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Random music. Blog Tools
Creation Date: 03-25-2010 11:33 PM
SBWNik SBWNik is offline
Music Addict
A music journalist learning as he goes, a frustrated writer, and a man of opinions... Bear with me, I'll be upsetting you too.
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 7
Comments: 31
Views: 12,739

In Angry Bloody radio stations... Entry Tools
  #7 New 04-04-2010 08:10 PM
I have a beef. Its a fairly major one, and possibly confined to the UK music scene, maybe not. I'm not sure on this one.
As I've stated elsewhere, I'm a collector of obscure bands who play unfashionable or outmoded genres of music. Some of it is old stuff, some of it is new, but to my ears and tastes its all good stuff.
Unfortunately I'm doomed to spend a large part of my life listening to popular music radio stations, and you know what that means.... 24 hours of the same ****e no matter wh ...More Read More
Views: 4060 | Comments: 22
In Music S. Cropper & F. Cavaleire - Nudge It Up.. Entry Tools
  #6 New 03-27-2010 08:11 PM
S. Cropper & F. Cavaleire - Nudge It Up.. The full title is 'Nudge It Up A Notch' but space restrictions cut that back!

Some people are legends because of acclamation by the press and others are praised to the heavens by fellow musicians, but the mark of a true legend in my mind is one who has been raised to that point by connoisseurs of their musical genre.
Steve Cropper is one of the last kind, known for his work with Otis Redding, Aretha Franklin, Wilson Pickett and Booker T & The M.G.s backing Country legend Jimmy Buffett, rock ...More Read More
Views: 804 | Comments: 1
In Music Rancid - Let The Dominoes Fall Entry Tools
  #5 New 03-27-2010 08:07 PM
Rancid - Let The Dominoes Fall Los Angeles finest return with their first album in six years. Carrying on in the musical direction of “....And out Come The Wolves”, their trademark blend of Clash tinged punk and ska rhythms, fused with hints of psychobilly, rock and even country, this album is a reminder of how good Rancid really are.
There are the out and out punk tracks in “East Bay Night”, “This Place”, “Disconnected” and “Damnation”, skinhead friendly tracks such as “Liberty and Freedom” and “U ...More Read More
Views: 575
In Music 360 - Crazy Lady Entry Tools
  #4 New 03-27-2010 08:01 PM
Coming out of Birmingham after a few years gigging and building up a regular fan base, 360 last year played all four nights of Glastonbury festival after impressing the Eavis family at a local gig.
If the evidence on this two track download gives but a taste of what they’re like live then they are possibly going to be the most important ska band to come out of the midlands in the last 30 years.
“Crazy Lady” has a feel of bands such as The Ordinary Boys about it with its ska infused ind ...More Read More
Views: 728 | Comments: 1
In Happy Cheat..... Entry Tools
  #3 New 03-27-2010 07:56 PM
OK, I know this was meant to be all about new stuff that I get, written as I get it, but after a little thought, and the need to fill this thing out so that it looks like I'm serious, I've decided to chuck a few reviews up that I've previously had published in the hallowed pages (I have to say that, it's in my contract) of Scootering Magazine.
These are the unedited versions which simply means that I've not had a professional (Hi Mr Editor) look over them to see where my spelling is ****, or ...More Read More
Views: 437
In Music Thatchers Bush - Live At The White Rooms Entry Tools
  #2 New 03-26-2010 10:39 PM
Thatchers Bush - Live At The White Rooms Out of Darlington and York come Thatchers Bush. Somewhere in the musical territory inhabited by Back To The Planet, The Clash and Spanner, they have dubby influences rubbing up against their obvious interest in punk. This isn't to put them up as yet another skapunk copyist group, their style isn't that hackneyed. True, they're not overly original either, and the production is perhaps not as sharp as it could be, but when an 8 track album costs you as little as £3, then perhaps you can forgive ...More Read More
Views: 543 | Comments: 2 | Post Comment
In Happy So whats it all about, Nik? Entry Tools
  #1 New 03-26-2010 10:28 PM
I'm in a lucky postition. Not only do I like forms of music that isn't hugely popular, meaning that my regular trawls of eBay net me a lot of very cheap music, but I get sent freebies on a regular basis due to my part time job. A lot of it is - to be fair - crap, but by far the majority is of a good to excellent standard. Which leads me to one of the two aims of this blog...
What I intend to do here is to review EVERY new aquisition I have. Good, bad or truly bloody awful, they'll all be here ...More Read More
Views: 798 | Comments: 5

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