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Old 09-12-2010, 02:33 PM   #121 (permalink)
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meh. i just feel like different personalities and opinions are going to clash in the course of discussion (music and otherwise), and people are going to say outrageous things occasionally, and there is no place better than an internet forum to spar with someone who is being silly. and if no one gets butthurt about it, and can take a poke and poke back, there isn't a problem. not everyone has to love (or pretend to love) each other and not everyone has to respect everyone else's ideas and opinions. there isn't actually anything at stake here.

EDIT: jesus christ ten people slipped in between me and duga
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Old 09-12-2010, 02:39 PM   #122 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Barnard17 View Post
If I wanted to throw names backwards and forwards with a bunch of juveniles I'd go post on 4chan. Fact of the matter is some people look for and are capable of having decent mature discussion without resorting to immature goading, chief.
you're right, and those discussions sure are fun to have. but then sometimes, goofballs such as yourself act like pompous toolbags, and it's all good fun to point that out as well.
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Old 09-12-2010, 02:52 PM   #123 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by bungalow View Post
you're right, and those discussions sure are fun to have. but then sometimes, goofballs such as yourself act like pompous toolbags, and it's all good fun to point that out as well.
Pot, kettle. I don't believe you've met.
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Originally Posted by OBEY
"Never trust your own eyes, believe what you are told".
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Old 09-12-2010, 02:58 PM   #124 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by bungalow
meh. i just feel like different personalities and opinions are going to clash in the course of discussion (music and otherwise), and people are going to say outrageous things occasionally, and there is no place better than an internet forum to spar with someone who is being silly. and if no one gets butthurt about it, and can take a poke and poke back, there isn't a problem. not everyone has to love (or pretend to love) each other and not everyone has to respect everyone else's ideas and opinions. there isn't actually anything at stake here.
You're right. Opinions are going to clash in the course of music discussion. No matter how outrageous an opinion you have, you will never be punished for your opinion on music banter.
You're also right in that not everyone has to love, or pretend to love everyone; we all have the capacity to choose the battles we engage in.

You are still right in believing that when it comes to sparring with someone who is being silly. and them not one getting butthurt about it, there's nothing like an internet forum. My suggestion to you, if you particularly value those qualities in an internet forum, is to find that particular forum, go there quickly, and stay for as long as you wish.
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Old 09-12-2010, 03:08 PM   #125 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by SATCHMO View Post
You're right. Opinions are going to clash in the course of music discussion. No matter how outrageous an opinion you have, you will never be punished for your opinion on music banter.
You're also right in that not everyone has to love, or pretend to love everyone; we all have the capacity to choose the battles we engage in.

You are still right in believing that when it comes to sparring with someone who is being silly. and them not one getting butthurt about it, there's nothing like an internet forum. My suggestion to you, if you particularly value those qualities in an internet forum, is to find that particular forum, go there quickly, and stay for as long as you wish.
I sincerely couldn't have put it more eloquently myself.
I'll stay if I ever could, and pick up your pieces babe, because there's never a perfect day.

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Old 09-12-2010, 06:35 PM   #126 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA View Post
I think one issue here, though, is that people at the site may not agree on what makes the website have high it the interesting music posts, interesting people, the debates, the friendships?
Returning to intentions radical root helps. Whats the quality? Its discussion. Are there a free exchange of ideas? Are ideas suppressed? Can you speak freely or are you assaulted constantly wherever you post. I suspect you're missing the point of banning people like boo boo because you weren't on the receiving end.

So, for me community is probably most important at MB...and in my dream "High Quality" community, no one gets ejected! We just haggle out our conflicts, go to sleep a little angry or indignant, then wake up to a new day together with a chance to try again, day after day after day after day. It's like marriage!
The problem, my dear Eggplant, is that those who went unprovoked by long-term members don't understand what its like to be new here, to hope to find a place to discuss music - even if that music is pop-y, radio-friendly, and commercial - and maybe make a friend or two while doing so. And you (people) certainly don't know what its like to come here under those pretenses and be harassed. Not out of any legitimate reason, certainly no one takes offense to the harassment of spammers, not because of provocation, but harassed because some veteran member has decided in their unlimited arrogance that their opinion goes beyond subjectivity to the empirical and that they've pissed and claimed territory over these boards.

In short, why should we begin to think of friendship with one, when the countless potential friendships cost are far worse.
I've moved to a new address
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Old 09-12-2010, 07:18 PM   #127 (permalink)
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Before Satchmo pulled the trigger, i was very close to doing it myself. I stopped and I decided to get the opinions of the other mods first and not one of them disagreed with the decision. I didn't ban boo boo but I would have.

Banning long standing members like boo boo is a difficult decision and it isnt made lightly. There's a reason I didn't go through with the ban myself and yet stopped to get the opinions of others first. I knew it would be controversial but I have to say that in my opinion it was a decision that not only had to be made but it was something that should have happened a long time ago.

Established members who contribute to the forum are not members we like to see leave or members we enjoy banning but if any of us feel that the decision has to be made for the good of the community then it will be made. And yes, that does mean that I feel this was for the good of the community.

Boo has, in the past, been someone I have enjoyed conversing with and when he wasn't going around continously insulting and provoking other members, he contributed a lot to the site. However his behaviour, for the most part, i felt was disruptive and the fact of the matter is he was warned on countless occasions that his current behaviour would incur moderation and he refused to change it. He recieved warnings, infractions and short term bans over the years as we tried to make it clear to him that under the rules of the site, he could not continue behaving as he was and he simply refused to take notice of this. Once you have given him numerous short term bans then there really is not another lenient option remaining when he comes back and picks up where he left off. He exhausted all of those options and never changed his attitude nor took any notice of the warnings he was given.

Someone wanted to be shown what rules he broke? The FIRST rule of the forum is:

Originally Posted by right-track View Post
• While debating and discussion is fine, we will not tolerate rudeness, insulting posts, personal attacks, trolling, or purposeless inflammatory posts. We reserve the right to remove offensive posts without notice. Our decision is final in these matters.
Boo has been a member of this forum for years. He knows the rules. He used to be a mod for Gods sake. Not only did he either never learn this rule or simply choose not to follow it but when he was actively moderating this forum he went on an impromptu banning spree and banned the accounts of half of the members of the forum. He has shown a pattern of insulting other members, of not heeding warnings and even said himself that he thought the mods would continue to give him longer and longer bans until he got a perma. He knew his behaviour was against the very same rules he was once entrusted to enforce, he knew that his behaviour was going to get him banned and he outright refused to change it.

If you feel that behaviour like boo's is something that should be allowed here then thats your opinion and you're entitled to it. But the fact remains that it IS written in the rules that to insult, troll or personally attack others will not be tolerated. Other forums are happy to accomodate this kind of behaviour, wont moderate it and will allow the forum to break out into petty arguments and squabbling instead of trying hard to keep the forum as on-topic and as welcoming as possible. The way I see it is that this is the job the mods try hard to do here, without taking away the right people have to their opinions and active discussions. Some members may feel we achieve this and some may not. Again, if you feel we don't accomplish this then you are entitled to your opinion and to voice this opinion but each of us will moderate the way we see fit and based on what is best for the site in general overall. If one of us makes a decision that proves unpopular with the rest of the team then that would be addressed too, its not like we do whatever he want. But on this occasion i think that at least the majority of the mods are in agreement.

I knew some members wouldn't like this and believe me, it gives me no satisfaction to have the account of one of our longest standing members banned but fact of the matter is that he had more chances to avoid this than the vast majority of members will ever get. He knew this was coming and had countless of opportunities to stop us from doing it. He chose not to take any notice.

The month long ban he recieved not so long ago was his final warning. I'm sure a lot of the mods would have made the case that he had used up all of his lives before that one too but it served as his last chance. When he insults forum members just hours after serving this ban for insulting forum members, he didn't really leave us with much choice.

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Old 09-12-2010, 07:39 PM   #128 (permalink)
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If this is so controversial why not give a public poll on the matter?
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Old 09-12-2010, 07:42 PM   #129 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by mojopinuk View Post
Before Satchmo pulled the trigger, i was very close to doing it myself. I stopped and I decided to get the opinions of the other mods first and not one of them disagreed with the decision. I didn't ban boo boo but I would have.

Banning long standing members like boo boo is a difficult decision and it isnt made lightly. There's a reason I didn't go through with the ban myself and yet stopped to get the opinions of others first. I knew it would be controversial but I have to say that in my opinion it was a decision that not only had to be made but it was something that should have happened a long time ago.

Established members who contribute to the forum are not members we like to see leave or members we enjoy banning but if any of us feel that the decision has to be made for the good of the community then it will be made. And yes, that does mean that I feel this was for the good of the community.

Boo has, in the past, been someone I have enjoyed conversing with and when he wasn't going around continously insulting and provoking other members, he contributed a lot to the site. However his behaviour, for the most part, i felt was disruptive and the fact of the matter is he was warned on countless occasions that his current behaviour would incur moderation and he refused to change it. He recieved warnings, infractions and short term bans over the years as we tried to make it clear to him that under the rules of the site, he could not continue behaving as he was and he simply refused to take notice of this. Once you have given him numerous short term bans then there really is not another lenient option remaining when he comes back and picks up where he left off. He exhausted all of those options and never changed his attitude nor took any notice of the warnings he was given.

Someone wanted to be shown what rules he broke? The FIRST rule of the forum is:

Boo has been a member of this forum for years. He knows the rules. He used to be a mod for Gods sake. Not only did he either never learn this rule or simply choose not to follow it but when he was actively moderating this forum he went on an impromptu banning spree and banned the accounts of half of the members of the forum. He has shown a pattern of insulting other members, of not heeding warnings and even said himself that he thought the mods would continue to give him longer and longer bans until he got a perma. He knew his behaviour was against the very same rules he was once entrusted to enforce, he knew that his behaviour was going to get him banned and he outright refused to change it.

If you feel that behaviour like boo's is something that should be allowed here then thats your opinion and you're entitled to it. But the fact remains that it IS written in the rules that to insult, troll or personally attack others will not be tolerated. Other forums are happy to accomodate this kind of behaviour, wont moderate it and will allow the forum to break out into petty arguments and squabbling instead of trying hard to keep the forum as on-topic and as welcoming as possible. The way I see it is that this is the job the mods try hard to do here, without taking away the right people have to their opinions and active discussions. Some members may feel we achieve this and some may not. Again, if you feel we don't accomplish this then you are entitled to your opinion and to voice this opinion but each of us will moderate the way we see fit and based on what is best for the site in general overall. If one of us makes a decision that proves unpopular with the rest of the team then that would be addressed too, its not like we do whatever he want. But on this occasion i think that at least the majority of the mods are in agreement.

I knew some members wouldn't like this and believe me, it gives me no satisfaction to have the account of one of our longest standing members banned but fact of the matter is that he had more chances to avoid this than the vast majority of members will ever get. He knew this was coming and had countless of opportunities to stop us from doing it. He chose not to take any notice.

The month long ban he recieved not so long ago was his final warning. I'm sure a lot of the mods would have made the case that he had used up all of his lives before that one too but it served as his last chance. When he insults forum members just hours after serving this ban for insulting forum members, he didn't really leave us with much choice.
If what you posted should be enforced so much, why hasn't Dr. Seussicide been given a warning for his behavior in that Quran Burning thread?

Damn double posts, my bad.
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Old 09-12-2010, 11:35 PM   #130 (permalink)
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and i think you're a dim witted attention whoring harpy. glad we shared our thoughts on one another. now stop hitting on me.
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