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Old 08-08-2009, 06:39 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Trollll?!?!

perhaps, but I must say that I pointed out an evident truth in the reality of music. "Contemporary music" and i am referring to contemporary music only, so please try and disregard it as an individual. It will be hard... I know. Your music... = ) well it is not much huh. Much more than a stain on our world, no so much more than that, your music instills the genocide desperately needed in those worlds. I mean, of course, the genocide of that frame in culture. You know I look at the world, and all the people in it. How many look down on another, how many look at another and spit in their face, how many like to place themselves on high because they made money as part of the corporate systems PUPPET. You did not earn anything, you earned a badge for taking a crap on our world. What an honorable badge all of you wear... what a meaningful reality you all live in. When you look at people and are placed on high, do you even know that your killing your realities by perpetuating its hatred of the other and the world. I guess you like that huh! When your beautiful and powerful music plays on the people's minds and makes them hate more and love each other less. Yet, you rake in your money, and suck on America's breast till your dead in the ground. When you look at those who admire you, and place yourself at odds with everyone else you're more than part of a problem you become something worse... you are a horror in that world. How do they look at you huh! How do they make you feel.

I am the advancement of culture, most of you are not.

I will never make money off of my music, and i am ****ING glad... I would rather die in poverty than get paid for bull****.

Oh and by the way ****!!!!! ROCK and ROLL...... you pieces of ****.

Yeah think on that.... and you know what BAN ME I WOULD LOVE FOR YOU TO DO IT............ **** you, if you do not want to learn HOW TO PLAY A GOD DAMN piece of music you pieces of pathetic ****.........

**** YOU @ your attempts to ever say those (**** YOU) words to the world........ I have more ****ing right than anyone on this GOD DAMN planet

Your souls are mine
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Old 08-08-2009, 06:45 PM   #2 (permalink)
The Sexual Intellectual
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Have a week off to cool down.

Urb's RYM Stuff

Most people sell their soul to the devil, but the devil sells his soul to Nick Cave.
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