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MicShazam 07-31-2018 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1982357)
Knowing what other people find valuable about the group and that your gripes aren't really the focus of the music can certainly help though.

I suppose that's true. I will try to take that into account going forward.

But my difficulties with progressive rock run many years back. Complex compositions, amazing musicianship, intellectually challenging compositions, perhaps even a dash of originality: Sounds good, but I'm usually not feeling the power of the music at that deep level.

There's still a million groups I've never really delved into, so...

Frownland 07-31-2018 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1982361)
The annoying thing about you (well, one of the many thousands of annoying things about you) is that you give people all this **** for not "getting" certain music but refuse point-blank to afford them the same courtesy. Case in point: my Prefab Sprout album in the Album Club, which you dismissed after I think two tracks with the pithy comment "I don't need these white boy blues" or some other ignorant comment. So how are you any better than Mic, or me, or anyone else who doesn't give the music you think is important the chance you believe it deserves? Pot/kettle and all that.

That's because I don't take the club too seriously. Do you have any other examples?

The Batlord 07-31-2018 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1982361)
Yeah I figured as much. My fame has not (yet) spread far enough for a meme to be circulating about me. :( That's when you know you've really arrived.


Trollheart 07-31-2018 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1982364)
That's because I don't take the club too seriously. Do you have any other examples?

You don't? And yet you gave me unbelievable **** about a few of your albums because I didn't bow down and suck your dick. As for examples? Choose any band or artist I'm into, any one at all will do. Now tell me what you think about my being into that artist. You're always the same. My taste sucks, yours rules. Yes you can sig that if it makes you feel better.

Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1982365)

That's clearly not you. You've always gone to great lengths to inform us that you are THE Batlord. That's just about A Batlord. Sorry. Nice try. :finger:

Plankton 07-31-2018 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1982359)
People who spend more than 30 seconds creating a meme also complain about controllers with more than two buttons.


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1982361)
Sorry, I thought we were just throwing out random words, a la Python. Tabernacle's inside a church, no?

Not really.


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1982365)

Step off:

Frownland 07-31-2018 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1982370)
You don't? And yet you gave me unbelievable **** about a few of your albums because I didn't bow down and suck your dick. As for examples? Choose any band or artist I'm into, any one at all will do. Now tell me what you think about my being into that artist. You're always the same. My taste sucks, yours rules. Yes you can sig that if it makes you feel better.

Check out the thread that you're referring to and you'll see that I actually tried to get your perspective on the record to better understand it instead of just shouting "NO IDONLIKEIT". That's the difference. I'm not so self-absorbed to think that I couldn't miss something about an album like you are whenever I try to provide my perspective on a record to you. Now go take your victim complex and shove it.

Key 07-31-2018 09:59 AM

Tbf Frown, you have a tendency to pounce on people. The classical music thing for instance. Literally nobody else was on your side and yet you continued to make a point that nobody understood. So yeah, you tend to be vicious when you wanna be. You just hate it when it's thrown back.

The Batlord 07-31-2018 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1982370)
That's clearly not you. You've always gone to great lengths to inform us that you are THE Batlord. That's just about A Batlord. Sorry. Nice try. :finger:

Yes because I made the meme.


Originally Posted by Plankton (Post 1982374)

Go jump in a lake.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 07-31-2018 10:02 AM

i mean we all know frown is a douchenozzle but he takes it as well as he dishes it. i've never seen him get very worked up or offended.

Frownland 07-31-2018 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by Kiiii (Post 1982377)
Tbf Frown, you have a tendency to pounce on people. The classical music thing for instance. Literally nobody else was on your side and yet you continued to make a point that nobody understood. So yeah, you tend to be vicious when you wanna be. You just hate it when it's thrown back.

I will call out stupid points no matter how unpopular that is. I'd appreciate that to be reciprocated tbh, nobody wants to be an idiot.

Trollheart 07-31-2018 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by Plankton (Post 1982374)

Okay well I was always told the tabernacle was that little box in which they kept the Host, where the priest goes to get it at Holy Communion. I see I was lied to. :( Imagine that! The Catholic Church, lying to me! :yikes:

Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1982375)
Check out the thread that you're referring to and you'll see that I actually tried to get your perspective on the record to better understand it instead of just shouting "NO IDONLIKEIT". That's the difference. I'm not so self-absorbed to think that I couldn't miss something about an album like you are whenever I try to provide my perspective on a record to you. Now go take your victim complex and shove it.

Revisionist. You never accept any criticism of your music; it's always my fault that I don't get it. Even on the very odd times that I do actually like it, you say nothing. Anyway we've danced this dance before and my feet are tired. Just try leaving people alone to like what they like and stop trying to make the music you like take over the world, huh? We'll all be a lot happier. I don't give you **** for what you listen to; listen to what you want. I don't give a single **** what you think about my music, I just see you're projecting the same arrogance onto what MicShaz likes, and it's typical of you. It's not surprising you get up so many people's noses.

Oh and I have never, despite your desperation for me to have done so, shouted NO I DON'T LIKE IT! I always give a reason WHY I don't like it and I always accept that others may do, it's just not for me. If that's not enough for you, and I know it isn't, go climb a tree. Your oversimplification of my reactions to albums/genres/artists is pretty annoying to be perfectly honest, and entirely untrue and completely biased.

The Batlord 07-31-2018 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by Ol’ Qwerty Bastard (Post 1982379)
i mean we all know frown is a douchenozzle but he takes it as well as he dishes it. i've never seen him get very worked up or offended.

He gets pretty pissed when you say things aren't music that he thinks are music with enough derision. I actually got under his skin pretty good with one of those conversations (he used "obnoxium" to describe my posts) and if Chula weren't hopeless at capitalizing on successful trolling he'd have wound him up pretty good on any number of occasions.

Frownland 07-31-2018 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1982383)
Revisionist. You never accept any criticism of your music; it's always my fault that I don't get it.

Yes, because it's music that's outside of your comfort zone that you're not familiar with. You 100% don't get it.


Even on the very odd times that I do actually like it, you say nothing.
Here's a cookie for liking my music that one time.


Anyway we've danced this dance before and my feet are tired. Just try leaving people alone to like what they like and stop trying to make the music you like take over the world, huh? We'll all be a lot happier. I don't give you **** for what you listen to; listen to what you want. I don't give a single **** what you think about my music, I just see you're projecting the same arrogance onto what MicShaz likes, and it's typical of you. It's not surprising you get up so many people's noses.
tl;dr don't discuss music on a music discussion forum. Sorry for having the nerve to disagree with you, TH.


Oh and I have never, despite your desperation for me to have done so, shouted NO I DON'T LIKE IT! I always give a reason WHY I don't like it and I always accept that others may do, it's just not for me. If that's not enough for you, and I know it isn't, go climb a tree. Your oversimplification of my reactions to albums/genres/artists is pretty annoying to be perfectly honest, and entirely untrue and completely biased.
No you absolutely dig your heels in whenever I suggest that you're missing something about an album and demand that there is no possible way that you can be wrong. But sure, you like some albums sometimes, I'm sorry for not mentioning that too. Here's a cookie.

The Batlord 07-31-2018 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1982383)
Revisionist. You never accept any criticism of your music; it's always my fault that I don't get it.

You do realize he's being ironic with all that braggadocio don't you?

Lisnaholic 07-31-2018 10:47 AM

I'm sad to see an increase in personal sniping recently on MB. Mods seem pretty slack about handing out warnings these days, so I think we might all benefit if we were to remember the rules when we post:-


General Rules:
• While debating and discussion is fine, we will not tolerate rudeness, insulting posts, personal attacks, trolling, purposeless inflammatory posts or members deliberately provoking another member into committing any of these acts.
What I notice is that it states clearly that we shouldn't be rude, insulting or make personal attacks.

Even though there is a general concensus irl that it is preferable to be open-minded, or un-biased or non-racist, none of those are MB requirements. What I'm saying is that even if you are reading the posts of someone you consider to be a bland, bigotted, close-minded racist who fails to get every joke and has lousy taste in music, that's still not a justification for breaking the rule about rude, insulting personal attacks.

My advice is to be tolerant; if you don't like a guy's politics or approach to music, don't fire off a personal insult. Instead, take a break, go to another thread and leave him be.

The Batlord 07-31-2018 10:49 AM

If I can't be rude then **** this site.

Frownland 07-31-2018 10:50 AM

I've actually noticed a dramatic decline in personal insults.

Key 07-31-2018 10:50 AM

Urban built this place on rudeness and snarky remarks. If we stop that, we'd be doing a disservice to Urban, and I will not be a part of that.

WWWP 07-31-2018 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by Kiiii (Post 1982415)
Urban built this place on rudeness and snarky remarks. If we stop that, we'd be doing a disservice to Urban, and I will not be a part of that.

Yes, we must not tarnish Urban's legacy of snark and creeping on underage girls

Key 07-31-2018 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by wolverinewolfweiselpigeon (Post 1982420)
Yes, we must not tarnish Urban's legacy of snark and creeping on underage girls

Chula has that covered.

The Batlord 07-31-2018 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by wolverinewolfweiselpigeon (Post 1982420)
Yes, we must not tarnish Urban's legacy of snark and creeping on underage girls

This is why I don't hit on you except ironically.

Key 07-31-2018 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1982430)
This is why I don't hit on you except ironically.

And now I'm the ******* for being ignorant on what she actually meant. Woops.

Sorry WWWP.

The Batlord 07-31-2018 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by Kiiii (Post 1982432)
And now I'm the ******* for being ignorant on what she actually meant. Woops.

Sorry WWWP.

I think you got what she meant, maybe you're just not getting what I meant?

WWWP 07-31-2018 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1982430)
This is why I don't hit on you except ironically.


Key 07-31-2018 11:11 AM

Hard to tell now.

The Batlord 07-31-2018 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by wolverinewolfweiselpigeon (Post 1982436)

Then maybe send me actual nudes and not trolling bull****.

Lisnaholic 07-31-2018 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1982411)
If I can't be rude then **** this site.

^ Unfortunately the rules don't distinguish between the rude that's ok really and the rude that's an offensive personal attack. Please don't ask me what the difference is: I'm sure there is one, but I couldn't explain it.


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1982413)
I've actually noticed a dramatic decline in personal insults.

^ I think there was a significant decline when Exo opened this thread, but with the rubber soul debate and today's posts here, there's been a sharp but hopefully brief uptick again.


Originally Posted by Kiiii (Post 1982415)
Urban built this place on rudeness and snarky remarks. If we stop that, we'd be doing a disservice to Urban, and I will not be a part of that.

^ That's amusing Kiii, though I'm more inclined to say that tore built this place on courtesy and mutual respect....

Key 07-31-2018 11:19 AM

I don't think anybody but rs has been actually offended in here. On the topic of rudeness. It comes with the territory when you "hangout" with the same people day after day. You want to make things interesting and I've always found jabs at other people (though I know sometimes it gets personal) is sort of a refreshing and natural appeal to the place. But at the same time, some people aren't in on it and we can be accommodating but at the end of the day, if I can't call Batlord a ****** whenever I want, there's something wrong.

Frownland 07-31-2018 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by Lisnaholic (Post 1982439)
^ I think there was a significant decline when Exo opened this thread, but with the rubber soul debate and today's posts here, there's been a sharp but hopefully brief uptick again.

And even with the very tame supposed uptick, we're still not seeing it very often.

WWWP 07-31-2018 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1982438)
Then maybe send me actual nudes and not trolling bull****.

you first

Key 07-31-2018 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by wolverinewolfweiselpigeon (Post 1982442)
you first

I have his if you want em.

The Batlord 07-31-2018 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by Kiiii (Post 1982440)
I don't think anybody but rs has been actually offended in here. On the topic of rudeness. It comes with the territory when you "hangout" with the same people day after day. You want to make things interesting and I've always found jabs at other people (though I know sometimes it gets personal) is sort of a refreshing and natural appeal to the place. But at the same time, some people aren't in on it and we can be accommodating but at the end of the day, if I can't call Batlord a ****** whenever I want, there's something wrong.

And if I can't point out Key's IRL stupidity then that's half the reason I'm here gone.

Key 07-31-2018 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1982444)
And if I can't point out Key's IRL stupidity then that's half the reason I'm here gone.


The Batlord 07-31-2018 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by wolverinewolfweiselpigeon (Post 1982442)
you first

If I had a camera phone then don't think I couldn't get drunk enough to take you up on that and expect you to reciprocate before reporting me to the mods.

Lisnaholic 07-31-2018 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by Kiiii (Post 1982440)
You want to make things interesting and I've always found jabs at other people (though I know sometimes it gets personal) is sort of a refreshing and natural appeal to the place. But at the same time, some people aren't in on it and we can be accommodating but at the end of the day, if I can't call Batlord a ****** whenever I want, there's something wrong.


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1982444)
And if I can't point out Key's IRL stupidity then that's half the reason I'm here gone.

^ HaHa! Yeah, I don't want to spoil the fun either.


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1982441)
And even with the very tame supposed uptick, we're still not seeing it very often.

^ If this is true then I'm happy.


Originally Posted by Kiiii (Post 1982440)
...But at the same time, some people aren't in on it and we can be accommodating ....

^ This sounds like a really good approach. If someone's ok with you being rude, go right ahead, if they're not, it's time to stop. It's like those role-playing sex games where you can use your pre-arranged safe word when things get too wild. Perhaps MB should start a Safe Word Register....

Cuthbert 07-31-2018 11:45 AM

I apologise for calling Charles a tart earlier.

The Batlord 07-31-2018 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by Fluff (Post 1982448)
I apologise for calling Charles a tart earlier.

**** off, Hitler.

Key 07-31-2018 11:48 AM

First time I've ever seen Lisna relate MB to a sex game. We've reached a new level.

Cuthbert 07-31-2018 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1982449)
**** off, Hitler.

Ladolf actually. I'll settle for Monkssolini.

Lisnaholic 07-31-2018 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by Kiiii (Post 1982450)
First time I've ever seen Lisna relate MB to a sex game. We've reached a new level.

^ Now I just feel dirty and used :o:

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