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View Poll Results: Is classical music still relevant today?
YES 193 93.69%
NO 13 6.31%
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Old 08-19-2013, 03:29 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post

Remember that almost all of the music we listen to today, no matter its genre, had its basis in classical music, and who among us doesn't know at least a handful of classical tunes, even if they don't know what they're called or who they're by? Classical music will always be around, always with us and always relevant. That's why shows like "The Proms" are still so popular.
Just because it is the foundation of all music we listen to today doesn't make it relevant. That's just like saying Latin is relevant today which is it not. It's a dead language that people like to still learn but it has no practical use today.

Originally Posted by Paul Smeenus View Post
I've never disagreed with anything you've said as vehemently as this, although I will say that ANY music is only relevant to enthusiasts, to that listener.
It doesn't have to be pinned down to whether the person listens to it or not though. Classical music doesn't have a big presence where people that don't listen to that type of music still hear it. Only once in a blue moon compared to other genres.
Fame, fortune, power, titties. People say these are the most crucial things in life, but you can have a pocket full o' gold and it doesn't mean sh*t if you don't have someone to share that gold with. Seems simple. Yet it's an important lesson to learn. Even lone wolves run in packs sometimes.

Originally Posted by RoxyRollah View Post
IMO I don't know jack-**** though so don't listen to me.
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The problem is that most police officers in America are psychopaths.
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You're a terrible dictionary.
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Old 08-19-2013, 03:45 PM   #12 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by djchameleon View Post
It doesn't have to be pinned down to whether the person listens to it or not though. Classical music doesn't have a big presence where people that don't listen to that type of music still hear it. Only once in a blue moon compared to other genres.

I disagree. Still love ya, bro, but I flat out disagree.

For example, here in Seattle

Benaroya Hall - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

McCaw Hall - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Millions were spent building those structures in the past 15 years, and they are some of the biggest box-office music venues in the city. And people become newly exposed to this music all the time. It is relevant.
Originally Posted by grindy View Post
Basically you're David Hasselhoff.
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Old 08-19-2013, 04:18 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Paul Smeenus View Post
I disagree. Still love ya, bro, but I flat out disagree.

For example, here in Seattle

Benaroya Hall - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

McCaw Hall - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Millions were spent building those structures in the past 15 years, and they are some of the biggest box-office music venues in the city. And people become newly exposed to this music all the time. It is relevant.
That's not an example of relevance though. Sure people come out for it but as a whole nationwide people wouldn't tolerate having to sit through a performance on say a national network.

Don't get me wrong. I do like classical music but I can see the irrelevance

Yeah we should probably agree to disagree we may just keep going back and forth on this one.
Fame, fortune, power, titties. People say these are the most crucial things in life, but you can have a pocket full o' gold and it doesn't mean sh*t if you don't have someone to share that gold with. Seems simple. Yet it's an important lesson to learn. Even lone wolves run in packs sometimes.

Originally Posted by RoxyRollah View Post
IMO I don't know jack-**** though so don't listen to me.
Originally Posted by Franco Pepe Kalle View Post
The problem is that most police officers in America are psychopaths.
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You're a terrible dictionary.
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Old 08-19-2013, 04:29 PM   #14 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by djchameleon View Post
That's not an example of relevance though. Sure people come out for it but as a whole nationwide people wouldn't tolerate having to sit through a performance on say a national network.

Don't get me wrong. I do like classical music but I can see the irrelevance

Yeah we should probably agree to disagree we may just keep going back and forth on this one.
Bolded part is wrong. Check out the revenues of symphony orchestras nationwide (let alone worldwide).

If you mean that the majority of people don't actively listen to classical music then you're right, but you could say the same thing for any artist of any genre.
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Old 08-19-2013, 04:30 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Engine View Post
If you mean that the majority of people don't actively listen to classical music then you're right, but you could say the same thing for any artist of any genre.
Not true. Top 40 radio makes sure that people are actively listening to certain genres and it's nationwide.
Fame, fortune, power, titties. People say these are the most crucial things in life, but you can have a pocket full o' gold and it doesn't mean sh*t if you don't have someone to share that gold with. Seems simple. Yet it's an important lesson to learn. Even lone wolves run in packs sometimes.

Originally Posted by RoxyRollah View Post
IMO I don't know jack-**** though so don't listen to me.
Originally Posted by Franco Pepe Kalle View Post
The problem is that most police officers in America are psychopaths.
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You're a terrible dictionary.
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Old 08-19-2013, 04:32 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by djchameleon View Post
Not true. Top 40 radio makes sure that people are actively listening to certain genres and it's nationwide.
Are Top 40 listeners actually in the majority?

edit: This article says no and explains why:
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Old 08-19-2013, 04:37 PM   #17 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Engine View Post
Are Top 40 listeners actually in the majority?

edit: This article says no and explains why:

Playlist Research - How many people listen to top 40?
I can pull up billboard sales if you want to get technical and show that there aren't any classical releases in the top 10.

So top 40 listeners being in the majority doesn't matter their genres is what I was getting at are being played IN THE MAJORITY.
Fame, fortune, power, titties. People say these are the most crucial things in life, but you can have a pocket full o' gold and it doesn't mean sh*t if you don't have someone to share that gold with. Seems simple. Yet it's an important lesson to learn. Even lone wolves run in packs sometimes.

Originally Posted by RoxyRollah View Post
IMO I don't know jack-**** though so don't listen to me.
Originally Posted by Franco Pepe Kalle View Post
The problem is that most police officers in America are psychopaths.
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You're a terrible dictionary.
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Old 08-19-2013, 04:42 PM   #18 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by djchameleon View Post
I can pull up billboard sales if you want to get technical and show that there aren't any classical releases in the top 10.

So top 40 listeners being in the majority doesn't matter their genres is what I was getting at are being played IN THE MAJORITY.
Okay, but I think saying that what is played on top 40 radio stations = what is most relevant is a huge stretch. This logic implies (in regards to the point of the thread) that all music, such as classical, that is not played on Top 40 radio stations is irrelevant. That's faulty logic.
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Old 08-19-2013, 04:44 PM   #19 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Engine View Post
Okay, but I think saying that what is played on top 40 radio stations = what is most relevant is a huge stretch. This logic implies (in regards to the point of the thread) that all music, such as classical, that is not played on Top 40 radio stations is irrelevant. That's faulty logic.
Not that it is most relevant but it's what is being played by the majority of the people that listen to music.
Fame, fortune, power, titties. People say these are the most crucial things in life, but you can have a pocket full o' gold and it doesn't mean sh*t if you don't have someone to share that gold with. Seems simple. Yet it's an important lesson to learn. Even lone wolves run in packs sometimes.

Originally Posted by RoxyRollah View Post
IMO I don't know jack-**** though so don't listen to me.
Originally Posted by Franco Pepe Kalle View Post
The problem is that most police officers in America are psychopaths.
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You're a terrible dictionary.
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Old 08-19-2013, 04:50 PM   #20 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by djchameleon View Post
Just because it is the foundation of all music we listen to today doesn't make it relevant. That's just like saying Latin is relevant today which is it not. It's a dead language that people like to still learn but it has no practical use today.
That certainly depends on how you choose to look at it, doesn't it? What constitutes a practical use? Philology is quite a useful pastime. You take a word like "electricity" which is derived from the Greek "elecktor" which means "gleaming" or "the beaming sun." That gave birth to the word "electron" which means "amber" because amber, as we know, becomes attractive if we rub it. It's strange because we have appropriated the Greek word for the particles that orbit the nucleus and those are the particles responsible for why amber becomes attractive when we rub it because it strips off electrons giving it a positive charge making it want to grab electrons. So when we put certain objects next to this charged amber, they stick to it electrically because the amber is grabbing their electrons in an effort to neutralize its own charge.

We can deduce a few things from this:

§ We relate electricity with amber. Seems obvious now but it might not have been obvious to you a few seconds ago if you only just learned that the two words mean the same thing.

§ English scholars bygone centuries knew Greek. This is important because we then have to ask what the connection is and how it developed.

§ The Greeks did not have electricity. The reason we know the Greeks did not have electricity was because if they did, we would have used their word for it rather than using their word for "amber."

Another thing that's strange is that Amber is a girl's name just as we have the Amber Alert in the States. It was named after a missing girl whose name was Amber Hagerman. In Greek, Elektra is a female name. You may remember her as the sister of Orestes. Her name was also Amber. Why the word is related to femininity I am not sure of. Perhaps because of the attractive force of amber is like the attractive power women have over men. Others say because amber was used as jewelry and so acquired a female quality. But then again, ladies wear jewelry to be more attractive to men. We even call that kind of attraction "electric" or "magnetic."

That brings up another point: Our knowledge of electricity either invented new words in our vocabulary or modified old ones to be used in new ways. As examples, such words as battery, broadcast, conductor, current, force, magnet, potential, tension, terminal, wire, etc. have all acquired new meanings or never existed before the harnessing of electricity. For example, if someone claims to have found a hitherto unknown letter written by Shakespeare and it mentions high tension existing between himself and another playwright, we would know the letter is a forgery written centuries after Shakespeare's life. In fact, we could pinpoint the date of the letter to be no earlier than the late 19th century. How? Because the term "high tension" came from our experiments with electricity and was originally used to describe the state of the space between two electrically charged bodies, i.e. the field. Only later was it used metaphorically to describe a type of human relation or interaction.

So there are no dead languages. When you break them open, the evolution of our consciousness comes spilling out. Is that a practical use? I think so.

"Doing what little one can to increase the general stock of knowledge is as respectable an object of life, as one can in any likelihood pursue." ---Charles Darwin

Not knowing or listening to classical music is like not knowing what your ancestry is, where you came from, what is your ethnicity--in short, who you actually are.

It doesn't have to be pinned down to whether the person listens to it or not though. Classical music doesn't have a big presence where people that don't listen to that type of music still hear it. Only once in a blue moon compared to other genres.
The problem is the young. That's where the music market is. If the young don't listen to classical then it will have a hard time surviving. I see classical CDs marketed all kinds of ways. I found one in the kitchen at work called "Mozart for Your Morning Coffee." They had to find a way to put Mozart's music out there in a way that makes it seem relevant to a younger person's life--listening to Mozart just long enough to sit down and have your morning coffee. Even so, someone left it in the kitchen as a freebie and guess who snapped it up? Classical is fading just as cursive writing is fading. The young see no practical use for it.
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