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Old 06-02-2015, 05:29 PM   #301 (permalink)
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I have to admit, your single-mindedness and finger pointing is now getting to the point of victimisation. Are you just going to ignore my reply that I was not the only one in that conversation, was replying to a theory put forward (to test whether the person actually thought that or not) and yet am the only one you posted that snippy reply to?? Furthermore:
Originally Posted by tore View Post
Personally, I don't attribute much consideration to such threats. I find it immature to threaten a suggestion like this to silence and besides, it is just the last in a line of argument where the whole basis relies on extreme exaggeration of the harshness of the proposed system. Words and terms like police state, nazi state and witch hunt have been used. Noone wants this. It's not what I or anyone else who supports this are envisioning. The whole assumption that that's what this suggestion would lead to is wrong and fallacious.
Did you even read my post? It said "This should NOT be taken as a threat". You have seen three, maybe four people, all established members, advise that if this system went through they would be forced to either leave or, in the case of those who maintain journals, lock themselves in their journal cave. Yet you still choose to tell me I'm making a threat. I jsut told you it is not a threat, why can't you acknowledge that, and the depth of feeling there is against this in many quarters?
My last proposition suggests more relaxed rules in the lounge. That would more or less mean that lounge discussions would be as they are today, but threads outside of the lounge will be protected from bickering and derailment (among other things). Did you consider this suggestion?
I'm very much against people not being able to have a lighthearted approach to threads outside the Lounge. For instance, my "Metal Month III is coming" thread. Your new system would forbid the likes of Batty calling me a girl, or telling me to **** off, or someone else saying I know **** all about metal? Using those words? You would want EVERYTHING taken seriously 100% of the time? Cos that is what your system is proposing, at its heart. Have your fun in the Lounge, but be serious outside it? No thanks dad. I'd prefer, much prefer to be able to, and have people able to, take the piss out of me in any thread they feel they wish to, unless it is VERY serious, like maybe an RIP or someone discussing their mental state or something. There's a time and place for fun and levity, and that's always.

So no, fencing off the Lounge as the only place you can kick back and let your hair down (metaphorically in my case) after working hard in the main forum does not appeal to me, and does not seem like very much of a compromise. I am insulted that you imply that we don't know when to turn it off and act seriously: someone only has to say come on guys knock it off this has gone too far, and 99 people out of 100 will. We're not stupid.
I think there are ways to make this work, but you need to take the discussion a little more serious. How would you make it work? What is your suggested compromise? That's what I would like to know. So how about you stop the threats, stop the cries and instead try to be a little constructive and perhaps even help find solutions?
If what I've said up to now is not being taken seriously by you, or seen to be, then I don't know what to say. I haven't made fun of your thread or your proposal, but I have been very clear that I am one hundred percent against it and do not believe it is needed. How many members have left because of "bad feeling"? How can you quantify, or even qualify this? It seems to me this is a classic case of a problem that does not need fixing. How would I fix it? I wouldn't. It's fine. Even when I had spats with Sansa I jsut waited for it to be sorted, put her on Ignore and eventually was glad to see she had taken enough rope to hang herself. Once someone is on Ignore you don't have to worry about them, unless they're quoted. It worked well for me. YorkeDaddy on the other hand was man enough to accept my PM and we worked it out like friends, which we now are. Your new system would have had us both banned and he probably would never have come back. Not only would we then have missed his excellent music but his sharp humour, so it would have done more harm than good.
If your post has nothing to do with the topic of the thread, it is off-topic. You were discussing Soulflower's character, not my suggestion.
And I was the only one doing this of course, as I said above. Look Tore, if I had run that conversation on my own, trying to draw people in and nobody bit, then yes, you would have cause to call me out. But I was responding to a question, and really the only reason you picked me out as far as I can see was that you were getting irked that attention was being taken away from your main topic, even if it was only a few posts.

If you need people for a job, you get people who can do that job.
Yeah, but you give everyone who wants the job a chance. You don't just pick the people who voted for you, or who you went to school with. Could be a case of Clique City ahoy!
I am generally a busy person and will be more so in the future, and so no - I am not particularly interested in running a "new state" here. I like Musicbanter, but I don't like the direction in which I think it's headed and would like to offer my help in changing the direction of the ship so to speak. When it's on the right track with a captain and a crew to get it there, I'd like to step off .. In other words become a normal member again and get on with the rest of my life.

edit :
So you would come in, get us all thinking the way you think we should be thinking, then leave us to fend for ourselves? You know, I kind of thought that. Also, you didn't answer my more important question: if this gets shot down, if the vote goes against you, or the poll, will you let it rest or will you continue to bring it up every chance you have?

Is it even possible you have taken into account the views of the, as it were, NO campaign, or do you see us all as standing in the way of your system because we're all just a bunch of naysayers who don't know what's good for them, and you'll run this thing and get it through whether we like it or not? Cause there's a word for people like that, you know.

It'll be interesting to see how this poll goes... and more to the point, what happens after it. Also, I agree that the title of the poll is very unbalanced, sort of like "Do you favour fair governance?"
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Old 06-02-2015, 05:33 PM   #302 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post
What on earth makes you think there are no rules or infractions? We have rules and we give out infractions. In fact, I clearly remember infracting someone who was attempting to troll you not very long ago (and enduring a lot of abuse from that person on your behalf as a result). Yet all you do is complain. Modding is a volunteer job that people do because they're trying to help out. We're not perfect and I certainly welcome suggestions, but your unrelenting hostility is incredibly frustrating and counterproductive.

After being viciously attacked here numerous of times when the mods stood by and watched and did nothing, I think I have a right to feel frustrated with that.

I would like to see all new moderators.

For the record, you show a lot of hostility yourself whenever you express your opinions and no one agrees with you.

I think we all can take a look at ourselves and how we can improve the forum but a lot of you act like you do NOTHING at all.
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Old 06-02-2015, 05:36 PM   #303 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Soulflower View Post
After being viciously attacked here numerous of times when the mods stood by and watched and did nothing, I think I have a right to feel frustrated with that.

I would like to see all new moderators.

For the record, you show a lot of hostility yourself whenever you express your opinions and no one agrees with you.

I think we all can take a look at ourselves and how we can improve the forum but a lot of you act like you do NOTHING at all.
So no recognition from you then, just personal attacks. Not very productive.
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Old 06-02-2015, 05:40 PM   #304 (permalink)
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Come on now this is just getting crazy. Jen, Jansz is one of the best mods we have and a really nice person.
Whats to say if we get new mods ,and when one of your threads goes askew the same thing wont happen?
At least Janszy has your back.Better the devil you know.

Also you keep pointing out their flaws and how much they suck, its kinda like ****ting where you eat.Just throwing it out there.
Originally Posted by GuitarBizarre View Post
Roxy is unable to perpetrate violence. It always somehow turns into BDSM between two consenting adults.
Originally Posted by Frownland
I just want to say your tits are lovely.
Originally Posted by grindy View Post
Roxy is the William S. Burroughs of our time.
Originally Posted by Neapolitan View Post
I like Roxy, she's awesome and her taste in music far exceeds yours. Roxy is in the Major League bro, and you're like a sad clown in a two bit rodeo.
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Old 06-02-2015, 06:17 PM   #305 (permalink)
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The #1 reason that I'm even here was because I wanted to find a less restrictive environment than some other forums. From what I've read in this thread and others, the problem seems to have stemmed from a few prolific members causing issues because they've gotten too comfortable. I'm not sure how the modding is currently handled (maybe it is handled this way, I don't know), but I'd like to say a few words. To me, an easy solution would be to send the person in question a private message, stating something along the lines of:

"The mod team has met and discussed (whatever the issue is), and we wanted to let you know that it is inappropriate. We consider you a valuable member, but you have to stop doing x, y, and z. For any future actions revolving this issue, please see our rules page [linked here]."

It should be in a PM, too, because just stating "you need to cool it" in the process of a thread discussion doesn't carry the same weight (too indirect). The fact that more than one mod is on board with sending a PM shows that it has been discussed among, well, more than one mod. This helps to make things less personal as it's a group decision. It's something light and functions as a verbal warning, and no system modification/programming is even necessary. If the person refuses to stop what he/she is doing, then form there, you can infraction away and/or follow more punitive measures. Largely, I don't think people change their behavior too much, but you can at least try it that way.
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Old 06-02-2015, 06:24 PM   #306 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Soulflower View Post
My opinion is based on what other members have said who have gotten infractions and who have shown me (and no I will not disclose who they are or the reasons) but apparently there were no justifiable reasons for the infraction.
In my experience, most people that get infractions don't feel like they are deserved. I'd be surprised if any of those "other members" told you their infraction was totally justified without trying to save face.

In addition, it is also based on a infraction that I recently got by a moderator and I am still confused with why I got it.
I just checked your infraction and the comment it's tied to directly violates a written rule. And since you support Tore's proposition outlined in the original post of this thread, I'm having a hard time understanding why you don't agree with the infraction enthusiastically.

The particular moderator does not like me (which is fine) but they have some deep seeded issue with me to the point that they go out of their to disrespect me, lie on me and now this infraction.
Whatever issues you and the particular moderator have are irrelevant of the validity of the infraction. Had someone else given you an infraction, it wouldn't become more valid.

I don't really think the location of disrespectful remarks made by moderators matters to be honest. Regardless, some members of the mod team have been disrespectful to members here, PERIOD.
Please provide specific examples that are not in the SYG thread so that we can investigate further.

I don't think I need to show examples here of that because this issue has been talked about before. The point is, its a problem and it should not be tolerated from a moderator.
Yes you do need to show examples. If you see a problem, please provide evidence of the problem so that we can address them. We are not going to act based on hearsay.

It is one thing to criticize but its another to personally attack someone. It just doesn't sit well with me that there are moderators who are giving out infractions for the very thing they do themselves (thats a problem) which is why I strongly believe there should be all new moderators besides maybe one person.
Again, examples please. I'm not aware of any events that have occurred on regular boards/threads not designed for going all out that show mods unjustly attacking individuals inside the scope of rules and context. I would be interested to see such examples, because whether it was due to my own absence or otherwise, it would be news to me.

Lastly (and this is not directed toward you free base but more so just an observation I have noticed throughout this thread)

There are other members who feel there should be more new moderators too and just because there not expressing it in this thread doesn't mean other members don't feel the same way.
I don't disagree that there should be more new moderators when and where appropriate. It's just that we are in a state of unknown regarding older current mods and their intentions, and have not begun discussing a course of action as of yet. It's a process and I'm sure it will happen if and when it's necessary.

All the opinions in this thread are exclusive and do not represent how the overall forum feels about this issue and I think its naive to believe otherwise.

Is it realistically fair to accept the opinions of what 8 members have to say on a issue that should involve the other thousands of members that make up the board?
I'm unsure whether you're trying to alienate your own perspective or not, but you're not helping yourself by saying that mods should consider the many before the few, which relates to how few people have spoken in agreement for some desperate need for change.

You guys don't like to acknowledge that the board is cliquish but this very thread proves just that!

Is it any wonder no other non clique member never wants to say anything or express their opinion on these topics? I don't blame them they probably feel they will just get bashed!
It's VERY clique in here. But I usually see that in two different manifestations: 1 being music taste in general, which is probably to be expected in a music forum. 2 being member-relationship manifestation, which usually means allegiance to certain members they consider friends. But I'm not sure how far clique behavior works when it comes to leadership if everyone is under the same umbrella. I would see more validity in that argument if some people were treated differently than others, and in a way they are, but I tend to see it more as certain "types" of members being treated differently than others, which I talked about when referencing longstanding members versus newbs in terms of chances given. But certainly the possibility of favoritism can exist, however, the mod team is comprised of not just a single person, and we have to all agree on things, which takes debate. I think the only member we all like and would probably never infract is .bob, but that's because he's not the kind of guy to ever do anything to deserve it.

I always get a number of PM's every time there is a thread like this that gets started in this section by people who agree with the points I make but don't care to participate in the discussions or voice that they agree with me because they dont want to deal with the bickering and bashing and quite frankly I don't blame them!

A lot of people are intimidated by a lot of you here but I am not. I think its sad the niche of this forum wants to bully other people a way and different ideas.
That's nice and all, but I'm not sure what the suggestion is. Infract anyone who makes you and whoever PMs you agreeing with your points intimidated? Are you to be our barometer for how we moderate, or would it be more wise to gauge the response of the community as a whole, rather than taking the perspective of several vocal members and all the ones you're speaking for?
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Old 06-02-2015, 06:26 PM   #307 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by aux-in View Post
The #1 reason that I'm even here was because I wanted to find a less restrictive environment than some other forums. From what I've read in this thread and others, the problem seems to have stemmed from a few prolific members causing issues because they've gotten too comfortable. I'm not sure how the modding is currently handled (maybe it is handled this way, I don't know), but I'd like to say a few words. To me, an easy solution would be to send the person in question a private message, stating something along the lines of:

"The mod team has met and discussed (whatever the issue is), and we wanted to let you know that it is inappropriate. We consider you a valuable member, but you have to stop doing x, y, and z. For any future actions revolving this issue, please see our rules page [linked here]."

It should be in a PM, too, because just stating "you need to cool it" in the process of a thread discussion doesn't carry the same weight (too indirect). The fact that more than one mod is on board with sending a PM shows that it has been discussed among, well, more than one mod. This helps to make things less personal as it's a group decision. It's something light and functions as a verbal warning, and no system modification/programming is even necessary. If the person refuses to stop what he/she is doing, then form there, you can infraction away and/or follow more punitive measures. Largely, I don't think people change their behavior too much, but you can at least try it that way.
We already do that.
The person on the receiving end inevitably doesn't think what they did was wrong and immediately assumes that we didn't send the same message to the person they were in a spat with, further enforcing their assumption that we just have it out for them.
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Old 06-02-2015, 06:28 PM   #308 (permalink)
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my infract was because I was an ******* to YD and asked for it. How bout dat?
Originally Posted by GuitarBizarre View Post
Roxy is unable to perpetrate violence. It always somehow turns into BDSM between two consenting adults.
Originally Posted by Frownland
I just want to say your tits are lovely.
Originally Posted by grindy View Post
Roxy is the William S. Burroughs of our time.
Originally Posted by Neapolitan View Post
I like Roxy, she's awesome and her taste in music far exceeds yours. Roxy is in the Major League bro, and you're like a sad clown in a two bit rodeo.
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Old 06-02-2015, 06:37 PM   #309 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by RoxyRollah View Post
my infract was because I was an ******* to YD and asked for it. How bout dat?
Seems like a breath of fresh air to me.
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Old 06-02-2015, 06:47 PM   #310 (permalink)
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