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German music
Could anyone here suggest any good German music? Anything post WW2preferably. The only German band I'm familiar with that I like is Kraftwerk. And I don't like Rammstein, so don't bother mentioning them.
Faust Neu! Amon Duul II Harmonia Cluster Einstuerzende Neubauten Popol Vuh Guru Guru Agitation Free for some WILD german screamo stuff... Louise Cyphre Tristan Tzara |
Tokio Hotel.
Oomph! E Nomine. Silbermund. All pretty mainstream, but all the German music I heard while I lived there was pretty awful. Those were the only bands I really got into, besides Rammstein. |
Tokio Hotel for sure.
They only have 1 album out in the US - it's called Scream. In Germany they have Schrei and Zimmer 483. My favorite songs by them are Monsoon and Don't Jump/Spring Nicht, which is the German version. Check out their videos on youtube too! |
Yeah just listen to Neu and Can. But this isn't "world music" as such, more like rock offshoots.
Have you heard 'Electric Orange'? They are a Hawkwind rip off, but that is OK in my book!
We Butter The Bread With Butter
i love that band. |
I like german music too.
But not Tokio Hotel. If I should choose, than rather Rammstein :D I like these bands, you can try them, it's mostly folk-rock: Schandmaul, Subway to Sally, Corvus Corax, Faun, Dunkelschön, Elane. |
if you like rock/pop Juli is cute. female singer.
"Guten Morgen, liebe Sorgen"
“Guten Morgen, liebe Sorgen,” by Jurgen von der Lippe, is a German song I first heard while living in Berlin in the 1980s because it was popular on the radio then. I always liked the song and am sharing it here for VeggieLover to enjoy, too.
According to Wikipedia, Mr. Von der Lippe is/was a German television presenter, entertainer, actor and comedian: “His greatest musical success, however, was Guten Morgen, liebe Sorgen ("Good morning, dear worries"), which made it to first place in the ZDF hit parade in July and August 1987." Hey! That’s the year I was in Berlin!!! It all makes sense now. Ha ha! Isn't it a catchy song? Death made fun!!! Below the video I have pasted the German lyrics and my attempt at an English translation. Please, German speakers, feel free to correct it! LYRICS: German (English) Guten Morgen liebe Sorgen, (Good morning, dear troubles,) seid ihr auch schon alle da? (are you all also already here again?) Habt ihr auch so gut geschlafen? (Did you also sleep well?) Na, dann ist ja alles klar. (Well then, everything is certainly clear.) Wir schwingen unser linkes Bein (We swing our left leg) behende aus dem Bett; (nimbly out of bed,) der Bettvorleger gibt uns Schwung (the bedside rug gives us momentum) bis direkt vors Klosett.(until we’re right in front of the bathroom.) Na, wo wir schon mal da sind, (Well, since we are already there,) da bleiben wir auch hier (let’s also stay here.) Wooaah! Fertig: wo ist das Papier? (UNGH! Ready: where is the paper?!) Guten Morgen liebe Sorgen... (Good morning, dear troubles...) Wenn ein Tag so wunderschon (When a day so beautifully) beginnt, ist alles drin: (begins, everything is in it.) heute bleibt die Dusche kalt, (Today the shower stays cold) das Wasserrohr ist hin.(the water pipe is broken.) Wir gleiten auf den Fliesen aus (We slip on the tile) und prellen uns den Steia; (and hit ourselves in the ?) als Kranung schmeckt der Kaffee heute (To top it all off, the coffee today tastes) irgendwie nach Schweiss. (somehow like sweat.) Die Zeitung ist geklaut, (The newspaper was swiped.) was soll es, die schreiben eh nur Dreck (oh well, they just write rubbish anyway.) ein Zettel auf dem Tisch far mich? (A note on the table for me?) Aha, die Frau ist weg. (Aha, the wife has left me.) Mit meinem Auto, meinem Hund: (With my car, my dog--) dat nennt die nu Liebe; (that’s what you call love.) die Porno-Sammlung hat sie auch: (She also has the porno collection.) Gelegenheit macht Diebe. (Opportunity turns people into thieves.) Guten Morgen liebe Sorgen (Good morning, dear troubles,) Ich trink mir einen, steig ins Auto, (I have a drink, climb in the car) trete voll aufs Gas: (put the pedal to the metal.) Entenjagen macht besoffen (Hunting ducks drunk ?) doppelt so viel Spass. (is double the fun.) »Wieso hat der vor mir jetzt (“Why is the person in front of me now) eine Vollbremsung gemacht?« (coming to a full stop?”) denke ich noch so bei mir, (I think to myself) und dann wird es Nacht. (and then everything turns to night.) Ich werde wach; vor meinem Bett (I wake up, in front of my bed) steht ein alter Mann, und sagt: (stands an old man who says,) »Sie hatten einen Unfall.« (“You had an accident”) Und grinst mich blade an. (and grins at me stupidly.) Ich sach: »Wieso habe ich eigentlich (I say, “So why do I) noch das Steuer in der Hand?« (still have the steering wheel in my hand?”) Er sagt: »Ach, nee: das wird (He says, “Uh-uh: that is) in Engelskreisen Harfe genannt.« (what in angel-circles is called a harp.”) Guten Morgen liebe Sorgen (Good morning, dear troubles) na, dann ist ja alles klar (well, then, everything is clear.) |
German Bands!
We butter the bread with butter!
Cookiebreed! **** your shadow from behind! ~~all amazing bands!! |
Joe Bonamassa & Band - Tickets für MÜNCHEN
Sa, 03.03.12, 20:00 Uhr Muffathalle jbonamassa com/tour-dates |
klaus Nomi, Nena, Nina Hagen
Sort of a low-rent version of Bathory. |
Die Totenhosen
Punk band |
R.E.K. - a German synthpop group from the 1980s.
One of their songs is "Computer haben Herzschmertz" (1983) I've been trying to translate the lyrics for an MB friend. Here's what I think I have figured out so far. I'll leave blanks ___ for the words I can't understand. If anyone is fluent in German and can correct this and fill in the blanks, please go ahead and do so! "Computer haben Herzschmertz" by R.E.K. (Computers experience lovesickness) Du ziehst mich an (You attract/charm/captivate me) und _____ mich ___ mit (and _____ me ____ with) Du ______ mit mir (You_____ with me) Du bist mein Relay (You are my relay, an electrically operated switch) Gedanken führen Ströme (Thoughts drive or impel electrical currents) Ströme sind Gefühle (electrical currents are feelings) Gefühle sind erfroren (?) (feelings are frozen (?) ) zwischen dir und mir (between you and me) Computer haben Herzschmertz. Weiẞ du das nicht? (Don't you know that?) Ich hab dich verloren (I have lost you) auf deiner Frequenz (on your frequency) Du sendest die Electronen (You send the electrons) die sind mir fremd (they are foreign/strangers to me) Gedanken führen Ströme (Thoughts drive or impel electrical currents) Ströme sind Gefühle (electrical currents are feelings) Gefühle sind erfroren (?) (feelings are frozen (?) ) zwischen dir und mir (between you and me) Computer haben Herzschmertz x 3 Weiẞ du das nicht? Ich hab dich verloren x 3 (I have lost you) x 3 auf dieser Frequenz (on this frequency) etc. |
first metalcore i heard, and still sounds pretty good today |
Add in Ash Ra Tempel, Tangerine Dream, Mythos, Sand, La Dusseldorf, Kraan, Kraftwerk, Embryo, Klaus Schulze, Walter Wegmüller, KMFDM, A.R & Machines, Gila and Floh De Cologne, and you pretty much have all the reasons why Germany is my favourite country for music after The UK and US. |
Nobody else mentioned all the space-rock thats blowing up in Germany still. Well, the whole western/northern Europe.
Well, it was alluded to. Electric Orange is a close relative. Dave Schmidt is my favorite, he's got a few groups/projects: Sula Bassana Electric Moon I know there are others, but I'm brain farting. |
Huge Cluster fan - you also can't go wrong with any of the myriad solo albums from Roedelius and Moebius.
Also - Cobra Killer - Two hot German girls and a bank of samplers, making some wonderfully twisted pop music. One of my all time favorites. Show me your ruler!!! http://s.dsimg.com/image/A-31550-1176456673.jpeg |
I'm amazed that no one in this thread mentioned The Notwist.
My favorite German band is Tele. They experiment with a lot of sounds, mostly rock, pop and a little bit of 1930s saloon-cabaret style for good measure. And they've done a little funk and some Latin-inspired stuff as well.
Otherwise, Wir Sind Helden's first three LPs are solid. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiqtB...FEC31F761AA594 |
Die Totenhosen
The Kilians
My fav German band of the moment.
My current favorite German group, but only because of the following song I love, is... Get Well Soon (Konstantin Gropper) - "Angry Young Men" Get Well Soon - Angry Young Man (Official Video) - YouTube |
The new Madsen!
* Die Toten Hosen: Nichts bleibt für die Ewigkeit ("Nothing Remains for Eternity", 1995).
(translation from here) ♫ "Du merkst nicht, wie die Tage vergehn, ................................ You don't see how the days pass; auch wenn es so scheint, sie bleiben nicht stehn. ................................ even if it seems so, they don't stop. Sie tropfen stetig vor sich hin, ................................ They drop on and on wie ein Wasserhahn, der undicht ist. ................................ like a leaky tap. Wenn du nachts hellwach in deinem Bett liegst, ................................ When you lie wide-awake at night in your bed, hörst du, wie es leise tickt. ................................ you hear how it silently ticks. Es ist 'ne Uhr in dir, sie läuft nur für dich, ................................ It's a clock inside of you, it runs only for you, sie erinnert dich dran, wie spät es ist. ................................ it reminds you how late it is. Jeden Tag stirbt ein Teil von dir, ................................ Every day a part of you dies, jeden Tag schwindet deine Zeit, ................................ every day your time recedes, jeden Tag ein Tag, den du verlierst, ................................ every day a day which you lose, nichts bleibt für die Ewigkeit. ................................ nothing remains for the eternity. Jeder Atemzug kostet dich Sekunden, ................................ Every breath takes you seconds; wieviel Minuten kriegst du für dein Geld? ................................ how many minutes do you get for your money? Los, wir schenken uns gegenseitig ein paar Stunden, ................................ Come on, we'll give each other a couple of hours, schmeißen Jahre von uns weg. ................................ throw the years away from us. Von gestern und für morgen leben, ................................ Live from yesterday and for tomorrow, niemals für das Hier und Jetzt. ................................ never for here and now. Du merkst, während du an deinen Plänen sitzt, ................................ You realize, while you are sitting at your plans, wie das Leben an dir vorüberzieht. ................................ how life passes you by. Jeden Tag stirbt ein Teil von dir, ................................ Every day a part of you dies, jeden Tag schwindet deine Zeit, ................................ every day your time recedes, jeden Tag ein Tag, den du verlierst, ................................ every day a day which you lose, nichts bleibt für die Ewigkeit. ................................ nothing remains for the eternity. (rep. x3)." ♫ |
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