Should People Posting Nothing But Youtube Videos Be Treated As Spammers ? - Music Banter Music Banter

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View Poll Results: Should Posts With Youtube Videos And No Other Content Be Treated As Spam?
Yes 9 28.13%
No 23 71.88%
Voters: 32. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 08-21-2011, 03:43 AM   #21 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post
and i'll spell it out to you

The reason those threads you highlighted are in the music forum is was because they were intended to have DISCUSSION in them, and the fact that some people are just going in there and just posting videos is what people are getting annoyed about.

Clear now?
My point is that when I read Jackhammer's OP for the "What Are You Listening To Right Now II" thread in the music forum, I interpret it as saying that people need to post a video, but adding a few lines about the video is preferred yet not REQUIRED, because he uses the word "maybe" and follows that up with a "?" to show this is a suggestion, not a requirement:

Originally Posted by jackhammer View Post
Old idea. New thread. What song are you listening too now? Post a youtube link (not compulsory but links are better than the site streaming) and maybe a couple of lines about the song? Any posts with the just the track name and title will be deleted.
You shouldn't fault people for following directions. If you want people to do something, you have to be clear in the original post.

Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post
Neither of the ones mentioned so far were.

And I know get you off on being the voice of the oppressed so I can assure you this thread is nothing more than gauging forum opinion on something that some people feel is an increasing problem and a discussion about it.

There are some people here who think that holding some kind of standards here and not allowing some of the rubbish that plagues other forums is the way this forum should be, I don't see anything wrong with that.
I don't see anything wrong with discussing standards, either. I just don't see posting youtube videos as "rubbish."

And yes, it does bother me when moderators fault people for doing something (posting youtube videos without commentary) when those people are just following directions. Calling their posts "rubbish" is pretty harsh.

I prefer people to share their views about music videos by writing about them, because I like to hear their thoughts. I just don't feel there needs to be an across-the-board rule that they *have* to. I'd rather that we lead by example, rather than force people to spew up words (or a :/ ) after posting a video.

If you want to make it one of the official rules that people may never post a video by itself, then I am not opposed to that, as long as the rule is stated in the official site rules. However, I think it will be incredibly difficult to police, because people will just start complying by saying, "I like this video." That would count as commentary, wouldn't it?
Originally Posted by Neapolitan:
If a chicken was smart enough to be able to speak English and run in a geometric pattern, then I think it should be smart enough to dial 911 (999) before getting the axe, and scream to the operator, "Something must be done! Something must be done!"
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Old 08-21-2011, 03:44 AM   #22 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post

The reason those threads you highlighted are in the music forum is was because they were intended to have DISCUSSION in them, and the fact that some people are just going in there and just posting videos is what people are getting annoyed about.
So if someone posts inappropriately, don't mods already have the option of making a red-letter comment?
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Old 08-21-2011, 04:10 AM   #23 (permalink)
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I always include a couple of lines of explaination when posting a video, I feel it makes posting the video more worthwhile. I'm for Youtube videos on MB as it's a good way to discover music but I'd be more inclined to watch a video if someone included a couple of lines about it, such as why they like the particular song, otherwise I usually don't bother.

A similar problem that annoys me is when people only post album covers without any real explaination whatsoever in the Last Album You Bought or Downloaded and Albums You're Digging threads. It's just laziness. People are always interested in what other people have to say about albums so it would really make it more worthwhile if people actually said something about them.
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Old 08-21-2011, 04:16 AM   #24 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA View Post
My point is that when I read Jackhammer's OP for the "What Are You Listening To Right Now II" thread in the music forum, I interpret it as saying that people need to post a video, but adding a few lines about the video is preferred yet not REQUIRED, because he uses the word "maybe" and follows that up with a "?" to show this is a suggestion, not a requirement:

You shouldn't fault people for following directions. If you want people to do something, you have to be clear in the original post.
Firstly that thread was started before this became an issue so unless you expect someone to look into the future I don't see how he can word it to take something into account several years later.
Secondly no matter how he worded it he still intended there to be some discussion in that thread and that is the reason it's in the forum it's in.
You can disagree with it if you like but it's staying where it is.
And I've not been deleting any posts in there with no content other than youtube videos in them because they're not currently breaking any rules as things are now.
The point of this thread is to see if people want one.

If they do those threads will be modified accordingly just like it was when the first one was closed, that's why it's called the "What Are You Listening To Right Now II" thread.

I don't see anything wrong with discussing standards, either. I just don't see posting youtube videos as "rubbish."
A growing number of people do.
Hence us having this discussion now

And yes, it does bother me when moderators fault people for doing something (posting youtube videos without commentary) when those people are just following directions. Calling their posts "rubbish" is pretty harsh.

I prefer people to share their views about music videos by writing about them, because I like to hear their thoughts. I just don't feel there needs to be an across-the-board rule that they *have* to. I'd rather that we lead by example, rather than force people to spew up words (or a :/ ) after posting a video.
Well that's you and you've expressed how you feel and that will be taken into account like everybody else's opinion.

If you want to make it one of the official rules that people may never post a video by itself, then I am not opposed to that, as long as the rule is stated in the official site rules. However, I think it will be incredibly difficult to police, because people will just start complying by saying, "I like this video." That would count as commentary, wouldn't it?
I believe in the original post I said posts with no content, not no words.
They would be treated the same way.

Originally Posted by skaltezon View Post
So if someone posts inappropriately, don't mods already have the option of making a red-letter comment?
If someone posts inappropriately the post gets deleted.
The point of this thread is to see if members think that these kind of posts are inappropriate for the forum.

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Old 08-21-2011, 04:29 AM   #25 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA View Post
Love-song also adds lyrics, selects appropriate threads for the songs she posts, and publicly replied to me when I commented on one of her love songs.

If you feel hurt that someone is mostly just posting videos, if it makes you feel that the person isn't being friendly or open, then I recommend you tell the person by PM rather than decide her posts are "Spam" and talk about her behind her back in a thread like this one. Have you ever tried to converse with her, Freebase?

I doubt Love-song will be inspired to communicate more of her thoughts to people at MusicBanter when a moderator down here in the Lounge is referring to her 400 posts as Spam and ignoring that she does more than just post youtube vids. I feel it is cool that she enjoys and is able to find so many songs about love. Kinda inspiring. I also feel that her videos show her feelings and interests without needing words to explain them.
I'm not hurt about it. I'm just explaining my position and used her well-known activities as a reference.
Anyway, we contacted her about it previously, and she simply stopped doing it in the one thread, and moved it to others. All we asked is that she put some banter and effort into it, like we ask of any person on these forums posting about music.

In my opinion, it's less about the action of a single person posting a vid with no personal input behind it, and more about the quality of the forum, as a whole, in regard to what we all deem acceptable.

I'm not going to go around and delete posts in the music sections that have just Youtube videos in them. But I do support the idea that we have a basic level of expectation when it comes to posts about music. If there's a thread expressing no need to do anything else but post Youtube videos/music videos, that's fine with me.
But I certainly don't think that should be a standard applied in every thread.
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Old 08-21-2011, 04:34 AM   #26 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post
Firstly that thread was started before this became an issue so unless you expect someone to look into the future I don't see how he can word it to take something into account several years later.
Jackhammer could edit his Original Post to say that each post about a video must include the person's opinions about the song and why they have them. He would also need to note the date of the change, so that posters would know that it applies to them.

Then you could start deleting any posts that lack substantive commentary right away without any need for a general MB rule change.

Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post
Secondly no matter how he worded it he still intended there to be some discussion in that thread and that is the reason it's in the forum it's in.

You can disagree with it if you like but it's staying where it is.

And I've not been deleting any posts in there with no content other than youtube videos in them because they're not currently breaking any rules as things are now.

The point of this thread is to see if people want one.
I'm fine with that "What Are You Listening To Now" thread being in the music forum. I just don't want members to be faulted when they haven't broken any rules. I'm glad you haven't been deleting people's video posts.

I feel that if a thread-starter doesn't want just videos, she or he should explain that. Then there doesn't have to be any general MusicBanter rule against posts containing only a video. Sometimes a thread-starter really just WANTS to hear the music that people post in the thread, and listening to the music is the main objective of the thread.

Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
I'm not hurt about it. I'm just explaining my position and used her well-known activities as a reference.
Anyway, we contacted her about it previously, and she simply stopped doing it in the one thread, and moved it to others. All we asked is that she put some banter and effort into it, like we ask of any person on these forums posting about music.
Well, that's nice that you contacted her. Thanks for explaining more about the situation with Love-song. I do agree that unless there is a general rule about adding commentary, deleting any of her posts would be inappropriate.

Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
In my opinion, it's less about the action of a single person posting a vid with no personal input behind it, and more about the quality of the forum, as a whole, in regard to what we all deem acceptable.

I'm not going to go around and delete posts in the music sections that have just Youtube videos in them. But I do support the idea that we have a basic level of expectation when it comes to posts about music. If there's a thread expressing no need to do anything else but post Youtube videos/music videos, that's fine with me.
But I certainly don't think that should be a standard applied in every thread.
I agree with what you say in bold.
Originally Posted by Neapolitan:
If a chicken was smart enough to be able to speak English and run in a geometric pattern, then I think it should be smart enough to dial 911 (999) before getting the axe, and scream to the operator, "Something must be done! Something must be done!"
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Old 08-21-2011, 05:18 AM   #27 (permalink)
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Let the mods decide between them. They're the ones entrusted with making these kind of decisions, not the members.
It's one of the responsibilities of being a mod.
Asking the members in threads like this only serves for long winded debate like the one above.
What's the point in kicking the arse out of a simple problem?
It'll just take 5 times longer to come to the same decision anyway.
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Old 08-21-2011, 05:37 AM   #28 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by right-track View Post
Let the mods decide between them. They're the ones entrusted with making these kind of decisions, not the members.
It's one of the responsibilities of being a mod.
Asking the members in threads like this only serves for long winded debate like the one above.
What's the point in kicking the arse out of a simple problem?
It'll just take 5 times longer to come to the same decision anyway.
The point is that if mods decide they won't allow people to just post music videos, but lots of members like being able to post music videos without commentary, then the mods will have pissed off a bunch of members.

That's why Urban asked the question and made a poll: to see what people feel. I feel it is great that he asked the question.

The discussion in the end won't matter; only the poll will, I assume. However, discussion can give people reasons that they may not have thought of before to vote one way or the other.

Also, a thread with more posts gets more views, so a long-winded discussion like this may cause more people to visit the thread and vote in the poll! Then we'll get a better feeling for people's opinions, and the mods will be able to make a better-informed decision.

All my long-winded debating is just for the good of the site, right-track. Didn't you know that?
Originally Posted by Neapolitan:
If a chicken was smart enough to be able to speak English and run in a geometric pattern, then I think it should be smart enough to dial 911 (999) before getting the axe, and scream to the operator, "Something must be done! Something must be done!"

Last edited by VEGANGELICA; 08-21-2011 at 05:45 AM.
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Old 08-21-2011, 05:47 AM   #29 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA View Post
All my long-winded debates are just for the good of the site, right-track! Didn't you know that?
No they aren't. They just bog everything down for ages and make ordinary decisions a bit of a drama.
In the end, some members who don't get their own way feel slightly aggrieved after post replying their opinions, when I really don't think they would have given a toss over something like this had the decision been made for them.
We have 12 mods out of a number of between 50 and 60 regular members.
I'm sure that between them they can come up with a sensible and representative decision.
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Old 08-21-2011, 06:11 AM   #30 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by right-track View Post
No they aren't. They just bog everything down for ages and make ordinary decisions a bit of a drama.
We have 12 mods out of a number of between 50 and 60 regular members.
I'm sure that between them they can come up with a sensible and representative decision.
How can it be a representative decision if the mods don't actually consult with the members they "represent?"

You know, right-track, when we fight it just makes more drama. If you really didn't want drama, you would just agree with me.
Originally Posted by Neapolitan:
If a chicken was smart enough to be able to speak English and run in a geometric pattern, then I think it should be smart enough to dial 911 (999) before getting the axe, and scream to the operator, "Something must be done! Something must be done!"
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