How satisfied are you with the way members are moderated? - Music Banter Music Banter

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View Poll Results: Are you satisfied with the way members are moderated?
Yes, no complaints! 16 61.54%
Yes, but there's room for improvement 6 23.08%
Undecided/Don't know/Don't care 3 11.54%
No, there's some good but methods should improve 0 0%
No, moderators do a bad job moderating members 1 3.85%
Voters: 26. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 10-29-2009, 06:21 AM   #31 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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Originally Posted by SATCHMO View Post
I was joking of course (sorta)
Yeah, I know but since you don't use the infractions system I thought I'd give a serious reply

I sort of abandoned it, but writing about it has made me realize why I started using it in the first place. It recently came in handy when I was looking up on Unfan's moderation history (even if a lot of it wasn't done by infractions). I think I'll pick it up again.

edit :

I feel I should try and live up to this one :

Originally Posted by Meet the Mods
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Infract yo ass.
Something Completely Different
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Old 10-29-2009, 06:47 AM   #32 (permalink)
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well i've been a member of several other forums, not just for music, and i have to say this is the best moderated site that i have ever been to. other forums either there weren't enough mods on the job, the mods would play favorites and blatantly unban people they were buddies with(who really deserve banning), or the mods would spam incessantly and not really care about moderating in the first place.

i think part of the reason for such good moderation here is the age and maturity of members here, seeing as the mods here are over the age of 18, as opposed to the one's on other sites i was at where most were 15-17. idk, i guess with age you learn responsibility and i can definately see that here.
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Originally Posted by mr dave
isn't this one of the main reasons for this entire site?

what's next? a thread made specifically to banter about music?
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Old 10-29-2009, 08:55 AM   #33 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Antonio View Post
well i've been a member of several other forums, not just for music, and i have to say this is the best moderated site that i have ever been to. other forums either there weren't enough mods on the job, the mods would play favorites and blatantly unban people they were buddies with(who really deserve banning), or the mods would spam incessantly and not really care about moderating in the first place.

i think part of the reason for such good moderation here is the age and maturity of members here, seeing as the mods here are over the age of 18, as opposed to the one's on other sites i was at where most were 15-17. idk, i guess with age you learn responsibility and i can definately see that here.
See on the forums I've used in the past (before my internet refused to work for 2 years) the problem was mostly people spoke in text speak, and slang. Had too many moderators because the admins wanted their friends to be mods, had elitest groups such as Gods, Elite.. etc, which never worked for the forum and the forums eventually died a horrible death.. to add to it the mods were all usually 15-18, and anyone who was a friend of an admin got modded. Which was ****ing useless having like 17 mods, 3 admins, and an elite group. edit: on an average sized forum. I agree with what your saying and I think its a good system. I don't think age becomes apart of it, i think it's more on maturity, and wither a new mod could handle responsibility without ODing on power. And slapping a ban on anyone who crosses there path. I think all the mods here are mature enough for the job and can handle it. I personally think they were well picked, so whoever picks the mods, job well done!

Originally Posted by butthead aka 216 View Post
i havent i refuse to in fact. it triggers my ptsd from yrs ago when i thought my ex's anal beads were those edible candy necklaces
Originally Posted by Dr. Rez View Post
Keep it in your pants scottie.
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Old 10-29-2009, 05:59 PM   #34 (permalink)
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This is easily the best moderated site I have been on, but on other forums I've been the mods were more lenient in the off topic forums (The Lounge, in this case). I think it'd be cool if The Lounge was moderated a bit leniently, but if not no big. That's really all I could think of.
I also like the MB courtroom idea and the idea where they make a thread about why a member was banned.
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Old 10-29-2009, 10:28 PM   #35 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by wolverinewolfweiselpigeon View Post
It seems like people expect the mods to cater to everyone's needs and want them be some kind of superpeople who always make the right move. It's a ****ing internet forum, for ****s sake, if you don't like the way it's run then leave. Also, I definitely don't think the community of MB should be involved in the decision to ban a member. Our mods do their jobs and they do them well; none of my complaints are directed toward them.
I agree with the basic idea that I think you are expressing, wolverinewolfweiselpigeon, which is that membership at MB is a privilege, not a right, and I understand that there is a built-in power structure for good reason. Still, I would argue that open, civil debate and discussion about how any community group is run makes the organization stronger as a whole rather than weaker. I think many people who join online forums probably value greatly the free speech and the chance to interact with so many other individuals, and they would like to work to improve the site if they feel improvement is needed...just as they would in an off-line (physical) community. While some people may feel an internet forum and their experience there is a trivial part of their lives, to others an online forum may be very meaningful, just as community groups (in the flesh) are. They know the disembodied words they read in posts come from the minds of people whom they wish to treat as respectfully as they would if those people were sitting 5 feet away in an off-line community group. They also value the fact that an internet forum community gives a way to communicate and interact with people that is different than, but not necessarily inferior to, the experiences within an off-line community group.

Originally Posted by mr dave View Post
i think this is a recipe for disaster. isn't one of the reasons people are chosen as mods that they're responsible and sensible members of the community? having a courtroom style event is just going to spread more drama and attention to some brat's BS across the site.
This may be true, mr. dave, depending on how such a courtroom idea were implemented, and is a good point to consider, I feel...although as I understood Toretorden's suggestion that he offered for consideration, the courtroom idea would only present information about a permabanned member after that person is permabanned, probably listing very simply the temporary bannings/reasons leading up to the permabanning. This would help other members understand why someone (a member with 150 or more posts) is suddenly gone, without giving overdue attention to the gritty details.

In my particular case with The Unfan, what I hoped was that if one of his temporary bannings had to do with anything he said to me, such as...

Originally Posted by The Unfan>
Every time you sing a song about how precious a cow's life is I'm going to eat a hamburger.

Edit: Jesus Christ, get out of my state please.
Read more:
...then the moderators would let this portion of his infractions be stricken from the record...thereby perhaps reducing his total number of bannings in his record such that he is no longer permanently banned. If a list of his infractions showed one was due to something said to me, then I might be able to tell the mods, oh, strike that from his record, please...I'm cool with him over's ancient history for me and we've moved on from there.

Originally Posted by BTown787 View Post
This is easily the best moderated site I have been on, but on other forums I've been the mods were more lenient in the off topic forums (The Lounge, in this case). I think it'd be cool if The Lounge was moderated a bit leniently, but if not no big. That's really all I could think of.
I also like the MB courtroom idea and the idea where they make a thread about why a member was banned.
Hey, BTown787, I also like the idea of the lounge being more leniently moderated than the music forums. If that isn't already the case, I would vote in favor of that!
Originally Posted by Neapolitan:
If a chicken was smart enough to be able to speak English and run in a geometric pattern, then I think it should be smart enough to dial 911 (999) before getting the axe, and scream to the operator, "Something must be done! Something must be done!"

Last edited by VEGANGELICA; 10-29-2009 at 10:40 PM.
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Old 11-01-2009, 07:30 AM   #36 (permalink)
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Not kissing your guys asses,but I think you guys do really good.I get on this other music website(in spanish) where spammers practically own that place.The owner of it is never on there and has no mods,the place is pretty much a zoo.It was down for 7 days about a month ago.
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Old 11-01-2009, 11:47 AM   #37 (permalink)
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This forum is moderated just fine. I don't feel the mods are TOO harsh to generate any arguments over a warning or a ban that way but i also wouldnt expect people to get away with shit here either which is the way it surely should be?

I mean, im pretty much against petty squabbles and arguments on internet forums and it's always been one of my pet hates. The reason i have usually left forums by now is because i just cant be bothered with the endless amounts of arguments and pissing contests clogging up the forum space. However i know fine well i can end up getting involved in them from time to time because a) depending on the content, i can feel a response or retalliation brewing and end up involving myself without even thinking about it and b) some people are just stupid for me to be able to resist a swift kick every now and then.

So, ive probably technically broken some rules in my time here, even if just once or twice but i also know ive never really done anything to warrant a quick word or at least i havent the way i see it and ive never been moderated. I've also been able to spot a few bans coming and they've all taken place shortly afterwards and also this is probably the only forum ive been on that isnt clogged with 90% bullshit and 10% of content with any relevancy whatsoever.

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Old 11-04-2009, 08:29 PM   #38 (permalink)
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If I had my way Vegangelica would be the equivalent to Yac, though who knows, maybe running this site like an idealistic government wouldn't work. I'm personally fine with the way the site is run as it is, I think the moderation is fantastic. That does not mean I see no place or need for improvement, but just that I think MB would survive and thrive as it has been without. In a lot of ways I agree with Mojopinuk, as well as others who express similar opinions. One thing I can say for certain is that Tore is a pretty top shelf moderator to have started this thread, I think were in good hands.
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Old 11-04-2009, 10:59 PM   #39 (permalink)
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You know what? I think the Mod's are bloody good. They put up with too much shit, most of which we never even hear about. If anyones complaining I'd like to see them do a better job. Too many other boards are full of rubbish because it's a big ego competition. Here it's a really sweet place.
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Old 11-05-2009, 06:01 AM   #40 (permalink)
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Stockholm syndrome dawg.
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