I will quote my BFF (who was tragically lost in December of 2009), this was his reaction when I gifted him a copy of "Songs For Swinging Larvae"
Originally Posted by My dearly departed BFF
If The Residents suddenly decided that their entire back catalog had been a weak experiment in cloning 1910 Fruitgum Company outtakes and it was time to record something REALLY weird, then got hired by David Lynch to provide the score to a sequel to Eraserhead filmed from inside Raoul Duke's kit bag, it would STILL sound like Jewel on Prozac next to Renaldo & The Loaf. Come to think of it, this sounds like the stuff I used to do on my four-track ten years ago. I'd forgotten just how beautifully annoying a ring modulator could be. Boom boom crash crash, motherf*cker. Metal Machine Music? That's goddamn folk music, you puss.
In other words, buy one now.
I just noticed the date of the OP. That was a few mere days after my friend was lost.