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Necromancer 11-03-2007 02:28 AM


Originally Posted by Exodizer (Post 411512)
This was all I was asking for. He answered perfectly after a few people told me that it does not need to be complicated. Diamond Rio was great I thought. There was much more music. It wasn't dedicated to the singing but rather to every piece of the music as a whole. Restless Heart sounded more like a pop band than a country. Why didn't someone just mention something like that before all the blabbering.

Yeah, I agree with you Exodiser. Restless Heart's, were more Pop, to me also. The band I wanted to mention before, and couldnt think of, at the time, was 'Alabama'. (Oh well, better late than never). Peace man!

anticipation 11-03-2007 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by Exodizer (Post 411176)
Why I try to respect all forums of music is simple because it's not totally your choice what you listen to. My parents didn't listen to music when I was growing up and I developed my own taste. Your parents have a huge part in determing what you listen to and so do your friends while your growing up.

I would not agree with this at all.

right-track 11-03-2007 10:52 AM

^ And your right not to.

While it is partly true that the kind of music you listen to can be influenced by your parents and friends at an early age, long term musical taste is entirely in your own hands.
No-one in their right mind is going to continue listening to music that doesn't agree with their soul. Unless of course you have no taste. Or no soul for that matter.

And here lies my problem with the opening post.
Every genre (with the exception of New Romantic :bringit:) has at it's helm a group of accomplished and world class musicians, that deserves the attention of anyone who claims to be a lover of music.

I don't care how technical the music is, or "because simply there isn't enough music involved".
As a matter of fact, more often than not, the more technical the music, the more it's likely to bore the shit out of me.

What matters most, is how it makes me feel.
And that's what music is all about.


Originally Posted by swimintheundertow (Post 411292)
Simplicity doesn't equal bad. There's a lot more to music than how complicated something's written. Notes and rhythms are only a small part of music.

Never a truer word said on these forums. ^

The in depth technical side of music has as much to do with it, as physics has to a 30 yard David Beckham free kick that hits the top corner of the net!

jackhammer 11-03-2007 06:57 PM

Sometimes simplicity in music is a joy to behold. Simple hypnotic music makes you feel at ease.

djchameleon 11-04-2007 06:15 AM


The in depth technical side of music has as much to do with it, as physics has to a 30 yard David Beckham free kick that hits the top corner of the net!
That's true but I think that part of the original poster's music taste is that he likes to hear the technical aspects in music. I have my moments when I'm like that. When I first hear a song that's mostly what I listen for....I don't pay attention to lyrics til later on.

Exodizer 11-04-2007 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 411523)
all the blabbering came from you trying to be a musical snob by calling other genres that you don't fully know about...simply and not considered music.

I never said any of that wasn't music. The definition of music is essientially orgainized sound in time. All of that is music. I mean by musicality more complex and rather more music than one melody sung or played over and over again. As for everyone else talking about how technical music is boring, is Bach boring or Stravinsky, Brahms, Shastakovich even Mozart or Beethoven. I mean the greatest musicians have all been very technical in their music and it's not even close to boring. If your refering to things like shredding on a guitar yes that is boring. Statiscally you are more likely to listen to a genre of music if you were brough up with it. That's all I meant when I said your parents influence your musical taste. And when you said new romantic right track then yes I actually believe what I know as New Age music is the worst genre of music ever. This is a joke a teacher told me when explaining why he doesn't like New Age music. What do you get if you play New Age Music backwards. New Age music. It's all consance.

cardboard adolescent 11-04-2007 02:42 PM

For somebody who knows so much about music you should probably learn the difference between New Age and New Wave...

sleepy jack 11-04-2007 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by Exodizer (Post 411754)
As for everyone else talking about how technical music is boring, is Bach boring or Stravinsky, Brahms, Shastakovich even Mozart or Beethoven.

The correct answer is yes, they're very boring.

Urban Hat€monger ? 11-04-2007 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by Exodizer (Post 411754)
I never said any of that wasn't music. The definition of music is essientially orgainized sound in time. All of that is music. I mean by musicality more complex and rather more music than one melody sung or played over and over again. As for everyone else talking about how technical music is boring, is Bach boring or Stravinsky, Brahms, Shastakovich even Mozart or Beethoven. I mean the greatest musicians have all been very technical in their music and it's not even close to boring. If your refering to things like shredding on a guitar yes that is boring. Statiscally you are more likely to listen to a genre of music if you were brough up with it. That's all I meant when I said your parents influence your musical taste. And when you said new romantic right track then yes I actually believe what I know as New Age music is the worst genre of music ever. This is a joke a teacher told me when explaining why he doesn't like New Age music. What do you get if you play New Age Music backwards. New Age music. It's all consance.

May I remind you that this thread was started by you saying that you didn't respect certain types of music because it was boring.
It's no use pissing & whining when people start saying the music you like is boring.

Dr_Rez 11-04-2007 04:25 PM

Don't bother Urban, he doesn't tend to listen.

right-track 11-04-2007 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by Exodizer (Post 411754)
This is a joke a teacher told me when explaining why he doesn't like New Age music. What do you get if you play New Age Music backwards. New Age music.

^ Your music class sounds like a riot.

Unlike your posts, I don't find technical music boring.
That is, not all of it. Some technical music is boring... and... some isn't.
A little bit like all music really.
What I was trying to say, is that there is a danger that lies with listening to music in too much detail.
This includes spending your time playing spot the tricky bits, at the expense of taking in the general vibe of the particular piece of music you happen to be listening to at the time.
Or in other words, not being able to see the wood for the trees.

I know there are people out there, who attend classical concerts, intently listening to every note played with an enthusiastic relish. And good luck to them.
Thankfully I'm not one of them.
Nope I enjoy my music far too much for that game.
And before you accuse me of being a Philistine, I do consider myself to be a musician, albeit not a very good one and certainly not for a good while.

And please stop making thinly veiled threads with subject matter like "isn't it a shame that I couldn't buy such and such a record, at such and such a place", as a vehicle to flex what musical knowledge you learnt this week at college.

It's arrogant and condescending and downright bloody irritating.
It would be nice to see you settle into these boards and take from them, as much as you are willing to give.

Necromancer 11-04-2007 06:23 PM

Why do you like Country?
Here is one of, The new, Country star's of the day, If you like contemporary, alternative, new, old, decade, era. of different styles of music. 'Jason Aldean' is a force to be recognized, with a, New/Country Sound. I noticed two major influences I heard right off, 'Eagle's', 'Rolling Stones'. After only listening to his newest album 'Relentless' once. I have yet to hear all of, his first album. I like 'Johnny Cash' & 3 other singles off of relentless album, so far. I am familar with his single Hicktown, from his first album. Some really insaine low ends with the bass player, Guitar, ect. Jason Aldean is a talented country artist that is gaining more respect as an artist, everyday. It is hard to listen to everything out there, with so many different styles, etc. to choose from. It could make your head spin, just thinking about all the different styles, decades, etc. there are, to choose from. And of course, you have to be looking for it, compared to, not looking. In the first place. New Country, Can be just as Good, As Classic Country, etc.

jgreen 11-06-2007 11:03 AM

The best country music came in the 60s and 70s. What you hear today is not country, it's suburban.

jgreen 11-06-2007 11:19 AM

George Jones, Merle Haggard, Buck Owens, Ray Charles " Modern Sounds in Country and Western Music"

joyboyo53 11-06-2007 12:15 PM

thats a bold statement. im sure just like with every other genre, if you were to look BEYOND the radio you could find some good quality country.

joyboyo53 11-06-2007 03:03 PM

Old school - Johnny Cash, Hank William, Hank William Jr., Willie Nelson, Merle Haggard

New school - George Straight, Tim McGraw, Alan Jackson, Garth Brooks, Brad Paisley

Necromancer 11-06-2007 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by jgreen (Post 412083)
The best country music came in the 60s and 70s. What you hear today is not country, it's suburban.

I simply love the people that are new, and make it a point to give their opinion, without knowing exactly what they are talking about before they post. Its like they are angry because everyone else doesnt like, what only they, believe is good music. alot are young, so I just ignore them. I was young once, so I dont ignore them out of disrespect. But adults, I ignore completely. I wont even debate to a statement that is twisting & turning my words to meet they're criteria, a completely untrue statement, bias opinions, etc. I wish some people would think before they speak, Atleast, before they reply to one of my post. I actually think that there are so many, that just dont possess any common sense at all, Its not all that hard. You dont have to look it up on the computer, or in book's. After 30yrs. + in the music buisness, hopefully. You might learn something, and actually know a little bit, about what you are talking about. I myself, dont confess to know everything there is to know about the music industry, etc. But I do use common sense....Peace.

djchameleon 11-07-2007 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by jgreen (Post 412083)
The best country music came in the 60s and 70s. What you hear today is not country, it's suburban.

That's being close-minded. The older country is just different from country of today. Time changes genres of music. I prefer the newer comtemporary country to the classics of yesteryear. I'm able to atleast tolerate the new country. I don't even like country as a whole but I can tolerate it in small doses.

petersmikael 11-08-2007 06:48 PM

At first, it's all because of Jewel Kilcher :)

Necromancer 11-09-2007 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by petersmikael (Post 412690)
At first, it's all because of Jewel Kilcher :)

Who is, Jewel Kilcher ', petersmikae'? I dont know who, he/she is. I would appreciate any, help & info. concerning music....Thank You.

white_powered_zombie 11-10-2007 05:36 AM

'One step forward, two steps back, no ones gettin far walking like that' - Classic!

*White_Powered_Zombie chuckled at this thread title*

littleknowitall 11-15-2007 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by Crowquill (Post 382722)
Since when is alot of acoustic folk associated with the UK? Compared to the amount of american folk artists (Phil Ochs, Pete Seeger, Bob Dylan, Woody Guthrie, etc) and recently (Elliott Smith, Sam Beam, Mike Kinsella, Jeff Mangum).

Anyway, what you hear on the radio isn't country, its more like southern pop. I hate it when people assume all that Garth Brooks **** is what country is all about, with the amount of hype Johnny Cash gets you'd expect people to at least somewhat expect theres more to it.

There's an exceptional amount of British folk out there, it just goes unrecognized i find, it doesn't fair as much as American folk i think because logically America being a lot bigger would have more folk, but I've recently been looking into British folk and although very new to me I'm really enjoying a lot of what i hear, and it seems a very different type of folk than American, entirely different scene, almost couldn't class it in the same genre but it is folk, a lot of Celtic kind of stuff.

mindfuljenn 11-21-2007 08:23 PM

there's just something about the twang in yer voice when ya sing it. lol

Brock_West 11-24-2007 11:13 PM

I'm from Texas and I can't stand country and I know A LOT of people who are right there with me.

So I guess my reasons for not liking country are that I don't think any country song has ever been good.

dramababe 11-28-2007 02:22 PM

I used to hate country, wouldn't even want to hear it for a second.

Then I started dating this guy who loved country. I wasn't very fond of it at first but the more I listened to it, the more I learned to appreciate it. Sure some of the lyrics are whacky and something you wouldn't want to hear someone sing about, but music today in our youth is so degrading and violent. Good music cant be found, but in country there is tons of it. There arent enough people who listen to it!!

under 11-30-2007 05:49 PM

i never liked country before now

but i learned to love it alot because it has some meaning to it, because i looked up some music and i learned a lot more.

i love it now

Dizzys in the wolf 12-01-2007 07:31 AM

At first I didn't like country music, because I never properly listened to it. I had totally the wrong idea about what it was, but I started with some of Van Morrisons country music and moved around a bit from there, and I'm really glad I took the time to look in to it a bit more.

etcetc_00 12-01-2007 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by Crowquill (Post 382722)
Since when is alot of acoustic folk associated with the UK? Compared to the amount of american folk artists (Phil Ochs, Pete Seeger, Bob Dylan, Woody Guthrie, etc) and recently (Elliott Smith, Sam Beam, Mike Kinsella, Jeff Mangum).

Anyway, what you hear on the radio isn't country, its more like southern pop. I hate it when people assume all that Garth Brooks **** is what country is all about, with the amount of hype Johnny Cash gets you'd expect people to at least somewhat expect theres more to it.

I absolutely agree. The "Country" that comes out today has no originality, and next to no sincerity. The always sing about either homestyle values, their childhood, love, God, or drinking. Not that any of those are bad things to write about, but when an entire genre limits itself to what is safe, and what sells, it takes out of itself any aspect of artistic expression or progression. My mother and all of her friends listen to Big And Rich, Keith Urban, Toby Keith, Montgomery Gentry, and all the other crap that comes out on the "Country Radio" here in Annapolis, MD (Not The South, Not True Country Territory). I visited her a while back and she had bought the new Kenny Chesney CD, who I don't normally mind, but the new one was so terrible I didn't know how to deal with it. There was a song in the beginning where, in the chorus, he sang "I hope someday I'll have a wife and kid". Not once in the verse, where a line like that would usually be dropped, but over and over again in the chorus. That phrase, devoid of any poetic insight, was the cornerstone of the song. When I hear this type of music, and knowing what I know about my mom, I think that the people who listen to this music don't listen to it because they like music, but rather they need the reinforcement in their everyday lives in order to keep living their lives as comfortably as they do.

reallygreatidea 12-10-2007 11:46 AM

I don't like country that much actually...I only like new country, what may have come out on the scene in the last 10 years...that is all.

Brock_West 12-12-2007 04:47 PM

I guess Johnny Cash is the closest to country that I can stand without wanting to shove a fork in my ear

cardboard adolescent 12-12-2007 08:38 PM

Meat Puppets is about the closest I get...
someone else said it's all about the "twang"...
I hate the twang.

Brock_West 12-13-2007 07:18 AM

can't blame ya

Lilli 12-17-2007 04:01 PM

Some of the purest old country makes me laugh. A lot of it was so shocking back then. Killing people, stealing and cheating and SEX!!!! Loretta Lynn singing about "the pill" and songs about "love to lay you down." Wonder if that was as eye popping as today's rap and hip/hop is to me today?

Kevorkian Logic 12-18-2007 07:10 AM

When I was like 7 I really liked Red Hot Chili Peppers, and thought they were country for some reason, so in that sense I used to like country, now I can't tolerate it.

gajukebox 12-19-2007 10:35 PM

The Problem is, most country played on "over the air radio stations" is pop-country. You don't feel the music after its been glossed over, and packaged to not offend. Country music is supposed to offend, supposed to tug at your heart strings and supposed to make you feel like you're down there with the singer.

Check out Corey Smith, Drive By Truckers, Blackberry Smoke and others. You'll see why people like country music.... If only more radio stations would play country music

sherlockholmeslice 12-30-2007 11:54 PM

the greatest country songs are the ones that take you back to the things you once loved but have since diminished. i like a good dramatic country song, but in my eyes, i want to listen to it a lot more when it makes me reminisce to some comparable memory. that being said, i still love ryan adams' music despite not relating to a lot o' it.

Lizzie 01-18-2008 05:49 PM

When i go to work, all they play is the goddamn country music radio station, and i honestly want to shoot myself in the head, and i come home every day with a splitting headache, its complete hell. so no, i dont like country music

tkpb938 01-18-2008 06:19 PM

My parents and a lot of people I know listen to country, and I can tell you first hand that its not for people like us. Its for the casual listener who just wants a nice beat and conservative lyrics. At least thats why most of my family likes it...(except me and my bro)

JSMidd 01-21-2008 05:14 PM

I like it because it talks about life in simple terms - love, hapiness, sadness, etc... I grew up in Texas, and learned to like a lot of country music.

Kevorkian Logic 01-21-2008 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by gtull1 (Post 432497)
Because you can understand the words, and the music is honest.

how is the song My girlfriend thinks my tractor is sexy honest? No one actually thinks tractors are sexy.

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