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jackhammer 06-09-2008 05:40 PM

Musicbanter Improvement Thread
There has been similar threads but this will be stickied and acted on accordingly. What can we do to improve the site? Increase album reviews? Encourage more community based threads via The Lounge? Enforce moderation more or decrease moderation? Ask the English mods to stop taking the pish?

Any frivolous replies get deleted. Be serious people. Anything that encourages a more active forum is always appreciated.

Laughing Boy 06-09-2008 05:44 PM

It would be cool if the senior members weren't so elitist towards newer members about things that are completely personal preference. I got told who should and shouldn't be in my dream band on one of my first posts here, that was welcoming.

right-track 06-09-2008 05:48 PM

I'd like to see members take on a journal Here.
And see them write passionately about the music they like.

ProggyMan 06-09-2008 05:50 PM

That's music discussion, the point of the thread was to discuss Dream Bands...Anyhow, I agree with Laughing Boy.

jackhammer 06-09-2008 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by Laughing Boy (Post 488701)
It would be cool if the senior members weren't so elitist towards newer members about things that are completely personal preference. I got told who should and shouldn't be in my dream band on one of my first posts here, that was welcoming.

This is a preference based ideal though. Most new members are surreptitiously tested to ascertain their musical knowledge. It does indeed smack of elitism but we average 20 new posters a day and we are lucky if less than one stays the course.

We could be more welcoming I admit and could give newbies a longer period of grace.

One other point of note, we can usually separate the wheat from the chaff. If you have a musical opinion and it is reasoned well, we will notice it. So don't get scared off too easily!

right-track 06-09-2008 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by ProggyMan (Post 488704)
That's music discussion, the point of the thread was to discuss Dream Bands

Where does it say that?

ProggyMan 06-09-2008 06:05 PM

Well the title is who would be in your dream band.

Sparky 06-09-2008 08:31 PM

bring back the arcade

ProggyMan 06-09-2008 08:31 PM

Fook yeh.

CAPTAIN CAVEMAN 06-09-2008 08:51 PM

i third the arcade

Laughing Boy 06-09-2008 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 488706)
This is a preference based ideal though. Most new members are surreptitiously tested to ascertain their musical knowledge. It does indeed smack of elitism but we average 20 new posters a day and we are lucky if less than one stays the course.

We could be more welcoming I admit and could give newbies a longer period of grace.

One other point of note, we can usually separate the wheat from the chaff. If you have a musical opinion and it is reasoned well, we will notice it. So don't get scared off too easily!

This site is just too goddamn cliquey it's frustrating to even post on here if you're not in the 'in-crowd.'

ProggyMan 06-09-2008 10:42 PM

I'm not in the 'in-crowd'...

Dr_Rez 06-09-2008 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by The-Starving-Artless (Post 488754)
i third the arcade

Agreed. That was the pinnacle of this site. :crazy:


Originally Posted by ProggyMan (Post 488800)
I'm not in the 'in-crowd'...

I assume he means the mods, which technically is the in crowd.

Laughing Boy 06-09-2008 10:47 PM

I definitely wasn't referring to the mods. Take the radiohead thread for instance. I agreed with what ProggyMan/Slint/etc were all saying so I came in and counter-argued with the dp dude and then what happens? ProggyMan/Slint/etc turn around and start arguing with me. Seriously what the fuck? I repeat this site is too goddamn cliquey.

Dr_Rez 06-09-2008 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by Laughing Boy (Post 488805)
I definitely wasn't referring to the mods. Take the radiohead thread for instance. I agreed with what ProggyMan/Slint/etc were all saying so I came in and counter-argued with the dp dude and then what happens? ProggyMan/Slint/etc turn around and start arguing with me. Seriously what the fuck? I repeat this site is too goddamn cliquey.

Well as you will learn people on this forum (like most) are EXTREMELY opinionated and usually looking to be right. :p:

Even i am like that at times, but like now and most other times to lazy.

As long as you honestly try to intelligently defend your stance none is "against" you.

edit: and hey give it another chance. i would love if you did, considering you actually intelligently post unlike 50% who come by.

Laces Out Dan! 06-09-2008 11:26 PM>>>>>Musicbanter Improvement.

ProggyMan 06-09-2008 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by Laughing Boy (Post 488805)
I definitely wasn't referring to the mods. Take the radiohead thread for instance. I agreed with what ProggyMan/Slint/etc were all saying so I came in and counter-argued with the dp dude and then what happens? ProggyMan/Slint/etc turn around and start arguing with me. Seriously what the fuck? I repeat this site is too goddamn cliquey.

I generally dispute things I disagree with.

bsmix 06-10-2008 12:44 AM

age requirements? haha jk
I really like the new release polls, and the album reviews are key. I wish they were combined so you go to a review and you see how popular it is here and who likes it (the album). I think I can see why it's a good idea to have them separate; so maybe you could move them to the reviews section after a few months/ combine with the review.
I'm pretty new so maybe you've tried this already? and the arcade sounds interesting...

ashtray 06-10-2008 12:50 AM

I think it's easy to spot out genuine opinions and am going to enjoy checking out the music some of you recommend. I am mostly here to learn but will offer what I have to share. I think I might have to agree with the clique thing. I don't know, the first post I made (I think) was about Kurt Cobain's ashes being stolen and I was attacked instantly by 2 people. I thought it was off topic how that person just commented on how about I must have been thinking about it for awhile. Spam if you ask me but I don't know I am just a noob.
EDIT : Having questions like "Who is your favorite MB member?" in those six pack question thing doesn't help with the clique thing. Just saying.

Piss Me Off 06-10-2008 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by right-track (Post 488702)
I'd like to see members take on a journal Here.
And see them write passionately about the music they like.

Well i was going to PM someone at some point, but i'll just use this as permission?

One thing i've noticed (and this is strictly an opinion from a person in Britain) is that there tends to be barely no mods on during the day and they're all on in the evening, which results in lots of spam during the day which has is only cleaned up later on.
It's only a minor gripe, i'm not sure if anyone will agree with me?

sweet_nothing 06-10-2008 06:18 AM


Originally Posted by ProggyMan (Post 488800)
I'm not in the 'in-crowd'...

Am i in the 'in crowd'? :shycouch:

right-track 06-10-2008 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by bsmix (Post 488854)
age requirements? haha jk
I really like the new release polls, and the album reviews are key. I wish they were combined so you go to a review and you see how popular it is here and who likes it (the album). I think I can see why it's a good idea to have them separate; so maybe you could move them to the reviews section after a few months/ combine with the review.

That's actually a good idea for some of the reviews on the new albums.
We could copy a review and replicate it in the appropriate place in the 'New Releases Ratings Forum'...

adidasss 06-10-2008 11:15 AM

I'd like to see more people (who can actually write) write reviews of current albums.

I'm not sure what cliques people are talking about (especially since those complains seem to be coming from people who've been here a total of a few days).

Urban Hat€monger ? 06-10-2008 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by Piss Me Off (Post 488879)
One thing i've noticed (and this is strictly an opinion from a person in Britain) is that there tends to be barely no mods on during the day and they're all on in the evening, which results in lots of spam during the day which has is only cleaned up later on.
It's only a minor gripe, i'm not sure if anyone will agree with me?

I agree with you. Normally Seltzer is around in the morning , and then there's a gap between me , RT & Jackhammer coming on around 6ish.
The only solution I can see to this is get a mod from somewhere like India . Pakistan or Siberia.

Any suggestions? :D


Originally Posted by ashtray (Post 488858)
I think it's easy to spot out genuine opinions and am going to enjoy checking out the music some of you recommend. I am mostly here to learn but will offer what I have to share. I think I might have to agree with the clique thing. I don't know, the first post I made (I think) was about Kurt Cobain's ashes being stolen and I was attacked instantly by 2 people. I thought it was off topic how that person just commented on how about I must have been thinking about it for awhile. Spam if you ask me but I don't know I am just a noob.
EDIT : Having questions like "Who is your favorite MB member?" in those six pack question thing doesn't help with the clique thing. Just saying.

If you think that was being attacked I think you may be in for a shock. Nonsubmissivewife was just ribbing you & you seem to have take it personally.

She's one of the nicest people here and has never flamed anyone who whole time she's been here. If you think she's being nasty I think it may be in your best interest to get a thicker skin , or not take things to heart so much.

jackhammer 06-10-2008 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 488922)
I agree with you. Normally Seltzer is around in the morning , and then there's a gap between me , RT & Jackhammer coming on around 6ish.
The only solution I can see to this is get a mod from somewhere like India . Pakistan or Siberia.

Any suggestions? :D

If MB paid me to be a mod, I would quite happily jack in my job and mod during the day!

In all seriousness as Urban stated, the three English mods have day jobs and generally cannot get on during the day. It is frustrating all round, as it would be nice to be on the site at night and not sift through a lot of spam!

Laughing Boy 06-10-2008 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 488916)
I'm not sure what cliques people are talking about (especially since those complains seem to be coming from people who've been here a total of a few days).

Yeah sorry I forgot newly registered users shouldn't have input, my bad.

ashtray 06-10-2008 01:30 PM

This arcade I don't know. I think it would be cool if there was a way to play name that tune. Maybe have a downloadable stream and we can guess the song. If that is too much work I am sorry for mentioning just thought I'd throw it out there.
EDIT : I was also wondering why people get away with such off topic nonsense. "Am I in the in crowd?" Yeah thats a question thats really gonna help.
I think I mentioned a good example of how there are cliques here. Who is your favorite MB user? Who cares I thought we were here to talk music.

Piss Me Off 06-10-2008 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 488922)
I agree with you. Normally Seltzer is around in the morning , and then there's a gap between me , RT & Jackhammer coming on around 6ish.
The only solution I can see to this is get a mod from somewhere like India . Pakistan or Siberia.

Any suggestions? :D

Well let's pray, eh?
I only really realised that my point was a bit pointless afterwards. I urge all the UK mods to get promotions so they can slack off all day and post here. Cheers!

adidasss 06-10-2008 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by Laughing Boy (Post 488976)
Yeah sorry I forgot newly registered users shouldn't have input, my bad.

Calm yourself n00bzorz, what I actually meant was that it usually takes a longer period to figure out if there are certain cliques at play or not. Being on a music forum, you should expect to come across more than one person that doesn't share your opinion...I don't think anyone is being particularly nasty about it so there's no need to be defensive...we do pay attention to abusive behavior and try to keep things civil...:\


Originally Posted by ashtray (Post 488980)
Who cares I thought we were here to talk music.

You're free to do so, the thread you mention is in the lounge which is intended for non-music related banter. And if we like to circle-jerk each other from time to time, that shouldn't concern you really...;)

ashtray 06-10-2008 01:41 PM

Well I just went to a new comment posted by a mod on there very own thread an all they said was "Spot on Sir" in response to someone elses response. It was really worth it. You guys aren't cliquey at all.


Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 488988)
You're free to do so, the thread you mention is in the lounge which is intended for non-music related banter. And if we like to circle-jerk each other from time to time, that shouldn't concern you really...;)

What do you mean it shouldn't concern me? Cause I'm not in any of your cliques hmmmmmmm?

Urban Hat€monger ? 06-10-2008 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by ashtray (Post 488990)
Well I just went to a new comment posted by a mod on there very own thread an all they said was "Spot on Sir" in response to someone elses response. It was really worth it. You guys aren't cliquey at all.

I really don't see what your issue is. Do you really expect people to act formally towards people they have known for ages?

People do discuss music here , after all it is a music forum but people like to have fun while they're doing it. This forum is laid back and people know and get on with each other. If someone steps out of line they get told about it.

jackhammer 06-10-2008 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by ashtray (Post 488990)
Well I just went to a new comment posted by a mod on there very own thread an all they said was "Spot on Sir" in response to someone elses response. It was really worth it. You guys aren't cliquey at all.

That is my finest post ever!

ashtray 06-10-2008 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 488995)
I really don't see what your issue is. Do you really expect people to act formally towards people they have known for ages?

People do discuss music here , after all it is a music forum but people like to have fun while they're doing it. This forum is laid back and people know and get on with each other. If someone steps out of line they get told about it.

That's fine I have no issues am just confused about who's posts to actually read. When a mod dupes me like that it just aint cool I don't care. So your telling me that, that kind of pointless banter is what is encouraged here? I am not here to get along with anyone, just to learn about music. But am glad you have informed me that most of the time you guys just run around slapping eachothers asses.

sleepy jack 06-10-2008 01:54 PM

Woh man, get the sand out of your vagina. We're a community here, not a school.

jackhammer 06-10-2008 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by ashtray (Post 489007)
slapping eachothers asses.

You should see the extented videos yyeeeaahh.

Urban Hat€monger ? 06-10-2008 01:58 PM

Nobody is duping you.

If you feel that it's pointless banter then don't read it.

Is it encouraged? yes & no

We don't mind people having fun as long as they also make an effort to post properly as well. People who constantly make posts like that are soon warned to post something of substance.

You say your not here get along with anyone and just learn about music, that's fine but if your not going to make an effort to fit in don't complain when people don't want to go to any effort for you because they don't know you.

ashtray 06-10-2008 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by sleepy jack (Post 489010)
Woh man, get the sand out of your vagina. We're a community here, not a school.

I find it humorous how you people think I could actually feel emotion from someone I have never met. Pitiful. If you have no logical arguments why don't you go back to your ass slapping?

adidasss 06-10-2008 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by sleepy jack (Post 489010)
Woh man, get the sand out of your vagina. We're a community here, not a school.

Spot on, sir. *slaps Ethan on the ars*

sleepy jack 06-10-2008 01:59 PM



Originally Posted by ashtray (Post 489018)
I find it humorous how you people think I could actually feel emotion from someone I have never met. Pitiful. If you have no logical arguments why don't you go back to your ass slapping?

You could at least lighten up a little man.

jackhammer 06-10-2008 02:11 PM

Yet another thread about positive change has descended into chaos. Ashtray-your points have been noted. Can we all post back onto topic i.e site improvement.

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