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Cuthbert 03-24-2018 01:04 PM

Has The Hawk been perma'd? Or just caged for a bit?

Frownland 03-24-2018 01:06 PM

7 days.

MicShazam 03-24-2018 01:09 PM

I'm sure he'll wear it like a badge when he comes back :laughing:

Chula Vista 03-24-2018 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 1935539)
(1)This is why you're hard to take seriously. (2)You are literally the biggest offender of personal attacks. (3)Instead of PMing a mod. (4)Stop pretending your innocent. (5)Shoulda stopped at "Why?".

1. *shrug*
2. Diss on me all you want. I'll diss on you in kind. But making jokes about my son's illness or my wife's pussy? You cool with that DWV? That **** make you chuckle? Again, diss on ME all you want.
3. I've PM'd mods. It's basically a waste of keystrokes. EXO being the exception.
4. STFU. I've never pretended to be innocent. See #2.
5. Hawk is being a prick in regards to my wife. You cool with that? That OK with you?

Frownland 03-24-2018 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1935554)
1. *shrug*
2. Diss on me all you want. I'll diss on you in kind. But making jokes about my son's illness or my wife's pussy? You cool with that DWV? That **** make you chuckle? Again, diss on ME all you want.
3. I've PM'd mods. It's basically a waste of keystrokes. EXO being the exception.
4. STFU. I've never pretended to be innocent. See #2.
5. Hawk is being a prick in regards to my wife. You cool with that? That OK with you?

Stay classy, San Diego.

Cuthbert 03-24-2018 01:18 PM

I can see more bans coming if these insults carry on :eek:

Chula Vista 03-24-2018 01:22 PM

MicShazam 03-24-2018 01:23 PM

Solution: Lock this thread before it blows up.

DwnWthVwls 03-24-2018 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1935554)
1. *shrug*
2. Diss on me all you want. I'll diss on you in kind. But making jokes about my son's illness or my wife's pussy? You cool with that DWV? That **** make you chuckle? Again, diss on ME all you want.
3. I've PM'd mods. It's basically a waste of keystrokes. EXO being the exception.
4. STFU. I've never pretended to be innocent. See #2.
5. Hawk is being a prick in regards to my wife. You cool with that? That OK with you?

Yeah, I'm okay with it. If you acted like TH and people came at you the way they do, it'd be an issue, but that's not the case. Difference between you and everyone else is that you seem to insult people to literally attack their person where as most other people insulting each other here do it as a friendly jab. When Occult makes fun of your wife I don't think it's with the intent of hurting your feelings (if he does hurt your feelings than that's a problem and a time when the mods should step in). When you tell people to STFU and call them ****ing *******s you seem to genuinely feel that way. Big difference.

How's the saying go? You should be worried when we stop joking with you? Something like that..

Frownland 03-24-2018 01:32 PM

It's not worth the time, DWV. He's just going to keep repeating himself.

Oriphiel 03-24-2018 01:37 PM


DwnWthVwls 03-24-2018 01:38 PM


MicShazam 03-24-2018 01:39 PM


Oriphiel 03-24-2018 01:40 PM


MicShazam 03-24-2018 01:41 PM


... oh ****!

DwnWthVwls 03-24-2018 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by Oriphiel (Post 1935572)

I didn't know you were a fan.

Cuthbert 03-24-2018 01:42 PM


Frownland 03-24-2018 01:43 PM


MicShazam 03-24-2018 01:45 PM


Chula Vista 03-24-2018 02:00 PM



Oriphiel 03-24-2018 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1935580)


Chula hits children. #Confirmed

Chula Vista 03-24-2018 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1935564)
It's not worth the time, DWV. He's just going to keep repeating himself.


In my universe wives are the equal to moms, so this post is 100% OK.

If you ban me for this you are the biggest god damn hypocrite on the planet.

DWV, so glad you get your ****s and giggles at the expense of a woman in my life.

The Batlord 03-24-2018 06:53 PM

Confirmed. Chula is illiterate.


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1935623)
In my universe wives are the equal to moms, so this post is 100% OK.


Lisnaholic 03-24-2018 07:11 PM

For myself, I think there is room for improvement in the mod team:-

1. As MLM suggests, we could prune out some inactive mods. For example, if a mod hasn't posted for a year, they could be un-modded perhaps.

2. I also agree with Trollheart, that mods too often let things slide. It's very understandable because nobody wants to be the uncool adult saying, "OK kids, stop jumping on the sofa". Of course, we are also guilty of letting things slide, because we almost never, afaik, snitch to mods and report posts. TBH, I'm quite tempted to try it in this thread, because on both sides of this unseemly debate, I'm reading things that surely go too far, (see below).

3. I'd say jokes about Chula's wife's attributes should be deleted. That is way too personal an attack on someone who is not here defend herself, as well as being deeply offensive to Chula. Also, don't forget, we don't know who sees these threads. There may be dozens of innocent music fans who are grossed out by some of the things posted here and who, for that reason, never join up. That's not good for MB.

Frownland 03-24-2018 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1935623)
In my universe wives are the equal to moms, so this post is 100% OK.

Did you not notice what just happened to OH for making insults about your wife? All personal attacks are off limits, especially family based ones. Lay off the insults or you'll join him. I'm being hypocritical here by not banning you.

Lisnaholic 03-24-2018 09:56 PM

^ Well done Frownland! I think it's important to establish that some things are off limits.

Neapolitan 03-24-2018 11:01 PM


FaSho 03-24-2018 11:24 PM

wowee zowee

DwnWthVwls 03-24-2018 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1935623)

In my universe wives are the equal to moms, so this post is 100% OK.

If you ban me for this you are the biggest god damn hypocrite on the planet.

DWV, so glad you get your ****s and giggles at the expense of a woman in my life.

Ive never said anything about your wife or your family and i dont egg on others to do it. If thats what you took frim my response you should reread it when your less agitated.

[MERIT] 03-25-2018 01:36 AM

This place could use an upgrade.

Chula Vista 03-25-2018 02:57 AM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1935517)
1. Jokes about Chula Vista's wife's genitalia aren't deleted.


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1935639)
Did you not notice what just happened to OH for making insults about your wife? All personal attacks are off limits, especially family based ones. Lay off the insults or you'll join him.

You're pathetic. If the joke picks at a scab you're cool with, have at it. If the public outcry is to chill it, you become a ****ing politician and puff your chest.



Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1935517)
1. Jokes about Chula Vista's wife's genitalia aren't deleted.

The Batlord 03-25-2018 02:58 AM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1935663)
You're pathetic. If the joke picks at a scab you're cool with, have at it. If the public outcry is to chill it, you become a ****ing politician and puff your chest.


He already told you that post was listing grievances, not saying that insulting your wife was acceptable.

Chula Vista 03-25-2018 03:04 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1935664)
He already told you that post was listing grievances, not saying that insulting your wife was acceptable.


*wasting breath*

The Batlord 03-25-2018 03:16 AM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1935665)
He's a douche and you know it.

I'm gonna call that a retraction.

Chula Vista 03-25-2018 03:19 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1935666)
I'm gonna call that a retraction.

Damn straight.

Frownland 03-25-2018 05:27 AM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1935639)
Lay off the insults or you'll join him.


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1935663)
You're pathetic. If the joke picks at a scab you're cool with, have at it. If the public outcry is to chill it, you become a ****ing politician and puff your chest.



I warned you.


Trollheart 03-25-2018 05:31 AM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1935496)

Rolleyes indeed because that's not true.

Really? Before today, with Hawk (who was just used, let's be clear here, as a sacrificial, um, hawk), who have you either banned or warned other than Chula or myself? Batty was banned but I think that was Exo. Your bias shows always.

I do think some pruning is in order but I think we're set otherwise. Where do you guys think we're lacking?
Take the job a little more seriously, rather than an opportunity to throw your weight around when you feel like it.


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1935516)
You cool with letting a member crack jokes about my wife's pussy?

This is not cool. Jokes about pets should be off limits.

Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 1935539)
Not more mods.. more ACTIVE mods.


This is why you're hard to take seriously.. You are literally the biggest offender of personal attacks. Instead of PMing a mod or politely explaining your grievances to others you immediately go the the throat and then cry foul play. Stop pretending your innocent. Shoulda stopped at "Why?".

This is, I would venture to guess, WHY he gets so annoyed. Double standards. Anyone can slag off his wife with all sorts of language but when he does it it's "cool it Chula". Jesus ****ing Christ on toast! Have you any idea how hypocritical and biased you sound, DWV??

Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1935553)
I'm sure he'll wear it like a badge when he comes back :laughing:

"Most Banned Member 2018". Guaranteed. He might even look for an avvy of a hammer.

Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1935555)
Stay classy, San Diego.

Typical pithy response, would not expect anything else. Blame the offended party.

Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 1935562)
Yeah, I'm okay with it. If you acted like TH and people came at you the way they do, it'd be an issue, but that's not the case. Difference between you and everyone else is that you seem to insult people to literally attack their person where as most other people insulting each other here do it as a friendly jab. When Occult makes fun of your wife I don't think it's with the intent of hurting your feelings (if he does hurt your feelings than that's a problem and a time when the mods should step in). When you tell people to STFU and call them ****ing *******s you seem to genuinely feel that way. Big difference.

How's the saying go? You should be worried when we stop joking with you? Something like that..

I'm not quite sure how to take that. How do I act? Is this good or bad?

Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1935639)
Did you not notice what just happened to OH for making insults about your wife? All personal attacks are off limits, especially family based ones. Lay off the insults or you'll join him. I'm being hypocritical here by not banning you.


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1935663)
You're pathetic. If the joke picks at a scab you're cool with, have at it. If the public outcry is to chill it, you become a ****ing politician and puff your chest.


Exactly. Had this been in a normal thread no way was Hawk getting banned. You just did that to prove a point, and appeal to public opinion. You are Trump.

I honestly can't see how a simple rule can't be followed. It is IN THE RULES, after all: NO PERSONAL ATTACKS. Of course, you have to look at the tone in which those comments are made - Batty made what could be taken as very insulting/dirty comments about my sister and my mother, but I know he doesn't mean it, so I take no offence. But Hawk seems to mean what he says, at least a little, and doesn't know when to back off. This should not be tolerated.

I wonder if the ban is going to do anything at all though? Who'll bet on Hawk being exactly the same when he flies back in? You see, maybe some new mods, young blood, whatever, might see things differently. Some people do appear to be so stuck in their ways and unwilling to shake up the status quo that nothing gets done. Maybe someone with the guts to, not ban, but at least throw in a few timely warnings when needed, might be good.

I'd vote for Monkey, personally. I think he's very fair, knows where the line is and would be a great addition to the team, if you're hiring. MicShaz too, and not because he's my mate. He's shown some clear-headed thinking that has impressed me. And why isn't Steph a mod, eh? Could you think of anyone better who isn't already one?

Frownland 03-25-2018 05:38 AM

I've banned YorkeDaddy and some trolly newbs but I don't really keep a track record. Some warnings have been done in threads and via PM. Is there anyone else I should have banned?

EDIT: Oh pretty sure I've banned Kiii too.

OH was was rightly banned and after months of discussion in the modcave. The public outcry was part of it, but it was his post about Chula's wife yesterday that got him banned. Idk, do you guys want me to not listen to you or enforce the rules next time? Seems strange to demand something only to get upset once it's done for you.

DwnWthVwls 03-25-2018 05:55 AM

@trollheart, you act like an adult. Its a compliment.

Trollheart 03-25-2018 06:00 AM

Yeah that's ridiculous. Now you're just over-compensating and flinging the banhammer around like an Olympic hammer thrower. So calling someone pathetic is an insult now, is it? You know damn well that's not the case, and that bans are supposed only to be enforced for serious infractions like Hawk made. People call each other names here all the time: you going to ban all of them too? If Chula was banned, then DWV should be banned, and I guess I'm on the list too. You want to be left here alone? Then, I guess, finally, you're in the company of likeminded people with the same IQ. This is typical of you.

Go ahead: ban me if you want. Be clear though: I'm not asking for nor enticing you into banning me, no goading here. But if you're going to apply the kind of black-and-white logic you've just used to ban Chula, then you may as well ban us all. You've swung entirely the other way, and don't tell me it's not to make a point. Your own words above prove that. Chula was right, you are pathetic. You've turned this into a personal attack on you, and now you're lashing out. What great mod material you are.

See you guys in a week, I guess. But Frown, if you ban me you're only proving that I'm right. Calm the hell down, huh? This original conversation was not aimed directly at you, but at mod behaviour in general. In your own words, quit taking everything so personally.

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