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Neapolitan 07-26-2018 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1980405)
You're nowhere near sexy enough to pull it off.

You could benefit from a longer name like:
Chuladon Ledzeppelinus Vistasaurus.

Chula Vista 07-26-2018 12:55 AM


Originally Posted by Neapolitan (Post 1980423)
You could benefit from a longer name like:
Chuladon Ledzeppelinus Vistasaurus.

Can one of you big shots make this happen?

OccultHawk 07-28-2018 03:58 AM

I’ve discovered something since I’ve pledged to be nicer

This place is kill or be killed

Cruelty is rewarded and kindness is punished

MicShazam 07-28-2018 06:39 AM

Nah. I don't agree at all.

Trollheart 07-28-2018 04:40 PM

I think you two should fight.

MicShazam 07-28-2018 04:58 PM

I choose scimitars!

DwnWthVwls 07-28-2018 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 1981239)
I’ve discovered something since I’ve pledged to be nicer

This place is kill or be killed

Cruelty is rewarded and kindness is punished

The only people punished are the people who react. Lisna never gets **** like TH. I feel like this place treats you almost entirely around the way you carry yourself.

MicShazam 07-28-2018 08:15 PM

If this place worked like that, I would have left long ago. I'm a person who shies away from conflict and prefers to be kind to others. When I'm rude to anyone in here, it's almost always as a joke.

If OH was right, I'd have been ground into a fine powder by this place long ago.

Could it be that OH is a ridiculously abrasive person and that what goes around comes around? Worth considering, I think.

Neapolitan 07-30-2018 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1981373)
If this place worked like that, I would have left long ago. I'm a person who shies away from conflict and prefers to be kind to others. When I'm rude to anyone in here, it's almost always as a joke.

If OH was right, I'd have been ground into a fine powder by this place long ago.

Could it be that OH is a ridiculously abrasive person and that what goes around comes around? Worth considering, I think.

I find you more rude than I find OccultHawk "ridiculously abrasive." Hawk have his opinions, like them or lump they are his opinions. I think that he is passionate. If he likes something, I notice he really likes something. And the flip side of the coin is that if he dislikes something then he shows the vehemence as when he does like something. That's how he is. If being annoying was an abrasion you would definitely be "ridiculously abrasive." You can be whiny, and petty and often show strange sense of humor.

I think of taste in music analogous to bit-coin, but in a more abstract way. Every positive opinion about good music is equivalent to mining a music-coin. Conversely any negative opinion about good music, and any positive about bad music is a deduction. I don't fault how OccultHawk behaves cause he has acculates vast quanties of music-coins by mining for them - in other words regardless how you fault him, I think he pays his dues around here. In my opinion he leads the forum in music-coins.
MicShazam is in debtor's prison. :jailed:

Frownland 07-30-2018 07:04 AM

Ban elph for bad taste in about 75% of things.

Chula Vista 07-30-2018 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by Neapolitan (Post 1981988)
I think of taste in music analogous to bit-coin, but in a more abstract way.

Relationships are similar. You gotta keep making small deposits to keep your account solidly solvent for those times when you really **** up and make a huge withdrawal.

OccultHawk 07-30-2018 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by Neapolitan (Post 1981988)
I find you more rude than I find OccultHawk "ridiculously abrasive." Hawk have his opinions, like them or lump they are his opinions. I think that he is passionate. If he likes something, I notice he really likes something. And the flip side of the coin is that if he dislikes something then he shows the vehemence as when he does like something. That's how he is. If being annoying was an abrasion you would definitely be "ridiculously abrasive." You can be whiny, and petty and often show strange sense of humor.

I think of taste in music analogous to bit-coin, but in a more abstract way. Every positive opinion about good music is equivalent to mining a music-coin. Conversely any negative opinion about good music, and any positive about bad music is a deduction. I don't fault how OccultHawk behaves cause he has acculates vast quanties of music-coins by mining for them - in other words regardless how you fault him, I think he pays his dues around here. In my opinion he leads the forum in music-coins.
MicShazam is in debtor's prison. :jailed:

Thank you. I mos def dig and appreciate your tastes and recs too

MicShazam 07-31-2018 06:47 AM


Originally Posted by Neapolitan (Post 1981988)
I find you more rude than I find OccultHawk "ridiculously abrasive." Hawk have his opinions, like them or lump they are his opinions. I think that he is passionate. If he likes something, I notice he really likes something. And the flip side of the coin is that if he dislikes something then he shows the vehemence as when he does like something. That's how he is. If being annoying was an abrasion you would definitely be "ridiculously abrasive." You can be whiny, and petty and often show strange sense of humor.

I think of taste in music analogous to bit-coin, but in a more abstract way. Every positive opinion about good music is equivalent to mining a music-coin. Conversely any negative opinion about good music, and any positive about bad music is a deduction. I don't fault how OccultHawk behaves cause he has acculates vast quanties of music-coins by mining for them - in other words regardless how you fault him, I think he pays his dues around here. In my opinion he leads the forum in music-coins.
MicShazam is in debtor's prison. :jailed:

You're literally the only person here who seems to nearly always think I'm serious when I'm just playing around. Like that thing in the album club thread where I said that those who had failed to review my album should "flog themselves until they bleed". How on Earth could anyone assume that wasn't a joke?!

But you took offense. And I don't understand.

PS: I ignored the part I colored. Just nonsense.

MicShazam 07-31-2018 06:48 AM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1981995)
ban Mic for bad tastes in everything

Thanks. I'm glad you at least think of me as someone who goes all the way.

Key 07-31-2018 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1982263)
You're literally the only person here who seems to nearly always think I'm serious when I'm just playing around. Like that thing in the album club thread where I said that those who had failed to review my album should "flog themselves until they bleed". How on Earth could anyone assume that wasn't a joke?!

But you took offense. And I don't understand.

PS: I ignored the part I colored. Just nonsense.

Nea takes everything seriously

The Batlord 07-31-2018 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1982264)
Thanks. I'm glad you at least think of me as someone who goes all the way.

All jokes aside I appreciate that you have an idiosyncratic music taste that you've developed and refined over years of dedicated music listening. I might not agree with a lot of what you say but I'd rather have someone like you than a pleb with all the "correct" opinions that they've adopted through osmosis.

YorkeDaddy 07-31-2018 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1982263)
You're literally the only person here who seems to nearly always think I'm serious when I'm just playing around. Like that thing in the album club thread where I said that those who had failed to review my album should "flog themselves until they bleed". How on Earth could anyone assume that wasn't a joke?!

But you took offense. And I don't understand.

PS: I ignored the part I colored. Just nonsense.

Basically if you display any personality whatsoever in your posts Nea will think you’re an *******

He’s the most bland, boring, humorless poster I’ve ever seen on any internet forum, and he wants everyone else to be the same way

Frownland 07-31-2018 09:03 AM

Anyone who doesn't recognize Neap's greatness is likely the humourless one tbh.

Key 07-31-2018 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by YorkeDaddy (Post 1982293)
Basically if you display any personality whatsoever in your posts Nea will think you’re an *******

He’s the most bland, boring, humorless poster I’ve ever seen on any internet forum, and he wants everyone else to be the same way

Key 07-31-2018 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1982294)
Anyone who doesn't recognize Neap's greatness is likely the humourless one tbh.

I've found very few things funny about him, but I'd say 98% of the time, Nea is literally the most unfunny person on this forum, and that includes you.

Frownland 07-31-2018 09:05 AM

Case in point.

Plankton 07-31-2018 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1982294)
Anyone who doesn't recognize Neap's greatness is likely the humourless one tbh.


MicShazam 07-31-2018 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1982274)
All jokes aside I appreciate that you have an idiosyncratic music taste that you've developed and refined over years of dedicated music listening. I might not agree with a lot of what you say but I'd rather have someone like you than a pleb with all the "correct" opinions that they've adopted through osmosis.

Everyone always frowns at me for liking cheesy things or not appreciating genre classics, but that's not even what I feel like I'm catching most **** for. It's more how everyone thinks that the non-corny things I like are just plain boring :(

I don't know if I'm being too picky, but I feel like I'm giving things lots of chances and extra chances. And just reacting honestly on things I'm checking out. I don't know if I should talk more about what I like. I don't like being seen as "that guy who hates everything".


Frownland 07-31-2018 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1982303)
Everyone always frowns at me for liking cheesy things or not appreciating genre classics, but that's not even what I feel like I'm catching most **** for. It's more how everyone thinks that the non-corny things I like are just plain boring :(

I don't know if I'm being too picky, but I feel like I'm giving things lots of chances and extra chances. And just reacting honestly on things I'm checking out. I don't know if I should talk more about what I like. I don't like being seen as "that guy who hates everything".


I frown at you for your silly expectations. If you want a specific sound, go listen to **** that already fits in there, don't use it as a rubric when discovering new music.

I also frown at you for bitching so often about being frowned at.

Plankton 07-31-2018 09:14 AM


MicShazam 07-31-2018 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1982309)
I frown at you for your silly expectations. If you want a specific sound, go listen to **** that already fits in there, don't use it as a rubric when discovering new music.

I also frown at you for bitching so often about being frowned at.

It's either that or ignoring 9/10 of your replies to me. You're not making this easy!

The Batlord 07-31-2018 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1982315)
It's either that or ignoring 9/10 of your replies to me. You're not making this easy!

I understand that you seem to have an OCD thing where the things that bug you really seem to bug you and you can't let them go, but you also seem unwilling to even try to counter this by keeping an open mind.

MicShazam 07-31-2018 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1982318)
I understand that you seem to have an OCD thing where the things that bug you really seem to bug you and you can't let them go, but you also seem unwilling to even try to counter this by keeping an open mind.

Maybe because Frownland's insistence that he knows what's going on in my mind better than I do annoys me so much that I'm just going to be stubborn about it out of spite.

Frownland 07-31-2018 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1982325)
Maybe because Frownland's insistence that he knows what's going on in my mind better than I do annoys me so much that I'm just going to be stubborn about it out of spite.

Most people aren't aware of their own biases.

Key 07-31-2018 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1982325)
Maybe because Frownland's insistence that he knows what's going on in my mind better than I do annoys me so much that I'm just going to be stubborn about it out of spite.

He tends to have that effect on you. Just try to ignore it and remember what you like and don't like. Don't let him stray you.

The Batlord 07-31-2018 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1982325)
Maybe because Frownland's insistence that he knows what's going on in my mind better than I do annoys me so much that I'm just going to be stubborn about it out of spite.

Trollheart 07-31-2018 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by Kiiii (Post 1982297)
I've found very few things funny about him, but I'd say 98% of the time, Nea is literally the most unfunny person on this forum, and that includes you.

x 2

Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1982300)
Case in point.

Why? Because he doesn't agree with you?

Originally Posted by Plankton (Post 1982302)


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1982303)
Everyone always frowns at me for liking cheesy things or not appreciating genre classics, but that's not even what I feel like I'm catching most **** for. It's more how everyone thinks that the non-corny things I like are just plain boring :(

I don't know if I'm being too picky, but I feel like I'm giving things lots of chances and extra chances. And just reacting honestly on things I'm checking out. I don't know if I should talk more about what I like. I don't like being seen as "that guy who hates everything".


This is how I was for a while. You try to "fit in" by listening to the music they all think you should be/kissing the musical arses they kiss, but in the end it's wasted effort because they won't accept you any more for even trying. They'll kick you for not trying, and they'll kick you for trying and not getting it. Sometimes they'll even kick you for trying and getting it. Just not worth it. Be yourself, man, and **** the lot of them if they don't like it. That's how I manage to survive here.

Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1982309)
I frown at you for your silly expectations. If you want a specific sound, go listen to **** that already fits in there, don't use it as a rubric when discovering new music.

I also frown at you for bitching so often about being frowned at.

Well you do live there so....

Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1982315)
It's either that or ignoring 9/10 of your replies to me. You're not making this easy!

He never does. Best to ignore him; he'll eventually get bored and wander away.

Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1982325)
Maybe because Frownland's insistence that he knows what's going on in my mind better than I do annoys me so much that I'm just going to be stubborn about it out of spite.

Me with Office Space. They just don't get it.

Originally Posted by Kiiii (Post 1982332)
He tends to have that effect on you. Just try to ignore it and remember what you like and don't like. Don't let him stray you.

x 2

Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1982333)

I'm gong to assume you edited that because otherwise
there's an internet meme with my name on it!

Frownland 07-31-2018 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1982348)
x 2

Why? Because he doesn't agree with you?

It is because Kiiii is generally humourless.

MicShazam 07-31-2018 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1982327)
Most people aren't aware of their own biases.

That's true, but I don't feel like I'm being unreasonable about, for example, progressive rock. I really am trying to just listen first, then save the reactions for later. If it isn't clicking, then I either need to return again some other time or to check out another band with a different sound. I don't think I can suddenly appreciate Yes just by thinking about their music differently, but maybe I'm wrong about that.


Originally Posted by Kiiii (Post 1982332)
He tends to have that effect on you. Just try to ignore it and remember what you like and don't like. Don't let him stray you.

Nah it's fine. Just because I sometimes want to beat him over the head with a shovel, it doesn't mean I have anything against him.


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1982333)


The Batlord 07-31-2018 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1982348)
Me with Office Space. They just don't get it.

I don't think you get what we get.

Trollheart 07-31-2018 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1982352)
I don't think you get what we get.

I don't want what you got. Stay away from me.

Plankton 07-31-2018 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1982348)

Funny name for a Church.


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1982348)
I'm gong to assume you edited that because otherwise
there's an internet meme with my name on it!

T'would be a great thing, but alas, t'is not so. I present to you, the sissy way of creating the meme's:

I still do em from scratch like a man.

Frownland 07-31-2018 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1982351)
I don't think I can suddenly appreciate Yes just by thinking about their music differently, but maybe I'm wrong about that.

Knowing what other people find valuable about the group and that your gripes aren't really the focus of the music can certainly help though.

The Batlord 07-31-2018 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by Plankton (Post 1982356)
T'would be a great thing, but alas, t'is not so. I present to you, the sissy way of creating the meme's:

I still do em from scratch like a man.

People who spend more than 30 seconds creating a meme also complain about controllers with more than two buttons.

Trollheart 07-31-2018 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by Plankton (Post 1982356)
Funny name for a Church.

Sorry, I thought we were just throwing out random words, a la Python. Tabernacle's inside a church, no?

T'would be a great thing, but alas, t'is not so. I present to you, the sissy way of creating the meme's:

I still do em from scratch like a man.
Yeah I figured as much. My fame has not (yet) spread far enough for a meme to be circulating about me. :( That's when you know you've really arrived.

Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1982357)
Knowing what other people find valuable about the group and that your gripes aren't really the focus of the music can certainly help though.

The annoying thing about you (well, one of the many thousands of annoying things about you) is that you give people all this **** for not "getting" certain music but refuse point-blank to afford them the same courtesy. Case in point: my Prefab Sprout album in the Album Club, which you dismissed after I think two tracks with the pithy comment "I don't need these white boy blues" or some other ignorant comment. So how are you any better than Mic, or me, or anyone else who doesn't give the music you think is important the chance you believe it deserves? Pot/kettle and all that.

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