Music Banter

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Guybrush 03-01-2011 12:13 PM

The Canterbury Scene

The Canterbury Scene is a music scene which started in and around Canterbury in England in the late 60s and which continues to influence musicians today. Canterbury musicians back then mainly dabbled in fusion and prog rock, but also psychedelic, pop and many different flavours of avantgarde. Now there's a new thread dedicated to this lovely scene and Canterbury connoiseurs as well as the merely curious should check it out!

Guybrush 03-01-2011 12:23 PM

Album Discussion : Kōenji Hyakkei - Viva Koenji! (1997)

The Prog & Fusion Album Club have taken on the second album of the Japanese Zeuhl band Kōenji Hyakkei. Of course, you are all welcome to join in our discussion!

Guybrush 03-01-2011 12:45 PM

It's Psychobilly Week!

Psychobilly as a genre has origins thousands of years back and hails from the various ancient Berber tribes which are and have been scattered across Africa. Through their music, they revered rhythmn and the morbid, both important components of psychobilly today. During the days of imperialism, psychobilly made it's way to America onboard the slaveships of old. Today, psychobilly has renewed popularity and is enjoyed by most americans, although it is still more popular with the elderly than it is with the younger generations. Share your love for and celebrate this beautiful genre of music in our weekly theme thread!

Freebase Dali 03-01-2011 04:44 PM

Monthly Themed Compilations

The voting round for March has begun! Get your votes in before the 10th! And also take notice that your votes
are MULTIPLE CHOICE! So pick all the themes you would like to see this month.

dankrsta 03-07-2011 05:26 AM

Harry Partch - Delusion of the Fury (1969) Discussion

We have been listening to Delusion Of The Fury - A Ritual Of Dream And Delusion by Harry Partch throughout last week, for Strategies Against Architecture Album Club. This work was suggested by Conan.
"Harry Partch's Delusion of the Fury was premiered in January 1969 at the Pasadena Art Museum in California. Written for six actors, four singers, and a large ensemble of instruments created by the composer, the piece is one of the best examples of Partch's concept of 'corporeality,' or 'total theater,' integrating music, dance, stagecraft, and ritual."
You can join the discussion here:

Guybrush 03-07-2011 06:42 AM

It's Drum And Bass Week!

The origins of Drum and Bass hail back to the centuries old inuit societies on Greenland and Northern America. For them, DnB was more than just music; it was also a trapping method highly important to their survival as well as way of life. Inuits would cut holes in the sea ice, then use a kind of throat singing to drop fat bass lines and bang on the ice with whale and seal bones to get sick beats. The goal was to lure sea ice amphipods which the inuits relied on for sustenance to the hole and the phatter the beats, the more food they caught. DnB was later passed on to the rest of the world through the danish and others in regular contact with these societies. Today, DnB is often enjoyed in clubs far away from the desolate wilderness of the sea-ice landscapes, but it may pay to keep the old ways in mind should you ever find yourself floating alone on a piece of ice.

So, please partake in our discussion and celebration of this historically interesting genre!

Guybrush 03-07-2011 07:13 AM

Album Discussion : Caravan - For Girls Who Grow Plump in the Night (1973)

The PFACers have listened to one of Caravan's classic blends of prog and pop, their fifth album For Girls Who Grow Plump in the Night. Hailing from the Canterbury scene which is often very avantgarde, this accessible record may be the perfect entry and so I urge all with interest in the scene to check it out and join our discussion!

Freebase Dali 03-10-2011 12:27 PM

The Monthly Themed Compilations

The voting round has closed, with Sad, Sad Songs pulling ahead with 8 votes. The submissions round is now open, until the 20th. PM your submissions to Freebase Dali before the 20th. Don't delay!.
Visit the link below for details on how to participate.

Guybrush 03-22-2011 03:48 AM

Album Discussion : Mike Oldfield - Amarok (1990)

The PFACers have been listening to Mike Oldfield's hour long composition featuring a lot of world music like african tribal music mixed with other flavours like celtic music all performed with Mike Oldfield's typical vast array of instruments and other things like spoons. Oldfield was not happy with Virgin, his label, and the unmarketable Amarok may have been a sort of revenge (you can't sell a single from this album), but how good is it? Join in our discussion of this curious and ambitious album!

Guybrush 03-22-2011 03:55 AM

It's Baroque Week!

The baroque style of music was invented by the roman catholic church in the late 15th century. At first, it's practicers were instrumental novices and the compositions were very basic and it was generally a tool used by the church's inquisition used to punish and extract information from those unfortunate souls charged with Witchcraft. However, as the musicians became more skilled, baroque music spilled out of the torture dungeons and into society. By the 17th century and later, it had evolved into the style of classical music we know it as today. Join in our celebration of this rambunctious flavour of classical music!

Freebase Dali 03-22-2011 02:01 PM

The Monthly Themed Compilations

March's compilation; Sad, Sad Songs, is now available for download! Follow the link below and grab your copy. Download, discuss, enjoy!

dankrsta 03-28-2011 12:39 PM

Einstürzende Neubauten - Kollaps (1981) Discussion

Strategies Against Architecture Album Club got its name from Einstürzende Neubauten and we're finally going to discuss their first album this week. The album was recommended by jackhammer:

Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 985779)
Electric drills, power tools and all manner of electric tomfoolery are present on their debut yet it is relatively well defined and cohesive and although it lacks finesse at times, it certainly makes up for it in invention.

Join us in discussion:

dankrsta 03-28-2011 12:45 PM

Let's have fun! It's Pop Week!

"Pop music (a term that originally derives from an abbreviation of "popular") is usually understood to be commercially recorded music, often oriented towards a youth market, usually consisting of relatively short, simple songs utilizing technological innovations to produce new variations on existing themes. Pop music has absorbed influences from most other forms of popular music, but as a genre is particularly associated with the rock and roll and later rock style..." (Wiki)
What are your favorite pop songs? I'm sure you have them, you music snobs ;)

Freebase Dali 04-01-2011 05:52 PM

The Monthly Themed Compilations

Voting is open for April's compilation! Votes are public & multiple choice. Voting will close on the 10th of April. Don't delay!

dankrsta 04-05-2011 05:24 AM

It's Ska Week!

"Ska marked the true beginning of Jamaican popular music, coming to prominence during the early and mid-'60s right around the time the island was granted its independence. Ska ensembles were generally a blend of electric instrumentation and horns most popular in jazz (saxophone, trumpet, trombone). Although structurally simple, ska has a bevy of influences, synthesizing American R&B, jump blues, Jamaican mento, calypso and other Caribbean styles, big-band swing, Afro-Cuban jazz, pocomania and other local religious folk music, and European ballroom dances. Of those, the first three -- R&B, jump blues, and mento -- were the most important building blocks." (Allmusic)
Which one of the three waves of ska do you listen the most? Share your favorite songs here:

dankrsta 04-11-2011 03:01 PM

It's Folk Punk Week!

Like the name suggests, folk punk is a music genre that blends elements of folk music with punk rock. It may appear like an unlikely marriage at first glance, but on closer look these two music styles have a lot in common. Both are a sort of peoples music, simple, authentic and accessible, very often rebellious, with an independent mindset. From this point of view punk can be seen as a kind of urban folk. So when punks add banjos, violins, accordions etc to their electric guitars, it only seems natural. Let's post some great songs here:

Guybrush 04-11-2011 03:28 PM

Come chat with us!

Connecting to the #musicbanter channel on IRC was a challenge for many despite the old mIRC guide, but now the chatroom has been relaunched with a browser IRC client which does all the dirty work for you so that even the newbest newb will be able to connect. It's time to check out the musicbanter chatroom!

TockTockTock 04-18-2011 11:59 AM

Indie and Alternative Album Club

That is right... the Indie and Alternative Album Club is back up and running. We're currently accepting album nominations for next weekend's poll. So, please feel free to join us, take part in our discussions, and suggest an album for us to listen to.

dankrsta 04-18-2011 05:27 PM

ジェイポップ!! It's J-Pop Week!

"J-pop, an abbreviation for Japanese pop, is a loosely-defined musical genre that entered the musical mainstream of Japan in the 1990s. Modern J-pop has its roots in 1960s music such as The Beatles. The term was coined by the Japanese media to distinguish Japanese music from foreign music, and now refers to most Japanese popular music." (Wiki)
So, how many j-pop bands and performers do you know?

Freebase Dali 04-22-2011 07:57 PM

The Monthly Themed Compilations

April's compilation "Minimalism" is now uploaded and available. Get it here:

dankrsta 04-26-2011 08:31 AM

It's Hard Rock Week!

This is one genre that doesn't really need explaining. However, for the sake of clarity, it doesn't mean just any aggressive, loud, macho rock 'n' roll, cause that would be too broad for this weekly celebration. It means a specific kind of rock that emerged somewhere in the second part of the 60s from the psychedelic era, influenced greatly by blues rock, but also keeping some of the rawness and unpolished attitude of garage rock....

I expect this week to be very popular and the thread stuffed with all your favorite hard rock bands.

Scarlett O'Hara 05-01-2011 04:47 AM

Weekly Music Trading Post

Want to swap an album with another member and post a review on it? Sign up here (or PM me) and I will get you in a random pair to swap with someone.

Dotoar 05-01-2011 10:54 AM

New Uriah Heep review

New review, "Demons & wizards".

Freebase Dali 05-01-2011 11:00 AM

The Monthly Themed Compilations

Voting is open for May's theme! Voting will close on the 10th of May. As always, votes are multiple choice.

Dotoar 05-02-2011 06:19 AM

New Uriah Heep review

New review, "The magician's birthday".

Dotoar 05-02-2011 08:55 AM

New Emerson, Lake & Palmer review

New review, "Tarkus".

dankrsta 05-02-2011 01:16 PM

It's Folk Metal Week!

"Folk metal is a sub-genre of heavy metal music that developed in Europe during the 1990s. As the name suggests, the genre is a fusion of heavy metal with traditional folk music. This includes the widespread use of folk instruments and, to a lesser extent, traditional singing styles." (wiki)

dankrsta 05-09-2011 05:02 PM

It's Britpop Week!

As you all know, britpop is a name associated with the British alternative scene of the 90s. It emerged somewhere in the late 80s, early 90s, only then it was more of a phenomenon than a genre, an influx of fresh sounding British bands and a kind of reaction to grunge in US...

Freebase Dali 05-10-2011 05:31 PM

The Monthly Themed Compilations

The voters have chosen! May's theme is Covers. Now accepting submissions.

TockTockTock 05-11-2011 06:01 PM

The Indie and Alternative Album Club

The Indie and Alternative Album Club is back... again. We are currently accepting nominations, and we will vote on them this Saturday and Sunday. Feel free to stop by. -- Thank You

The Indie and Alternative Album Club

Janszoon 05-11-2011 06:46 PM

25 Albums You Should Hear Before the Moon Crashes into the Earth and We All Die

After almost a year of not adding anything to this I'm back to work on it and have posted three new reviews in the past few days. Hopefully with many more to come soon.

dankrsta 05-17-2011 04:50 AM

Glitter and Stardust: It's Glam Week!

"Man is least himself when he talks in his own person! Give him a mask and he'll tell you the truth!" said Oscar Wilde in 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' and repeated by Brian Slade, a fictional, yet suggestive rock star (are there any other?) in Todd Haynes glam movie "Velvet Goldmine". He also says something very important when asked why the make-up: "Why? Because rock and roll's a prostitute! It should be tarted up! Performed! The music is the mask, while I, in my chiffon and taff - well - varda the message!"

Let's celebrate the Glam Rock Week:

dankrsta 05-23-2011 04:21 PM

It's Neo Soul Week!

"Neo soul is a term coined by music industry entrepreneur Kedar Massenburg during the late 1990s to market and describe a style of music that emerged from soul and contemporary R&B. Heavily based in soul music, neo soul is distinguished by a less conventional sound than its contemporary R&B counterpart, with incorporated elements ranging from jazz, funk, and hip hop to pop, fusion, and African music." (Wiki)

Freebase Dali 05-24-2011 11:55 PM

The Monthly Themed Compilations

May's compilation "Covers" is ready for download! Grab it below...

dankrsta 05-31-2011 03:24 PM

It's House Week!

"House music is a style of electronic dance music that originated in Chicago in the early 1980s. It was initially popularized in mid-1980s discothèques catering to the African-American, Latino American communities; first in Chicago circa 1984, then in other cities such as New York City, Newark, Toronto, Montreal, London, Detroit, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Miami. It then reached Europe largely due to the infamous House Music Tour visiting England. England played a pivotal role in the development of house music throughout Europe. Since the early to mid-1990s, it has become infused in mainstream pop and dance music worldwide." (Wiki)

Party time...

dankrsta 06-07-2011 04:35 PM

It's Blues Rock Week!

"Blues rock is a musical genre combining bluesy improvisations and extended boogie jams with rock and roll styles. The core of the blues rock sound is created by the electric guitar, bass guitar and drum kit, with the electric guitar usually amplified through a tube guitar amplifier, giving it an overdriven character. The style began to develop in the mid-1960s in England and the United States." (Wiki)

Paedantic Basterd 06-24-2011 12:01 AM

The Music Banter General Album Club

...Is up and running for theme submissions this week! Join in on the discussion, hear and be heard!

Paedantic Basterd 07-09-2011 10:01 AM

The Music Banter General Album Club

The first theme of the General Album Club has been chosen, and nominations for albums are being accepted!

Anybody late to the show is welcome to make a nomination and join in, it's never too late!

The theme is ALBUMS FROM 1984.

Paedantic Basterd 07-16-2011 11:16 PM

The Music Banter General Album Club

Is now voting on Albums from 1984! Voting is open for one week, and the winner will be the first album discussed!

Paedantic Basterd 07-17-2011 12:15 PM

It's Rockabilly Week!

"Rockabilly started in the mid-50s at the dawn of Rock & Roll with the influential recordings Elvis Presley made for Sun Records. Originally it was Country musicians playing their own version of uptempo Rhythm & Blues music, resulting in this new style. It usually features driving guitars, frantic vocals and slap-back echo in the bass. Rockabilly still has a big following with new artists emerging every year."

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