When I listen to it I can't help but get the feeling that it is dissonance for dissonance's sake. Rather like a child showing off with what he can get away with. From a total point of view I don't think there is any flow to the album, it is a series of ditties, like 1950s beatnik poetry. The music does not expand, it doesn't have a structure that allows the listener to be caught up in the journey (at least not this listener).
It also lacks any essence of humour. If you take FZ's other projects at this time the one thing that links them is the 'joy' of the music. GTOs, Alice Cooper, and Wild Man make me smile. Normally, CB can have that effect, but not in this case. Interesting that it bombed in the US on release, but scored minor success in the UK - mainly on the back of John Peel's enthusiastic support. I often wondered how much JP was taking the piss with the records he supported. I mean, Tyrannosaurus Rex? I ask you.