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jadis 11-09-2023 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by Synthgirl (Post 2235570)

Like Marie said, for practical situations where the biological sex is relevant, then yeah of course I'll have to go with the "male" category.

And who gets to decide which situations are these? You, I presume.

The only non-arbitrary line anyone can draw in any of this is natal sex.

jadis 11-09-2023 07:52 AM


And as for "legal consequences for forgetting to say the correct pronouns", like, if you actually forgot, most trans people in my experience are cool with a quick "oh, oops, sorry", and such. And like, cis people can get misgendered too. If I started just referring to an established cis man as "she" that would also be dickish. And if I refused to use that cis man's correct pronouns and repeatedly misgendered him despite him making it clear that he does not want it and it makes him uncomfortable, then I think that would fall under harassment. So why is it a great and bold statement to harass trans people and a dick move to harass cis people? Why does the way people feel comfortable presenting and referring to themselves need to be rigidly bound to the genitalia they were born with?
Very interesting.

I am relieved that "most" trans people would forgive me my transgression if my intention was pure and there was no malice in my heart.

Putting aside one's concern about the alleged minority who wouldn't...

No one should be forced to play a game where someone weighs your guilt or innocence based on your willingness to play along with a fiction, on the pain of social and professional sanction.

If you started referring to "an established cis man" as by female pronouns that would be what it is: a painfully transparent attempt at evening up the score, when it is patently not even. You can refer to a guy as a "she" all you want, it's just a sad attempt at making a point through comedy. Referring to you as "he" has a different meaning and import.

Synthgirl 11-09-2023 07:56 AM

And you referring to being trans as a “fiction” is why we cannot have a debate.

Have a nice day. :)

jadis 11-09-2023 08:13 AM

Trans people are very real.

I only refer to the idea that MTFs are women as "fiction"

Moreover, participating in society involves upholding a great many fictions. We all do it. It's a matter of analyzing the risks, costs etc. If there's no element of coercion, and the other political issues are off the table, I'll gladly affirm, erm, what did I call it on SCD? The self-image of every Andre the Giant lookalike as a teenage thot? Sure.

But if my upholding a fiction furthers the entrenchment of a reality where gender nonconforming kids are getting their bits hacked off and rapists are incarcerated with women? Then I don't think I'll bother.

jadis 11-09-2023 10:22 AM


And like, cis people can get misgendered too. If I started just referring to an established cis man as "she" that would also be dickish. And if I refused to use that cis man's correct pronouns and repeatedly misgendered him despite him making it clear that he does not want it and it makes him uncomfortable, then I think that would fall under harassment. So why is it a great and bold statement to harass trans people and a dick move to harass cis people?
In my best "am I being detained?" voice: "am I being misgendered?"

Marie Monday 11-09-2023 01:00 PM

No, I don't think that's an inevitable slippery slope and 'I support all the good things' is not a fair representation of my standpoint, but that's enough talking in circles for today I guess

The Batlord 11-09-2023 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by jadis (Post 2235576)
Trans people are very real.

I only refer to the idea that MTFs are women as "fiction"

Literally all of the hot air paragraphs of pseudo-intellectual bull**** this ****ing loser posts to argue terf nonsense is undone by these two sentences. If you have a dick he thinks you're a man and any of the bloated nonsense he posts to argue that his views are more complex than that is just your dip**** uncle dissembling at Thanksgiving cause he doesn't want people to think he's an *******.

**** you, jadis, I think you're a worthless piece of **** and I hope Quebec loses French as a language.

Synthgirl 11-09-2023 11:06 PM

Yup. I think it's worse than that though, the dude also very clearly and openly said he would support an all-ages ban on hormone therapy to "protect the children".

Makes me feel dumber for having argued so much with someone whose view of trans people is functionally indistinguishable from the right wing conservative nutjobs who are actually pushing for that legislation.

jadis 11-10-2023 04:09 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 2235587)
Literally all of the hot air paragraphs of pseudo-intellectual bull**** this ****ing loser posts to argue terf nonsense is undone by these two sentences. If you have a dick he thinks you're a man and any of the bloated nonsense he posts to argue that his views are more complex than that is just your dip**** uncle dissembling at Thanksgiving cause he doesn't want people to think he's an *******.

**** you, jadis, I think you're a worthless piece of **** and I hope Quebec loses French as a language.

OK coomer

The Batlord 11-10-2023 06:48 AM


Originally Posted by jadis (Post 2235593)
OK coomer

Ok if this site is so dead that he can insinuate I'm a pedophile then I should be able to tell him to kill himself.

jadis 11-10-2023 07:14 AM

How did I insinuate that you're a pedophile? I said you're a porn-addicted loser, which is what you've always sounded like

Also, telling people to kill themselves is a perfectly acceptable form of trash talk afaic. Twitter has a strict ban on it to shield themselves from lawsuits, so what.

The Batlord 11-10-2023 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by jadis (Post 2235597)
How did I insinuate that you're a pedophile? I said you're a porn-addicted loser, which is what you've always sounded like

Also, telling people to kill themselves is a perfectly acceptable form of trash talk afaic. Twitter has a strict ban on it to shield themselves from lawsuits, so what.

Yeah I get that conservatives are fundamentally dishonest interlocutors who have to talk around the ****ty things they believe to not come off like dickheads, but "ok coomer" is such an obvious reference that pretending you're not calling me a pedophile is disrespectful to every person who read your post. It's like ****ing a child and then asking "but what is a child, really?"

jadis 11-10-2023 08:35 AM

You are such a strange person.

It's a reference to the phrase "ok boomer". What else does it refer to?

The Batlord 11-10-2023 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by jadis (Post 2235600)
You are such a strange person.

It's a reference to the phrase "ok boomer". What else does it refer to?

Does it feel good to look in the mirror and know that that person is a liar? Like there's no way it feels good to be aware of what a pathetic worm you are. I mean all these posts talking mad **** about trans people and yet here I am pushing back and you immediately are reduced to passive aggressive insults you won't even admit to. Like a dog showing it's belly.

Trollheart 11-10-2023 11:32 AM

Yo Batty you around? Got a comics question for ya

The Batlord 11-10-2023 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 2235602)
Yo Batty you around? Got a comics question for ya

Apparently I am. What's up?

Trollheart 11-10-2023 02:12 PM

Ah good. Can you give me a proper order for reading Batman? Without all the old 40s and 50s stuff? And where does The Dark Knight come in the order, as I can't place it?

Also, an order for reading Sandman (yes I'm finally getting to it) would be very helpful. Thanks man; only one I can turn to for something like this.

The Batlord 11-10-2023 07:04 PM

Well you see, issue #2 comes after issue #1, and after that comes issue #3.

jadis 11-11-2023 04:02 AM

You can tell yourself all you like that I called you a pedo as some kind of anti-LGBT dog whistle (you're LGBTQ+ because you beat off to trans porn, is that how it's supposed to work?). I just called you what you are. It’s a perfectly straightforward label. You’re an incel coomer, employed in fast food or retail, and living with your mother in some ****hole town. N'est-ce pas?

Of the many things I said about MTFs on this and the other forum (that they’re an aggressive men’s rights cult, the obvious links between porn sickness and MTFery in many cases etc etc), “they’re pedophile groomers” was not one. What I do remember saying repeatedly on the other forum, apropos of you, is how disgusting it is to be exposed to the mind of an incel.

The Batlord 11-11-2023 06:37 AM

Yeah great **** off.

Trollheart 11-11-2023 07:04 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 2235610)
Well you see, issue #2 comes after issue #1, and after that comes issue #3.

I see you haven't lost that endearing quality of being a smartarse. :rolleyes: Don't ever change, man.

Come on: you know what I mean. What's the sequence? Where does for instance Gotham City Knights (or whatever it's called) come in the running order, how do the Arkham books fit in, what about Killing Joke etc? So I can read them in sequence but without reading a million squillion comics. I'm old, you know!

As for Sandman, it's muy confusing, senor! Dead boy Detectives? Locke and Key? Nightmare Country vs Dream Country. Soccorro!!!

As you once said, come on man; help a brother out here.

This is also your chance to show off all that comic book knowledge only you have, so don't waste it.

Synthgirl 11-11-2023 07:09 AM

Nah the only pedos in the conversation are the people he links as his TERF heroes. :laughing:

Marie Monday 11-11-2023 04:38 PM

last warning to jadis and Charles about the pointless & dumb personal insults and transphobic/antisemitic language. Hold yourselves to some standards, jesus christ.

edit: actually, you know what, you're both banned for a day to cool off.

Trollheart 11-11-2023 05:52 PM

I think it's fair really to ask Jesus Christ to hold himself to some standards, yes. Why should he be above the law?

Note: thanks a lot Marie: now I have to wait a whole day more for Batty to ignore my request! :rolleyes:

(And my visitor's pass expires soon....)

The Batlord 11-12-2023 04:36 PM

Trollheart I'll get to you in a bit but I'm on break at work atm.


Originally Posted by Marie Monday (Post 2235627)
last warning to jadis and Charles about the pointless & dumb personal insults and transphobic/antisemitic language. Hold yourselves to some standards, jesus christ.

edit: actually, you know what, you're both banned for a day to cool off.

Where was the antisemitism?

Trollheart 11-12-2023 04:53 PM

Trollheart 11-12-2023 06:06 PM

There was a big case in Ireland recently where a teacher was dismissed from his post (originally just suspended) for failing to agree to call a trans pupil by their chosen pronoun. At least, that's what he said, and he made it into a big thing on, anyone? Yeah, his religious right not to accept transgenderism. The school went repeatedly out of its way to explain to him that he was NOT dismissed for any religious or gender views he held, but for refusing to abide by the school's policy, and, almost immediately, returning to the school even though he had been told not to come near it while the case went ahead.

Even the judges lost their heads with him, as they again repeatedly tried to point out why he was on trial. He went to jail, refused to change his mind, challenged the authority of the court, demanded to be released, refused to abide by an undertaking that would have allowed him out of jail as long as he went nowhere near the school, kept going on and on and insisted on forcing his view that his religious and constitutional rights were being violated.

That's the kind of people we're dealing with in these times. I want to write the rules, I don't recognise yours, and I have no intention not only of not changing, but I will twist the issue into whatever argument suits my case, no matter how off base it is.

I think the ****er is still in jail. I hope they never let the bastard out.
I'll look for links: it was about three months ago it was in the Irish news.

Synthgirl 11-12-2023 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 2235635)
There was a big case in Ireland recently where a teacher was dismissed from his post (originally just suspended) for failing to agree to call a trans pupil by their chosen pronoun. At least, that's what he said, and he made it into a big thing on, anyone? Yeah, his religious right not to accept transgenderism. The school went repeatedly out of its way to explain to him that he was NOT dismissed for any religious or gender views he held, but for refusing to abide by the school's policy, and, almost immediately, returning to the school even though he had been told not to come near it while the case went ahead.

Even the judges lost their heads with him, as they again repeatedly tried to point out why he was on trial. He went to jail, refused to change his mind, challenged the authority of the court, demanded to be released, refused to abide by an undertaking that would have allowed him out of jail as long as he went nowhere near the school, kept going on and on and insisted on forcing his view that his religious and constitutional rights were being violated.

That's the kind of people we're dealing with in these times. I want to write the rules, I don't recognise yours, and I have no intention not only of not changing, but I will twist the issue into whatever argument suits my case, no matter how off base it is.

I think the ****er is still in jail. I hope they never let the bastard out.
I'll look for links: it was about three months ago it was in the Irish news.

That kind of stuff is so embarrassing. Like, repeatedly misgendering trans people doesn't make you a brave warrior boldly refusing to surrender in your crusade for free speech, it just makes you an asshole.

Like, there was a guy in my neighborhood as a kid who repeatedly called me "George". That was not my name, and I didn't like being called that. That's all I can think of when these losers intentionally, maliciously and repeatedly misgender trans people. Me speaking up and asserting that my name was not George and then telling my neighbor to knock it off because I felt disrespected and uncomfortable wasn't "censoring his free speech".

My name is Alexandria and my ID literally says "F" on the gender marker. You're not being "forced to play along with my delusions" or whatever, it's called basic respect. Maybe you are obsessed with your idea that I'm not a real woman. Maybe you're absolutely convinced that my name is George. You can think that all you want, but have some damn tact at the absolute least.

Trollheart 11-12-2023 07:23 PM

Oh well we may be a load of backward. as Batty would say and has said, island monkeys, but you'll be glad to know few if any Irish people supported that twat and nobody cared about him.

And by the way, Alexandria is a beautiful name (did you know the world's largest library was there in anitquity, before it got burned down?) and searching through my bookshelves I definitely find you in the non-fiction section.

Synthgirl 11-12-2023 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 2235637)
Oh well we may be a load of backward. as Batty would say and has said, island monkeys, but you'll be glad to know few if any Irish people supported that twat and nobody cared about him.

And by the way, Alexandria is a beautiful name (did you know the world's largest library was there in anitquity, before it got burned down?) and searching through my bookshelves I definitely find you in the non-fiction section.

Glad to hear that! I've never been to Ireland, but my sister has many times and my husband's father's side of the family has roots there. I would love to visit someday.

And thank you so much! I did know about the Library of Alexandria. It's a fascinating subject to read about. This Alexandria may not have too much lore of ancient civilization in the old noggin, but I do feel a bit of kinship there as I do maintain a detailed digital archive of relevant information for taking care of the household. As of now it's just called "The Digital Archive", maybe I should retitle it "The Library of Alexandria F.", haha.

Trollheart 11-12-2023 07:58 PM

If yourself and Aaron ever make it over here I'd be happy to meet you, however I would not rely on me to show you the sights: I'm the hermit the other hermits think is too much of a hermit. You'd certainly be welcome though.

And as for your retitling of your brain, remember it was the GREAT Library of Alexandria. I don't believe Herodicus, Homer and Sons, Insurers to the Rich and Powerful ever paid out on that policy though...

The Batlord 11-12-2023 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 2235634)

Okay so most of the time you don't really need to know what's going on in one Batman or Superman title to read another one. They'll have continuity in common generally but won't actually connect with each other that much.

But if you're really that worried about it I'd use Comic Vine. The site has a search function but it's kind of annoying to use so I'd just Google f.ex. "Batman volume 2" or "legends of the dark knight volume 1". The issues will have the date published right under the cover.

And also not all comics are in the same continuity. It can be confusing but there's not really an easy way to know without Googling a specific thing. A rule of thumb though is if it's a monthly ongoing title then it's in continuity and if it's a graphic novel then there's a good chance it isn't.

Like, The Dark Knight Returns is not in continuity with the mainline Batman comics. It's in its own universe (literally, the universe has its own specific number) along with all the other Frank Miller-written Batman comics like the sequels DKRII AND DKRIII, All-Star-Batman, and Batman: Year One.

Except Batman: Year One is a graphic novel collected from the first few issues of the Batman ongoing monthly title when it was rebooted in the 80s so it is in continuity with both the Miller-verse comics and mainline comics even though they're not in continuity with each other.

And don't get me started on the ****ing reboots and what they mean for continuity. It's just honestly less of a hassle to worry about continuity all that much cause Chip Zdarsky, the current Batman writer, has not read every Batman comic ever and is just writing the story he wants to write.

The Batlord 11-12-2023 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 2235637)
Oh well we may be a load of backward. as Batty would say and has said, island monkeys, but you'll be glad to know few if any Irish people supported that twat and nobody cared about him.

And by the way, Alexandria is a beautiful name (did you know the world's largest library was there in anitquity, before it got burned down?) and searching through my bookshelves I definitely find you in the non-fiction section.

No, what I've said is that the Brits have the more important island so they get to be island monkeys. You are a potato monkey.

SGR 11-12-2023 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 2235641)
No, what I've said is that the Brits have the more important island so they get to be island monkeys. You are a potato monkey.

*spud monkey

Trollheart 11-13-2023 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 2235640)
Okay so most of the time you don't really need to know what's going on in one Batman or Superman title to read another one. They'll have continuity in common generally but won't actually connect with each other that much.

But if you're really that worried about it I'd use Comic Vine. The site has a search function but it's kind of annoying to use so I'd just Google f.ex. "Batman volume 2" or "legends of the dark knight volume 1". The issues will have the date published right under the cover.

And also not all comics are in the same continuity. It can be confusing but there's not really an easy way to know without Googling a specific thing. A rule of thumb though is if it's a monthly ongoing title then it's in continuity and if it's a graphic novel then there's a good chance it isn't.

Like, The Dark Knight Returns is not in continuity with the mainline Batman comics. It's in its own universe (literally, the universe has its own specific number) along with all the other Frank Miller-written Batman comics like the sequels DKRII AND DKRIII, All-Star-Batman, and Batman: Year One.

Except Batman: Year One is a graphic novel collected from the first few issues of the Batman ongoing monthly title when it was rebooted in the 80s so it is in continuity with both the Miller-verse comics and mainline comics even though they're not in continuity with each other.

And don't get me started on the ****ing reboots and what they mean for continuity. It's just honestly less of a hassle to worry about continuity all that much cause Chip Zdarsky, the current Batman writer, has not read every Batman comic ever and is just writing the story he wants to write.

Okay that helps a lot thanks. I wasn't sure if I had to read them in sequence, like some of the Dredd titles or whatever. How about Sandman?


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 2235641)
No, what I've said is that the Brits have the more important island so they get to be island monkeys. You are a potato monkey.

You're right I forgot. How hilarious was it when I used the term island monkey and Marie thought I was being racist? :rofl:

Originally Posted by SGR (Post 2235642)
*spud monkey

Sorry; never gonna catch on, no matter how many times you say it.

The Batlord 11-13-2023 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 2235648)
Okay that helps a lot thanks. I wasn't sure if I had to read them in sequence, like some of the Dredd titles or whatever. How about Sandman?

You're right I forgot. How hilarious was it when I used the term island monkey and Marie thought I was being racist? :rofl:

Sorry; never gonna catch on, no matter how many times you say it.

If you just want to read the Sandman that everyone talks about, the Vertigo comic from the 80s and 90s by Neal Gaiman, you don't have to read anything else. It's all in continuity but the Vertigo comic is its own thing starring a completely different character and the earlier stuff probably won't even help you.

Also, if you want to read Batman or Superman then maybe don't start with the stuff from the 30s and 40s. Comics from back then aren't exactly the most friendly to a modern reader as they were written entirely for children from that time, and comic storytelling has evolved a whole lot.

Trollheart 11-13-2023 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 2235650)
If you just want to read the Sandman that everyone talks about, the Vertigo comic from the 80s and 90s by Neal Gaiman, you don't have to read anything else. It's all in continuity but the Vertigo comic is its own thing starring a completely different character and the earlier stuff probably won't even help you.

Also, if you want to read Batman or Superman then maybe don't start with the stuff from the 30s and 40s. Comics from back then aren't exactly the most friendly to a modern reader as they were written entirely for children from that time, and comic storytelling has evolved a whole lot.

Oh yeah I had no intention of going back to the 30s/40s era of Batman. I'm talking mostly from the 80s onwards. As for Sandman, I have the TPBs so I probably have the full main story then? These series do get confusing though, with sequels and prequels and bloody alternative universes and timelines. Wasn't like that in my day.

Oh wait: it was.

The Batlord 11-13-2023 12:25 PM

For Batman I'd start with the Dennis O'Neal/Neal Adams run from the 70s. That's basically the dividing line between campy Batman and modern Batman. Real good ****.

And Sandman does have a spinoff called Death that's supposed to be worth your time.

Trollheart 11-13-2023 02:46 PM

Links for that story I was talking about

Trollheart 11-13-2023 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 2235654)
For Batman I'd start with the Dennis O'Neal/Neal Adams run from the 70s. That's basically the dividing line between campy Batman and modern Batman. Real good ****.

And Sandman does have a spinoff called Death that's supposed to be worth your time.

Okay thanks for that. I'll start reading soon so if you want I'll let you know what I think of them. Or alternatively, I know I can just **** off. Either is good.

Edit: Oh, and while we're at it, I hear a lot of praise for Preacher?

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