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Old 10-13-2024, 02:28 PM   #171 (permalink)
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So many great stories I missed... Let's make an effort to make up the ground.

King Arthur may have been LGBT because he once wore women's clothing, says Welsh council

Despite no definitive mention of Arthur's sexual persuasion, he has still been included in Denbighshire council's LGBTQ+ timeline.

The timeline was created as a result of Welsh Government commissioned training in LGBTQ+ Language and History for local libraries, museums, and archives.
"In postwar Europe, on the whole, anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and equally absurd hatreds rooted in ancient religious texts became a disgraced and dead relic buried in the ruins of the Third Reich. But in the postwar Middle East, these notions persisted in elements of radical nationalist and Isl?mist politics."
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Old 10-19-2024, 06:52 AM   #172 (permalink)
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An in-depth feature in the London Times, behind paywall but can be accessed here

Six months on, how has the Cass Review reshaped gender medicine?

Implementing the findings of the report by Dr Hilary Cass has meant overcoming ‘disinformation’ from US sources spread by the British Medical Association

The retired paediatrician, now Baroness Cass of Barnet, had spent four years meticulously researching the most toxic and complex question in modern healthcare: how should we care for transgender children? The fact that she has emerged from the other side a universally respected crossbench peer is a remarkable testament to the impact of her 388-page report, which found no good evidence to support the prescribing of sex hormones to under-18s.

Six months on from the Cass Review, the medical landscape has been permanently reshaped: puberty blockers are illegal, the controversial gender clinic at the Tavistock has shut and new NHS services providing “holistic” care are up and running.

This is despite Cass having to contend with a wave of “misinformation” which, it can be revealed, largely originated in the United States and has been spread by groups including the British Medical Association (BMA). Cass believes the political backing for her report’s 32 recommendations have been crucial to its success, telling The Times this week that the “broad cross-party support means it didn’t become a political hostage to fortune”.

On Friday Wes Streeting, the health secretary, expressed his gratitude to Cass, saying her thorough evidence-based review meant that, at last, “we are taking politics out of children’s medicine”.

While Cass has commanded support from across the political spectrum and within the NHS, she has faced an unexpected backlash from an ideologically driven “vocal minority” of fellow doctors. A pocket of influential figures within the BMA attempted to halt the implementation of the Cass Review this summer by seizing on an error-strewn online paper published by academics and lawyers in the United States.
"In postwar Europe, on the whole, anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and equally absurd hatreds rooted in ancient religious texts became a disgraced and dead relic buried in the ruins of the Third Reich. But in the postwar Middle East, these notions persisted in elements of radical nationalist and Isl?mist politics."
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Old 10-20-2024, 05:22 AM   #173 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jadis View Post
So many great stories I missed... Let's make an effort to make up the ground.

King Arthur may have been LGBT because he once wore women's clothing, says Welsh council
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A middle class job sounds like a boring menu option at a brothel

She's a Brick House
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Old 10-22-2024, 02:53 PM   #174 (permalink)
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The Daily Telegraph's food critic:

ECB’s dismal transgender fudge makes you want to scream
"In postwar Europe, on the whole, anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and equally absurd hatreds rooted in ancient religious texts became a disgraced and dead relic buried in the ruins of the Third Reich. But in the postwar Middle East, these notions persisted in elements of radical nationalist and Isl?mist politics."
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Old 10-23-2024, 07:30 AM   #175 (permalink)
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Teacher, 54, struck off after ridiculing her school's gender identity policy and posting online 'Where I teach the trans kids are untouchable'

A teacher has been struck off after ridiculing her school's gender identity policy and posting transphobic comments online.

Camilla Hannan, 54, posted offensive remarks including 'where I teach the trans kids are untouchable' while working at the school in Manchester.

The teacher, who had been employed at the school since 2001, also wrote of trans students: 'They get everything they ask for and everyone, staff and other students alike, is petrified of upsetting them. They don't seem oppressed to me more like oppressors tbh.'
"In postwar Europe, on the whole, anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and equally absurd hatreds rooted in ancient religious texts became a disgraced and dead relic buried in the ruins of the Third Reich. But in the postwar Middle East, these notions persisted in elements of radical nationalist and Isl?mist politics."
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Old 10-24-2024, 03:39 AM   #176 (permalink)
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Trans charity Mermaids gave children chest binders without telling parents

The transgender charity Mermaids gave chest binders to children as young as 13 against their parents’ wishes and wrongly claimed puberty blockers were reversible, a report by the regulator has found.
The Charity Commission’s two-year inquiry discovered “systemic failings” and “mismanagement” at the organisation, whose chief executive, Susie Green, left abruptly in 2022. The regulator’s report, published on Thursday, reveals that Green was dismissed by the charity’s trustees after they lost confidence in her.
It found that Mermaids gave 24 chest binders to young people without their parents’ involvement — including 15 to children aged 13 to 16. The regulator concluded that parents were unable to ensure safety advice was followed with the chest binders, which are used to flatten breasts with constrictive materials to make a person more male-presenting. It said parents must give consent in decisions to use them.
Mermaids has removed claims on its website that puberty blockers are reversible after being told by the commission to review its language over potential risks.
"In postwar Europe, on the whole, anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and equally absurd hatreds rooted in ancient religious texts became a disgraced and dead relic buried in the ruins of the Third Reich. But in the postwar Middle East, these notions persisted in elements of radical nationalist and Isl?mist politics."
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Old 11-02-2024, 02:48 PM   #177 (permalink)
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Julie Bindel is someone I used to occasionally read in the Guardian ages ago and found her a bit too aggressive, "strident," unpleasant, one-note, too "comomonsensical" and just uninteresting... Today I no longer read the Guardian and have a lot of respect for her common sense.


Trans extremists have egg on their faces once again

Women are winning what increasingly seems like a zero sum game with woke gender warriors

Across the world, this has been a good week for feminists and a bad one for trans activists. Sadly, it shows the shocking extent to which the two groups’ interests are now opposed.

Glasgow and Clyde Rape Crisis centre announced it will not be a part of the ‘Rape Crisis Scotland’ service after the CEO said there was no reason why transgender people (aka men) could not work in rape support centres.

The Glasgow Centre’s priority is to provide a single-sex service by an all-female workforce. In a victory for women facing some of the worst-imaginable circumstances, it will no longer accept the dogma peddled by other “trans inclusive” rape crisis centres across Scotland. It beggars belief that women have to now fight through potential controversy and cancellation for something that, only 10 years ago, was an inalienable right.

In another win for common sense, this week’s Charity Commission report into the trans charity ‘Mermaids’ has unveiled mismanagement and poor governance rife at the heart of the organisation. Supposedly set up to “relieve the mental and emotional stress of children and young people affected by gender identity issues and their families”, there have been several huge scandals attached to Mermaids.

Also this week, a New York Times investigation exposed the decision to apparently cover up the results of a study into the effects of puberty blockers on the mental health of young people with gender dysphoria.

Johanna Olson-Kennedy, the lead researcher, vociferous trans activist and lobbyist for ‘gender-affirming care’, had set out to show that young patients given puberty blockers would experience “decreased symptoms of depression, anxiety, trauma symptoms, self-injury and suicidality”.

But the evidence, which Olson-Kennedy is said to have suppressed, showed nothing of the kind. Olson-Kennedy said that she was worried the study’s findings would be “weaponised” by those opposed to gender ideology.

Despite these significant wins beginning to turn the tide on trans ideology’s choke-hold on the establishment, feminists must not be complacent. The war is not yet won. Far too many institutions are still enthralled by this madness.

Women (and men) across the UK have been forced to take employers to court over bullying and discrimination in the workplace simply because they hold the view that there are only two biological sexes, rather than hundreds of ‘gender identities’. Some police forces still record the ‘preferred gender’ of male sex offenders when they are arrested. As a result, a number of female victims of male violence have been compelled to refer to their perpetrator as ‘she’; and other equally horrific stories prevail.

And, the British Medical Association advised medics not to trust the findings of the impressive, rigorous and impartial Cass Review because it doesn’t align with their blinkered view on social transitioning.

When I recently interviewed a number of parents of young people who were being encouraged by school teachers to socially transition for my podcast series, I was shocked. I heard that these parents were threatened with having their children taken away if they refuse to affirm their child as the opposite sex.

Despite the Cass Review being conclusive and hard-hitting, that medical professionals, social services, police forces and other pillars of society refuse to accept its conclusive findings show there is still so much more to be done.

While these atrocities continue to happen, we cannot rest on our laurels.
"In postwar Europe, on the whole, anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and equally absurd hatreds rooted in ancient religious texts became a disgraced and dead relic buried in the ruins of the Third Reich. But in the postwar Middle East, these notions persisted in elements of radical nationalist and Isl?mist politics."
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Old 11-03-2024, 03:20 AM   #178 (permalink)
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This is exactly the kind of story that shows why I find the trans debate in the UK so much more inspiring than across the pond. The ones standing up to demands of trans activists are feminists active in labor unions.

Brave nurses just want the right to privacy

Darlington nursing staff didn’t have views on ‘trans debate’, then a biologically male colleague used their changing room

None of the Darlington nurses had a view on the “trans debate” until last August: they were too busy caring for patients or their own families. Then a male theatre nurse who calls himself Rose began using the female facilities where they change before and after a shift. Rose has not transitioned. He wears men’s clothes and apart from long hair he presents wholly as male, nor, say his colleagues, does he take hormones because he and his girlfriend are trying to conceive. Parading around in boxer shorts, staring at nurses in their bras and asking one woman repeatedly “are you going to get undressed yet?”, Rose made nurses feel so uncomfortable some started changing in the disabled toilet.

But when they complained to management they learnt that the policy of County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust is that trans staff can self-identity into any changing room they choose. The women were offered a small office in which to change and keep their clothes (initially on the floor) but it has no loos or showers and opens straight on to a corridor so, as Lockey puts it, “if you’re not careful, everyone gets an eyeful”.

This policy is pure Stonewall playbook, part of the trans “toolkit” of measures it has long insisted every institution or company adopts, especially the rule that it is unhappy women who must be banished from their own facilities rather than — as the nurses have requested — a dignified third space being found for a trans person.

When the nurses lodged their complaint, Lockey contacted Unison for advice but received no answer. Other women were members of the Royal College of Nursing which sent a rep to a meeting with HR, but only as an observer. Around 25 nurses attended, some coming in from days off, but their worries were wafted away by an HR official who said she’d gladly change with men as she was “ex-forces”. The nurses, including the sexual abuse survivor, were told to “broaden their outlook”.

Snubbed by their unions, the women formed their own group, the Darlington Nursing Union, both to organise for their pending legal action and to demand private facilities for women in all professions. With such contempt for female members, it’s little wonder the trade union movement is haemorrhaging women, with 83,000 leaving last year alone.

After Steve North’s outburst I called Unison. Will it defend women members compelled by management to undress with trans-identifying males? “The union is not involved in the [Darlington] case,” said a statement, “and it wouldn’t be appropriate for us to comment.” A cowardly swerve. The truth is its policy states “trans people are entitled to use single-sex facilities in accordance with their gender identity”. So why won’t Unison defend it?

After [pro-trans activism trade union president] Steve North’s outburst I called Unison. Will it defend women members compelled by management to undress with trans-identifying males? “The union is not involved in the [Darlington] case,” said a statement, “and it wouldn’t be appropriate for us to comment.” A cowardly swerve. The truth is its policy states “trans people are entitled to use single-sex facilities in accordance with their gender identity”. So why won’t Unison defend it?

An official told me, with some exasperation, that North was “elected by a very small group of activists, whose views don’t reflect those of the wider membership”. No kidding. The Darlington nurses, like most members, loyally paid their subs but rarely attended meetings, let alone drafted motions or stood as conference delegates. It is activists, with the most extreme ideological agenda, who formulate policy. “And the first thing we knew about it,” Lockey says, “is when it smacked us in the face.”

Since trans self-ID became a hot issue, debate within unions has been stifled. Feminists arguing it impinges on women’s rights were vilified and censured. At the Scottish Labour conference in February, the GMB, Unite and Unison all refused to support a motion acknowledging the “principle of women’s sex-based rights”. Even a trans woman, Debbie Hayton, was driven from office in the NASUWT for holding gender-critical views.

A vicious, vengeful trans lobby, which dubs opponents bigots, has frightened many into silence. The Darlington nurses were always whispering in hospital kitchens with distressed colleagues too fearful to go public. But they are determined neither to resign from jobs they love, nor to back down. Their tribunal case, which has a preliminary hearing this month, could set a major precedent. They also have a strong ally in Streeting, Labour’s least tribal thinker, who is determined to unravel NHS policy at source. Introduced by stealth it has turned loyal, hard-working nurses into unlikely campaigners.

Just when you think the gender war is over, women have to battle for the most basic right: to undress in their workplace without being watched by a man.
"In postwar Europe, on the whole, anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and equally absurd hatreds rooted in ancient religious texts became a disgraced and dead relic buried in the ruins of the Third Reich. But in the postwar Middle East, these notions persisted in elements of radical nationalist and Isl?mist politics."
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Old 11-03-2024, 03:28 AM   #179 (permalink)
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Trans rapist Isla Bryson launches vicious verbal attacks on JK Rowling from prison cell

Double rapist Isla Bryson has launched a vicious verbal attack on JK Rowling over transgender rights.

The sex offender branded the Harry Potter author “pathetic” and backed under-fire Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre for employing a trans-
identifying man as CEO.

In letters to the Sunday Mail, Bryson, a biological male who transitioned after being accused of rape, rants that Rowling is “narrow minded”.

The 32-year-old, born Adam Graham, said: “Why should a trans woman be treated as a man in prison when we are women? Fact. No matter what anyone else says these people are just narrow minded who don’t even like themselves.

“People like JK Rowling are sad and pathetic. I do feel sorry for JK Rowling, her books are crap and her movies are too.”

The millionaire writer and women’s rights campaigner has fought to protect single sex spaces in jails and rape centres.

Rowling has held a longstanding interest in women’s rights and has been a vocal critic in the worldwide debate against claims that sex is not defined by biology and that each person has the right to choose their gender.

The Harry Potter creator, 59, who lives in Edinburgh, has also been a fiercely outspoken against the Scottish Government’s gender reform plans, arguing the proposals would have infringed on women’s safety.

In April, Rowling was cleared of breaching hate crime laws, which came into force on April 1, after the author described several transgender women - including transgender campaigners and convicted sex offenders -including Bryson - as men in social media posts.

Writing on social media platform X in April, Rowling wrote: “Lovely Scottish lass and convicted double rapist Isla Bryson found her true authentic female self shortly before she was due to be sentenced. Misgendering is hate, so respect Isla’s pronouns, please.”

Bryson sparked political uproar when held in Cornton Vale women’s jail before moving to all-male HMP Edinburgh.

The case fuelled outrage over the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill and recording of sex and gender. It also contributed to the resignation of Nicola Sturgeon last year.

The former first minister was unable to say if Bryson was a man or a woman.

The rapist, now at Glenochil jail, weighed in on the Mridul Wadhwa debate – the trans woman who ran Edinburgh’s sexual violence support service.

Wadhwa quit Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre in September after a Rape Crisis Scotland report found she “did not understand the limits of her authority” and rape survivors were not being prioritised and single sex services not protected.

Wadhwa said those wanting single sex care were bigoted.

Bryson said: “She had every right to work there. She is a woman.”

Bryson was jailed for eight years for raping two women. Prison guidance then said trans criminals should be sent to the jail that matched their self-identified gender prior to conviction.

It emerged Police Scotland considered logging Bryson as female on the sex offenders’ register.

Bryson said: “They should log me as a woman, I am a woman with boobs.”

The rapist said moving from Cornton Vale had let him meet men.

Last July we told of his relationship with Jason King, 46, jailed for child sex abuse and drug offences.

Bryson said: “I was annoyed when they removed me but I would never have met Jason King, I still love and miss him.”

Bryson was convicted in January 2023 of raping two woman – one in Clydebank in 2016 and another in Drumchapel in 2019, while known as Graham.

On bail Bryson began to identify as a woman. In February last year, Bryson was jailed for eight years, with a further three years on licence.
"In postwar Europe, on the whole, anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and equally absurd hatreds rooted in ancient religious texts became a disgraced and dead relic buried in the ruins of the Third Reich. But in the postwar Middle East, these notions persisted in elements of radical nationalist and Isl?mist politics."
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Old 11-03-2024, 10:05 AM   #180 (permalink)
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Do you realise how bad that article is? I'm not even talking about it's message. Its violation of basic journalistic integrity is so childish it's preposterous

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You sound like Buffy after they dragged her back from Heaven.
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I want to open a school for MB's lost boys and teach them basic coping skills and build up their self esteem and strengthen their emotional intelligence and teach them about vegetables and institutionalized racism and sexism and then they'll all build a bronze statue of me in my honor and my bronzed titties will forever be groped by the grubby paws of you ****ing whiny pathetic white boys.
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