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How about a dedicated New Members forum where all new members' posts have to go (as in they cannot post elsewhere); all would have a designated probationary period (a couple months?), and then if a special panel decides they are indeed serious posters, they are gradually integrated into the main forums.
2. I think it's been mentioned before. I don't like the idea of it, if you're going to let people flame each other somewhere then it'll inevitable end up leaking into into other areas as well. 3. This goes on a lot of the time anyway, i'm not sure if there needs to be a rota as such but i would definitely encourage it. Feel free to bump anything good yourself of course! Quote:
For years I've wanted MusicBanter to develop into more than just a message board and I hope that's how others see it. The members here are from all corners of the world and come from very different backgrounds and the idea of MB being a friendly place to visit and chat about music (predominantly) and just about anything else in 'The Lounge' can only be good for the boards. However, your point about the "Bantering...like a family at the dinner table" is valid, although I personally think it's a good thing. I recognise that it may make some new members feel a little left out. So, I'd like to see more current (longer standing) members make the effort to welcome the newbs and join the rest of us "at the dinner table" so to speak. In short, MusicBanter, like music, is for everybody...with the exception of low life, scum of the earth, time wasting trolling/spamming bastards. Suggestion 1 is a good idea and I'll see what can be done. Maybe a section of it's own above 'The Lounge'...I'll bring it up in 'Mods'. Number 3 would be worth doing for some of the better, older threads. It's why we created the Editors Choice forum and maybe we should move some more in there too. |
1. Would you really join a forum where you had to wait 2 months to be included in the discussion. 2. Who's going to move all those posts to the main forums? The Mods? Sorry but i'd like some time to actually post here rather than just spend hours moving or deleting stuff. |
2: No need to move the posts, they can stay where they are. |
I'm still not sure what your asking for here?
So we start a separate forum where new people are only allowed to post in for a week , which presumably will be full of duplicate threads of ones that are already here because of course the new people won't be able to post in the existing ones in the main forums. Only for a week later they're able to discuss these things in the main forums so the other threads in the noob forum become useless. I don't really see what the benefit is here. |
2.I'm so glad you, Right Track, Urban and Rainard don't like the "Octagon" suggestion, I don't much care for flaming/swearing etc., but I wanted you all to know that I'm not a religious fanatic or anything, I work in construction and believe me I hear enough crap every day to fill a full page of your forum. 3. I suggested that one of the experienced Moderators think about this because they Know most of the really good stuff already stored in the old threads, I read a comment the other day by Urban complaining about someone resurrecting an old thread so that's why I suggested that you guys think about it. If it doesn't pan out then simply stop reviving old threads and carry on as usual. |
Oh,,,I have to ask, if I show up at the dinner table wearing my Manchester United jersey, would I still get a pint from the keg?...:beer: |
There's been a lot of discussion of mods this & mods that , but there are only a handful of us. A lot of the things being discussed can be taken up by the members on this forum. You don't need your name to be bolded to self moderate yourselves. |
Also regarding 3, there's always going to be threads that get bumped for no real reason. I think we should both 'carry on as usual' and bump anything good if there's going to be some good discussion. For instance if you've just got into an artist that is new to you there's no problem in searching the relevant thread and saying something about it. |
2. Okay, I understand what you mean by bumping unnecessary threads, I was just thinking that you all must have some old favorites in the archives and could bring them back into discussion, and as I grow more comfortable in here I will definitely bump some myself. 3. All of that is true,,,but you are the Leaders of this forum, that is undisputed fact, anyone visiting here for the first time would notice instantly who's in charge. My idea of the intro by the Mods would help with the self moderating you mentioned, and just might help some members feel less hesitant about plunging into this forum. Anyway I was just prompted by Jackhammer's request for suggestions about subtle improvements to help make the forum a little better, and thought I would participate and offer a few ideas. My comment about the women in this forum is simply an observation, a very good friend of mine wants to join Banter but feels a little unsure about it at this time. You are right though, some forums are almost 100% guys, and something is just missing when that happens, and I have noticed some prominent women members here already. |
All I'm really suggesting is that there should be a forum for brand new members where they have to post say 5 REAL posts before being allowed into the real forums, in order to show they are serious posters and not just some spam machine or obvious flamebater or whatever.
More pop-punk fans! http://www.mysmiley.net/imgs/smile/mad/mad0050.gif
get rid of all the confrontational, sexually frustrated arsewipes. some people just seem to love a good argument. *waits for pot-kettle-black rejoinder*
oh and has anybody else brought up the Musicbanter graphic at the top of the page? Would it cost anything to change? |
the color scheme is just too blue
Can we please, please bring back the arcade please, please?
I think it would be better to change the way the reviews are presented.... non forum style would be good, ordered alphabetically or something...
Also, im kinda confused about the differences between this thread and forum as regards suggestions... are all suggestions limited to this thread or, can new threads be started too? |
I personally think it would be a better idea if we didn't use the shout box. We are a big enough community that setting up an IRC room wouldn't be out of the question or unreasonable. Personally, I prefer IRC, but that's just me.
I like the idea of having a music banter chat, also it would be cool if we had a collective mediafire account, where everyone had their own folders or something..
A chat room has been mentioned numerous times and we did have one a while back but no one used it. As for a mediafire account: it sounds like a good idea but how could everyone access it? Each person would have to make sure they logged out each time they were in there. I will look into this a little more.
Also, you can have little java applets that link to an IRC room for those too lazy to get a superior IRC program :p: |
Why is the world music forum closed? I would have liked to discuss northern indian classical...would that just go in the classical section then? Even though I think I have there are only American/European Classical there.
Wow, basically I am insane. Sorry about that.
just scrap the whole thing and turn it into lolcatbanter.
I'd be down with a collective mediafire account. If we wanted to upgrade I'd have no problem chipping in.
As for improvements I think providing users with a custom @musicbanter.com e-mail address would be nifty. |
I would like to try the mediafire account again.
Music forums are always going to be really difficult. Either:
1.) It devolves into "Thin Lizzy Sucks", "No Thin Lizzy Rocks", which is a complete waste of time. Certainly most people who like music no there are no absolutes and saying something "sucks" is equivalent to "doesn't click with me." 2.) It doesn't devolve and turns into a boring love fest with no conversation where everyone agrees to the rectitude of everyone else's preferences and there's no discussion. I think the key is to go for relativism. The new X album rocks/sucks is kind of a pointless discussion, but "is Destroyer awesome-er than every other KISS album put together?" is something people can discuss without being adversarial. How you encourage that kind of discussion is a separate matter of course. |
^^^Clearly hasn't looked around much on MB.
Thin Lizzy sucks
No Thin Lizzy rocks
Love Shack > Thin Lizzy
I love everyone but wish we had more conversation.
I hate everybody and wish you'd all STFU!
jk of course. |
I still think we need more info in the profiles section. It'd be nice to have a better idea of who you're talking to. |
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