right-track |
11-03-2007 10:52 AM |
^ And your right not to.
While it is partly true that the kind of music you listen to can be influenced by your parents and friends at an early age, long term musical taste is entirely in your own hands.
No-one in their right mind is going to continue listening to music that doesn't agree with their soul. Unless of course you have no taste. Or no soul for that matter.
And here lies my problem with the opening post.
Every genre (with the exception of New Romantic :bringit:) has at it's helm a group of accomplished and world class musicians, that deserves the attention of anyone who claims to be a lover of music.
I don't care how technical the music is, or "because simply there isn't enough music involved".
As a matter of fact, more often than not, the more technical the music, the more it's likely to bore the sh it out of me.
What matters most, is how it makes me feel.
And that's what music is all about.
Originally Posted by swimintheundertow
(Post 411292)
Simplicity doesn't equal bad. There's a lot more to music than how complicated something's written. Notes and rhythms are only a small part of music.
Never a truer word said on these forums. ^
The in depth technical side of music has as much to do with it, as physics has to a 30 yard David Beckham free kick that hits the top corner of the net!