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Old 11-19-2011, 03:02 AM   #371 (permalink)
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Default RE: Deal

Originally Posted by blastingas10 View Post
Alright, Steve. Let's straighten this out. I never meant to offend you by saying your grammar was off. I was simply saying thats why I was having trouble understanding your comments. I never meant to insult you in any way. But you insisted that I was insulting you, that angered me a little. That's why I said "cut the bull****." I apologize for that. I have no problem with you. I'm not your enemy here, I'm probably the only one here who is actually taking the time to read all of your comments. I find them to be pretty interesting.

So, let's agree to put this misunderstanding and bickering behind us. Deal?

Where are you from? Just curious. Somewhere in the east, I suppose.
Blaster.....there's nothing to straighten out my friend. I was never offended, nor, had intentions to offend you. I wasn't angry at you at all. It is words that create enemies, not people. So, you actually provide me an opportunity to demonstrate how much we can learn, and how confused we all are as a society.

You never insulted me. I pretended like you did. I got you to reply didn't I? And, I appreciate it actually, because, I know you are reading my bantering. Another opportunity to use the Word "punctuation" as a tool.

What you actually did gasblasting10 is something you will be rewarded for because you really helped me too see a bit deeper into matters and made it simple for me to explain I am writing this after the fact so there is no punctuation for a reason and things all happen for a reason and you actually taught me how to see even more clearly and thank for bringing up the Word punctuate so please skip the commas and you will you will see why i know you will

"Puncture" - See the irony? We take one Word, and create a verse of what we accomplished.

You punctured me, but, I did not bleed, I punctured you back, and it made you read.

A 'two-edge sword'. But, I know that you must have a sense of understanding, because, it's all over your 'pseudonym'.

Even now, we are not off-topic, because, Bob Dylan is a pseudonym, and an allonym. Funny, I just typed allonym, and the little squiggly red line appears underneath, as if I've spelled it wrong, or there is no word allonym.

I know there is, and, I know what it means. But, if you were chop it down, there's another trip down Route 66, which is actually Highway 666 Revisited.

We have 'interstates' now. So, I am from the east, New ark, Ohio. They call it the 'Midwest'!

Maggie's Farm is a story within a story. And, when it breaks down, it comes back to the Truth of what is the deception when man rewrites or changes the Word. The Farm is symbolic for the Magdalene. Maggie's Farm.

I know, because, I had to know. It was not a matter of religion. Or, prophecy. I was not 'chosen', I was 'commanded'. And, I can show you how my 'given names' link to every scriptural 'prophecy' ever written. That is not a 'blessing', nor am I some kind of Jesus Jr.

Standing on tiptoe, you are unsteady.
Straddle-legged, you cannot go.
If you show yourself, you will not be seen.
If you affirm yourself, you will not shine.
If you boast, you will have no merit.
If you promote yourself, you will have no success.
Those who abide in the Tao call these
Leftover food and wasted action
And all things dislike them.
Therefore the person of the Tao does not act like this.

I have known since I was a child, that it was incumbent on me to find the Truth. And, I knew the year 2000 was a year that was not going to pleasant.
The "Holy" Spirit of Logos, aka Sophia, Shakti, Shekinah, or Wisdom, if you will, is the 'Valley Spirit', the 'Mysterious Virtue'.

I know the Name, but, I never speak it. And, I have not one goal for myself. I have no other desire, but, to help others to find themselves as One single family. And, unfortunately people do not grasp the simplicity of the one single message and 'law' of humanity. Love. Through that one Word a letter was added so that we can see everything through that Word "loved" is the key to understanding the myriad things that have manifested from attachment to desires which is why Logos attached itself to the manifestations of the Word that one Name which is never uttered in the world. The name above all names is Nameless.

And Logos was sent as a Name, and sacrificed the Truth so that through love we see many things through that Word and through that Name, we might be saved. And, realize that this is all a 'mirage'. And, through all the Words that man has not altered, or destroyed, or changed in meaning and interpretation. That Word 'interpretation' is the only 'gift' I have been given. I am not a wise man. I am not profound, nor, am I exacting any philosophy. Everything has been put on the table, and, it's time clean the dishes.

My son is named Dyllon, and it means the same as Dylan. It is simply spelled differently. But, Bob was from the state of Minnesota, still the "Midwest", so I am not

I am going to show you and everyone how we must look at everything. This is the most simple and yet complicated concept which has not merely deception at all it is as a reflection of a mirror. Dylan wrote every song and this song is an example of how easy yet complicated this world by man and his desire to see things through a looking glass. Dylan did not write this song about his wife her name was Sara and the song is called Isis and I will post the lyrics so that you can see that it all leads back to his magnum opus a return trip down Highway 61 revisited and also back to working on Maggie's Farm again and again. Dylan is not working on the farm that is symbolic of the produce man has seeded he is still slaving for what he knows lies in the name Maggie. He called a different name and Isis was another symbol for

I married Isis on the fifth day of May,
But I could not hold on to her very long.
So I cut off my hair and I rode straight away
For the wild unknown country where I could not go wrong.

I came to a high place of darkness and light.
The dividing line ran through the center of town.
I hitched up my pony to a post on the right,
Went in to a laundry to wash my clothes down.

A man in the corner approached me for a match.
I knew right away he was not ordinary.
He said, "Are you lookin' for somethin' easy to catch?"
I said, "I got no money." He said, "That ain't necessary."

We set out that night for the cold in the North.
I gave him my blanket, he gave me his word.
I said, "Where are we goin'?" He said we'd be back by the fourth.
I said, "That's the best news that I've ever heard."

I was thinkin' about turquoise, I was thinkin' about gold,
I was thinkin' about diamonds and the world's biggest necklace.
As we rode through the canyons, through the devilish cold,
I was thinkin' about Isis, how she thought I was so reckless.

How she told me that one day we would meet up again,
And things would be different the next time we wed,
If I only could hang on and just be her friend.
I still can't remember all the best things she said.

We came to the pyramids all embedded in ice.
He said, "There's a body I'm tryin' to find.
If I carry it out it'll bring a good price."
'Twas then that I knew what he had on his mind.

The wind it was howlin' and the snow was outrageous.
We chopped through the night and we chopped through the dawn.
When he died I was hopin' that it wasn't contagious,
But I made up my mind that I had to go on.

I broke into the tomb, but the casket was empty.
There was no jewels, no nothin', I felt I'd been had.
When I saw that my partner was just bein' friendly,
When I took up his offer I must-a been mad.

I picked up his body and I dragged him inside,
Threw him down in the hole and I put back the cover.
I said a quick prayer and I felt satisfied.
Then I rode back to find Isis just to tell her I love her.

She was there in the meadow where the creek used to rise.
Blinded by sleep and in need of a bed,
I came in from the East with the sun in my eyes.
I cursed her one time then I rode on ahead.

She said, "Where ya been?" I said, "No place special."
She said, "You look different." I said, "Well, not quite."
She said, "You been gone." I said, "That's only natural."
She said, "You gonna stay?" I said, "Yeah, I jes might."

Isis, oh, Isis, you mystical child.
What drives me to you is what drives me insane.
I still can remember the way that you smiled
On the fifth day of May in the drizzlin' rain.

Dylan is showing you an answer through every song he penned. I do not believe that he ever asked a question his Words were almost always answers so the answer my friend is blowing in the wind

Dylan wrote nearly every song he ever played and is perhaps the most covered artist in history he did not write the song that addresses a issue that is also very poignant "take a message to Mary" and never uses the name Bob when credits are listed it is always Dylan and one co-wrote as Dylan, Thomas.

I am lengthy here for a reason blastinggas and I want you to take and share with others because i know you are listening take every Word here and read backwards from bottom to top and right to left because we are all seeing every thing as a reflection look at everything as it is looking back at you a mirror reflection is the entire problem and can be seen in everything we are all seeing an image of ourselves in everything we look at Proper nouns are possessive and the names God and LORD and if they are not palindromes we turn the names around and look at them as they are a mirror looking back because when We look at each other and they look at us it is a mirror reflection of ourselves look in a mirror and prove it We cannot see that we need to become a reflection of that mirror and see everything back the way it reflects our image back to us.

This is the key to everything and why I know now why i have always known that this is not a universe surrounding the planet it is a universe wrapped by the earth. We are seeing the earth through outer darkness which is from the outside in which is why everything must be reversed.

so up is down left is right inside is outside and it is an illusion and image of the entirety of opposite reflection proper nouns and capitalization always imply possession and we are being held captive because we are dyslexic
read this post backwards and any Names capitalized turn them around and remove I and just assume as us or we or eye as I sis or may may is what we call her and is also named after my Mother daughter and Dyllon is my son and i never capitalize my name steve, and it is steven wayne eden benson ashton and my Mother means literally Magdalene the towering bright light of Eden and steven wayne eden benson ashton is just part of name only that would through all names connected satisfy any doubt of connection to that prophecy and not really all that honorable not any thing i honestly feel that every one of names connected to you will lead to the same connections we are all the same reflection we see others a mirror image of the entire cosmos and this is not something new it has been written many times but people do not realize that everything is a reflection of our own image

gasblasting10 means you know that we as humans breath in poison gases, and exhale carbon dioxide which in turn feeds the entire domain of plant life, and in turn they create more oxygen to feed us back. So carbon dioxide is actually should be the compound we breath in so I believe in context that science is seeing through a mirror as well and equally confused. But not Dylan he thinks and remembers as he wrote I forgot more than you remember and so have i not you specifically but take everything here and read from bottom to top left to right and see how it might answer why we need to see things exactly opposite of a reflection from a mirror or put any page of any book and look how it reflects the image and look the everyone and see how they look back as a opposite reflection as we see everything opposite just as a mirror reflection and i hope this clears up things a little better and certainly read the lyrics and it should make perfect sense from back to front up from down.

I am far from a philosopher and if i cannot prove through logic then we have no answer because you cannot prove wisdom through science and that is never logical here is the example of how man has manipulated and created names from Words.

I believe you will understand this and see things as they appear. Read anything you see in that book especially left to right, back to front, and just like placing Words in front of a mirror. If we are a mirror image of everything we see we have to see back in the same manner and Dyan was a key and the probably tops the list of most covered artist and rarely ever covered anyone else.

Elvis the king of rock n roll never wrote or co-wrote one single song despite the credit he bought for a price of being listed as a co-write. Never once and he is the king.

El - VI will take you to many clues. And, right back to the problem of religion. his name i broke down to several beasts but when it was said and done it came down the Truth 'Magdalene, my Mother as a symbolic reference to the True 'virgin who was labeled a wh*re'

Elvis was another in a long list of sacrificial lambs. he sold his soul for rock n roll.

Read it backwards, and you will see what I think you will understand and can run with it as i am not going to post for a while I am tired and my life work has cost me my life and i only bantered and ranted because I know and knew you would read so i hope this is clearer as we are literally stuck in time it does not exist as we measure which is why the fifth of may is the beginning and the end of the song it is a clear message of the True spiritual union of coming together as one in spirit and as humans.

Every song ever sung and written leads you to whatever you want to know. It always leads you to some form of planet worship and always to a feminine source of light and to and Isis is not a good and evil goddess in Egyptian mythology and is a queen of heaven as many others god became masculine after the advent of Christianity and was Dylan was also a god in Norse mythology as everything you read also goes back to the Norse concept of Odin and Yggdrasil the world tree and always to nature of everything microscopic hierarchy of all plants animals and minerals and on to the universe and the idea of an underworld so we are looking squarely at the concept of the theory of a hollow earth and i am well aware that the universe is not what we perceive and is nothing more than a reflection or mirror image of all of us.

Mirrors do not deceive. Look at one, or look at one another and see how they in turn look at you and that is as simplistic as anyone can make it.

A bit different in sound but they did not change a Word Dylan penned.

Read it backwards and then if it does not tell a similar story then i have made some mistakes that were meant to be mistaken

Recognize what is before you, and what is hidden from you will be revealed to you; for there is nothing hidden that will not be made manifest.
"Understand what is in front of your face, and then what is hidden from you will be disclosed to you."
(Jesus the Nazarene Christ)

Gasblaster if want to continue to follow what i showed you yesterday, it will indeed lead you straight to what I am telling you here. The key words were hide, transparent skin, heaven, mind, and I cannot remember them all, but if click and study, you will see that we are being held captive by forces that do not want man to succeed, or redeem himself.

It really is too late. So, just know that it has already happened. I know for a fact that all of us are, because, we are one image of one Spirit, and my experience of enlightenment, was more of a confirmation that applies to everyone on earth. I did not save the world, the world saved me. So I write just to keep that message alive. Those prophecies did not apply to some world-wide Messiah, or a literal second-coming of anyone. It is an inner personal journey that only needed fulfilled literally in one person. Because we are equally united in Spirit and Truth and if I only reach one person at a time then maybe something can be done for the world. otherwise it goes on, and the cycle continues on, so it is not a matter of if but when. I do know that the only time we have that exists is right now.

I am sure i probably missed a few words but if you want research Isis May 5th, and read it from bottom to top, left to right, because that is what you are seeing, not a reflection of what you perceive. I hope you can understand now, and pass on to other as I am going to take a couple weeks of rest.

Thank you friend, you did not offend me, you really did help me because it is hard hard and just impossible to explain in simple terms, so it all sounds like bu***hit.

Maybe this makes more sense when you see this

Men are afraid to forget their minds, fearing to fall through the Void with nothing to stay their fall. They do not know that the Void is not really void, but the realm of the real Dharma.

I am not from the East but I sure would recommend heading that way.

See what you can and let me if it is still confusing

But do not think i am your adversary. I actually appreciated it. My reply led me to some valuable insight, so thanks. I know it is lengthy but I believe yo will read it at least and hopefully understand why I did not punctuate much.

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Old 11-24-2011, 09:51 AM   #372 (permalink)
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Bob is a living legend! I have a few of his albums.

The Freewheelin` `63
Highway 61 Revisited `65
Before The Flood `74 w / The Band
Blood On The Tracks `75
MTV Unplugged / `95
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Old 11-24-2011, 10:02 AM   #373 (permalink)
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I think his unplugged album is really great. It's awesome to see him playing lead guitar
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Old 11-28-2011, 09:12 AM   #374 (permalink)
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A little long overdue but I got around and ordered this...

Released in March 1965

1. "Subterranean Homesick Blues" – 2:21
2. "She Belongs to Me" – 2:47
3. "Maggie's Farm" – 3:54
4. "Love Minus Zero/No Limit" – 2:51
5. "Outlaw Blues" – 3:05
6. "On the Road Again"– 2:35
7. "Bob Dylan's 115th Dream"– 6:30
8. "Mr. Tambourine Man" – 5:30
9. "Gates of Eden" – 5:40
10. "It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)" – 7:29
11. "It's All Over Now, Baby Blue" – 4:12

It will go well with my copy of "Highway 61 Revisited", which was also released in 1965.

Released in August 1965

1. "Like a Rolling Stone" – 6:09
2. "Tombstone Blues" – 5:58
3. "It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry" – 4:09
4. "From a Buick 6" – 3:19
5. "Ballad of a Thin Man" – 5:58
6. "Queen Jane Approximately" – 5:31
7. "Highway 61 Revisited" – 3:30
8. "Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues" – 5:31
9. "Desolation Row" – 11:21

1965 was a helluva of a good year for Bob, both albums went Platinum! Most folks go a whole career and never get one....

I have.........

Bob Dylan `62
The Freewheelin' `63
Highway 61 Revisited `65
Before the Flood `74
The Basement Tapes `75
Blood on the Tracks `75
Slow Train Coming `79
Dylan & The Dead `89
MTV Unplugged `95

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Old 11-28-2011, 01:08 PM   #375 (permalink)
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Is Dylan and the Dead as bad as every review I've ever read says it is? I know very little about the Grateful Dead but I find the overwhelmingly negative reactions towards the album very amusing.
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Old 11-28-2011, 03:31 PM   #376 (permalink)
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^ I love both of those albums. They are some of the best of his. Sadly I'm still missing Bringing It All Back Home.

I own:

The Freewheelin Bob Dylan
The Times They Are a-Changin'
Highway 61 Revisited
Blonde On Blonde
John Wesley Harding
Nashville Skyline

Well I come from the old time baby, where all the kids are crazy.
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Old 11-28-2011, 04:13 PM   #377 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Chives View Post
Is Dylan and the Dead as bad as every review I've ever read says it is? I know very little about the Grateful Dead but I find the overwhelmingly negative reactions towards the album very amusing.
You would expect the album to be mind-blowingly epic, but in all honesty I think it's pretty sub-par for both Dylan and The Dead. I couldn't believe how disappointed I was when I first heard the album. A different setlist would have made all the difference in the world, but honestly, aside from Queen Jane Approximately, all the songs are either quasi-mediocre to bad songs of Dylan's: (Slow Train Coming, Gotta Serve Somebody, Joey), or songs that don't particularly do justice to The Dead's style of playing (All Along The Watchtower, Knocking on Heaven's Door). In my opinion, had they chosen more appropriate Dylan songs to play, the album would have been fantastic.
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Old 11-28-2011, 04:38 PM   #378 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Chives View Post
Is Dylan and the Dead as bad as every review I've ever read says it is? I know very little about the Grateful Dead but I find the overwhelmingly negative reactions towards the album very amusing.
It really isn't very good. Not worthy of keeping on my hard drive (It would still be on there but my hard drives memory is quite full). It's not all that bad though. Jerry Garcia really tears it up with his soloing on "All along the Watchtower". And "Queen Jane approximately" is pretty good. I wouldn't reccomend it, but it's worth downloading it or checking out on youtube , but not worth any cash, haha.

Originally Posted by TheFolkslave View Post
^ I love both of those albums. They are some of the best of his. Sadly I'm still missing Bringing It All Back Home.

I own:

The Freewheelin Bob Dylan
The Times They Are a-Changin'
Highway 61 Revisited
Blonde On Blonde
John Wesley Harding
Nashville Skyline
I have:

The Freewheelin
Another side of Bob Dylan
Blonde on Blonde
John Wesley Harding
New Morning
Pat Garret and Billy The Kid
Planet Waves
MTV Unplugged

The Dylan compilation album.

Next albums I'm going to get are Bringing it all back home, Highway 61, and Blood on the Tracks

Last edited by blastingas10; 11-28-2011 at 04:45 PM.
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Old 11-28-2011, 07:13 PM   #379 (permalink)
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Haha then I won't bother checking it out unless I find it in a dollar bin at a record store. Maybe I'll try and tackle it on youtube if I ever take a liking to the Grateful Dead.

Similarly, I would like to know what you guys think about Self Portrait. Everything I've heard about it has basically just intrigues me more and more, despite it apparently being a joke and terrible and all that jazz. I mean, is it an interesting terrible?

I did see a nice copy of Nashville Skyline at my local record store. I'm kind of tempted to buy it.
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Old 11-28-2011, 07:20 PM   #380 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Chives View Post
Haha then I won't bother checking it out unless I find it in a dollar bin at a record store. Maybe I'll try and tackle it on youtube if I ever take a liking to the Grateful Dead.

Similarly, I would like to know what you guys think about Self Portrait. Everything I've heard about it has basically just intrigues me more and more, despite it apparently being a joke and terrible and all that jazz. I mean, is it an interesting terrible?

I did see a nice copy of Nashville Skyline at my local record store. I'm kind of tempted to buy it.
it's not really terrible, it's just all over the place, and the fact that there are quite a number of covers on it doesn't help much

i wouldn't really recommend you jumping on it so soon without sampling his other better albums first

his worst album, by his own admission, is Dylan [1973], as he has disowned it, and is mostly outtakes of Self-Portrait

Malaise is THE dominant human predilection.

Originally Posted by The Virgin View Post
what? i don't understand you. farming is for vegetables, not for meat. if ou disagree with a farming practice, you disagree on a vegetable. unless you have a different definition of farming.
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