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Old 11-17-2011, 07:05 AM   #361 (permalink)
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Default No biggie

Originally Posted by blastingas10 View Post
You're a character, that's for sure. How did i speak falsely of you? I just said you were confusing me, partly because your grammar is a little off. But I get it, you're trying to speak some deep philosophical wisdom. What make you so sure that you know the "truth", or whatever it is you're talking about? It takes some confidence to be so sure.

You never relied on someone to show you the truth? Neither did I. The truth is something you have to see for yourself.

Are you trying to say that Mick Jagger is a prophet? Haha. You're something else, Steve.
Hahaha? Why don't you pick up a dictionary, and trace the Word back to its origin, and then say hahahah.

You're something else Steve.
Okay? When you bark, why and what you're barking at. So, educate yourself a bit on etymology, and, I will to be more punctually correct.

Because, all the barking came with no supporting evidence, or even a discussion. You simply insulted me, and, did not one have valid point.

I'm getting into pi*sing matches. So, study up. Then call me out with the knowledge, not, the 'this guy is trying super Aristotle with bad grammar'.

That's as old as my grandma, and, she farts dust

Weak. So, go to school, and prove to me you see the Truth.

Those who cannot understand always come back with insult.

And, I know your intent.

'Something else' is a great indicator of your intent. I won't address that.

Is this a rant about religion? You said I ranted about religion. I'll just dismiss that and pass on the rebuttal.

I have not once spoken philosophy, nor, am I trying to speak deeply.

I don't believe anyone has deep philosophical wisdom.

And, I trying to make people see as clearly I can help them help themselves.

So, why are you here?

Since, you also imply that my bad grammar confused you.

That just shows what some people do, when think they have the answers. And, nobody has all of the answers. No one

I'm trying to make it pretty clear. When people say that they don't understand, why do I know exactly what I am saying.

Why is it when people who do not understand, blame it on the person attempting to make them misunderstand?

Evidently, you missed something. You didn't see. Because, you can't see Truth, it's impossible. If you knew, then you would have known not even to say that. And, other mocking, go out and prove to me, when you are prophesying right now.

How can you see what someone says? I have a web cam, but, it's not connected.

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Old 11-17-2011, 07:08 AM   #362 (permalink)
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^^you want the truth? YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!

Malaise is THE dominant human predilection.

Originally Posted by The Virgin View Post
what? i don't understand you. farming is for vegetables, not for meat. if ou disagree with a farming practice, you disagree on a vegetable. unless you have a different definition of farming.
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Old 11-17-2011, 07:22 AM   #363 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by blastingas10 View Post
You're a character, that's for sure. How did i speak falsely of you? I just said you were confusing me, partly because your grammar is a little off. But I get it, you're trying to speak some deep philosophical wisdom. What make you so sure that you know the "truth", or whatever it is you're talking about? It takes some confidence to be so sure.

You never relied on someone to show you the truth? Neither did I. The truth is something you have to see for yourself.

Are you trying to say that Mick Jagger is a prophet? Haha. You're something else, Steve.

Looking forward to seeing what you have to say next.
Originally Posted by Il Duce View Post
^^you want the truth? YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!
Boy was that a prophesy? It came True
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Old 11-17-2011, 01:28 PM   #364 (permalink)
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There are some problems with your grammar, Steve. Why am I here? I've been here longer than you. Why the hell are you here? This a music forum. Cut the bull**** and try talking about music.

You continue to say I'm insulting you, but I'm not. It's true that there are some problems with your grammar. Maybe you're speaking in some kind of tongue where your grammar is correct, if that's the case, then we don't speak in the same tongue.

Originally Posted by steveeden888 View Post
I named my son after Bob Dylan. But, it was 1991, and that Beverly Hills 90210 had a character named Dylan. I was in the hospital when the nurse came in and asked what we were going to name him. I said Dylan. She said, 'a lot of parents are naming their babies Dylan", because, of that show. And, since she said Dylan and Dillon, I changed the spelling. Dyllon.

I don't like the name Robert Allan Zimmerman, or Bob. So, I always call him Bub.

And Dinah. You didn't mention Highway 61 revisited, or Positively 4th street,, Like a Rolling Stone, Lay Lady Lay, or Tangled up in Blue...etc....etc.....

The bold and Maggie's Farm are my favorites, but, he all confused with religion. How do such brilliant minds get caught up in what is obviously part of what he knew people in this were being held captive, and are deceived into believing. And, he turned to religion. It ruined him.

Just as it ruining this entire planet. How many times do people need to see things, before, they wake up? Bob was a Jew. He changed his name, because, he knew there was a problem. If not, he sold out. He changed religions, but, he kept the same god! But, he did show us Mercy.

Look at what he wrote.

"And god said to Abraham kill me a son, Abe said man you must be puttin me on. god said no, Abe said what, god said you can do what you want Abe, but, the next time you see me comin you better run.

Abe said where do want this killin done, god said out on highway 61"

Classic. And, they trashed him for going 'electric'. Remember that? must be old like me.

If Bob Dylan couldn't figure it out, then how is it ever? I figured it out all out. But, no one buys anything I say.

And, when they say 'go to hell'. I say, thank you for the blessing. That's where I am going.

"Cause Mama, that's where the fun is"

I am going to start a thread. With one verse from the Boss.

Blinded by the Light. One word. Calliope.

I ain’t gonna work on Maggie’s farm no more
No, I ain’t gonna work on Maggie’s farm no more
Well, I try my best
To be just like I am
But everybody wants you
To be just like them
They sing while you slave and I just get bored

I ain’t gonna work on Maggie’s farm no more

Take one Word. Maggie. Dictionary. If you cannot take Maggie. And, find anything you want to know, because, it will never work itself out.

Bob said he wasn't going to work on her farm. For her pa, ma, and brother. He did not say he was not going to work for Maggie, just not on her farm.
Take on trip around the globe on the 'slow train coming' with Maggie, if you have the willingness to learn for yourself. It is not easy, it takes a lot of clicks on the "links". And, links do what?

It takes a lot to laugh, it takes a train to cry. Does everybody not know the name Bob Dylan? Even kids today know who Bob Dylan is. And, Elvis, and the Beatles, the Stones, Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix ......

But, Highway 61 revisited is considered by most to be Bob's 'magnum opus'. His greatest work. So, if Logos does not 'love', and want to us all together as One. Why can every Word in history lead anywhere you want, and, every
'ology' you wish to make the effort to study?

Names were changed. Stories were created to make gods. Logos created ways to help us though music and prose, and kept all languages alive, through one language. English. So, we can use poetry and lyric and music, and every suffix and prefix to rhyme and reason, and reason with rhyme.

There is no reason and rhyme? Because man see its as no rhyme and reason.

It's in everything and everywhere, but, he doesn't see it anywhere.

It's hard. Really hard. But, once one sees it, it's so simple it blows your mind.

If you want. Just check for rhythmic measure. Consistency of rhyme and measure. Throw out the rule book, just check. See how brilliant he was without even probably being conscious of what he was really delivering, and the message is in everything.

If you do not end up somewhere in every continent, and find every form of life as we know it, and cannot get through the Galaxy, and back, and find every mythology, all scriptures, and a cow, milk, a bunch of birds, an oak, an ash, a lot of horned beasts,'re not trying.

And, every Word will lead back to that bible, and

You'll find everything, and then you will probably hope like hell there is a hollow earth.

Genius - "to bring into being, create, produce."

All of the greatest are written for our purpose, not theirs. So, believe it all, or none, because the only big daddy we have is Genus. And, it rhymes with Venus. Hint Hint. So, be thankful it almost rhymes with Jesus.

Or, you can ask me. I am the Way, the Truth, and Life, but, I don't believe a Word I say. And, thanks to 'Styx', I'm OK. So, you are too. And, everybody. We're all OK this Way, yes we're OK. So, never fear, St. Lucy is here, and She's a diamond in my sky.

And, we can thank St. Freddie. He's Mercury. He came up as a Queen, and a Rhapsody.

I know the Name, but I don't speak it. Those who do not speak it, do not know it. Figure that one out

take care. I'm not really arrogant, so, please don't be offended people. I just have nothing left to do, but, I can live on through you. Thanks.

steve eden

Just a couple examples of your grammar errors.

"He all confused"? It should be "he's".

"How many times do people need to see things, before, they wake up?"

^No need for the commas there.

Tell me Steve, what exactly are you trying to do here? You're in a Bob Dylan thread and only a small fraction of your comments have had anything to with him. I was on your side, Steve. I was reading everything you write, but you continue to insist that I'm insulting you, and I'm not. And when I say "you're something else", that's not an insult. I've yet to come across anyone on this forum that is anything like you, that's why I say you are "something else".

Last edited by blastingas10; 11-17-2011 at 01:47 PM.
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Old 11-17-2011, 01:37 PM   #365 (permalink)
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I'm not going to bother reading into what it is you guys are arguing about, but you should all try chilling out.
Nothing here worth getting worked up about.
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Old 11-17-2011, 01:57 PM   #366 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by mankycaaant View Post
I'm not going to bother reading into what it is you guys are arguing about, but you should all try chilling out.
Nothing here worth getting worked up about.
There was no argument until he insisted that I insulted him.

Good to see someone quoting me on their sig. That sounds really stupid now that I think about it. I said that because I would have voted "Nirvana is way better" but I didn't, just because I have respect for The Pixies. Maybe that makes it sound a little less stupid.
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Old 11-18-2011, 01:11 AM   #367 (permalink)
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Default punctuation

Originally Posted by blastingas10 View Post
There are some problems with your grammar, Steve. Why am I here? I've been here longer than you. Why the hell are you here? This a music forum. Cut the bull**** and try talking about music.

You continue to say I'm insulting you, but I'm not. It's true that there are some problems with your grammar. Maybe you're speaking in some kind of tongue where your grammar is correct, if that's the case, then we don't speak in the same tongue.

Just a couple examples of your grammar errors.

"He all confused"? It should be "he's".

"How many times do people need to see things, before, they wake up?"

^No need for the commas there.

Tell me Steve, what exactly are you trying to do here? You're in a Bob Dylan thread and only a small fraction of your comments have had anything to with him. I was on your side, Steve. I was reading everything you write, but you continue to insist that I'm insulting you, and I'm not. And when I say "you're something else", that's not an insult. I've yet to come across anyone on this forum that is anything like you, that's why I say you are "something else".

Thanks. Can I hire you as my editor? I write a lot, and, don't have time for too much editing. I can't pay you, but, you can volunteer if you like. Community service is charity. Thanks, I know you will. You are good like that.

I'm trying to communicate the messages of the 'renowned' artists of prose and music into the forum called music in the True sense of definition, of what it means, literally. Feel free to correct any punctuality errors. And, I miss a word here and there, so, it is not because I am less grammatically correct than you, I actually can articulate. I just don't spell check, or scan my long posts that are designed to help people relieve their uncertainty, and, to demonstrate how easy it is to understand who and what we are through the music I love.

Why am I here? I've been here longer than you. Why the hell are you here? This a music forum. Cut the bull**** and try talking about music.
Muse + ic = Music.

Grab a dictionary blasting gas. I give you the 'root', and, then you can follow it around the universe, for all the definitions, and connections, synonyms, and what not. I don't spend time with punctuality 'rules'. So, I'm sorry if offends you that I missed several commas and such. I figure you'd could get the meaning without proper punctuation. Sorry.

Muse. We'll start here. And, we have start from the source. Are you ready for a trip?

Classical Mythology .
any of a number of sister goddesses, originally given as Aoede (song), Melete (meditation), and Mneme (memory), but latterly and more commonly as the nine daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne who presided over various arts: Calliope (epic poetry), Clio (history), Erato (lyric poetry), Euterpe (music), Melpomene (tragedy), Polyhymnia (religious music), Terpsichore (dance), Thalia (comedy), and Urania (astronomy); identified by the Romans with the Camenae.

b. any goddess presiding over a particular art. I believe that would be Calliope.

'With this very unpleasing, sneezing, and wheezing, when Calliope crashed to the ground'.

2. ( sometimes lowercase ) the goddess or the power regarded as inspiring a poet, artist, thinker, or the like. I believe that is the major point of my posts. Yes, I know it is.

3. ( lowercase ) the genius or powers characteristic of a poet. I have certainly bantered about this for certain.

Bob is a poetic genius, there is no debate there, right?

Where shall we go now.

Should I ask you to interpret what Bruce meant by that verse?

It is a music banter communication site.

1350–1400; Middle English Muse < Middle French < Latin Mūsa < Greek Moûs

That was but one.

— n - a goddess that inspires a creative artist, esp a poet

[C14: from Old French, from Latin Mūsa, from Greek Mousa a Muse]

Who's on topic here? We have to keep going, because, if you want to banter, then, we have to banter. Bob Dylan changed his name, and he was an artist, was he not? So, we need to know a whole lot of things, before we banter. And, 'the times they are a changing'

— n
Greek myth any of nine sister goddesses, each of whom was regarded as the protectress of a different art or science.

Daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, the nine are Calliope, Clio, Erato, Euterpe, Melpomene, Polyhymnia, Terpsichore, Thalia, and Urania

Wow. Look how much we have to know now, before we can banter.

late 14c., protectors of the arts, from L. Musa, from Gk. Mousa, lit. "muse, music, song," from PIE root *mon-/*men-/*mn- "to think, remember" (see mind (n.)). The names of the nine Muses, daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne (q.v.), and their specialties are traditionally: Calliope
(epic poetry), .

Protector of the arts muse, music, song, to think remember from mind. The names of the nine Muses, daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, and their specialties.
Calliope (epic poetry)
Clio (history)
Erato (love poetry, lyric art)
Euterpe (music, especially flute)
Melpomene (tragedy)
Polymnia (hymns)
Terpsichore (dance)
Thalia (comedy)
Urania (astronomy)

It gets much better gasblaster, but, you can link to "mind", muse2, muzzle, artist, Bob, Dylan, and all the Muses, and Zeus, and I'll do Mnemosyne.

the ancient Greek goddess of memory, a daughter of Uranus and Gaea and the mother by Zeus of the Muses.

< Greek mnēmosýnē memory, akin to mnâsthai to remember, mnḗmōn mindful

Remember, be mindful of the Mother of the Muses. Gaea. Earth.

Word Origin & History

"Earth as a goddess," from Gk. Gaia, personification of gaia "earth," a collateral form of ge (Dorian ga) "earth," of unknown origin. The Roman equivalent goddess of the earth was Tellus (see tellurian), sometimes used in Eng. poetically or rhetorically for "Earth personified" or "the Earth as a planet."

Mother Earth. Maggie's Farm comes to mind......

We forgot the suffix 'ic'. I c?


1. a suffix forming adjectives from other parts of speech, occurring originally in Greek and Latin loanwords
( metallic; poetic; archaic; public )

and, on this model, used as an adjective-forming suffix with the particular senses “having some characteristics of” (opposed to the simple attributive use of the base noun) ( balletic; sophomoric ); “in the style of” ( Byronic; Miltonic ); “pertaining to a family of peoples or languages” ( Finnic; Semitic; Turkic ).

2. Chemistry . a suffix, specialized in opposition to -ous, used to show the higher of two valences: ferric chloride.

3. a noun suffix occurring chiefly in loanwords from Greek, where such words were originally adjectival ( critic; magic; music ).

Middle English -ic, -ik < Latin -icus; in many words representing the cognate Greek -ikos (directly or through L); in some words replacing -ique < French < Latin -icus

I'll skip all the things you would need to know, the Muses were daughters of Zeus.

origin, the source of the -sky I think we found "Lucy". Or, just link to sky.

Often, skies ( for defs. 1–4 ) .
1. the region of the clouds or the upper air; the upper atmosphere of the earth: airplanes in the sky; cloudy skies.
2. the heavens or firmament, appearing as a great arch or vault.
3. the supernal or celestial heaven: They looked to the sky for help.
4. the climate: the sunny skies of Italy.

5. Obsolete . a cloud. Did the LORD not come in a pillar of a cloud?.
And, it's obsolete?

verb (used with object)
6. Informal . to raise, throw, or hit aloft or into the air.
7. Informal . to hang (a painting) high on a wall, above the line of vision.

Now, you have to keep going to find out everything we need to banter about.
Muse definition

8. sky up, Falconry . (of prey, when flushed) to fly straight upward.

You always find a bird of prey, and, the skies, planets, a bunch of gods, and we have not enough begun. This is how I appear to be so 'confusing'. I am not confusing you. You will see what I have been saying in every post.

9. out of a / the clear sky, without advance notice or warning; abruptly: An old beau phoned her out of a clear sky. Also, out of a / the clear blue sky.

10. to the skies, with lavishness or enthusiasm; extravagantly: to praise someone to the skies. Also, to the sky.

1175–1225; Middle English < Old Norse skȳ cloud, cognate with Old English scēo cloud

Not done.

— n , pl skies
1. ( sometimes plural ) the apparently dome-shaped expanse extending upwards from the horizon that is characteristically blue or grey during the day, red in the evening, and black at night Related: celestial , empyrean
2. outer space, as seen from the earth

3. ( often plural ) weather, as described by the appearance of the upper air: sunny skies
4. the source of divine power; heaven
5. informal the highest level of attainment: the sky's the limit
6. to the skies highly; extravagantly

— vb , skies , skies , skying , skied
7. rowing to lift (the blade of an oar) too high before a stroke
8. informal ( tr ) to hit (a ball) high in the air

Related: celestial , empyrean

[C13: from Old Norse skӯ; related to Old English scio cloud, Old Saxon skio, Old Norse skjār transparent skin]


— adj

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition
2009 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009
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Word Origin & History

c.1220, "a cloud," from O.N. sky "cloud," from P.Gmc. *skeujam "cloud, cloud cover" (cf. O.E. sceo, O.S. scio "cloud;" O.H.G. scuwo, O.E. scua, O.N. skuggi "shadow;" Goth. skuggwa "mirror"), from PIE base *(s)keu- "to cover, conceal" (see hide (n.1)). Meaning "upper regions of the air" is attested from c.1300; replaced native heofon in this sense (see heaven). In M.E., the word can still mean both "cloud" and "heaven," as still in the skies, originally "the clouds." Sky-high is from 1818; phrase the sky's the limit is attested from 1920. Sky-dive first recorded 1965; sky-writing is from 1923.

Let's pick it down. Cloud, or shadow, or mirror to cover, or conceal, (see hide) the upper regions of the air. (see heaven,heofon)

Where do want music to lead you, because, we are not finished, and, I am dead on topic. "knocking on heaven's door" So, where do we go. Because, we see a pretty Blue Sky. Oh. Mr. Blue Sky, and since Jeff Lynn was a band member with Bob. Let's go with ELO. Listen to it. And, we'll go to heaven.

How many songs do you want? I you tubed and was surprised to find the second link was this one?

Was that the Beatles? Strange. I thought two of them were dead. Yet, they live in our memories. And, John Lennon did 'profess to Imagine' some things, and many other 'symbolic' things that confuse people are seen by others. Funny how that works.

OR-parallel logic programming.
(1995-03-16) Parallel logic programming?.....not much of a geek.

Maybe, you are, I don't know. Are you? I know parallel logic, not a great programmer. Maybe you are. You've sent messages somewhere. I sense a message. Maybe not.

Where do you want to start. Mind, Artist, Lyric, Poetic, Prophetic, Dyslexic, parallel logic, heaven, or these

outer space, as seen from the earth weather, as described by the appearance of the upper air: sunny skies the source of divine power; heaven celestial , empyrean transparent skin 'skylike

We haven't even to discuss Bob Dylan, and we have to see the artist.

Here's a clue. Hide. Heaven. Transparent skin, empyrean, sky like, or the thousands of other links that all lead you to the entire Truth, and everything you want to know about why we are here, and what we are, and who was who, who did what, why, how, evolution, devolution, and always back to that one book, and it goes on until your head spins. And, leads you straight to why you think I am 'confusing' you.

Take the Word 'hide', apply the transparent skin. And, when you are done running around, and, not correcting punctuation, you may learn some things that qualify as music banter

And, then google mirror neurons. So, if you still think I'm full of s**t, then if you want to banter Bob Dylan, you might Robert Allan Zimmerman. He changed his name. He named himself after Dylan Thomas. Now, we're right on the topic of religion. So, you might want to check, because, it all links to the Spiritual consciousness of Logos, and Love that these 'professors' send in song, and dance, and art, and poetry, and novel, and....and....and everything.

I believe might have a thread. Just guessing.

I don't take it personally, I just pointed out what I saw in the Words, and what I connect to, which I been somehow able to do all of my life.
So, you know your intentions, and, I apologize if I took the words out of context.

Cut the bull**** and try talking about music
Is that taken out of context?

(offering a handshake) I am here, because, I have had experiences, and a few 'visions', and have known since childhood that I was somehow obligated to figure out the mess of the prophecy problem. And, I have had these 'thought transmissions' all of my life. It hasn't been a fun ride.

I have discovered, and, connected to what people do not seem to be capable. It's not uncommon in the east. It's impossible in the west. Why?

So, if music, and Bob Dylan and his biography, his poetry, and everything connected to music leads you anywhere to anything you want to learn. So, how far off topic am I? Continue it. Then tell me how much bu***hit I am full of.

Find out how the deception works, and, why we can't come

'Together through Life', because, we are 'Tangled up in Blue'. And, in these 'Modern Times', it has been 'Revealed', and 'Under a Blood Red Sky' in a 'World Gone Wrong', 'Oh Mercy' I'm "Love Sick', because 'As Good as I've Been to You', as 'Dylan and the Dead', you are 'Knock out Loaded', 'Saved' on a 'Slow Train Coming', an 'Empire Burlesque' in a 'Hard Rain' of 'Desire', and there's 'Blood on the Tracks', and the 'Planet Waves' on a 'Nashville Skyline', and though a "New Morning" has dawned, and you have seen 'Another Side of Bob Dylan', 'The basement Tapes', a 'Self Portrait', 'Blond on Blond', 'The Free-wheelin' Bob Dylan'. The 'Times They are Changin'', so, 'Lay Lady Lay', as an 'Infidel', and "Bringing it on Back Home', to 'Highway 61 Revisited'. Back to Bob Dylan.

You are sharing a message right in your name.

Feel free to correct my punctuation. But, I believe one of was Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2011.
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Last edited by blankety blank; 11-18-2011 at 01:20 AM. Reason: added text
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Old 11-18-2011, 02:35 AM   #368 (permalink)
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Alright, Steve. Let's straighten this out. I never meant to offend you by saying your grammar was off. I was simply saying thats why I was having trouble understanding your comments. I never meant to insult you in any way. But you insisted that I was insulting you, that angered me a little. That's why I said "cut the bull****." I apologize for that. I have no problem with you. I'm not your enemy here, I'm probably the only one here who is actually taking the time to read all of your comments. I find them to be pretty interesting.

So, let's agree to put this misunderstanding and bickering behind us. Deal?

Where are you from? Just curious. Somewhere in the east, I suppose.
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Old 11-18-2011, 03:11 AM   #369 (permalink)
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rapture rapes the muses

Malaise is THE dominant human predilection.

Originally Posted by The Virgin View Post
what? i don't understand you. farming is for vegetables, not for meat. if ou disagree with a farming practice, you disagree on a vegetable. unless you have a different definition of farming.
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Old 11-18-2011, 08:28 PM   #370 (permalink)
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Finally listened to John Wesley Harding today...but I was sick and wasn't paying enough attention. Whoops! His voice is certainly different on the album but that's as much as I could tell. And I caught the original version of All Along the Watchtower as opposed to the Hendrix version I already knew. That's about it.

Bringing It All Back Home has been growing on me in the past few days. I like the split between electric and acoustic numbers halfway through.
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