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Old 07-17-2022, 05:24 AM   #101 (permalink)
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Considering all the trouble I went to setting up the alternative forum, it might seem odd that I'm in the camp of remaining (MBExit: Remain or Leave? ) but I feel that a) the amount of people genuinely interested in changing now is low (probably a one-hand thing, no Batty I do NOT mean that!) b) while familiarity breeds contempt it's also true that absence makes the heart grow fonder, which just proves that most of the time I haven't got a damn clue what I'm talking about and c) I agree that any sort of militant stance is just going to get us shut down as the scientists realise to their chagrin that they left one of their forgotten, abandoned experiments running and now the little ants are dashing around as if they're trying, in their primitive way, to communicate somehow. Of course the scientists are going to try to interpret what the insects are saying, listen to their grievances and give them what they want.

Where's that Raid?
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Old 07-17-2022, 05:42 AM   #102 (permalink)
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I'm going to take a wild guess and surmise that Advameg isn't losing any money off MB. Otherwise, we'd be gone a long time ago. In the meantime, I don't think we need to have an exodus. Trollheart has already set up a backup if this site ever does go down. So, I guess for now, we just go into wait and see mode.
Originally Posted by Pet_Sounds View Post
But looking for quality interaction on MB is like trying to stay hydrated by drinking salt water.
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Old 07-17-2022, 07:13 AM   #103 (permalink)
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^ Agree about not making an exodus from here, for the reasons already stated by Marie, TH and rubber soul. It was my impression that TH created thecraic as an alternate place to go if this place goes down (although as mentioned I would be willing to donate if needed in the future and believe that donations should be voluntary).

Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
(probably a one-hand thing, no Batty I do NOT mean that!)
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Old 07-17-2022, 07:42 AM   #104 (permalink) to hear...
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Yes, ribbons: I agree with you agreeing with Marie, TH and rubber soul !

Originally Posted by Marie Monday View Post
Nah Charles is right, blackmail or protest will just remind advameg that they should have shut this place down a long time ago. I'm fine with having a backup option (although paying for an online forum seems a bit preposterous) but i think losing the members who check in occasionally is a serious problem with moving. As far as I'm concerned we just stay here until it dies and then we can move to another option if we want. We could even organise that from the discord when the time has come.
Originally Posted by rubber soul View Post
I'm going to take a wild guess and surmise that Advameg isn't losing any money off MB. Otherwise, we'd be gone a long time ago. In the meantime, I don't think we need to have an exodus. Trollheart has already set up a backup if this site ever does go down. So, I guess for now, we just go into wait and see mode.
Absolutely times two for the bits in bold. One huge advantage of the "wait and see" tactic is that, as TH has already been farsighted enough to give us an escape route in thecraic, we can all kick back and carry on as previously. Thanks, TH.
"Am I enjoying this moment? I know of it and perhaps that is enough." - Sybille Bedford, 1953
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Old 07-17-2022, 08:14 AM   #105 (permalink)
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That's fair and not unexpected as it's not the first time it's been brought up.

I've kinda thought of MB as a sinking ship, albeit one that sinks extremely slowly.

I've wanted for MB to perhaps expand outside the confines of this forum and/or to have more going-ons like compilations, maybe competitions, meet-ups, etc. Things that create engagement and togetherness. But it's not exactly a great place for that kind of thing, even less now that I do most of my MBing from my phone. I find the lack of mobile screen optimization a little frustrating.

Judging by this current round of responses, I may be speaking only for myself, but the current state of affairs makes me less motivated to spend time, invest / engage with MB. I believe the site, on average over time, turns people away more than it turns people on. I think not doing anything is letting it die, like Marie says. If I was to spend my time trying to improve things on MB, well.. the current environment would work to kill any such motivation. You'd get no help from above and, of course, I find it a bit disappointing that there's not more ambition in general about this stuff in the community.

I might try a new appeal to the current owners myself about upgrading vbulletin at least. Maybe the new Yac can be reasoned with?


Originally Posted by Lisnaholic View Post
Absolutely times two for the bits in bold. One huge advantage of the "wait and see" tactic is that, as TH has already been farsighted enough to give us an escape route in thecraic, we can all kick back and carry on as previously. Thanks, TH.
I understand, but when the time comes to move to The Craic, who will be left? It'll be the forgotten, dying refuge of a forgotten and dying community.
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Old 07-17-2022, 08:52 AM   #106 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Guybrush View Post
Judging by this current round of responses, I may be speaking only for myself, but the current state of affairs makes me less motivated to spend time, invest / engage with MB.
This makes me sad. You have an incredibly rich history with MB and have always done a brilliant job of imparting wisdom, knowledge, humor, kindness, time and energy to this place. You are one of my very favorite posters, Tore - and I for one appreciate you tremendously!
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Old 07-17-2022, 09:04 AM   #107 (permalink)
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Yeah, I would say just enjoy MB while you still can. Who knows what lies in the future but for now, we're still here.
Originally Posted by Pet_Sounds View Post
But looking for quality interaction on MB is like trying to stay hydrated by drinking salt water.
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Old 07-17-2022, 09:16 AM   #108 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Guybrush View Post
That's fair and not unexpected as it's not the first time it's been brought up.

I've kinda thought of MB as a sinking ship, albeit one that sinks extremely slowly.

I've wanted for MB to perhaps expand outside the confines of this forum and/or to have more going-ons like compilations, maybe competitions, meet-ups, etc. Things that create engagement and togetherness. But it's not exactly a great place for that kind of thing, even less now that I do most of my MBing from my phone. I find the lack of mobile screen optimization a little frustrating.

Judging by this current round of responses, I may be speaking only for myself, but the current state of affairs makes me less motivated to spend time, invest / engage with MB. I believe the site, on average over time, turns people away more than it turns people on. I think not doing anything is letting it die, like Marie says. If I was to spend my time trying to improve things on MB, well.. the current environment would work to kill any such motivation. You'd get no help from above and, of course, I find it a bit disappointing that there's not more ambition in general about this stuff in the community.

I might try a new appeal to the current owners myself about upgrading vbulletin at least. Maybe the new Yac can be reasoned with?


I understand, but when the time comes to move to The Craic, who will be left? It'll be the forgotten, dying refuge of a forgotten and dying community.
Note to self: create new sub-forum on TheCraic called "Dying refuge for forgotten and dying community." And bring in fumigators.
Originally Posted by ribbons View Post
This makes me sad. You have an incredibly rich history with MB and have always done a brilliant job of imparting wisdom, knowledge, humor, kindness, time and energy to this place. You are one of my very favorite posters, Tore - and I for one appreciate you tremendously!
X 2

I know the re-confirmation of a lack of interest in moving is disheartening, Guybrush, but to some extent you maybe need to look more at the symptom than the disease. In other words, give most of us all the bells, whistles and shiny things we could ever want, we'll still sit there and grump "someone entertain me. I'm bored. What? Do it myself? You jest, sir!"

Maybe the best thing is to try to get people more interested FREE BEER!* in what we have and try to FREE BEER!** work out why this place can be so FREE BEER!*** dead a lot of the time. I do all I can as you know FREE BEER!**** to engender interest but like everything else, if folks don't wanna they won't. No matter how nice the place is.

* There is no free beer
** No, that's a typo
*** What do you mean, how can you misspell free beer?
**** No, I think it's easy to confuse beer and knuckle sandwich.
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Old 07-17-2022, 09:31 AM   #109 (permalink)
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Just my additional 2¢: What has been slowly killing MB over a very long period of time in my opinion is not the lack of special features (although those would be nice) but an ongoing mean-spiritedness between posters and toward newcomers (actually not nearly as bad now as it used to be, but it's there and it goes unchecked). It's been cancerous to this forum and over time has caused its decline.
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Old 07-17-2022, 10:22 AM   #110 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ribbons View Post
Just my additional 2¢: What has been slowly killing MB over a very long period of time in my opinion is not the lack of special features (although those would be nice) but an ongoing mean-spiritedness between posters and toward newcomers (actually not nearly as bad now as it used to be, but it's there and it goes unchecked). It's been cancerous to this forum and over time has caused its decline.
I get what you're saying and perhaps there's some truth to it, but to me that characteristic of the 'banter' here is part of what makes

I think people here certainly have different ideas of where lines should be drawn, but I've seen the mods step in many times when lines are crossed (Hawk, Anteater, any times slurs are used, etc). I wouldn't want a MusicBanter where jwb and Batty aren't calling each other "bitch" in their replies to each other. Or where passive aggressive remarks aren't made to newcomers who spam dumb threads in the wrong sub-forum. It wouldn't be the same. And like you said, I think the level of 'mean-spiritedness' is much less now than it was in 2010.

Forums like this are mostly a dying breed. The way people communicate on the internet about this stuff has been siloed alot by social media alternatives that we simply can't compete with in terms of popularity (Reddit, Twitter, etc). There are some forums that have proven to be hold-outs, but most of them have had a history that predates these social media alternatives and many focus on a niche interest. More niche than just music discussion, I suppose.
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