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It's Krautrock Week!
Krautrock is a generic name for the experimental music scenes that appeared in Germany in the late 1960s and gained popularity throughout the 1970s, especially in Britain. The term is a result of the English-speaking world's reception of the music at the time and not a reference to any one particular scene, style, or movement, as many krautrock artists were not familiar with one another. BBC DJ John Peel in particular is largely credited with spreading the reputation of krautrock outside of the German-speaking world. |
It's Emo Week!
Emo (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedi...peaker.svg.png /ˈiːmoʊ/) is a style of rock music characterized by melodic musicianship and expressive, often confessional lyrics. It originated in the mid-1980s hardcore punk movement of Washington, D.C., where it was known as "emotional hardcore" or "emocore" and pioneered by bands such as Rites of Spring and Embrace. As the style was echoed by contemporary American punk rock bands, its sound and meaning shifted and changed, blending with pop punk and indie rock and encapsulated in the early 1990s by groups such as Jawbreaker and Sunny Day Real Estate. By the mid 1990s numerous emo acts emerged from the Midwestern and Central United States, and several independent record labels began to specialize in the style. |
The Music Banter General Album Club
Is voting on Albums You Listen To When You're Angry. It's Children's Songs Week! Self explanatory. |
The Music Banter General Album Club
It's the General Album Club's first birthday, and this month we're talking about Swans' Filth! |
It's Math Rock Week!
The Folk And International Roots album club
... is one year old today ! Why not pay a visit to the link in my sig, and explore a planetful of exotic sounds :- |
The Music Banter General Album Club
Is voting on an album from 1973. Come take a look. |
It's Noise Rock Week!
Noise rock (also known as noise punk[1]) describes a style of post-punk rock music that became prominent in the 1980s.[1][2] Noise rock makes use of the traditional instrumentation and iconography of rock, but incorporates atonality and especially dissonance, and also frequently discards usual songwriting conventions.[2][3] |
New album review posted in my "25 Albums You Should Hear Before the Moon Crashes into the Earth and We All Die" journal
Back after a kind of long break. Only four more albums to go! |
The Music Banter General Album Club
Has selected Genesis' Selling England By the Pound as it's club choice for August. Come join us. |
New album review posted in my "25 Albums You Should Hear Before the Moon Crashes into the Earth and We All Die" journal
We're in the final stretch here, only three more albums left after this one! |
It's Purple Sound Week!
Come find out what the hell purple sound is! The Music Banter General Album Club Needs nominations for new releases this week to stay alive! PM me your suggestions now! |
The Music Journals Weekly Update Post, w/e August 19 2012
After some consultation with various journal authors, I've decided to post a weekly update here which will advise what journals are being maintained, and what they're being updated with. To be nice and current, I'll probably just look at page one of the journals subforum, although if something has recently been added but pushed to page two, that can be included too. But that's as far back as I'll go, as anyone who's regularly or even semi-regularly updating will most likely find themselves on one of the first two pages.
Only proper posts will be noted, not comments, and of course anyone who's maintaining a journal and wishes to post updates independent of this is welcome to; this will just be an overall weekly update. Anyone who hasn't checked the journals section out, you should do, as there are some seriously great things happening there. Better yet, why not start one? Any journals that I personally feel are worth pointing out, but are not (at the moment) updated, will be namechecked here, both to give you the chance to look at them and to perhaps give a gentle push to their authors to think about updating them. This first entry will be rather large, but that's only because I want to introduce and talk a little about each journal and point you in its direction. Next week's, and all future updates, will be a lot shorter and to the point. Oh, and if anyone thinks they've been left out and shouldn't be, let me know. But the best way to get on the update posts is to, um, update your journal. As it moves up the rankings it'll come more into view and will then be included. Finally, any comments I make on anyone's journals are not meant to be taken personally, or as criticisms. If you haven't updated recently, we all understand: everyone is busy. Any little smart digs from me in that direction are purely based on the fact that I personally think your journal should be more read than it is, and should be updated more regularly, but of course not everyone has the free time I have. Coming, dear... To be totally fair and democratic, I'm going to do this alphabetically, using the author's name as the basis. So this week we're looking at the following: A is for Anteater: who maintains two journals (imagine that! Who else would do such a thing? Um...) his main one originally being The Anthill: Anteater's reviews of the curious and obscure. To date, this was last updated with an actual entry by him back in, um, 2009? However, in his defence he is also running Anteater's guide to 80s melodic rock and Anteater's essential guide to modern progressive rock, not to mention his off-forum blog, “The Widening Eye”. But his current one, the one he's working on at the moment, is Anteater's Muzak 101: legitimizing smooth jazz for the unwashed masses, and that is therefore the one we will concentrate on in future, unless he sees fit to work on any of his others. Wow! Talk about Steven Wilson's workload! Anyhoo, the current entry in “Muzak 101” for the past week is on Kit Walker, “Dancing on the edge of the world” (album review). A is also for Antonio, whose journal is here Antonio's Music Dumping Ground and has been brought back to life, after two years (yeah, I said years!) and his last entry looks to be 7/5 or 5/7 (not sure how the dates work, with you Americans reversing them! Oh wait, he mentions Independence Day, so I guess it's 5/7) and is on the subject of “Yellow submarine”, a cover by Willy Chirino. Nothing since though... tap tap tap. B, then, is for Blarrobarg, who had a go with a journal but it didn't seem to work out, but undaunted came back with My Official Opinion On... which to date is mostly personal stuff from his life story, and very well written it is too. The purported last part of this was upped yesterday, 18/8, and is well worth taking the time to read through it, and the previous entries. What has he for us next? Watch this space. Well, watch that space really, his, you know, where his journal is... B is also for Bob, whose take on noise rock, while not my cup of tea, is always entertaining. His journal is here Just can't keep my filthy hands of your piece of mind (sic): Bob's guide to noise rock. Unfortunately he hasn't updated since 28/3, when he reviewed “Self totalled” by Cosmic Psychos. Hopefully we'll hear more from him real soon. And last, but by no means least, B is for Burning Down, whose journal Thoughts from a music major has suffered due no doubt to her studies, but is definitely worth watching to see when it will be updated. Her last post so far was a short piece on 25/6 promising to update her journal. Tappity tappity BD! Seriously, everyone's waiting to hear what you have to say... A quick mention and note of thanks to Bulldog, whose journal The Doghouse V.II ran for almost two years, but on 20/5 of this year he announced he was leaving Music Banter. Others who know him better will understand why. His journal will obviously no longer be updated, unless he changes his mind and comes back, but it's still worth a read, and is a treasure trove of eclecticism in music. A sad loss. :( On we go then to C, where we find CanwllCorfe. His journal was certainly interesting, with the last few entries being on Depressive Black Suicidal Metal and Post dubstep/Future Garage, but despite a teaser posted in July about Native American music, the search parties have not yet found this guy and his journal, The Quiet Man in the Corner has slipped right to the bottom of page 2, where it has no right to be. Worse, with a few more journals added he'll find himself on page 3, and who ever looks at page 3? Come back to us, CC, before it's too late! Conan, is weird. That's not a criticism, just a fact. You don't believe me? Check out his Visions of the altered state; last updated 12/4, but if you understand what's going on in there, you're a better (or more stoned) person than I! Last update concerned “Amir”, by Henri Texier. Yeah. And speaking of weird, Psychedelia by Conchobar is far outside my experience or interest, but if you're into that sort of music check his, relatively new, journal out on page 1. Last entry was 12/8, Slowdive, “When the sun hits”. I wasn't sure whether to put Mr Dave in D or M, but decided to go with the former. His mega-interesting journal, Tales from the jam room gives a musician's perspective on, well, everything really. A very entertaining read, well written and semi-regularly updated. Last post was 6/8 and concerned the nature of time (yeah) with a video of one of my favourite Alan Parsons Project songs called, you guessed it, “Time”. Our other entrant in D is DoctorSoft, who, though his journal is reasonably new and not updated since June, has managed to stay on page one. It's worth a read at Keepin it soft, with the last post regarding Ambinate, album called “Horizon”, though the video isn't working. Still, journal opened in April and only four entries? Must do better, Doctor! ;) I'm sure he will, soon enough. That takes us to E, and the very epitome of future fossil fuel, yes it's Engine. His journal, Squirrel Bait family tree – reviewed hasn't been updated since 19/5 when he promised us a review of “Me hungry” by King Kong. Where is it, Engine, huh? Answer me that, if you can... ;) And so on we go to F, where Fetching's journal is another which has not been regularly updated but is definitely worth a read. It's at Kayleigh's journal and the last entry was on 3/7, when she waxed lyrical about her favourite DJs. G is the home of two very new journals, the first being that from Geekoid, at Geekoid's world of music, and be warned: this guy goes deep into the construction and even de-construction of music, but he's highly intelligent and will introduce you to some damn fine music, as well as wow you with his graphics and make your brain throb with facts and figures. Music theory? It's a lot more than that. As this is one of the journals which is regularly updated, I won't be just posting details of his last post, but of all posts this week, as I will be doing with any others that fall into that “currently posting” category. So this week Geekoid has explored Adult Alternative 90s music in his regular “Mixtape of the week” section, looked at Christian Contemporary Music in “The Sunday Post” with an article on Leslie Phillips, gone deeply into the analysis of music in his “Synesthetics Experiment” series, checked out music from the Faroe Islands and thrown in “My Two Cents” with his take on The Knife album, “Tomorrow in a year”. Oh, and just today he's put up another “Mixtape” concentrating on the Philly soul sound. Told you he updated regularly! Keep checking his journal, always something interesting guaranteed. Whaddya mean, you don't know what Hauntology is? Step this way, please... Our other G is Goofle11, who has been convinced and encouraged to start a journal here The regular and unexceptional world of Goofle11. He's only been running this since this week, so give it a chance, but he already has an interesting article up on El-P (no, not the prog rock supergroup, dummy!) and I see great things coming from this corner of the journal section. J is our next journal (J for journal, huh?) and is the one, the only, the mighty Jackhammer. His What's the sound in my headphones today? has been going since 2008, and will take your breath away with the musical diversity in it, if you don't know him already. From punk to trance, from grindcore to classical and from prog rock to screamo, there's almost literally something for everyone in here. The last post was in July, and concerned one-man-bands, but we hope to see something new from the mighty Jackhammer soon. Also in J, I think everyone has read, or knows of, Janszoon's amazing and innovative 25 albums you should hear before the moon crashes into the Earth and we all die. Not only is the music, er, different, but the prose is elegant and powerful: it's almost more like reading a book about the apocalypse, or even watching a movie. Last entry was 10/8, with a review of “Sumday” by Grandaddy. You need to check this out. Seriously. I'm not joking. Go now. Don't waste time. Why are you still here? Oh, before you do go, take note that Jansz also has Time and place which is a journal he describes himself as an “open-ended music column”. Sadly, the last update was back in May, and was about San Jose. Hopefully he'll update this again soon. K just has the one author, but what an author! Check out My music journal and many other things by Ki, with current entries focussing on his 100 favourite albums, a work in progress. N brings us The Nice Guy (where did you learn English? “The” is always ignored when sorting things alphabetically!) whose journal A Nice Guy's Music Musings was fast becoming one of my favourites, but hasn't been updated since April, when he wrote an interesting article about the Sex Pistols. Where are you, Nice Guy? Next up is P, where we find a journal maintained by the creator of this thread, and one of our favourite mods, Pedestrian. She's Crosswalking here and you can find not only great reviews and essays, but some pretty amazing poetry and her ongoing sitcom scripts there. Her last entry was in June, as far as I can see, and was on the punk band Cardiacs, and their album “On land and in the sea”. Obviously, being a mod takes up a lot of her time, but we still hope to see new entries in her journal in the not-too-distant future. The Chum Bucket is a journal recently started by Plankton, but is already highly entertaining. His most recent entry is on Black Sabbath, linked to his childhood/adolescence, and was posted on 16/8. Expect more soon, I would think. TheBig3 has been running his eclectic journal, Screaming at the moon for three years now, and it's always an amazing, deep and satisfying read. Unfortunately, the last update was in February, concerning the death of Whitney Houston. Hoping for a new entry real soon... Oh crap. That brings us to some prick called Trollheart, who obviously thinks he's God's gift to music journals. Christ I hate him. But I suppose we have to include his bloody journals, huh? :) I actually maintain two, as you may know, the first of which, my main journal is The Playlist of Life, and covers most music I'm interested in, leaning towards the likes of metal, prog rock, AOR and so forth, but with a lot of different stuff in there too. I try to update every day, or every other day, but you can at least be guaranteed that there'll be a new entry twice a week at the very worst. Current entries for this week include a review of Spanish power metal band Saratoga's new album, “Nemesis”, Gerry Rafferty's “Snakes and ladders”, Del Amitri's “Waking hours” (in the “Meh” section), ELO's last album, “Zoom”, and our regular slot “Helen's selected cheese of the week” features Kylie with “Better the devil you know”. Then there are reviews of David Gray's “White ladder” and the classic “Desperado” by the Eagles. Finally, in my occasional “Trollheart recommends” slot, there are six tracks for you to consider, including offerings from The Gaslight Anthem, The Reasoning and Stevie Nicks. My other journal has not been in existence that long, but I still try to update Bitesize: Trollheart's Daily Album mini-reviews as often as I can. It's not always daily, but it isn't too far from that. This is where I run much shorter, less in-depth reviews than those that typically appear in my main journal. Bitesize, you see? Each album is awarded a rating, from one Cookie (don't ask!) for the very worst, up to five Cookies for the truly outstanding. This week's reviews include albums from Stevie Nicks, Bell X1, Knight Area, Ben Howard, No-Man and Tiamat. Another of the older journals in existence, Urban's Journal of stuff is of course maintained by Urban Hatemonger? And features all sorts of strange things, as you would expect. Urban's last act was in July, when he had Stacey-Lynn kidnapped on her way to my journal. Yeah, I'm serious. Look, just read his journal, all right? There's no telling what he might do if he feels he's being ignored. Bringing us to V for Vanilla. Her journal, Vanilla's Eargasms has unfortunately not been updated since March, when she wrote about Gotye, but we hope something new will be forthcoming soon. Another lady takes up the W spot, the multispecies-named Wolverinewolfweiselpigeon. You should check her journal Ego Tripping if only to hear her beautiful voice: she really can sing (and play)! Her last entry though was in June, with a video from Hanson. And finally (alphabetically speaking, and for no other reason) we have Zero. The Final Sound is ony sporadically updated, but worth checking when it is. To date, Zero's last post was in July, when he talked about some of the songs he was currently enjoying, including Prefab Sprout and Butthole Surfers. That's it for this week. Any updates that appear over the next week will be in next Sunday's post. But don't rely on this thread: go check out the journals now for yourself. They're only a click away... :wave: |
The Music Journals Weekly Update Post, w/e August 26 2012
Well, surprisingly not a lot has happened here in Journal-land this week. Maybe people were taking advantage of weather we never have here in Ireland, ie good, but for me it's been the usual old slog, so my journals have been updated as they always are. Well, sort of. But as before, in alphabetical order, the below journals have had new entries posted at the time of writing.
Anteater's journal http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...ed-masses.html has an entry posted about the Claus Ogerman Orchestra and their album "Gate of dreams". Mr Dave threw in an update to his journal http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...-jam-room.html just after I had created the first update post last week, so I missed it, but it's there now so go read it. More introspective deep thoughts from the man who constantly has to fight off bakers and housewives, explaining it's not THAT sort of jam! Downward Spiral is a new entry on our table, as it were. After about a year of not posting, seems he's remembered he has a journal! http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...9787-list.html is where you'll find his "110 best albums in the world ever", which he promises to update soon! Geekoid admits himself that he had to get away and do more "physical things", get away from the cyberverse for a while, but he's back this evening, with another of his mixtapes, this time based around soft pop sounds of the sixties. Yeah, man! Check it out here http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...rld-music.html Ki has another installment of his "100 favourite albums" here http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...er-things.html, worth a look. Plankton invites you to dip once again into http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...um-bucket.html with a look at the Godz. Don't understand? Step this way, mind your feet... And that leaves me, Trollheart. What's been happening in my main journal http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...d-journal.html? Well, um, not that much really: I'm as guilty as others of failing to update the ol' journal as much as I used to. Hey, it's not easy, you know! YOU try it! Anyway, for what it's worth, this week there's a review of Spanish power metal band Dark Moor's album "Tarot", a return for "We'll be right back after the break", looking at Weetabix ads down the years, "The Two Hundred Word Album Review" features Phil Collins's debut solo album "Face value", while bringing things more up to date we have a review of ex-Genesis man Anthony Phillips' latest collaboration, a double album with composer Andrew Skeet which goes under the title of "Seventh Heaven". Oh, and a tongue-in-cheek "Charity Cases" focusses on "We're sending our love down the well". Really. As for my other journal, http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...i-reviews.html, well Sweden is well represented, with "Bitesize" reviews of albums by AOR band Houston as well as metallers Axenstar's "The Inquisition". Then there's Ultravox and Evanescence and, well, that's it really. I know: must do better! I'm working on it, I'm working on it... And that's it for another week. Don't forget to check out any of the journals mentioned above, or any others shown in the first post. Even if they're not updated this week, they're all jam-packed and more than worth a few hours of your time. Now, where's that Erik Norlander album I've been meaning to review...? |
The Music Journals Weekly Update Post, w/e September 2 2012
Okay then, some more movement in the journals this week, so let's get to it.
First up is Geekoid's World of Music, with a very interesting new section he calls "The Junk Drawer". What is it? You don't think I'm going to tell you, do you? ;) Head to his journal to find out... Then we have Ki, at My Music Journal (And Many Other Things), where he's still ploughing through his 100 best albums, up now to part 6. Some good ones in there! Plankton has updated his journal here, with another personal piece about his father. Well worth reading, some good music there too. My own journal hasn't been updated as often as I'd like, but hey, I have to eat you know! Currently you'll find at The Playlist of Life a review of an album by a band called We Shot the Moon (they're not brilliant, but worth a listen), the return of "A Marriage made in..." with Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush, "Variations on a theme" is back with songs all having to do with the sun and sunshine; there's a review of Dec Burke's "Destroy all monsters" and my "Watching TV" series has morphed into "Series Link". Huh? Step this way... As for my other journal, well, Bitesize has reviews this week of albums by Erik Norlander, John Wetton, Springsteen, Jaded Heart and Isidurs Bane. Next week we'll be starting a new section based on albums released in 2012, so stay tuned... And finally, a welcome return for Urban in Urban's Journal of Stuff, with his unique review of Rolling Stone's top 50 albums. With pictures. You need to see it. That's all for this week; we'll see who updates their journal next week, and there may even be some new ones popping up. Enjoy your week, and don't forget to check us out, same time same place, next Sunday. :wave: |
The Music Journals Weekly Update Post, w/e September 23 2012
Man, have I neglected this thread! Well, I was under the weather for a week, so I have some excuse. Nonetheless, it's been too long since this was updated so here we go, with apologies to all concerned.
Anteater has a review of Japanese jazz fusion band Dimension's album “Newish” at http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...ed-masses.html while Mr Dave has more philosophical thoughts and some fine writing in http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...-jam-room.html Geekoid's last post to date was something called, uh, “The Sunday Post” in which he looked at Sixpence None The Richer, who had a big hit way back when and are unexpectedly back with a new album. Read all about them here http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...rld-music.html A welcome update from Janszoon in his http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...e-all-die.html; this time he's talking about an Argentinian jazz/punk/metal/ska/regga act ... I'm serious. They're called Los Fabulosos Cadillacs, apparently (not too hard to translate that one huh?) and you should read what he writes about them. Ki hasn't updated his journal recently, but the last entry just scrapes in to this post, as it was entered on Sept 4. It's part seven of his Top 100 albums. Some interesting ones in there. Read it at http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...er-things.html Due to a namechange by him, Conchobar, now known as PoorOldPo (again) slips down the alphabetical listing, but his journal http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...ychedelia.html is always worth a look. Recently he's had music from Porcupine Tree, My Morning Jacket and one of his favourites, Tame Impala, who are back with a new album. And so we're back to me. As already offered as a weak excuse, I was sick so have not quite updated my journals as much as I normally do, but nevertheless there's still a lot to see at http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...d-journal.html, including Helen's Selected Cheese of the Week, featuring the Commodores' slushy hit “Three times a lady”, a new section called “The Meat Grinder”, in which I select a metal band totally at random, and review them no matter how horrible they may sound. The inaugural effort turned up a US thrash/speed metal band called Sauron. My ears are still ringing! Meanwhile, back in the real world... yeah, with the months disappearing faster than a severance cheque down the local, it's time to up my game; plenty of 2012 albums to get through, so on both journals I'm trying to review more. So far I've covered Japanese singer Eri Kitamura's weirdly-titled debut, “Re;story” and the new one from Lynyrd Skynyrd, plus there's a return for “More than words”, with two songs that treat one subject two different ways. Finally there's a look at Boy Meets Girl's second album in the “Nice song --- shame about the album!” slot. Oh yeah, and just tonight I popped up a review of Jean-Michel Jarre's “Magnetic fields”. As for http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...i-reviews.html, well, you won't escape from new albums here anymore either! Introducing “Realword Bitesize”, a condensed version of the full reviews on 2012 albums taking place in my main journal. We've already had reviews of a debut album by metal band Mercurial Void (to quote Basil Fawlty: oh God it was awful!) and just today have put up our thoughts on the new one from Kathleen Edwards. Other than that, we've got albums from Lunatic Soul, Work of Art, Adagio, Lake of Tears, Judie Tzuke, Metalium, Dire Straits and Josh Groban. How's that for getting your teeth into! That brings us to a new journal, but one that's receiving a lot of attention and shaping up to be one of the journals of 2012. Unknown Soldier's first attempt at a journal is a mighty effort as he opens http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...y-history.html, which intends to trace the evolution of heavy rock from its beginnings way back in 1969. Tall order! So far, he's featured albums by Deep Purple, Grand Funk, Humble Pie, Free, Zep and MC5, as well as lesser known bands like High Tide and Bloodrock. Shaping up well! I think he's about to move into 1970 soon, so ya better get readin', or risk being left behind! Another new journal, it's a return for an established member, as Unrelenting runs through http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...halloween.html with some of the spookiest, most unsettling music you have ever heard. With entries on Inkubus Succubus, Chelsea Wolfe and, er, Tom Waits among his selections, be afraid! Be very afraid! BOO! So that's what's moving and shaking in the world of music journals. Don't forget to check 'em out, and I'll be back next Sunday with a new update. No, really, I will. Promise. Look, I told you I was sick, didn't I? Well all right then, if you want to be like that... |
The Music Journals Weekly Update Post, w/e September 30 2012
As September draws to a close and we post the last update for this month, there's been little of note to talk about in members' journals, with the exception of one, which we'll come to later.
Big news today is that Bulldog has rejoined us, and though he hasn't yet updated his journal (give the guy a chance!) he says he soon will, so check it out here http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...ouse-v-ii.html Believe it or not, that brings us to me, and most of my main journal, http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...d-journal.html has been this week taken up with completing the final part of my foray into the murky world of boybands, as "Stranger in a strange land" finally draws to a conclusion, with reviews of Westlife, The Wanted and One Direction. Brrr! Give me death metal any day! Speaking of death metal, yep, The Meat Grinder has again foisted a black metal/death metal band on me, called Luciferi Excelsi! Gah! Why do I bother? And, er, that's it. Hey! Researching and bloody listening to all those boybands takes time, you know! And willpower... Over at my other journal, http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...i-reviews.html, things haven't exactly been hopping either. We have reviews of albums by, well, Diamond Head and Elegy. Look, I've been busy, ok? Someone else who's been busy this week, and indeed keeping the flag flying for journals is Unknown Soldier, whose http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...y-history.html has moved into 1970, and features albums by such bands as Zep, Crimson and someone called May Blitz, as well as Stray and Lucifer's Friend. Good work man! Would have had very little for the thread otherwise. Finally (only alphabetically, you understand, though the word "final" is in his journal title) Zero has a sort of retrospective review of that classic of the easy-listening band Slayer, yeah it's "Reign in blood", and you can find it here http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...nal-sound.html Tomorrow I'll be getting back to properly updating both my journals, so should be a lot more to report this time next week. Also, as October begins, I expect Unrelenting's journal will begin to gather pace as we head into the Witching Month. See ya some other time! Troll |
The Music Journals Weekly Update Post, w/e October 7 2012
Sunday rolls around again (isn't it funny how that ALWAYS happens?) and the pickings are once more a little thin on the ground in the world of music journals. Here's what we have for you this week:
Mr Dave is going through something, it would seem, of a personal epiphany, telling himself his journal is going nowhere, or has gone as far as it can. I would hope he would rethink this, as his deep and often conflicting but always interesting thoughts on everything from music to life to religion to politics is always a good read. Don't lose heart, Dave! We want more! Show him you care by hitting this link http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...-jam-room.html Poor Old Po has a video from O Emperor and asks if it could be seen as psychedelic music? Give your opinions here http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...ychedelia.html Man! That brings us around to me, already! Things are getting bad when I'm so far up in the update. Anyway, I've tried to keep busy this week, so in my main journal, http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...d-journal.html you'll find reviews of the soundtrack to the new movie “Lawless”, featuring Nick Cave and Warren Ellis, Tony Banks's 1979 debut “A curious feeling”, Alicia Keys's album “As I am” and a weird collaboration between David Gilmour and The Orb... While in my other journal, http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...i-reviews.html we have reviews of albums from, well, Nanci Griffith and Ivyrise. Hey, I'm doing my best! Someone else doing his best is Unknown Soldier, powering through 1970 in his http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...y-history.html with albums from Free, Sabbath, Deep Purple and, er, Sir Lord Baltimore? Check it out! That, once again, is the sum total for this month. A few journals had posts but no actual specific entries, so I've ignored them. Hopefully next week there'll be more to report. Until then, don't you want to know what the 70s were like, especially if you weren't born by then? You know where to head! Toodles! |
BongoJazz here i am sorry about me being cocky here I hope my apology gets accepted
If it is no good i will leave you all in peace....and love |
Have now added/adding a 10 album taster for my journal of albums from the 1967 and 1968 time period, to add greater depth to the journal.
The Music Journals Weekly Update Post, w/e October 14 2012
Well, seems this week there are only three of us flyin' the flag for members' journals, and that's Unknown Soldier, Anteater and yours truly. Makes life easier for me, doing this update, but kind of restricts what new posts you guys can read. Oh well, such is life, so here is what's new in the world of music journals this week.
Anteater has a review of Lonnie Liston Smith and the Cosmic Echoes' 1975 album “Visions of a new world”. Never heard of it? Me neither, but Ant will explain all if you step this way. http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...ed-masses.html Hey! Nearly at the top of the tree! So, in my main journal, http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...d-journal.html we have a review of the new Threshold album, five years in the making, The Alan Parsons Project's 1977 less-than-opus “I robot”, plus the return of “The Secret Life of the Album Cover”, featuring Maiden's “Fear of the dark”, and a new section I call “The Plague Ship”, which will feature the worst of the worst. Setting sail on our maiden voyage with an album by 19 ADD, which I feel is truly awful and deserves to be here. Meanwhile, back at http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...i-reviews.html we have a new album by Hudson, plus reviews of the first album by metal band The Gate as well as one from North Atlantic Oscillation. How's that for eclectic? Finally, you can always rely on Unknown Soldier. His http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...y-history.html is well into 1970 now, with reviews of albums by Sabbath, more Zep and indeed, Trapeze. Plus he now has YouTubes, so you can sample some of the tracks from these fine albums. What are you waiting for? He's over there! And that, rather rapidly, concludes the updates on journals for this week. See you again next week, when hopefully we'll have more to tell you about. |
^ After you`ve taken a look at the journals, why not nominate an album for the FAIR album club ? A new poll will be opening later today, so it`s a good time to go public with that world music album that you`ve been secretly enjoying ...
Just click the link below and post the details :- |
The Music Journals Weekly Update Post, w/e October 21 2012
Another weekend, another update, another town. Oh, no wait: same town. But definitely another update, and a few interesting things to tell you about, including a brand spanking new journal that's already being talked about!
And it's there indeed that we start, as we welcome the perhaps-unkindly named Big Ears to the fold, where his journal http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...s-journal.html has already biographies of ELP, Budgie and Golden Earring, as well as reviews of albums by Paris, Simon and Garfunkel and Joe Walsh! Can you spell eclectic? :) This guy is working hard, so much so that Unknown Soldier and myself had better pull our collective socks up or we'll be left behind! As for me, (yeah, I'm second again --- come on, you people with names beginning with C-S!) I've a few little updates of my own, in my main journal http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...d-journal.html where we have reviews of albums from Motorhead, Carbon Based Lifeforms and the new one from Men Without Hats (STOP singing “We can dance, we can dance, everybody look at your hands” this INSTANT! Humph!) There's also a return for “Velvet Fist”, where once again we look at some metal ballads and slower songs from the genre. Meanwhile, in http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...i-reviews.html there are review of albums from Nick Cave, the late Dan Fogelberg (look for a full feature on him very soon) and the pride of Ireland, Mary Black. Finally, you can always rely on Unknown Soldier. His http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...y-history.html is in the process of wrapping up his look at 1970, with albums from the iconic, er, Flower Travellin' Band (they're from Japan, does that help? No?), Grand Funk (a live album this time), The Stooges (at the request of his Batlordship), and Atomic Rooster. There are also mentions for bands who missed the cut, as he puts it, for that year, and some cool pictures. It's all there, waiting for you! And once again, that's sort of it. I believe Janszoon is away, so hopefully we can expect some updates from him soon, but I must give a hearty slap on the wrist to Unrelenting: it's nine days to Halloween! Wherehttp://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...ween.htmlWhere are the updates you promised? Tsk tsk! :) Well, maybe this time next week. But you've got a lot of ground to cover.... Toodles! |
Trollheart gotta say I love reading your weekly diary updates, it's like an MB newspaper:)
...man, I gotta get back to it. |
The Music Journals Weekly Update Post, w/e October 28 2012
OK. Well it seems the world of music journals is taking it up a notch. Not only are our usual contributors firing on all cylinders, but there are some welcome returns and even a new journal or two! So let's get straight to it, and we start with the new rising star of journal land...
Big Ears, whose journal http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...s-journal.html joins our resident hard rock expert, Unknown Soldier, in the seventies, for reviews of Mountain's “Nantucket sleighride” and Yes's seminal “Fragile”, then comes bang up to date with a review of Rush's latest, “Clockwork angels”. Interestingly (and conspiracy theorists, hold your fire!) both Big Ears and US review the same album, almost at the same time. Spooky, eh? Chrysalis is back, where in his journal http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...s-journal.html you'll find an interesting review of avant-garde jazz artiste Joe McPhee's “Nation time”. ALSO from the seventies. Hmmm. The plot thickens, no? ;) And there's a very welcome return for Janszoon, back from his travels across Europe, and putting in some serious time in his journals! First, in the ever-popular and eclectic http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...e-all-die.html there's a review of Kraftwerk's “Radio-activity”, accompanied by Jansz's usual excellent and evocative prose, then he reflects on his life as a delivery driver in http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...ime-place.html, with a great piece on the freedom of the road, accompanied only by your radio. This brings us to http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...r-players.html, which is Plankton's new journal. Not certain what happened to “The Chum Bucket”, but I'm sure we'll see its return at some point. In this one, Plankton looks at underappreciated axemen, kicking off with Steve Stevens. I've suggested a title I think is better for this journal --- “Unslung Heroes” --- but whether or not he changes it is up to him. Good writeup and some fine videos from the man who has worked with such greats as Billy Idol, Ric Ocasek and the late Robert Palmer and Michael Jackson. Looking forward to more on this! And so we come back, inevitably, to me. So what's been happening at http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...d-journal.html then? Well, we have another of the “Albums that changed my life”, in The The's “Infected”, another step into the dark world of random metal in “The Meat Grinder”, more Simpsons parodies and three more “Bad apples” to check out. Meanwhile, over at http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...i-reviews.html we have reviews of albums from The Gaslight Anthem, Desert Sin and Joss Stone. Normally, that leaves Unknown Soldier to bring up the rear (price of having a name that begins with one of the last letter of the alphabet, dude!) but this time he's not last. However, in his http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...y-history.html he's moved on to 1971, with reviews of albums from Budgie, that Mountain album that Big Ears reviewed (coincidence, people! Coincidence!) and once again, Deep Purple. Step back in time and enjoy some of the best music from the best decade rock ever produced. And finally, ensuring US will for once not be the last entry on this update, Zero is back with us, where at his journal http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...nal-sound.html you'll find some more of the music he's been enjoying lately. And why not indeed? So that's it for another week. I'll be back with more updates next Sunday. Till then, enjoy your Halloween and don't forget to check out the journals above (especially mine: check mine out now!) :tramp: And if you would like to start one yourself but are worried about taking that first step, here's http://www.musicbanter.com/album-rev...c-journal.html. Go on! You know you want to! Toodles! |
...btw, thanks. |
The Music Journals Weekly Update Post, w/e November 48 2012
And so we begin a new month, and with it we see the rise of some new journals. We also sadly see the demise, if directed and expected, of one major journal, but more about that later. We go, as ever, slaves to the alphabet, and so begin with
For Tomorrow, a new member who has already taken the plunge and begun their own journal, http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...c-journal.html where you'll find a feature on indie band The Veils, with more surely to come soon. Good start! That brings us to Janszoon, and the sad but epic end to his http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...e-all-die.html --- hey, we all knew that big ball o' rock was going to impact at some point didn't we? All life is extinguished on the planet we call home, but not before Jansz lets us in on some truly spectacular music and draws a scene of devastation and doom with his amazing prose, leaving just the smallest sliver of hope, from which perhaps something new may arise. Check it out now before the end... Someone who's been around a good while but has only now decided to test the waters of journal-land is Mankycaant, who intends with the strangely but interestingly titled http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...er-abroad.html to present a true picture of the passion they have for music, and says, in their own words, it won't be “just a collection of youtube videos”. We look forward to what you have to tell us. Before we move on to me, a word for Tore, whose http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...m-reviews.html has been getting some attention recently, even though the last time he updated was last year. Can we tempt you back? And so inevitably we arrive back at my doorstep, where in http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...d-journal.html I've decided to try and concentrate for the next two months on reviews mostly of albums from this year, before 2013 is upon us. To that end, reviews should be coming thick and fast from today. As of now, new updates for the week just gone include reviews of albums by The Deadstation and Crystal Eyes, a special “Variations on a theme” for Halloween, “A Marriage Made in...” returns with the unlikely pairing of Tom Jones and the Art of Noise (!), and another glimpse into Eurovision Hell. Over at http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...i-reviews.html we have a review of the one and only album released by Dali's Dilemma and a strange little ambient electronic music affair by the enigmatic Dreamfire. Want to learn more? Step this way... Still single-handedly writing the history of hard rock and heavy metal, Unknown Soldier is into 1971, where in his http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...y-history.html you can find reviews of albums by Alice Cooper and Stray. He's also very responsive to suggestions, and has already amended his format at the behest of members, so comment and tell him what you think, and if you can see any way to improve his journal (hard to see how though). That's it for this week, sportsfans! The more awake or eagle-eyed or nitpicky among you will notice that it's now Monday as I post the supposed Sunday update. All I can say about that is yah boo sucks to you! I was tired, okay? Point taken: I'll try to ensure Sunday's update goes up on Sunday. Just need to finish work on this army of clones I'm building and then, ah, um, forget you heard that. Nothing for you to worry about. Rumours? What rumours? Yeah, good album. Look, I have to run okay? Toodles! |
The 2012 Music Banter Secret Santa Event
Is back for another year of gifty goodness. Signups are now underway! |
The Music Journals weekly update post, w/e Nov 11 2012
... And we are back! With another music journals weekly update! This week, we're, well, to be honest, we're not doing a lot. Apart from my and Unknown Soldier's journals, little if anything else has been updated. So here's what we got:
New journal owner Mankycaant has added to http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...er-abroad.html with something of a disseration on why people like certain music, or why they feel they have to, ie this band is said to be so good I had better like them. The point is illustrated with the examples of Pink Floyd's “Dark side of the moon” and, er, “Burn piano island burn” by The Blood Brothers. You'd be amazed. Pedestrian is making a lightning visit taking time off from her studies to grace us with her artistic talents in http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...sswalking.html, where you just have to check out “Autotune the Unicorn”. Seriously. Which rather quickly brings us around to me. Now, these next few weeks as we lead on up to the festive season, I've decided to try and cram in as many 2012 album reviews as I can, so over at http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...d-journal.html you'll find reviews of new albums by Deacon Blue, Tygers of Pan-Tang, Steve Harris, Imagine Dragons, Hostsonaten and Jadis, with still time to throw in another round of “What's in a name”, while in http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...i-reviews.html we're looking at the latest from Susanna Hoffs and Freedom Call. Lots more new albums coming up next week, and in the coming weeks too. So much to do... That takes us, inevitably, back to the seventies where Unknown Soldier's http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...y-history.html is still retracing the history of hard rock and heavy metal, and this week he's looking at albums from Flower Travellin' Band --- you remember he did one a few weeks back? This is another one --- and Uriah Heep. So something for everyone. That's it, then, for this week. Little thin on the ground, perhaps, but hopefully the quality makes up for the lack of quantity. We'll all hope some of the others get their, er, act together soon --- come on people! We can't be carrying this section on our own! Little help? :) Toodles! |
The Music Journals weekly update post, w/e Nov 18 2012
Well, Sunday has rolled around again and we're heading inexorably and unavoidably towards the festive season: just thought I'd throw that in to bug you all! Only --- let's see --- thirty-six shopping days left to Christmas! Ho ho bloody ho!
Anyway, that's all apropos of nothing, so now that I've depressed as many of you as I can, let's move on and see what's happening in the world of music journals this week. Big Ears is back with a review of the debut album from psychedelic/space/prog/heavy rockers (take your pick) Captain Beyond, which also featured as the album of choice in our Prog Rock Album Club, which you can find (and join, if you so desire) in the Prog Rock subforum of the Metal subforum. So it's a sub-subforum. Oh, you know what I mean! Anyhoo, his journal is here http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...s-journal.html, and always worth a read. Glad to see a new journal from Janszoon, now that the wonderful “25 albums you must hear before the moon crashes into the Earth and we all die” is finished. This time he's looking at a very lonely figure, and some very lonely albums, in http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...sible-man.html, with already a review of the legendary and tragic Bud Powell's “Time waits”. Expecting great things from this new journal, from the man who also brought you “Time and place”. Is there no end to his talents? A newer poster, but saying some very intelligent things, and concentrating more on the actual writing than posting videos, Mankycaant's journal, with the eclectic title http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...er-abroad.html has some deep ruminations on why bands continue making music if they don't enjoy it, and thereby turn out substandard albums? He looks at the examples of Green Day and Weezer, and his thoughts and conclusions are interesting to say the least. Don't expect YouTubes by the barrel-load, but do expect insightful, thought-provoking writing if you head his way. Which you should. Now. Pedestrian, also a phenomenal writer, chooses at the moment to concentrate on yet another of her many talents, and displays more of her artwork for Autotune the Unicorn, in her journal http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...sswalking.html. While you're there, check out her poetry and her TV script: you'll be amazed. And moved. Over at http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...d-journal.html as I may have mentioned I'm trying to squeeze as many current album reviews in as I can before the year catches up on me, but I'm finding it a bit of a strain meeting my targets, as they say. In other words, my abilities are not living up to my intentions. Last week, I reviewed eight albums, spread across the two journals. This week, it's only six. Only! I'll probably trim it down to four in the coming week, as I want to also upload some other stuff, especially a few larger items I've been working on recently. For now though, you can find reviews of the new albums by ZZ Top, Mystery, Marillion, The Script and Big Big Train, as well as the second outing for “No! It can't end like this!”, featuring one of my favourite recent songs from Mostly Autumn, “Tearing at the faerytale”. Not a lot happening in http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...i-reviews.html, with just the one review, the new one from Barenaked Ladies. Again, being more realistic in the amount of albums I try to review a week will result in there being more entries in this journal, as it certainly is not living up to its name at the moment! Someone who you can always guarantee is working hard on his journal is Unknown Soldier, who is currently reaching the end of 1971 in http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...y-history.html, with albums by Black Sabbath (“Master of reality”, which was posted just an hour after I uploaded last week's update, so it should really have been in it but our timelines crossed), the incomparable “Led Zeppelin IV”, as well as something called “Can't get through” by a band called Hairy Chapter? Hey, you know, check it out. Not content with all that, he's also got reviews of live albums by Free and Humble Pie, as well as a fistful of titles that, as he says himself, didn't make the cut. Man, this guy is busy! A last word then for Urban Hatemonger, who only seldom graces us with his wisdom, but when he does it's always worth it. Check out his journal http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...nal-stuff.html for the strange tale of the man who thinks he's an Egyptian pharaoh! I kid you not! That's it then for this week. There'll be another update next Sunday. Now, I advise you to leave swiftly, as the hounds have been released... :) |
The Music Journals weekly update post, w/e Nov 25 2012
Late again with the update! Ah, who reads these things, anyway? Well, I'm hoping YOU do, otherwise I'm sitting here talking to myself, and the people around me are starting to look at me funny....
Anyway, later than expected but what can you do but get on with it? This week's journal update features some surprising returns, some long-absent updaters and, well, that's it really. A is for Antonio, whose journal http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...ng-ground.html has been dormant for a long time, but sprang back to life recently and though not regularly updated has had some interesting stuff. His latest is a review of BIG K.R.I.T's album “4eva and a day”, but really the album review, good though it is, is less important than the spotlight Antonio shines on the lesser-seen aspects of hip-hop, essentially that it doesn't all have to be gangstas and biyatches: they have their vulnerable side too, and while I can't really see any hip-hop artiste or rapper breaking out the acoustic guitar and singing “My sweet lord” anytime soon, it's nevertheless an interesting and revealing look into the other side of this often-maligned (by me, for one!) genre. Go have a read. B is our old friend Big Ears, and in his journal http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...s-journal.html he's making up for lost time as he reviews albums by Heaven and Hell (their only one, due to the untimely death of Ronnie James Dio), the Groundhogs (so big that he has to do two reviews on their greatest hits!), an obscure album from 1970 from the kings of the three-chord-boogie, Status Quo, Mr Big's 2010 album AND the latest from Big Big Train, which I also reviewed last week and which is the subject of our latest discussion in the Prog Rock Album Club. Hell guys: between you and US I'm in danger of losing my crown as the hardest worked-on journal! Mutter, mutter, they'll all pay soon, you'll see... think they can challenge ME, do they....? M then is for Mankycaant, but he sure can! I know, I know! You really need to check out his reflective musings on music right here http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...er-abroad.html, but don't expect an easy ride! When this guy vents about something, he vents! In his latest piece he's making the case for the comment that “music today is rubbish and previous decades were much better” being a load of Tottenham, a steaming pile of Hotspur. Hey, you want to disagree with him, be my guest! I'm not that brave! :eek: And we're delighted to welcome back Plankton, who is finally, after too long away, dipping once again into http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...um-bucket.html, sharing with us the tales of his youth, his history with music and the role it played in his life. Always more than worth a read, and hopefully we'll see more regular updates in future. Now, some guy called Trollheart won't leave me alone till I plug his bloody journal. Look, it's godawful, okay, but sure I think the guy isn't playing with a full deck, y'know? Just head to http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...d-journal.html and get him off my back, huh? I'll owe ya one! ;) Seriously, now that I've become a bit more sensible about how many albums I review, things a going a lot more smoothly. We've settled in at four a week, which is spread over the two journals. So this week just gone I've got a review of “On the thirteenth day”, the new, dare I say it, magnum opus (ahem!) from Magnum, as well as School of Seven Bells' third album, and first without Claudia Dehaza, “Ghostory”. But that's not all! There's also “Run for cover!” featuring Rod Stewart's take on the Tom Waits song “Downtown train”, and Suzanne Vega is featured in “More than words”. Just the two albums in http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...i-reviews.html, with “Focus X”, the new one from the never-ageing Dutch prog giants, and Nanci Griffith's new one, “Intersection”. And so we come to Unknown Soldier, who works so hard that were we to hook him and Big Ears up to the national grid, you could probably say goodbye to your electricity bills for about a year! In his http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...y-history.html he's finished up 1971 with reviews of albums by Wishbone Ash, The Groundhogs (looks like he's been talking to Big Ears, huh?) and the Pink Fairies, and is just about to move on to 1972. Can't wait! And that, albeit a day late, is it for another week. Seriously, if there were awards for most hard work gone into journal then Unknown Soldier would definitely win the prize, with the large-lobed one not far behind! This is how to do it, guys! Any of you think you can do better, put your music where your mouth is and start your own journal. It's a lot of hard work but a hell of a lot of fun, and talk about job satisfaction ... Eh? what do you mean, we dont get paid? This is an outrage! Get my agent on the phone! What? Gone to the Seychelles? With MY money? Well, we'll just see about that, now won't we? Excuse me, I have a phone call to make. Ah-hoy-hoy? Hitmen-R-Us? Yes, it's “Mister T”. No, not THAT one, you idiot! Yes, excellent. I have a job for you... |
The Music Journals weekly update post, w/e Dec 2 2012
Before we begin, a minute's silence. Or applause, if you prefer.
Everybody was shocked to learn this week of the untimely death of one of our most polarising posters, the enigmatic Howard the Duck, also known round these parts I believe as Il Duce. Patrick was a regular fixture here, though it would appear he didn't post as often or as prolificly (or indeed, in the same disciplined manner) as others, myself included, and I didn't know him well at all, but he seems to have touched everyone's lives, and we're all the poorer for his sudden and unexpected departure. We can only hope that if there is an afterlife, he's found there people who are interested in the music he likes, or at least people who aren't, so he can annoy them by flaming and trolling their threads! We wish him godspeed to the next life, and perhaps one day we'll meet again, although as we never actually met I don't know if that's possible. Anyway, when you get a moment raise a glass to the Duck, and remember him fondly. Some members have already added avatars/links/sigs/videos in remembrance of him, which I think is really nice. Let's remember his family and the woman he nearly married, who I'm sure are going through hell right now, particularly at this festive time. Let's wish them the strength to get through this ordeal, and one day perhaps they can think of the man we knew as Howard without pain. I'd like to have said he was my friend, but sure I hardly knew him. Certainly some others here knew him better than their fellow members, and those people are hurting too, so think of them in your prayers, thoughts, drinking, lighting candles or playing music, or whatever you do to remember Howard. And to those who didn't know him at all, never read his mad posts or saw his avatar, friends, you missed a true original. We'll not see his like again. https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/i...J9LoTCEYqZrHka Howard the Duck, RIP. And so, on to the journals, where coincidentally the first in line is also one of Howard's best friends, so my condolences go out to Mankycaant, who despite the tragedy has found time to update his journal http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...er-abroad.html with an interesting article about EPs. Hang on in there, buddy! It'll get better... Pedestrian drops in (with a brand new avatar!) to post some more of her art from Autotune the Unicorn, although for some odd reason it's under the "Freetalk" heading, which I thought was her writing. Still, I'm sure she knows what she's doing, unless all that studying is taking its toll! You can make your own mind up here http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...sswalking.html and admire her work. That brings us, already, to me. Now I've been trying to review four new albums a week both here http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...d-journal.html and in my other journal, but this was a busy week, so I only got three done. Still, you can check out reviews of albums by Red Sand, The Calm Blue Sea and The Winter Tree, as well as getting in on the festive fun with our first two selections from "25 of the worst Christmas albums --- ever!" which will run right up to the Big Day itself, an album a day. Nothing in http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...i-reviews.html this week. I had intended to feature "Wolfsbane saves the world", by, er, Wolfsbane, but time caught up on me. Never fear though: I'll add it into the reviews for the coming week. Yeah, I knew you were concerned... ;) And after his heroics last week, as he moves into 1972 Unknown Soldier has just the one review this week, from a band called Hardstuff. Quite. You'll find it in the usual place, here http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...y-history.html. And that's it for this week. Don't forget to... what? Sorry, I thought you said...? Really? I find that hard to... well I never! Yes folks, the Angry Man of Music Banter (I'm sure he's already won the award for Angriest Member hands down) makes it into the update this week! After a long time away, http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...nal-stuff.html is back! The return of Urban Hatemonger brings us an in-depth comparison of two of the Britpop bands of the 90s, one of which was huge and polarising, the other faded away. One hell of an interesting read, as is pretty much anything Urban writes. When he writes. Which is not often enough. And that really is it for this week. Twenty-two shopping days left, so get your skates on, but not before you peruse all those wonderful journals (and mine!) --- I'll be back next week with the latest updates, and who knows? maybe even some more from Urban. Hey, Christmas is a time for miracles, after all... ;) Toodles! |
The 2012 Music Banter Secret Santa Event
Is closing in two days with the pairs going out. Now's your last chance to sneak in there. http://www.musicbanter.com/general-m...ml#post1249284 |
All times are GMT -6. The time now is 06:52 AM. |
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