Music Banter

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Paedantic Basterd 04-30-2014 01:24 PM

Maybe a different rule would allow for people to post their jokes without disrupting the thread, and you could just say "no more than 3 gif responses overall per page" or something. Then you don't have to worry about who felt it was contributing, who felt it was just smarmy, etc. 3 max, and after that it's disruptive and will be stopped regardless.

YorkeDaddy 04-30-2014 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by Pedestrian (Post 1444928)
Maybe a different rule would allow for people to post their jokes without disrupting the thread, and you could just say "no more than 3 gif responses overall per page" or something. Then you don't have to worry about who felt it was contributing, who felt it was just smarmy, etc. 3 max, and after that it's disruptive and will be stopped regardless.

I can dig it. There are certainly times when a good gif can be hilarious if posted on it's own at the right moment, I just think some sort of balance and consistency should be established and enforced, and your idea would do that just fine in most cases. Although I still think the "quote a funny post and put the laughing smiley" is ridiculously dumb, and such posts are pretty common. That's what a "like" system would prevent, which is what I was initially bringing up before Goofle tried to suggest disregarding the rules is the right thing to do (lol). I'm not sure though how easy or difficult likes would be to implement.

FRED HALE SR. 04-30-2014 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by YorkeDaddy (Post 1444932)
I can dig it. There are certainly times when a good gif can be hilarious if posted on it's own at the right moment, I just think some sort of balance and consistency should be established and enforced, and your idea would do that just fine in most cases. Although I still think the "quote a funny post and put the laughing smiley" is ridiculously dumb, and such posts are pretty common. That's what a "like" system would prevent, which is what I was initially bringing up before Goofle tried to suggest disregarding the rules is the right thing. I'm not sure though how easy or difficult likes would be to implement.

God you're ****ing annoying. :drummer::band::soapbox::drummer::drummer::drummer ::drummer::drummer::drummer::drummer:

Paedantic Basterd 04-30-2014 01:41 PM

I'm against a reputation system. I don't think we need to encourage hierarchy here anymore than we already do.

The Batlord 04-30-2014 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by YorkeDaddy (Post 1444932)
I can dig it. There are certainly times when a good gif can be hilarious if posted on it's own at the right moment, I just think some sort of balance and consistency should be established and enforced, and your idea would do that just fine in most cases. Although I still think the "quote a funny post and put the laughing smiley" is ridiculously dumb, and such posts are pretty common. That's what a "like" system would prevent, which is what I was initially bringing up before Goofle tried to suggest disregarding the rules is the right thing to do (lol). I'm not sure though how easy or difficult likes would be to implement.

YorkeDaddy 04-30-2014 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1444944)

No no no Batlord, I support a system that has likes but not dislikes. It promotes positivity :) <3 xoxo

Black Francis 04-30-2014 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by YorkeDaddy (Post 1444799)
Reputation is stupid but being able to simply "like" a post is a good feature. There are no negatives and it's a good way to let someone know you enjoyed their post without making a pointless post of your own simply saying you liked it. There are so many stupid posts on MusicBanter of people just putting the laughing smiley (:laughing:) and nothing else, it's just spam and a like system would get rid of it.

I agree with your "like" idea, to me is the same as a "thanks" Button, for me it's about appreciation not reputation.

regarding the spam issue, i prefer to not judge members for their spam posts but for their collective posts that illustrate their kind of personality.

DJ is not a spammer and neither is Paul, ive seen them having serious convos here but also make a couple of spam posts as a joke, and i don't think there is nothing wrong with that, i do it too, it helps tone down the competitive hipster vibe this place has.

Paul Smeenus 04-30-2014 02:00 PM

I was once a super-mod on a vBulletin forum, and we used the "thank" button as an option next to where the "quote" button is on each post. It is a built in feature of the vBulletin software that this community chose not to use, as is an "unthank" (or something like that). When I first came on board here I suggested it be turned on, and was politely declined, and that was good enough for me.

YorkeDaddy 04-30-2014 02:03 PM

Here's how the likes work and what it looks like on another forum I frequent in case someone's not sure what I'm talking about, it's a really great feature imo:

Paedantic Basterd 04-30-2014 02:06 PM

Perhaps if the number of likes one receives are visible only to he or she who receives them, but publicizing any form of popularity is, in my eyes, a recipe for disaster in a community.

Anyways, we'll never be able to implement such a thing, as the admins have absolutely no incentive to provide anything for this website, so I'm not even sure why it's up for discussion.

Paul Smeenus 04-30-2014 02:07 PM

^ vBulletin software has the same basic feature except it's called "thank"

The Batlord 04-30-2014 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by Pedestrian (Post 1444958)
Perhaps if the number of likes one receives are visible only to he or she who receives them, but publicizing any form of popularity is, in my eyes, a recipe for disaster in a community.

Anyways, we'll never be able to implement such a thing, as the admins have absolutely no incentive to provide anything for this website, so I'm not even sure why it's up for discussion.

Have you guys ever sent the admins bogus, troll messages just to see if they're even reading them? If not you totally should.

Black Francis 04-30-2014 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Smeenus
I was once a super-mod on a vBulletin forum, and we used the "thank" button as an option next to where the "quote" button is on each post. It is a built in feature of the vBulletin software that this community chose not to use, as is an "unthank" (or something like that). When I first came on board here I suggested it be turned on, and was politely declined, and that was good enough for me.

Guess it doesn't fit with the vibe here
this community seems too competitive for it, so much so even without trying it ppl are estimating it's a cheap way to get a rep and it will be misused.

That's how competitive this place is, it's easier to contradict and argue with a member than to give them props for the good stuff they do and with a rep feature the competitive aspect becomes unbalanced favoring the rep of a user over the content of his post.

idk if this is bad or good, but not every forum has to be the same so i take MB as it is now, if the ppl here don't want it that's fine by me.

YorkeDaddy 04-30-2014 02:30 PM

The forum I posted a screenshot from is actually about competitive gaming lol. If those people can use the like feature well then I think MB could. It's all just a suggestion though, it doesn't really matter. I personally think it makes forums seem friendlier when you can look and see a really nice post that got a substantial amount of likes. It's uplifting, I know this is anecdotal but I've never seen a hint of competitiveness regarding the likes but it could work differently here, I sure as hell dont know.

The Batlord 04-30-2014 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by Black Francis (Post 1444967)
Guess it doesn't fit with the vibe here
this community seems too competitive for it, so much so even without trying it ppl are estimating it's a cheap way to get a rep and it will be misused.

Even apart from that, by its nature a music forum is gonna be full of artsy types who're probably not gonna appreciate that kind of thing. Pussies.

The Sane Psycho 04-30-2014 03:51 PM

Actually, a like system would be a good idea, I think. Less negativity than reputation, that's for sure.

RoxyRollah 04-30-2014 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1444974)
Even apart from that, by its nature a music forum is gonna be full of artsy types who're probably not gonna appreciate that kind of thing. Pussies.

Who is you calling a pussy?! :bringit:

GuitarBizarre 04-30-2014 05:46 PM

Wow, this thread very quickly took a turn for the stupid.

This is why we can't have nice things.

djchameleon 04-30-2014 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by GuitarBizarre (Post 1445066)
This is why we can't have nice things.

Even if we could have nice things they wouldn't get implemented so all this reputation/like system talk is all for naught.

RoxyRollah 04-30-2014 05:48 PM

^ lmao. Kids today man, no respect!

Scarlett O'Hara 04-30-2014 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by YorkeDaddy (Post 1444973)
The forum I posted a screenshot from is actually about competitive gaming lol. If those people can use the like feature well then I think MB could. It's all just a suggestion though, it doesn't really matter. I personally think it makes forums seem friendlier when you can look and see a really nice post that got a substantial amount of likes. It's uplifting, I know this is anecdotal but I've never seen a hint of competitiveness regarding the likes but it could work differently here, I sure as hell dont know.

Nope, it's a popularity contest. People will only post things in order to get likes. Then you would have butthurt members who are sad for not getting any "thanks" or whatever. Sometimes, you just need to let things go.

Neapolitan 04-30-2014 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Smeenus (Post 1444955)
I was once a super-mod on a vBulletin forum, and we used the "thank" button as an option next to where the "quote" button is on each post. It is a built in feature of the vBulletin software that this community chose not to use, as is an "unthank" (or something like that). When I first came on board here I suggested it be turned on, and was politely declined, and that was good enough for me.

Did you ever feel like being a mod here?

Paul Smeenus 04-30-2014 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by Neapolitan (Post 1445192)
Did you ever feel like being a mod here?


Neapolitan 05-01-2014 12:04 AM

I don't know if would even want to be a mod, but in a hypothetical senario:

If I was mod I would give a warning of an infraction, and I would delete this kind of message:


Originally Posted by YorkeDaddy (Post 1444912)
Well of course I'd rather you get in trouble with the mods than Deej, that doesn't change the fact that I think one word/gif posts are worthless and should be deleted.

Your post was far more egregious in the trolling factor, Deej's actually made me laugh.

.... it's self exclamatory as to why. And then give a ban for an indirect insult that was made here:


Originally Posted by YorkeDaddy (Post 1444918)
DJ already made the joke you tried to make, you adding onto it was just blatantly being an ass.

YorkeDaddy 05-01-2014 05:41 AM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 1445133)
Nope, it's a popularity contest. People will only post things in order to get likes. Then you would have butthurt members who are sad for not getting any "thanks" or whatever. Sometimes, you just need to let things go.

Gee, thanks for the pointless conjecture with no evidence at all.


Originally Posted by Neapolitan (Post 1445222)
I don't know if would even want to be a mod, but in a hypothetical senario:

If I was mod I would give a warning of an infraction, and I would delete this kind of message:

.... it's self exclamatory as to why. And then give a ban for an indirect insult that was made here:

Well thank gawd you aint a mod

RoxyRollah 05-01-2014 06:25 AM


Originally Posted by YorkeDaddy (Post 1445312)
Gee, thanks for the pointless conjecture with no evidence at all.

Well thank gawd you aint a mod

Bro, shut your cake hole for once in your life!. I swear, I have been reading your posts in this thread and you know what I see, I see someone that wishes they were more important to this forum then they actually are. You try your best to make meaningful arguments, then you can't even wait until another person responds to you with a "hey great post", or "hey you are a douche bag". Nope, mmm mm not you, you respond most of the time to you own posts and comments and then pat yourself of the back for realizing your own ''genius". That to me is frankly disheartening, only because it tells me that you are extremely full of yourself. The best part of this thread was watching Goofle put you on front street, for spamming our beloved mods under the guise of ''reporting" a post! Which lets me know, that the 'self confidence' you write with is all bull****. Two things, one NOBODY LIKES A NARC, and if you keep that **** up you may find your friend list dwindles.(To a lower amount then you already have.)

And two, someday you may just find yourself on the ban list. Honestly bro you can be quite hateful to people. I am ****in straight up sick of it. I like you, always have (that's not saying much because I could find the good in Ted Bundy.) and I would hate to see you go that way, but because you are so quick to speak, and prove how intelligent to your peers the underlying subtext of this post will be lost on you.

I hope you don't run your cocksucker like this IRL, because someday you will inevitably run into someone with a quick fist and pension for the sucker punch, and you will get laid the **** out. It might do you some good honestly. Being an ******* for the sake of being an ******* is the most unattractive quality a person can possess. Like I said before I like you so I am telling you this for your own good. Watch your mouth for once or someday someone is going to bust you right in your slick 50.


P.s. I already reported myself for this post. :finger: ;) xoxoxxx!

YorkeDaddy 05-01-2014 06:40 AM


Originally Posted by roxyrollah (Post 1445326)
bro, shut your cake hole for once in your life!. I swear, i have been reading your posts in this thread and you know what i see, i see someone that wishes they were more important to this forum then they actually are. You try your best to make meaningful arguments, then you can't even wait until another person responds to you with a "hey great post", or "hey you are a douche bag". Nope, mmm mm not you, you respond most of the time to you own posts and comments and then pat yourself of the back for realizing your own ''genius". That to me is frankly disheartening, only because it tells me that you are extremely full of yourself. The best part of this thread was watching goofle put you on front street, for spamming our beloved mods under the guise of ''reporting" a post! Which lets me know, that the 'self confidence' you write with is all bull****. Two things, one nobody likes a narc, and if you keep that **** up you may find your friend list dwindles.(to a lower amount then you already have.)

and two, someday you may just find yourself on the ban list. Honestly bro you can be quite hateful to people. I am ****in straight up sick of it. I like you, always have (that's not saying much because i could find the good in ted bundy.) and i would hate to see you go that way, but because you are so quick to speak, and prove how intelligent to your peers the underlying subtext of this post will be lost on you.

I hope you don't run your cocksucker like this irl, because someday you will inevitably run into someone with a quick fist and pension for the sucker punch, and you will get laid the **** out. It might do you some good honestly. Being an ******* for the sake of being an ******* is the most unattractive quality a person can possess. Like i said before i like you so i am telling you this for your own good. watch your mouth for once or someday someone is going to bust you right in your slick 50.


p.s. I already reported myself for this post. :finger: ;) xoxoxxx!


i love this place, it's just too easy

Urban Hat€monger ? 05-01-2014 06:42 AM

Can everybody calm down please and just enjoy the delicious irony of people throwing negativity towards each other for disagreeing with them over ways to be nicer to each other.

Deviouz 05-01-2014 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by Urban Hat€monger ? (Post 1445329)
Can everybody calm down please and just enjoy the delicious irony of people throwing negativity towards each other for disagreeing with them over ways to be nicer to each other.

And there we go.


YorkeDaddy 05-01-2014 06:46 AM

the funniest part is when people make assumptions about real life based on an internet persona, it splits my sides every time

Black Francis 05-01-2014 06:56 AM


Originally Posted by YorkeDaddy (Post 1445331)
the funniest part is when people make assumptions about real life based on an internet persona, it splits my sides every time

seriously dude..

ppl can only go from what you post, it doesn't matter if you're good guy irl if you post like an assh*le.

RoxyRollah 05-01-2014 06:57 AM


Originally Posted by YorkeDaddy (Post 1445331)
the funniest part is when people make assumptions about real life based on an internet persona, it splits my sides every time

Bro, you are a dick online, and most likely are one irl also.
Most ppl are not that different. Yes, ppl embellish online but the core make up is something you really can't change. I'm just sick of you treating ppl I care about like they know less then you, and or like they are less then you. That's all. I don't care if you are doing it for a rise or not. It turns my stomach.

YorkeDaddy 05-01-2014 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by Black Francis (Post 1445333)
seriously dude..

ppl can only go from what you post, it doesn't matter if you're good guy irl if you post like an assh*le.

Call me an ass on here all you want, I act like this on purpose. But irl? Give me a break, that's just absurd to make assumptions like that.


Originally Posted by RoxyRollah (Post 1445334)
Bro, you are a dick online, and most likely are one irl also.
Most ppl are not that different. Yes, ppl embellish online but the core make up is something you really can't change. I'm just sick of you treating ppl I care about like they know less then you, and or like they are less then you. That's all. I don't care if you are doing it for a rise or not. It turns my stomach.

You really need to get a grip and take this place less seriously

RoxyRollah 05-01-2014 07:01 AM


Originally Posted by YorkeDaddy (Post 1445335)
Call me an ass on here all you want, I act like this on purpose. But irl? Give me a break, that's just absurd to make assumptions like that.

You really need to get a grip and take this place less seriously

And you need a tall glass of shut the **** up. We all have needs.

Urban Hat€monger ? 05-01-2014 07:02 AM

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