Music Banter

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VEGANGELICA 11-15-2010 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 956691)
All the ads are run through google ads and are chosen by word association of what's been posted. It's all run by google & has nothing to do with musicbanter or the people in the advert.

Oh. I see you must be right, Urban, because, irony of ironies, when I logged in today the ad in the upper lefthand corner was for...

...e-mail verification systems! Email Verification 5.0.0 :laughing:

Since the owners aren't advertising, then the site must just be an investment for them and nothing more. So, to gain the owners' attention or get sold to someone who wants to make larger improvements, I still think the site has to grow and become überhot.

Here are the current stats on which to improve:
Quote: Estimated Worth $21586.1 USD by websiteoutlook is getting 9856 pageviews per day and making USD $29.57 daily.

Estimated worth of is USD $21,586.1 according to websiteoutlook.
Hmmm....$22,000...maybe *I* could buy the site! ;)

(It would help if the place went to hell for a while to drive the price down. Maybe if I post more often...even longer, more tedious posts...I'll drive more people away. THEN I'll make my takeover move. Bwaa haa haa haaaaaa!)

TheCunningStunt 11-15-2010 10:23 AM

In the spirit of the thread, a couple more useful smilies would be useful...


Googling this every time someone acts retarded is a great inconvenience to me.

duga 11-15-2010 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA (Post 956710)

Hmmm....$22,000...maybe *I* could buy the site! ;)

(It would help if the place went to hell for a while to drive the price down. Maybe if I post more often...even longer, more tedious posts...I'll drive more people away. THEN I'll make my takeover move. Bwwaa haa haaa!)

We can just have all the regulars agree to not post for a month, come back, and then see what kind of havoc has just ensued. I'm imagining nothing but spam. That could drive the price down pretty good.

VEGANGELICA 11-15-2010 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by duga (Post 956713)
We can just have all the regulars agree to not post for a month, come back, and then see what kind of havoc has just ensued. I'm imagining nothing but spam. That could drive the price down pretty good.

You are probably right.

Actually, MusicBanter wouldn't be too bad of an investment especially if someone loves music. The main website competitor that I see, MuzicForums, is only worth around $1500. MusicBanter has much more pull because it is older with more members...currently.

If someone who loved music actually owned the site and didn't see it *just* as an investment, then you could probably make quite a few improvements for the sake of the whole community and music. The only downside for the new owner would be needing to protect your investment...such as by no longer allowing obvious downloads of bootlegs. I hear that websites can get shut down for that. If I were the owner, I would need to enforce copyright laws on the Boards. I assume what goes on in private in PMs couldn't be checked?


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 956712)
In the spirit of the thread, a couple more useful smilies would be useful...


Googling this every time someone acts retarded is a great inconvenience to me.

You think the idea of a member-owned site isn't good? You must not have spent much of your life investing, Mr. Cunning!

Insane Guest 11-15-2010 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 956712)
In the spirit of the thread, a couple more useful smilies would be useful...


Googling this every time someone acts retarded is a great inconvenience to me.


And this has probably been brought up before, but how about giving everyone the capability to change their own Avatar to a bigger size. Within the limit of course. And so people won't overdo it, make A limit like once every 3 months.

Freebase Dali 11-16-2010 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by xEMGx (Post 956981)

And this has probably been brought up before, but how about giving everyone the capability to change their own Avatar to a bigger size. Within the limit of course. And so people won't overdo it, make A limit like once every 3 months.

I don't want to make any assumptions, as I wasn't modded when this happened, but for the longest time something or another was broken and now the only available option is for mods to give large avatars. Maybe one of the senior mods has more on that.
If users could upload large avatars, I don't think there would need to be a limit to how often they change it. The only reason we suggest that people stick with their avvy for a reasonable amount of time is because there's only so many mods and there are a lot more regular users, so it would get hectic for us.

I have noticed that we get a lot less avvy requests since we moved the avatar thread and started requiring that the user do all the necessary resizing. I don't know if people just don't feel like doing the work or are afraid we'll yell at them for requesting an avatar... We won't. :)

By all means, if you want a new avatar, request one in the avatar thread after reading the guidelines.

Violent & Funky 11-16-2010 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by James (Post 956654)
Well, that;s up to you. But you shouldn't complain about lack of notifications when you could have them if you wanted.

If there is a better system and it could easily be changed, why not?

edit: I tried to change this setting and couldn't find it. Help?

someonecompletelyrandom 11-19-2010 05:41 PM

How does the thing work? Could it be possible to change it so instead of just getting my recent tracks, I can get one of those nifty Top of the Week ones?

Astronomer 11-19-2010 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by Conan (Post 958516)
How does the thing work? Could it be possible to change it so instead of just getting my recent tracks, I can get one of those nifty Top of the Week ones?

Pretty sure you can change all those settings via the website where you create your little thingy. You can select what tracks it shows (i.e. whether it shows recent tracks, or top tracks, etc).

someonecompletelyrandom 11-20-2010 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by Lateralus (Post 958646)
Pretty sure you can change all those settings via the website where you create your little thingy. You can select what tracks it shows (i.e. whether it shows recent tracks, or top tracks, etc).

Ah, you're right. You can. Thanks. :wave:

s_k 11-25-2010 05:06 PM

Whenever I want to copy something of this forum to an e-mail or a chat window, I get this link:

Is there any way of turning this off?

Freebase Dali 11-25-2010 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by s_k (Post 960848)
Whenever I want to copy something of this forum to an e-mail or a chat window, I get this link:

Is there any way of turning this off?

Not that I'm aware of. It's just been something we work around when necessary.

s_k 11-25-2010 06:19 PM

Allright, will have to live with that then :)

Arya Stark 11-25-2010 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by s_k (Post 960848)
Whenever I want to copy something of this forum to an e-mail or a chat window, I get this link:

Is there any way of turning this off?

Eh, I don't know how often you do that but I really find no problem deleting it if necessary. Sometimes I find it quite useful.

s_k 11-26-2010 06:47 AM

I tend to copy quite a lot to make lists or such.
Haven't seen the use of the link so far :).

I'm really very fast with computers, hotkeys, mouse gestures, the lot.
So it really slows me down. Probably more my problem than a problem with the forum software, I know.
It's allright though, I was just wondering :)

CanwllCorfe 12-03-2010 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by s_k (Post 960848)
Is there any way of turning this off?

I don't think so Tim.

s_k 12-12-2010 08:36 PM

I kind of just found the 2004 Music Banter Forum Banner
Brilliant ;D.

someonecompletelyrandom 12-16-2010 04:32 PM

Would the moderators mind if I made a thread about getting that top banner changed? It has served us well for many years but it's time to retire. :)

LoathsomePete 12-16-2010 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by Conan (Post 971110)
Would the moderators mind if I made a thread about getting that top banner changed? It has served us well for many years but it's time to retire. :)

Knock yourself out, doesn't mean it's going to amount to anything but if it makes you feel better to actually attempt it then Godspeed

Janszoon 12-16-2010 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by Conan (Post 971110)
Would the moderators mind if I made a thread about getting that top banner changed? It has served us well for many years but it's time to retire. :)

I'm pretty sure there already is such a thread somewhere actually.

someonecompletelyrandom 12-16-2010 04:50 PM

And with that blessing

EDIT: Sorry, Janszoon. Didn't see your post in time.

BombTheMusicIndustry 02-14-2011 01:48 AM

I have a question. Is there any way I can view my own profile without having to search through my posts, which is not easy being I can't get to my profile. When I first joined I think my name was clickable, but now I can't click it. Is it like this for everybody? Because this is a real pain in the rump.

dankrsta 02-14-2011 02:21 AM

You can access your profile from any page through 'User CP'. It's in the upper left corner of the page. When you click on it you can see what threads you've subscribed to (if any) and on the side is a menu with lots of options. The link to your profile is just underneath 'Your Control Panel'. I hope this helps. And btw, your username (in the posts) should be clickable. I mean, I just clicked on it and it opened a drop down menu, if that's what you mean.

PurpleWolf 02-14-2011 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by Double X (Post 607480)
I think if you posted a youtube link instead of a downloadable link more people would have responded. I go on here in quick spurts and don't have time to download something, listen, and give feedback. Youtube would just make it more convenient. I'm willing to listen if it is quick to get to - I listened to FireInCairo's myspace because it looked appealing and it was easy to get to.

I second this idea. I find Youtube links are very convenient for people surfing the thread.
Person A: Check out this song!!!! [link] I like it because of this and this!
Person B: *clicks* zomgbubbles! I love this song too!!

Makes it easier and more convenient than opening up another tab or window and having everything load up again (unless you have super fast internet, then it doesn't really matter)

BombTheMusicIndustry 02-15-2011 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by dankrsta (Post 1003956)
You can access your profile from any page through 'User CP'. It's in the upper left corner of the page. When you click on it you can see what threads you've subscribed to (if any) and on the side is a menu with lots of options. The link to your profile is just underneath 'Your Control Panel'. I hope this helps. And btw, your username (in the posts) should be clickable. I mean, I just clicked on it and it opened a drop down menu, if that's what you mean.

Sweet! Thanks, man. For some reason I could not find that link to save my life. And yeah, I actually did know about the clickable name in the post, that's why I was saying the only way I was able toview my posts was if I either made a new post or searched for anearlier one. I was talking about your name in the upper right hand corner of the screen being clickable, but I guess it was never clickable. Oh well, at least now I know where the link is. Thanks again. :)

Dirty 02-15-2011 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by BombTheMusicIndustry (Post 1005512)
Sweet! Thanks, man. For some reason I could not find that link to save my life. And yeah, I actually did know about the clickable name in the post, that's why I was saying the only way I was able toview my posts was if I either made a new post or searched for anearlier one. I was talking about your name in the upper right hand corner of the screen being clickable, but I guess it was never clickable. Oh well, at least now I know where the link is. Thanks again. :)

Also on the main page, near the bottom there's an active users list. Your name should be first and you can just click it.:thumb:

TheBig3 02-20-2011 05:38 PM

I'd have to imagine this isn't possible, but I'd love a feature we can opt into which doesn't include threads in the "New Threads" listing if its been recently bumped by either

A: A poll vote with no post or...

B: A post by someone with less than X number of votes. I'd prefer the user gets to set the X but if it had to be a set number, say 100 posts.

I've stopped looking in threads because I know as soon as its someone I've never seen before its going to be a post to the effect of:

"I love this band. my favorite songs are [first single] and [second single]. I'm kinda into them, but I don't know. what do you think?"

I mean, I'd really like a feature to set their computer on fire, but I know thats beyond the scope.

Burning Down 02-20-2011 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by TheBig3 (Post 1008224)
I'd have to imagine this isn't possible, but I'd love a feature we can opt into which doesn't include threads in the "New Threads" listing if its been recently bumped by either

A: A poll vote with no post or...

B: A post by someone with less than X number of votes. I'd prefer the user gets to set the X but if it had to be a set number, say 100 posts.

I've stopped looking in threads because I know as soon as its someone I've never seen before its going to be a post to the effect of:

"I love this band. my favorite songs are [first single] and [second single]. I'm kinda into them, but I don't know. what do you think?"

I mean, I'd really like a feature to set their computer on fire, but I know thats beyond the scope.

That would be nice, especially in regard to really old threads being bumped because someone voted in the poll. I know that in your User CP, under Options, you can choose which threads to display based on how old they are (i.e. you can choose to display only threads that are X amount of days/months old). I believe the forum default is "Show All Threads." However, I don't know if that means when the thread is last updated or when it was actually started. I'm thinking the latter, so even if you chose that option, really old threads may still show up under "New Posts".

Most of the time it's spammers and people who are posting to 15 so they can share a link.

Ska Lagos Jew Sun Ra 03-07-2011 09:35 AM

any way somebody can fix the shoutbox up to accept symbols like " and >?

Freebase Dali 03-10-2011 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by Skaligojurah (Post 1014668)
any way somebody can fix the shoutbox up to accept symbols like " and >?

That's more of a recent thing, I believe, but it will be included in the list I'm compiling with the mods to forward to the admin.

TockTockTock 03-19-2011 10:54 AM

What about a general question sticky to go with each music forum? That way, people can just post a question on one thread instead of spamming up the rest of the forum. Or is that just another option for the Recommendation threads?

Burning Down 03-19-2011 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 1016536)
That's more of a recent thing, I believe, but it will be included in the list I'm compiling with the mods to forward to the admin.

I believe that's been fixed, I PM'd Yac about it a couple of weeks ago.

djchameleon 04-11-2011 09:05 AM

There was a list that we came up with a little while back. I can't remember where the thread is for it but how did that go?

Were all of the suggestions just thrown away and not considered?

Freebase Dali 04-11-2011 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1034957)
There was a list that we came up with a little while back. I can't remember where the thread is for it but how did that go?

Were all of the suggestions just thrown away and not considered?

Not sure which list you're talking about. Was it the recent thread I had started? I don't know what happened to that thread either... I may have deleted it while drunk, so there's no telling. No one was really participating in it, from what I remember. Either way, I'm still going to compile a list out of reasonable suggestions (i.e. not stuff like "make frontpage" and other things we already know aren't going to be implemented) and forward it to Yac... and this thread can still serve that purpose.

If anyone has any ideas, feel free to post them here.

djchameleon 04-12-2011 03:13 AM


Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 1035177)
Not sure which list you're talking about. Was it the recent thread I had started? I don't know what happened to that thread either... I may have deleted it while drunk, so there's no telling. No one was really participating in it, from what I remember. Either way, I'm still going to compile a list out of reasonable suggestions (i.e. not stuff like "make frontpage" and other things we already know aren't going to be implemented) and forward it to Yac... and this thread can still serve that purpose.

If anyone has any ideas, feel free to post them here.

yes it was a thread you made recently and there were tons of people participating in it.

it was up to about 3 pages I was the first to post in it

Freebase Dali 04-12-2011 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1035447)
yes it was a thread you made recently and there were tons of people participating in it.

it was up to about 3 pages I was the first to post in it

Ah ok. I guess none of the ideas were do-able then, because none of them made it on the list I'm compiling... which has zero items.

Keep in mind, I'm not including anything that was already denied by the admin.

Guybrush 04-12-2011 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 1035625)
Ah ok. I guess none of the ideas were do-able then, because none of them made it on the list I'm compiling... which has zero items.

Keep in mind, I'm not including anything that was already denied by the admin.

Personally, if you make a list of suggestions, I think you should make it without thinking too much about whether or not suggestions are "doable". As long as they're suggestions we can get behind, deciding what goes or not is something the admin will do, not something we have to do it for them/him/her/it. Suggestions may have been turned down in the past, but opinions can still change.

Freebase Dali 04-12-2011 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by tore (Post 1035646)
Personally, if you make a list of suggestions, I think you should make it without thinking too much about whether or not suggestions are "doable". As long as they're suggestions we can get behind, deciding what goes or not is something the admin will do, not something we have to do it for them/him/her/it. Suggestions may have been turned down in the past, but opinions can still change.

What I mean is I'm not submitting stuff that's unlikely or has explicitly denied as in, never gonna happen. For example:
Not do-able: Remove curse filter.
Do-able: Remove certain debatable word from curse filter.

Yac has recently told me that this list is going to get pushed harder, so I am going to include stuff that may have been ignored or denied in the past, but some things are never going to be approved. In any case, if people want to make suggestions, they should do it here. That last thread may have had a few pages of responses, but I wouldn't have deleted it if they were serious and the thread wasn't just being used as a place to post nonsense suggestions.

s_k 04-12-2011 02:52 PM

Can't you just move every word out of the cursefilter and let the curse filter just sit there to do nothing? :D
(I don't see the point)

Freebase Dali 04-12-2011 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by s_k (Post 1035687)
Can't you just move every word out of the cursefilter and let the curse filter just sit there to do nothing? :D
(I don't see the point)

What I mean by "debatable" is whether the word is actually a curse word or not. We (Tore) were able to get gay uncensored, as it's a legit word and the fact that it's treated as a negative attribute is discriminatory in and of itself.

The curse filter itself, though, is here because the site gets a higher google ranking. The admins don't personally care whether we curse or not. But if the filter is here, and filtering curse words, then they get better search hits... which no amount of reasoning is going to discourage, in their minds. As to whether Google only sees the filter itself, or the results of it, I don't know.

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