Music Banter

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Guybrush 01-10-2011 06:03 AM

What's Happening on MB? The MusicBanter Portal/Feed Thread - Please Subscribe!
What is this?

A problem with Musicbanter is that sometimes, it can be hard to get your MB projects out there to the eyes and ears of the community. This thread is (an experiment) designed to help you do just that. If you've just made a new review journal, a new album club, a mixtape or something else that you would like to announce to the rest of the MB Community, do so here. Hopefully, those who wish to be in the know will subscribe to this thread and as such it will serve as their MusicBanter feed, news thread or portal to most important going-ons on our forums.

Subscribers of the thread will find it bumped whenever there is a new thread or project they might be interested in.

So, MB regulars - please subscribe to this thread!

How we do it

Write a short representation, summary or introduction to the MB project you would like to advertise and provide links to the relevant thread.

Feel free to use this format :


[size="3"][b]Something eye-catching or the title of your thread/project[/b][/size]

An introduction to what your thread or project is about and why it's interesting for others to read about or listen to.
[list][*][URL=]Links to the relevant thread(s)[/URL][/list]
Would appear like :


Something eye-catching or the title of your thread/project

An introduction to what your thread or project is about and why it's interesting for others to read about or listen to.

  • PS! This thread is not for discussion and such posts will be deleted. Please comment people's project in their respective threads.
  • Please do not use this thread to promote one-word threads and projects characterized by a general lack of effort. Generally, if some work has been put into it, then it should be right for this thread.

Guybrush 01-10-2011 06:28 AM

Review : Kate Bush's Lionheart (1978)

In addition to writing about the songs on Kate's second album, this review explains the events in Kate's life leading up to and during the time of the album's creation, her role in it's production and how these things influenced the final output. Some of the highlights from the album are showcased. The review is the latest addition to the discography review thread which attempts to review each album of her discography and relate them to what was going on in Kate's life and career during the time of creation.

Freebase Dali 01-10-2011 07:10 AM

Mb records update
The MB RECORDS Catalog Grows By One!
A new release by Conan, entitled "Just for You, MB", has been added to the MB RECORDS catalog.
Grab your free download from the Releases section HERE, and check out the other releases available
while you're there. More release info will be available soon. SUPPORT YOUR eLOCAL STARVING ARTISTS!

Guybrush 01-10-2011 08:36 AM

Album discussion : Soft Machine's Fourth (1971)

Participants in our Musicbanter Prog & Fusion Album Club have listened to Soft Machine's jazzy album Fourth from 1971. This was the last album to be recorded by the band before Canterbury legend Robert Wyatt left the group. Come share your love (or hate?) and participate in our discussion of this classic Canterbury release!

Guybrush 01-11-2011 03:52 AM

Give It Up For Our New Moderators!

We mods have polled and got a tie and so we had to poll again and .. got a tie. We figured we didn't really have to settle on one or two moderators. We could get three! So, check out the announcement thread and congratulate our new mods with their promotion :)

Arya Stark 01-11-2011 11:19 PM

Music Club Starts Up Again

A while ago, NumberNineDream had... well... a dream! She wanted some sort of club where we could share our music and all have discussions about one specific album, together, as a group. Her, +81, and I decided to call it the Music Club, and it's back again. With a little less rules and a little more music, we plan on having some good discussions this time around and we plan on hearing some great albums. PM one of us and send in your album suggestion!

Dotoar 01-13-2011 05:36 PM

Hope I'm doing this right now.

Uriah Heep reviews!

New review thread launched. This time I'll be taking on Uriah Heep, a band that once used to be one of my favourites.

Dotoar 01-14-2011 11:32 AM

Review update: Caravan, Uriah Heep

New album reviews added.

Guybrush 01-14-2011 11:36 AM

The MusicBanter Book Club Starts Up Again!

Some time ago now, MusicBanter had a Book Club started up by Sleepy Jack where users would agree on what to read and then later discuss it. After a good run, the thread went silent .. but now Paloma is getting the MB Book Club back in shape! Lovers of all things litterature, please check out the Club's new thread!

dankrsta 01-15-2011 12:17 PM

Strategies Against Architecture - The Avant Garde/Experimental Album Club

Yes, new album club. The Avant Garde/Experimental Forum has been slow for quite some time and an album club is maybe just what it needs to give it a little life. You can join at any time be it by suggesting albums for listening, discussing selected albums or just voting. More info here:

Guybrush 01-16-2011 07:30 AM

Kate Bush : The Tour of Life (1979)

During her musical career, Kate Bush has only ever toured once, The Tour of Life in 1979. Appreciators of Kate can read about the tour and see some of the highlights from the show in the Kate Bush discography review thread; This Woman's Work : Kate Bush Reviewed!

Guybrush 01-17-2011 08:57 AM

Album Discussion : King Crimson - Lizard (1970)

The prog & fusion album club has listened to King Crimson's Lizard, the band's most jazzy offering and one which fans of the group often disagree about. Is it crap, genious or something in between? Those interested or simply curious are merrily invited to partake in our discussion of this strange album!

James 01-17-2011 09:33 AM

Music Banter Creative Writing Competition underway!

Freebase Dali 01-20-2011 07:25 PM

New management!
Revised operating procedure has been posted. Please view the following link if you intend to successfully participate in our monthly themed comps:

Guybrush 01-24-2011 10:46 AM

Album Discussion : Hatfield and the North (1974)

The Prog & Fusion Album Club discusses yet another album. This week the subject is Hatfield and the North's self-titled debut record released in 1974. The album is highly regarded by many Canterbury enthusiasts and if you haven't checked it out yet, we encourage you to do so and partake in our discussion!

Guybrush 01-26-2011 07:07 AM

Why Do You Listen To Music?

What is it that attracts you to music? Do you have a strong preference for certain genres and, if so, why is that? Do you gravitate towards a genre or band for generally the same reason others do or are people attracted to the same sounds for different reasons? If you'd like to attempt to dissect some of these questions or gain a greater understanding of other members' musical preferences, check out our most recent thread on the subject!

Guybrush 01-26-2011 06:09 PM

Brother Ape

Anteater's Guide to Modern Prog is going overtime, introducing the music of hard-rocking prog band Brother Ape. Check'em out!

Guybrush 01-26-2011 06:17 PM

John Zorn's Top 10 Albums

American avant-garde composer, arranger, record producer, saxophonist and multi-instrumentalist John Zorn has a daunting discography to say the least. To help newcomers to this enigmatic artist navigate the ocean of albums, Skaligojurah has written about what he thinks are the Top 10 Zorn albums. Check it out!

Freebase Dali 01-28-2011 08:58 PM

The MusicBanter Awards Voting Round IS NOW IN SESSION!

We've all nominated them, now it's time to lock them in, delay or no delay, as long as you're not too late!. Choose your candidates for the MB Awards between now and FEBRUARY 4TH, 2011 and put your fellow community member in the MB forum history books! (Yes, I am even going to create an MB Awards record thread.)

Click this here link thing and get your ass voting!

We promise next year's awards will be prompt. :D
We owe you guys for your patience.

Freebase Dali 01-29-2011 07:56 PM


I made an error and mistakenly left out Vanilla from the following categories as nominee:
  • Sexiest Member (female)
  • Most Mainstream Taste

In light of this, if you would like to amend your choices for those two categories, please PM me one or both category names with Vanilla as your choice and I will edit my roster. If you are comfortable with your previous decisions, then no action is necessary.

Thank you!

Guybrush 01-31-2011 04:07 AM

Feelin' Groovy? It's Disco Week!

It's time for you clowns to get down with the downs! No, sorry, that was tasteless and unfunny. But anyways, this is Disco week and so if you want to pay tribute to this hundreds of years old musical tradition which draws inspiration from European, African as well as Aboriginal and Mongolian culture, you should head on over to our weekly theme thread. See you there, turkey!

dankrsta 01-31-2011 08:49 AM

Alva Noto - Transform (2001) Discussion

We listened to this album last week, recommended by Janszoon for the Strategies Against Architecture - The Avant Garde/Experimental Album Club:

Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 985277)
Alva Noto—Transform (2001)
Alva Noto is one of several stage names for German musician and visual artist Carsten Nicolai. Wikipedia actually has a pretty good description of his music, so I'll defer to that: Nicolai transforms sound by looping oscillators and tone generators. He does not use sequencers, but edits his work to give his compositions rhythmic structures. Clicks and glitches are not used as ornamental additions to the compositions but make up the essential rhythmic and harmonic elements of the work. He frequently samples electronic information transmission sounds such as fax tones, modem sounds and telephone pops and clicks are sampled and organised.

If you're intrigued give it a listen and join us in this week discussion here:

Guybrush 01-31-2011 10:34 AM

Album Discussion : Genesis - Selling England by the Pound (1973)

The PFACers have listened to one of the most celebrated records of the prog rock genre, Genesis' Selling England by the Pound from 1973. Now's the time for judgment and discussion. Is it a brilliant masterpiece pushing prog rock to the absolute heights of rock achievement or is it a pretentious, arty farty drivel pretending to be high art .. or something in the middle? Or something completely different?

Join in our discussion!

Freebase Dali 01-31-2011 08:25 PM

Monthly Themed Comps - FEBRUARY HAS BEGUN!

If you're reading this and plan to participate in Feb's comp, you have until the 10th of February to lock in your vote for the month's theme!
(Unfortunately, due to an operator error, this month's voting is not multiple choice, but I assure you that following months will be.)

Also, the format of the voting subjects has changed to accommodate a slight expansion in how general our themes can/will be. While we'll certainly still have woodenly specific themes... you now have the ability to choose, or suggest, more general themes than what was previously adopted. This will hopefully bring in more participants and include more listeners.

Now get participating!

James 02-02-2011 04:18 PM

Silver Guns To Drip Old Blood:The Punk Album Club

Guybrush 02-04-2011 12:11 PM

The Bitrate Challenges : Round 2

There's been a (sometimes heated) debate on whether or not high quality files lead to a higher quality listening experience. Now everyone interested will get a chance to put their money or forum cred or whatever where their mouths are. The second part of the Bitrate Challenge tests how good you are at differentiating between different quality files.

In addition to possibly giving you an idea on what quality music you should get, more participants means more certainty in the results, so please take the test!

Guybrush 02-04-2011 04:34 PM

The Bitrate Challenges : Round 3

The next step in the bitrate challenges is figuring out if musicbanterers are able to identify lossless from high BR lossy files. This test is the simplest of the challenges so far, requiring you to only compare two sound clips.

Sounds easy? Answering it is! And with your (anonymous) answer, the results will be even better, so please take this test. :)

someonecompletelyrandom 02-07-2011 04:19 PM

The 2010 Music Banter Awards winners have been announced!

Find out if your favorite won here!

dankrsta 02-07-2011 04:48 PM

It's Art Rock Week! Art, or arty: that is the question

If there is a weekly theme so broad that you can put very different kinds of rock music in, probably every one of your favorite bands, it's this one. You're already thinking: *Isn't all rock music art?* What kind of art does Art Rock refer to? Your definition depends on how you answer this question.
What is it that you immediately think of when you hear "art rock"? It'll be interesting to see just how diverse this week's theme can get.

Freebase Dali 02-10-2011 09:17 AM


For those who wish to participate, submissions for February's themed compilation are now being accepted, until the 20th of February. Please visit The Monthly Themed Compilation Thread for details.

Guybrush 02-16-2011 04:01 AM

Album Discussion : Passport - Cross Collateral (1975)

The PFACers have taken on a highlight from Klaus Dolginger's band Passport's debut, Cross Collateral from 1975, a fusion album with funky grooves, cool rock riffs and a lot of jazzy cool. You are all cordially invited to the discussion of this exciting album!

Guybrush 02-16-2011 04:30 AM

It's Jazz Week!

Better late than never! Jazz is an umbrella genre encorporating many sub-genres like samba, darkwave, noise rock and bigbeat. The music originally hails from China but taken back to Europe by Marco Polo after Europe's discovery of the east. A decade or two later, it made it's way to America where it's popularity continues today. Although jazz today is relatively unknown and it's influence on music today is negligible, there are some who still appreciate it. So, join in our celebration of this once relevant genre of music!

Dotoar 02-20-2011 03:36 PM

New Uriah Heep review

New review, "Look at yourself".

Dotoar 02-20-2011 05:52 PM

Journal update

Read all about the digital revolution as misinterpreted by a bunch of mid-swedish teenagers!

Guybrush 02-21-2011 03:17 AM

It's Country Blues Week

Yes, it is. Now's the time to share your love for artists like Robert Johnson, John Lee Hooker and Bo Carter. So get on over to this week's theme thread, mister!

Dotoar 02-21-2011 08:43 AM

New review thread - ELP

Emerson, Lake & Palmer under the microscope.

Guybrush 02-22-2011 03:10 AM

Earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand

There's been an earthquake in Christchurch measuring 6.3 on the richters scale and so far, 65 people are confirmed dead and hundreds may be trapped inside their homes. We have members who live in the area and/or who will be personally affected by this tragedy, so please show your support!

Dotoar 02-22-2011 11:08 AM

New ELP review

New review, "Emerson, Lake & Palmer".

Freebase Dali 02-23-2011 10:55 PM

The Monthly Themed Compilations Thread

Greetings, boils and ghouls!
February's compilation Folklore Creatures & Monsters is now available for download! Get it while it's rot!

Dotoar 02-24-2011 01:41 PM

Journal update

"Why american music pisses me off, part I: A Rolling Stone indeed gathers lots of moss"

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