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The Batlord 12-04-2016 10:29 PM

Let's just hope it doesn't turn out all those people were Jews.

Blank. 12-04-2016 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1778274)
Let's just hope it doesn't turn out all those people were Jews.

Yeah. I hate those damn jews. Fuck 'em.

Neapolitan 12-04-2016 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1778265)
From her perspective it was MB members doing it. She felt like she was being ganged up on and the common denominator just so happened to be that she was in the token category. If you do some soul searching and actually look at MB's history. All of the black members that have posted here have been run off and labeled "crazy". Hmm I wonder why. They either only post here for a short time before they stop posting or they stick around long enough to be labeled crazy and ran off.

What's that quote? Live long enough to be seen as a villian. idk I have to look it up but that's basically what happens here.

Well maybe cause you want to see it as that way, but that not the case. I know at least one example of someone who left who was African-American but left for his own reason, college or something. He wasn't run off as crazy. So you can't say "all."

It had nothing to do with her being in a "token category." She's on the internet. No one really knows what she looks like.They are more than likely to judge her by her personality, how she handle herself, what topics she brought up, not what she looks like. I was tempted to think she was some crazy white kid master-trolling, causing raucous by writing off white people carte blanche as racist. I am still a little bit surprised she turned out to be actually African-American. Is this true? :confused:

Key 12-04-2016 11:27 PM

Dj is just playing off the "I'm black" card. He doesn't actually like Soulflower.

Zhanteimi 12-05-2016 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by 1blankmind (Post 1778276)
Yeah. I hate those damn jews. Fuck 'em.

Typical self-hating American Jew.

Lucem Ferre 12-05-2016 03:39 AM

I personally like to get together with all my white friends and brain storm on how to stop black people from achieving things.

Nah, but systematic racism is proven to exist. Just look at the statistics of how likely black people are convicted of crimes they are accused of compared to white people. Or how they tend to get harsher sentences for the same crimes.

Also, men are more likely to get harsher sentences than women. Also, ugly people are more likely to get harsher sentences than beautiful people. (Explains why I always get such light sentences)

I don't support affirmative action though. A) It's unfair. I personally don't give a damn because I understand why it exists, but at the same time it implies that not every man is created equal. B) The biggest reason I don't support it is because it doesn't work. If black people are not even graduating high school how are they going to get to college? C) Is that there are more levels to the problem than just race. A middle class black dude is much more likely to take advantage of these laws to get a better education or job. It's lower class black people in the ghettos that need the help and affirmative action isn't doing it. To help those communities you need to put more money into those communities by creating better jobs or better schools. Lupe Fiasco said that when he was principal of his old high school for a day the only school board discussion they had was to include a third meal because kids didn't go there to learn they went there to eat. You can't expect too many people living in that kind of environment to do or be anything other than another product of that environment. Now, that's no excuse to not try, but statistics show that your environment shapes everything that you do.

Also, as annoying as black people that make everything into a race issue are, white people that whine about "our government not doing anything for straight white males in America" are much much much much much much worse. Shut the **** up. Straight white males have always ran and still do run this country. They have all the power. Quit crying. Some spoiled ass tantrum ****.

djchameleon 12-05-2016 03:44 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1778269)
Besides a few drive-bys I can only think of three black members of this site: you, Roxy, and Soulflower. We never drove you off, so that's two black members you're talking about. Hardly a pattern.

It's okay if you don't notice the other black members that have been around over the years. Closer is another one that's left and one of my current friends that I talk to used to post here. I only found out later on after we became friends and she really hates this place. So maybe it's only a black women thing or as you all would like to call it a coincidence.


Originally Posted by Neapolitan (Post 1778277)
Well maybe cause you want to see it as that way, but that not the case. I know at least one example of someone who left who was African-American but left for his own reason, college or something. He wasn't run off as crazy. So you can't say "all."

Sure, of course blanket statements in one direction or the next isn't great and sure there is an exception to every situation but you can't deny that there is a pattern here.


Originally Posted by Neapolitan (Post 1778277)
It had nothing to do with her being in a "token category." She's on the internet. No one really knows what she looks like.They are more than likely to judge her by her personality, how she handle herself, what topics she brought up, not what she looks like. I was tempted to think she was some crazy white kid master-trolling, causing raucous by writing off white people carte blanche as racist. I am still a little bit surprised she turned out to be actually African-American. Is this true? :confused:

It is true that she's black. I've seen a picture of her and even if I hadn't, it is clearly obvious that she was based off of the topics she posted in and about. You didn't need to see a picture of her to know she was black.


Originally Posted by Ki (Post 1778282)
Dj is just playing off the "I'm black" card. He doesn't actually like Soulflower.


Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre (Post 1778298)
Nah, but systematic racism is proven to exist. Just look at the statistics of how likely black people are convicted of crimes they are accused of compared to white people. Or how they tend to get harsher sentences for the same crimes.

Also, men are more likely to get harsher sentences than women. Also, ugly people are more likely to get harsher sentences than beautiful people. (Explains why I always get such light sentences)

Also those studies they have done about employers are more likely to hire someone with a white sounding name as opposed to a black sounding name.


Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre (Post 1778298)
I don't support affirmative action though. A) It's unfair. I personally don't give a damn because I understand why it exists, but at the same time it implies that not every man is created equal. B) The biggest reason I don't support it is because it doesn't work. If black people are not even graduating high school how are they going to get to college? C) Is that there are more levels to the problem than just race. A middle class black dude is much more likely to take advantage of these laws to get a better education or job. It's lower class black people in the ghettos that need the help and affirmative action isn't doing it. To help those communities you need to put more money into those communities by creating better jobs or better schools. Lupe Fiasco said that when he was principal of his old high school for a day the only school board discussion they had was to include a third meal because kids didn't go there to learn they went there to eat. You can't expect too many people living in that kind of environment to do or be anything other than another product of that environment. Now, that's no excuse to not try, but statistics show that your environment shapes everything that you do.

Affirmative action is exactly for that bolded part. It isn't around to give lower class black people help/a chance. If they ain't about shit they won't be about shit. Maybe they aren't even college material, they aren't looking to go onto four more years of school. They are barely making it out of high school or being forced to drop out because of their environment.


Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre (Post 1778298)
Also, as annoying as black people that make everything into a race issue are, white people that whine about "our government not doing anything for straight white males in America" are much much much much much much worse. Shut the **** up. Straight white males have always ran and still do run this country. They have all the power. Quit crying. Some spoiled ass tantrum ****.

I agree with this. I also acknowledge the fact that everything isn't a race issue but some things that try to get brushed off ARE race issues.

Don't you know straight white males are being victimized in today's society? They need to be protected because they are losing their power and they are scared. Talk to Goofle, he will hand you a pamphlet of information about this and get you informed sir.

Lucem Ferre 12-05-2016 04:05 AM

It's because straight white males are the only ones that can be discriminated against with out anybody getting into an uproar.

Personally, I've failed to find any discrimination of straight white males that is at all on the level of discrimination of bitches, ***s and darkies. So it annoys me when people act like 'white guilt' is a big bad issue while they completely dismiss things like the Alton Sterling case.

djchameleon 12-05-2016 04:08 AM

True also black people that are looked at as always bringing up race. I don't even know why that's a bad thing.

People are so afraid to talk about the elephant in the room. So much so that they will say stupid **** like "I don't see color". No it's okay to see color, it's okay to have these discussions because they need to be had. It's kind of wrong and dismissive when people just toss away your points by claiming "Oh they are just pulling their race card/race baiting". Race needs to be talked about sometimes. It's okay to talk about race. No one is going to bite your head off.

Lucem Ferre 12-05-2016 04:26 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1778305)
True also black people that are looked at as always bringing up race. I don't even know why that's a bad thing.

People are so afraid to talk about the elephant in the room. So much so that they will say stupid **** like "I don't see color". No it's okay to see color, it's okay to have these discussions because they need to be had. It's kind of wrong and dismissive when people just toss away your points by claiming "Oh they are just pulling their race card/race baiting". Race needs to be talked about sometimes. It's okay to talk about race. No one is going to bite your head off.

White people are just pussies when it comes to talking about race with other races. And in my experience they are usually the first ones to get upset.

If people don't see color then they don't see the problem because they can't see the bigger picture. Cops killing innocent people and getting away with it is already a problem. Cops killing innocent black and native people disproportionately and getting away with it is an even bigger problem. But I've had this discussion before and it never ends well. A lot of white people feel as though they are having a huge finger pointed at them when that's not the case. And it seems like nobody really cares about understanding the other side. My great prophetic vision sees racial tensions in America getting much worse before getting better. Because people are stupid.

Edit: and people need to understand that location makes all the difference.

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