack 03-08-2008 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 452694)
that's the most stupid crap I've read in awhile


Miltamec Soundsquinaez 03-08-2008 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by savannah (Post 451032)
and its not just America,.....other countries have done some quite unsavory things,....we has humans are destructive and everything we 'gain' is normaly at a high cost

So, you're suggesting that we, as humans, never have any hope of bettering our situation, and must constantly resort to bullying and thugishness to get anything done?

If that's the case, then Mexicans should be free to come into our country, by any means necessary, and fight, if necessary, to stay here. Why shouldn't they be afforded the same opportunity that we had hundreds of years ago?

The reason I'm anti-war is because I feel barbarism is completely unnecessary. We can't go back and change what we did to the Native Americans. We can pray for them, and their families, and pray for the people that committed the heinous acts, and move on in a peaceful direction from here.
War is not the way.

cardboard adolescent 03-12-2008 07:37 PM

immigration's great. i'm an immigrant and i'm lazier than most mexicans. my college scholarship was probably snatched right out of the hands of some hard-working grade-grubbing american. i love this country.

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