Originally Posted by Trollheart
Also, if you bother to check, many relatively new members have been encouraged enough to actually start journals. Here are a few: YorkeDaddy. 216. Blackdragon123. My own journal (the main one) is now going on into its third year, and to have over 100,000 views on that basis is certainly impressive I think. As for robots, I doubt any would be attracted there as I don't use any tags so wouldn't show up on searches.
And you can stick your medals. I never asked for one: they've probably all got sad or angry faces on them anyway! All I did was refute a claim you had made, which you now have somewhat grudgingly accepted but are trying to twist into something else, by claiming that the journals section is not as vibrant or visited as the main section. Well I never said it was, nor would expect it to be. But it's definitely seen by more than just a few people, and contrary to your (again, unsupported) assertion, people participating in journals, whether writing, reading or commenting in them, to me, have as much fun as people posting in threads. It's all about a sense of community, which you don't seem to get.
See, you can't just throw away one of your comments with a "big deal" attitude and expect it's forgotten about. It isn't. You were wrong, and you should admit that. I'd love to know how much of the journal section you have actually read, or have you, like most things here, just dismissed it as irrelevant because it doesn't fit into your agenda?
The thing about your attitude is, even were you to start threads now, if you were to go on there as you do here you'd find them either a ghost town or a raging firefight, because people here just don't like your attitude. And that's entirely down to you. You've made everyone feel this way and I have not one iota of sympathy for you.
Robots index everything public, I believe.
How many times have you approved there a comment from someone with fewer than 30 posts? I see a few from one person - I didn't look back very far. Not did I look at other people's journals. Maybe they are visited as much as some music sections, but that would be a bad sign if true - journals don't and can't lead to the kind of sustained discussion that regular threads can.
Also, I didn't say anything about moderator performance re Journals. My point is that effort spent there doesn't do much for the site as a whole. The idea that people can fix this site by just posting more Journal entries or starting more threads is ridiculous. Unless Music Banter wishes to become the Live Journal of music musings, which is not my vision of the site and probably wouldn't succeed.