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Old 02-03-2017, 03:46 AM   #181 (permalink)
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*Buscabulla (Puerto Rico, since 2014). Synthpop. Tártaro (2016) and Caer ("To Fall", 2014):

"Lullabies for adults / crossed by the years / carry the flower of disappointment / tattooed in their gloomy melodies."
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Old 02-03-2017, 10:44 PM   #182 (permalink)
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Default Havalina

*We already mentioned indie rock-band Havalina before (here and here), but we haven't talked about their two last albums yet: H (2012) and Islas de cemento ("Cement Islands", 2015). The confirmation that this is an outstanding group, really. Absolutely recommended. Don't worry if you can't understand some lyrics. The strongest point of these two albums is the music, and it's fantastic (anyway, in case you're interested, I've translated several lyrics here). These are four examples:

- Norte ("North", 2012) and Cristales rotos sobre el asfalto mojado ("Pieces of Glass on the Wet Road", 2015):

♫ "He perdido el norte, ................................ I couldn't find north,
ahora viajo al sur, ................................ now I go to the south,
hacia el centro del calor. ................................ to the core of the heat.
No más días fríos, ................................ [There will be] no more cold days,
no más decepción, ................................ [there will be] no more disappointments,
cada día un nuevo adiós. ................................ every day [there will be] a new goodbye.

Derretir tu nieve, ................................ [I want] to melt your snow,
empapar el sol, ................................ to drench the sun,
embriagarnos de su luz. ................................ [I want us] to get intoxicated by its light.
He perdido el norte, ................................ I couldn't find north,
te he encontrado aquí, ................................ I've found you here,
en el centro del calor. ................................ in the core of the heat." ♫

- Un reloj de pulsera con la esfera rota ("A Watch with a Broken Dial", 2015) and El estruendo ("The Blast", 2012):

Un reloj de pulsera con la esfera rota

♫ "La hierba finalmente ................................ Grass has finally
ha dejado de crecer ................................ stopped growing
bajo el puente. ................................ under the bridge.

Todos los recuerdos, ................................ All my memories,
los trozos de mi cuerpo ................................ my buried
enterrados ................................ body parts
quedarán conmigo ................................ will remain with me
para siempre; ................................ forever;
se borrarán de aquí ................................ they will vanish from here
lentamente. ................................ slowly.

Mientras me desprendo ................................ While I get rid
de este cuerpo ................................ of this body
solamente espero ................................ I just hope
sorprenderte ................................ that I surprise you
con este salto mortal. ................................ with this deadly jump.

Mi lengua y mi cerebro ................................ My tongue and my brain
en un charco, ................................ into a puddle,
los dedos de mis pies ................................ my toes
desparramados. ................................ scattered.

Mientras me desprendo ................................ While I get rid
de este cuerpo ................................ of this body
solamente espero ................................ I just hope
sorprenderte ................................ that I surprise you
con este salto mortal. ................................ with this deadly jump." ♫
"Lullabies for adults / crossed by the years / carry the flower of disappointment / tattooed in their gloomy melodies."

Last edited by Zaqarbal; 02-04-2017 at 07:29 AM. Reason: Minor correction.
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Old 02-08-2017, 09:02 PM   #183 (permalink)
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Default Havalina: Muerdesombra

^ ^ ^
And in 2017... a new album! Released only five days ago. It is titled Muerdesombra, which could be translated as Shadowbiter. Once again, we can see the influences from psychedelic stoner rock:

- Alta Tormenta I ("High Storm I") and Abismoide ("Abyssoid"):

Alta Tormenta I

"Después de un lento atardecer ................................ After a long sunset
habrá una Alta Tormenta; ................................ there will be a High Storm;
ya van cuatro este mes. ................................ the fourth one this month.
Mis recuerdos no consiguen permenecer, ................................ My memories are unable to remain,
rocas y truenos ocupan su lugar. ................................ rocks and thunders take their place.

Otro lento amanecer ................................ Another one long sunrise
abrazado al destino. ................................ tied to destiny.
Su tacto es frío; ................................ Its touch is cold;
la muerte lo mantiene vivo. ................................ death keeps it alive.

Me busca, me encuentra ................................ It looks for me, it finds me,
la Alta Tormenta. ................................ the High Storm.
Me quiere, nos quiere. ................................ It loves me, it loves us.
No temas, ya te encontrará. ................................ Don't be afraid, it will find you.

Hemos venido a jugar, ................................ We have come to play,
las piezas encajan a la perfección. ................................ pieces fit together perfectly.
En otro lento anochecer ................................ During another one long sunset
he preguntado al viento. ................................ I've asked the wind a question.
Su voz es suave, su tacto difuso. ................................ Its voice is soft, its touch is vague.

Me busca, me encuentra ................................ It looks for me, it finds me,
la Alta Tormenta. ................................ the High Storm.
Me quiere, nos quiere. ................................ It loves me, it loves us.
No temas, ya te encontrará. ................................ Don't be afraid, it will find you.

Y tras dejar este lugar ................................ And after leaving this place
la Tormenta vuelve a arrasar ................................ the Storm razes everything again,
y de una vez nos hace entender ................................ and all at once it makes us realize
que no somos nada. ................................ that we are nothing.

Te busca, te encuentra ................................ It looks for you, it finds you,
la Alta Tormenta. ................................ the High Storm.
Teme.... ................................ Be afraid...
teme.... ................................ be afraid...
teme. ................................ be afraid.
Ya viene. ................................ It's coming on."

- Órbitas ("Orbits") and Malditos mamíferos ("Damn Mammals"):


♫ "Puedo soltarme y agarrarme en cualquier lugar. ................................ I can leave or settle anywhere.
Sólo quiero estar orbitando en tu interior. ................................ I just want to be orbiting on your inside.
En tu pesar no hay dolor, ................................ In your sadness there is no pain,
sólo gravedad. ................................ it's just gravity,
Sólo gravedad. ................................ It's just gravity.

Hay palabras que no saben aterrizar. ................................ Some words can't touch down.
Lo que nos une no nos sabe separar. ................................ What unites us is unable to break us up.
No es dolor, sólo gravedad. ................................ It's not pain, just gravity.
Somos fuertes. ................................ We are strong.
Somos fuertes. ................................ We are strong.

Aunque no decidas dónde ir, ................................ Even if you don't decide where to go,
llévame contigo siempre. ................................ always take me with you.
Llévame contigo siempre. ................................ Always take me with you

Hay planetas que no entienden su orbitar. ................................ Some planets don't understand how their orbit works.
Somos fuertes aunque a veces sólo puedas ver ................................ We are strong, though sometimes you can only see
la distancia. ................................ the distance.

No es dolor, ................................ It's not pain,
sólo gravedad. ................................ it's just gravity.
Sólo gravedad. ................................ It's just gravity.
Sólo gravedad. ................................ Just gravity.
Sólo gravedad. ................................ Just gravity." ♫

P.S.: Brilliant analogy between an elliptical orbit and a relationship: Sometimes it looks like your partner is going to leave forever, but actually "it's just gravity". As songs says: "Some planets don't understand how their orbit works. / We are strong, though sometimes you can only see the distance".

"Lullabies for adults / crossed by the years / carry the flower of disappointment / tattooed in their gloomy melodies."

Last edited by Zaqarbal; 02-12-2017 at 03:17 AM. Reason: Minor grammar correction.
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Old 02-11-2017, 12:05 PM   #184 (permalink)
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Default Grises

* Grises (Spain, since 2011). Pop and rock. Formas ("Manners", 2016) and Animal (2014):

- Plutón ("Pluto", 2016) and Wendy (2013):

"Lullabies for adults / crossed by the years / carry the flower of disappointment / tattooed in their gloomy melodies."

Last edited by Zaqarbal; 02-11-2017 at 02:11 PM. Reason: Minor
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Old 02-12-2017, 02:20 AM   #185 (permalink)
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Default Sexy Zebras and De Nalgas

* Sexy Zebras (Spain, since 2005). Hard rock and grunge. El semental ("The Stud", 2015) and Búfalo blanco ("White Buffalo", 2015):

El semental

♫ "No puedo parar, no puedo parar, ................................ I can't stop, I can't stop,
no puedo parar, soy un semental. ................................ I can't stop, I'm a stud.

Todo lo que tengo te lo doy ................................ I give you all I've got
porque fui hecho para dar. ................................ because I was born to give.
Tengo la fuerza del león ................................ I have the strength of a lion
y la razón de Salomón. ................................ and the reason of Solomon.

Siempre que te lo doy, ................................ Every time I give it to you,
siempre que te lo doy.... ................................ every time I give it to you... puedo parar, no puedo parar, ................................ ...I can't stop, I can't stop,
no puedo parar, soy un semental. ................................ I can't stop, I'm a stud.

Somos potencia natural ................................ We are natural energy
como la lava en un volcán. ................................ like the lava in a volcano.
Lo puedo regalar, ................................ I can give it,
tenemos algo celestial. ................................ we have something glorious.

Siempre que te lo doy, ................................ Every time I give it to you,
siempre que te lo doy... ................................ every time I give it to you... puedo parar, no puedo parar, ................................ ...I can't stop, I can't stop,
no puedo parar, soy un semental. ................................ I can't stop, I'm a stud." ♫

- Vagabundos ("Vagrants", 2013) and Visitantes ("Visitors", 2013):

* De Nalgas (Mexico, since 2010). Punk rock. Promesas y perdones ("Promises and Forgiveness", 2010) and Vulgar Dulce Hogar ("Coarse Sweet Home", 2016):

"Lullabies for adults / crossed by the years / carry the flower of disappointment / tattooed in their gloomy melodies."

Last edited by Zaqarbal; 02-12-2017 at 02:57 AM.
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Old 02-12-2017, 11:51 AM   #186 (permalink)
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Default Fasten and Tremenda Trementina

* Fasten (Mexico, since 2011). Pop-rock. La salva ("The Salvo", 2011) and Me olvidé ("I Forgot It", 2013):

* Tremenda Trementina (Spain, since 2011). Pop. Solo ("Lonely", 2016) and Sangre pop ("Pop Blood", 2014):


♫ "Soñamos querernos ................................ We dreamt we loved each other
todo este tiempo. ................................ all this time.
Soñamos despiertos ................................ We daydreamed
que fuese perfecto. ................................ it was perfect.

Ya no vendré ................................ I won't come
a salvarte. ................................ to save you anymore.
Ya no estaré ................................ I will no longer be here
para escucharte... ................................ to listen to you...

...sufriendo en silencio ................................ ...suffering in silence
todos tus lamentos; ................................ all your laments;
fingiendo sentir ................................ pretending to feel
algo que ya no siento. ................................ something that I no longer feel.

Ya no vendré ................................ I won't come
a salvarte. ................................ to save you anymore.
Ya no estaré ................................ I will no longer be here
para escucharte. ................................ to listen to you.

El mundo en tu contra. ................................ The whole world [is] against you.
Todo lo que odias ................................ All the things you hate
no merece la pena. ................................ are not worth the trouble.

Ya no vendré ................................ I won't come
a salvarte. ................................ to save you anymore.
Ya no estaré ................................ I will no longer be here
para escucharte. ................................ to listen to you.

Ya no vendré ................................ I won't come
a salvarte. ................................ to save you anymore.
Ya no estaré ................................ I will no longer be here
para escucharte. ................................ to listen to you.

Ya no estaré... ............................... I will no longer be here...
(ya no estaré) ............................... (I will no longer be here)
Ya no estaré... ............................... I will no longer be here...
(ya no estaré) ............................... (I will no longer be here)
Ya no estaré.... ............................... I will no longer be here...
para escucharte. ............................... to listen to you." ♫
"Lullabies for adults / crossed by the years / carry the flower of disappointment / tattooed in their gloomy melodies."

Last edited by Zaqarbal; 02-14-2017 at 11:31 PM. Reason: A typo.
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Old 02-14-2017, 10:58 PM   #187 (permalink)
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Default David Otero: 'Una vez más'.

If we take it seriously, this song is quite stupid, to be honest. But........ it's catchy as hell. Delightfully tacky.

David Otero: Una vez más ("One More Time", 2016)

♫ "No puedo, no puedo, no puedo, ................................ I can't, I can't, I can't,
no puedo, no puedo besarte, no. ................................ I can't, I can't kiss you, no.
No quiero, no quiero, no quiero, ................................ I don't want, I don't want, I don't want,
no quiero, no quiero besarte, no. ................................ I don't want, I don't wanna kiss you, no.

No debo, no debo, no debo, ................................ I shouldn't, I shouldn't, I shouldn't,
no debo, no debo besarte, no, ................................ I shouldn't, I shouldn't kiss you, no,
pero no veo otra opción. ................................ but I have no choice.

Me has dejado mal herido ................................ You've left me wounded
y tengo tu voz y tus ojos dentro mío. ................................ and I can't get your voice and your eyes off my mind.

Vamos a vernos sólo una vez más, ................................ Let's meet just one more time,
una vez más, ................................ one more time,
una vez más... o dos. ................................ one more time... or two.
Sólo quiero una vez más, una vez más, ................................ I just want one more time, one more time,
una vez más... o dos. ................................ one more time... or two.

Etc...." ♫
"Lullabies for adults / crossed by the years / carry the flower of disappointment / tattooed in their gloomy melodies."

Last edited by Zaqarbal; 02-14-2017 at 11:17 PM.
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Old 02-18-2017, 12:37 AM   #188 (permalink)
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Default Reyno and Second

* Reyno (Mexico, since 2012). Pop-rock. Dos mundos ("Two Worlds", 2014) and Nunca me dejes ("Never Leave Me", 2014):

* Second (Spain, since 2000). Pop-rock. Rincón exquisito ("Refined Corner", 2009) and Rodamos ("We Roll", 2009, lyrics' translation here):

- Nueva sensación ("New Sensation", 2015) and 2502 (2013):

Nueva sensación

♫ "Se han olvidado arriba de que abajo tú y yo ................................ Up there they've forgotten that, here below, you and I
nos aburrimos de burlar a su estrategia. ................................ are bored of dodging their strategy.
Somos un charco dentro un océano; ................................ We are a puddle into an ocean;
mundo pequeño o grande, según quién lo vea. ................................ small world or big world, it depends on who looks at it.

Y si me dejas, yo si me dejo. ................................ And if you allow me, I let myself get carried away.
Bienaventurado es el que no escucha consejo. ................................ Blessed is the one who doesn't get a piece of advice.

Hace tiempo que me encuentro extrañamente mejor; ................................ Since a while ago I feel strangely better;
es inútil no ser parte de esta nueva sensación; ................................ it's no use opting out of this new sensation;
y ahora sólo me conformo con ser águila o halcón. ................................ and now I just settle for being an eagle or a hawk.
No se compra con dinero, es una nueva sensación; ................................ It's priceless, it's a new sensation;
quiero ser parte de esto. ................................ I want to be part of this.

Es el comportamiento idéntico al depredador; ................................ This behaviour is the same as a predator's;
suelo alegrarme cuando vienen las tormentas; ................................ I use to cheer up when there is a storm;
aguas revueltas son buenas nuevas para el pescador. ................................ troubled waters mean good news for the fisherman.

Hace tiempo que me encuentro extrañamente mejor; ................................ Since a while ago I feel strangely better;
es inútil no ser parte de esta nueva sensación; ................................ it's no use opting out of this new sensation;
y ahora sólo me conformo con ser águila o halcón. ................................ and now I just settle for being an eagle or a hawk.
No se compra con dinero, es una nueva sensación. ................................ It's priceless, it's a new sensation.

Hace tiempo que me encuentro.... ................................ Since a while ago I feel...
....hace tiempo que me encuentro jodidamente mejor; ................................ ...since a while ago I feel fucking better;
es inútil no ser parte de esta nueva sensación; ................................ it's no use opting out of this new sensation;
y ahora sólo me conformo con ser águila o halcón. ................................ and now I just settle for being an eagle or a hawk.
No se compra con dinero, es una nueva sensación. ................................ It's priceless, it's a new sensation." ♫
"Lullabies for adults / crossed by the years / carry the flower of disappointment / tattooed in their gloomy melodies."

Last edited by Zaqarbal; 02-18-2017 at 02:32 PM. Reason: Font: Times New Roman ---> Verdana
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Old 02-18-2017, 01:57 PM   #189 (permalink)
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Default Odio París

* Odio París (Spain, since 2009). Noise pop and shoegaze. Arder y adiós ("Burning and Farewell", 2016) and Uno de noviembre ("November 1st", 2011):

Arder y adiós

♫ "Pronto nuestro sol se apagará, ................................ Our sun will fade away soon,
siento a los ángeles tocar, ................................ I can feel the angels playing music,
entonarán nuestro final. ................................ they will sing our end.

Lloverá fuego, ................................ It will rain fire,
quemará el cielo ................................ the sky will burn,
el día que me dejes. ................................ the day you leave me.

Lloverá fuego, ................................ It will rain fire,
fundirá el hielo ................................ ice will melt away,
el día que me dejes. ................................ the day you leave me.

Miedo a la oscura soledad, ................................ I fear the dark loneliness,
quiero sólo oírte cantar, ................................ I just want to hear you singing,
pero entonarás nuestro final. ................................ but you will sing our end.

Lloverá fuego, ................................ It will rain fire,
quemará el cielo ................................ the sky will burn,
el día que me dejes. ................................ the day you leave me.

Lloverá fuego, ................................ It will rain fire,
fundirá el hielo ................................ ice will melt away,
el día que me dejes. ................................ the day you leave me." ♫

- Geometría coaxial ("Coaxial Geometry", 2016) and Camposanto ("Cemetery", 2016):

Geometría coaxial

"Trataré de encontrar definición, ................................ I will try to improve definition;
dime que ahora hay conexión, ................................ tell me there's a connexion now;
son santos que nos dicen que acabará, ................................ they are saints telling us that it will finish;
si por mi fuera nada de esto tendría un final. ................................ if it was up to me, nothing of this would have an end.

Llévame alto, ................................ Take me high,
llévame más. ................................ take me higher.
Llévame alto, ................................ Take me high,
llévame más. ................................ take me higher.

Buscaré generar la reacción, ................................ I will try to generate the reaction,
prenderé la química adicción. ................................ I will spark the chemical addiction.
Tus latidos ahora escriben sin dominar ................................ Your heartbeats now write, with no command of
alfabetos, sangre y carne, un poema vital. ................................ alphabets, blood and flesh, a life poem.

Llévame alto, ................................ Take me high,
llévame más. ................................ take me higher.
Llévame alto, ................................ Take me high,
llévame más. ................................ take me higher."
"Lullabies for adults / crossed by the years / carry the flower of disappointment / tattooed in their gloomy melodies."

Last edited by Zaqarbal; 02-18-2017 at 02:10 PM.
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Old 02-18-2017, 05:30 PM   #190 (permalink)
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Default Surfistas del Sistema and Quiero Club

* Surfistas del Sistema (Argentina, since 2011). Pop and rock. Ni bien ni mal ("Neither Good Nor Bad", 2015) and La magia está en tu piel ("Magic is in Your Skin", 2015):

* Quiero Club (Mexico, since 2006). Pop-rock and electropop. Los cuatro puntos ("The Four Points", 2016) and Música ("Music", 2011):

"Lullabies for adults / crossed by the years / carry the flower of disappointment / tattooed in their gloomy melodies."
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