Music Banter

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Urban Hat€monger ? 11-08-2010 06:51 PM

I don't see what harm it will do to ask. If anything because it's small it's more likey to get done.

And I don't ever remember it being asked for before.

Freebase Dali 11-09-2010 10:32 AM

I don't know if you guys asked the admin for that upgrade and didn't get it, or didn't think it was worth it at the time.

Urban Hat€monger ? 11-09-2010 12:13 PM

Ah that'll explain it.

I never read his posts.

Violent & Funky 11-10-2010 12:32 AM

Was that coryallen guy retarded or what?

Farfisa 11-10-2010 04:37 AM

No, we pretty much all agreed that he was just an idiot.

someonecompletelyrandom 11-10-2010 12:47 PM

Or a very clever troll.

VEGANGELICA 11-12-2010 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by Violent & Funky (Post 953765)
Hello, all.

I haven't read a single post in this thread, but is there any way we can get a notification when someone posts on our wall? It doesn't even need to pop up on the screen, but just a notification in the upper right corner? I post on some other sites using vBulletin and they have this feature enabled. Thanks...

V&F! can be so polite! I'm...shocked! ;)

I do agree with the visitor message notification bit. It took mr dave 3 months 2 weeks and 3 days to reply to my visitor message that I sent. I was testing how often he checks his visitor messages, since he is notoriously tardy. A little notification at the top might help the boy.


Originally Posted by right-track (Post 953465)
I think Vegan would disapprove because it's hot pink and not regular pink on the grounds that 'hot' pink is demeaning to woman and contravenes health and safety.

After all, we wouldn't want members burning their pretty little fingers, would we?

Hot pink would definitely NOT be a wise choice for the MB skin. I did a little research and found out that the color would be neither healthy nor safe!

It turns out that people who view hot pink for an average of 30 minutes per day after several weeks have around a 23% reduction in their IQs (using the standard IQ test). Luckily the effect was reversible, but still, who wants to be dummed down? Even worse, the hot pink viewers were 10% more likely to experience irritability and commit a violent crime than viewers shown other colors. I might even suspect that you yourself, right-track, may have unfortunately painted several walls in your home a scalding hot pink color, not knowing of its detrimental effect!

As for the social impact of hot pink, I'd say the demeaning aspect toward women is fairly well balanced by the uplifting benefit of hot pink representing gay pride. So, the negatives and positives even out.

Here, you can test this phenomenon yourself. Do the positives of the gay pride triangle and the negatives of a tight hot pink shirt and shades cancel each other out in this picture?

Yes. Yes I think they do. All I see is a pleasant, smiling young woman with perky nipples. I'm hardly aware of the color she is wearing at all!

I do think she is wearing a bra, though. :( BONDAGE!!!


Queen Boo 11-13-2010 01:09 AM

As I read through Vegangelica's post, my brain made this sound.

VEGANGELICA 11-13-2010 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by PAVEMENT SAW (Post 955921)
As I read through Vegangelica's post, my brain made this sound. Charlie Brown Teacher Voice Sound Effect - Sound FX Play Instantly - Free Download SoundBoard

That's exactly how I sound! :)

Violent & Funky 11-13-2010 01:36 AM


Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA (Post 955914)
V&F! can be so polite! I'm...shocked! ;)

Hahaha I'm honestly a nice person I just tend to be overly honest with other people... :laughing:

right-track 11-13-2010 05:44 PM

I looked at VAGINAJELLY's post without actually reading it (as is usual). Her words have the same effect on my brain as my wife's voice.
Strangely, the only bit to leap out at me were the words "perky nipples."

right-track 11-13-2010 05:44 PM

And "bra."

someonecompletelyrandom 11-13-2010 05:53 PM

Vege clearly has a crush on you, rt. You two are like bickering school children who end up getting married.

VEGANGELICA 11-13-2010 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by Violent & Funky (Post 955930)
Hahaha I'm honestly a nice person I just tend to be overly honest with other people... :laughing:

I know! :) People from Ohio are usually very nice. Not like people from England, god forbid!


Originally Posted by right-track (Post 956106)
I looked at VAGINAJELLY's post without actually reading it (as is usual). Her words have the same effect on my brain as my wife's voice.

Strangely, the only bit to leap out at me were the words "perky nipples."

That's okay that you didn't read it. I made up all the "data" for that post anyway.

The part I *hoped* you'd read, however, was this:

"Even worse, the hot pink viewers were 10% more likely to experience irritability and commit a violent crime than viewers shown other colors. I might even suspect that you yourself, right-track, may have unfortunately painted several walls in your home a scalding hot pink color, not knowing of its detrimental effect!"

I'd probably get along with your wife quite well, if we sound alike. She must be very wise and kind and INCREDIBLY patient when dealing with people who have tiny attention spans and one-track minds. Oh. Excuse me. Two-track minds. You noticed perky nipples AND bras. :p:

Maybe if I type something like, "Right-track is a boob," you'll actually read it.


Originally Posted by Conan (Post 956111)
Vege clearly has a crush on you, rt. You two are like bickering school children who end up getting married.

I don't know about the married part, but I agree that right-track, at least, has the bickering school child bit down pat. ;)

TheCunningStunt 11-13-2010 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA (Post 956137)
I know! :) People from Ohio are usually very nice. Not like people from England, god forbid!


Queen Boo 11-14-2010 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by vegangelica (Post 956137)
i know! :) people from ohio are usually very nice. not like people from england, god forbid!

Urban Hat€monger ? 11-14-2010 08:35 AM

Can we get back to making suggestions for improving this forum now rather than turning this thread to shit.

Thank you very much.

VEGANGELICA 11-14-2010 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 954313)
Ah that'll explain it.

I never read his posts.


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 956272)
Can we get back to making suggestions for improving this forum now rather than turning this thread to shit.

Thank you very much.

How about MB install a hypocrisy detector? Or some rule to help us know how off topic we may get before Urban calls us out on it and we get in t r o u b l e! :p:

If people feel that none of the suggestions will be taken seriously by the management, then they will be tempted to turn the thread into running jokes that bash former members (like poor Cory) or current that boob, right-track. ;)

As Freebase and others said earlier, when they joked that the site should use holograms or hot pink, the owners appear to be too busy to make changes since the site brings in little revenue and gets by as it is.

So the question I think about is this: If the owners need MB to be more lucrative for them to implement improvements we'd like, how can we make the site more lucrative = entice more members to join and stay so that the owners can charge higher advertisement fees? How do we increase traffic?

I think it was right-track who suggested interviewing famous band members on MB, which I thought was a great idea. People might be sucked in by being able to ask questions of some musician they admire in her or his own thread.

So, does anyone know any famous musician who wants to set up shop here in her or his own thread and occasionally answer questions posed by fans and non-fans?

There must be a FEW famous musicians out there who would enjoy bantering with everyday people and would be brave enough to face them in a music community setting. And if famous people showed up on the site, then the owners would probably notice this and perhaps spruce up the place a bit! Give us visitor message notifications, for instance.

Vanilla, are you in the loop with Lady Gaga? :D

And could ask your beloved band Muse to make an appearance! ;)

TheCunningStunt 11-14-2010 02:04 PM

There's not much point in suggesting Musicbanter improvements because

1) They won't get passed, mods will just point out how unnecessary the particular improvement suggested is - even though things like notifications for when we get a wall post would be really helpful
2) The website is fine as it is, most things suggested are complete rubbish. Changing the colour really doesn't matter.

Urban Hat€monger ? 11-14-2010 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 956357)
There's not much point in suggesting Musicbanter improvements because

1) They won't get passed, mods will just point out how unnecessary the particular improvement suggested is - even though things like notifications for when we get a wall post would be really helpful


I could have sworn I just said a few posts ago I thought it was a good idea.

TheCunningStunt 11-14-2010 02:08 PM

Someone said it was unnecessary, I'm not sure who. I don't tend to read this particular thread, I just skim read.
It's a really simple update, and an extremely practical one so if that doesn't happen then this thread is quite useless IMO.

Anyway, I'll toddle off out of here now. I only check it every now and again as I really don't think changing the colour or having an arcade would be of any benefit.

VEGANGELICA 11-14-2010 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 956363)
Someone said it was unnecessary, I'm not sure who. I don't tend to read this particular thread, I just skim read.
It's a really simple update, and an extremely practical one so if that doesn't happen then this thread is quite useless IMO.


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 956360)

I could have sworn I just said a few posts ago I thought it was a good idea.

Yes, Cunning, some people have sounded hopeless about getting changes at MB.

But Urban did think your idea of asking for visitor message notification was good and since it is a small request it might have a better chance of being implemented.

TheCunningStunt 11-14-2010 02:19 PM

I wasn't the one to suggest the notification when you get a visitor message, I don't use this thread much - but it makes sense. I just don't think anything's going to change and I'm not too bothered about that, the site is okay.

Freebase Dali 11-14-2010 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 956357)
There's not much point in suggesting Musicbanter improvements because

1) They won't get passed, mods will just point out how unnecessary the particular improvement suggested is - even though things like notifications for when we get a wall post would be really helpful
2) The website is fine as it is, most things suggested are complete rubbish. Changing the colour really doesn't matter.

I can't blame you for not realizing what actually goes on behind the scenes, but you'll be happy to know that recently we mods got together and compiled a list of the most popular improvement requests in the past couple years and sent it up the chain to the admins. After a few months, two of the items were granted.

You can now insert 10 pictures in a single post, and the character limit for posts is doubled.
Oh yea, you can say gay now, too... but that was a separate thing.

Hopefully the more important items will be addressed, and maybe one of these days we'll actually get some much needed sign-up verification implements like all the other forums on the web have. But if you guys want us to muddy things further with stuff that, to me, amounts to users being lazy, then hey, that's fine with me. I just hope no one starts complaining about the stuff that may get pushed aside in the process.

right-track 11-14-2010 03:35 PM

Freebase. Out of interest, what were the other improvement requests?

VEGANGELICA 11-14-2010 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by right-track (Post 956388)
Freebase. Out of interest, what were the other improvement requests?

I was just going to ask that! Great minds. ;) I couldn't remember seeing the post with the list of improvements that the mods requested.


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 956372)
I wasn't the one to suggest the notification when you get a visitor message, I don't use this thread much - but it makes sense. I just don't think anything's going to change and I'm not too bothered about that, the site is okay.

Oops! I forgot--it was Violent & Funky. Sorry. It does make sense to have visitor message notification.

At least we get notified about personal messages! Things definitely could be worse than they are, but I see no reason not to ask for improvements. If one doesn't ask for something, then one is assured of *never* getting it. If one asks, then there is a possibility.

James 11-14-2010 03:46 PM

Guys, why can't you just set it so you get an email when you recieve a visitor message? It's not hard.

Urban Hat€monger ? 11-14-2010 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 956375)
I can't blame you for not realizing what actually goes on behind the scenes, but you'll be happy to know that recently we mods got together and compiled a list of the most popular improvement requests in the past couple years and sent it up the chain to the admins. After a few months, two of the items were granted.

You can now insert 10 pictures in a single post, and the character limit for posts is doubled.
Oh yea, you can say gay now, too... but that was a separate thing.

Hopefully the more important items will be addressed, and maybe one of these days we'll actually get some much needed sign-up verification implements like all the other forums on the web have. But if you guys want us to muddy things further with stuff that, to me, amounts to users being lazy, then hey, that's fine with me. I just hope no one starts complaining about the stuff that may get pushed aside in the process.

Is it being pushed aside though?

It's not the first time we've asked for admin to implement an email verification system. In fact we've asked for one several times since I've been a mod & so far nothing has materialised. It doesn't take 3 years to implement something like this.

I don't think we should stop asking for small things just because bigger things have yet to be done, in fact have we ever had any guarantee that these bigger things we're waiting for are being done? I can remember Yac saying he'll see what he can do but other than that I've not seen him say we're working on this or working on that.

You don't think it's a good idea to have a notification system, that's fine, but I do think it is and I really don't see what harm can be done PMing Yac & asking if it's something that can be done simply & easily.

right-track 11-14-2010 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA (Post 956354)
I think it was right-track who suggested interviewing famous band members on MB, which I thought was a great idea. People might be sucked in by being able to ask questions of some musician they admire in her or his own thread.

Don't expect anything like that though ^
That idea was in the context of a forum far removed from the format we have now.
I doubt very much if Admin would allow such a radical change to the one I had in mind at the time.
In fact it would be a complete waste of time even asking. For something like that to happen it would require an Admin fully involved and interactive with this site and one that had the future of MB as a priority. I suspect they are more than happy to maintain the status quo.

VEGANGELICA 11-14-2010 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by James (Post 956396)
Guys, why can't you just set it so you get an email when you recieve a visitor message? It's not hard.

I think some people would hit the 50 private messages limit pretty quickly if visitor messages converted into private messages, James! They may not want to spend the extra time deleting all the messages from their inbox. (But how *do* you make a visitor message convert to a private message? Mr dave could use that function!)

Other forums list on the top right how many private messages and visitor messages you have, in addition to "Friend Requests" and "Notifications," so when you click on those links they show up.

Just like we see "Private Messages Unread 0 Total 44" or whatever your numbers are! Except right below that you'd see "Visitor Messages," and below that you'd see "Friend Requests" and below THAT you'd see "Notifications" in case you are informed of some site event by the administration or moderators.

Freebase Dali 11-14-2010 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by right-track (Post 956388)
Freebase. Out of interest, what were the other improvement requests?

From what I can remember they were: raising the image limit, character limit, raising the amount of posts selectable by mods, disabling poll votes bumping threads, a shoutbox search function, and a couple other things I can't remember.


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 956401)
Is it being pushed aside though?

It's not the first time we've asked for admin to implement an email verification system. In fact we've asked for one several times since I've been a mod & so far nothing has materialised. It doesn't take 3 years to implement something like this.

I don't think we should stop asking for small things just because bigger things have yet to be done, in fact have we ever had any guarantee that these bigger things we're waiting for are being done? I can remember Yac saying he'll see what he can do but other than that I've not seen him say we're working on this or working on that.

You don't think it's a good idea to have a notification system, that's fine, but I do think it is and I really don't see what harm can be done PMing Yac & asking if it's something that can be done simply & easily.

The funny thing about it is an email verification system is an extremely easy thing to implement in the forum software. It's a standard feature that just needs to be turned on. Here is an example:

Go to:
>Vbulletin Options
>User Registration Options
>Tick the "Verify Email address in Registration" option
I admire your optimism, but if that couldn't be figured out for 3 years, I have little hope for any request that requires even slightly more effort than that. I do realize that the reasoning behind the admins decision to implement something or not may escape us, but I get the feeling that going beyond base functionality to keep this place interesting enough to attract hits and gain Google ratings is not in the owner's interest. And although I really don't think the request in question is a bad idea, I would just rather bug the admin about things that have a larger effect. I'm not opposed to one of you guys requesting the notification thing. I'll just keep bothering them with the other stuff. Maybe they'll get annoyed into submission.

James 11-14-2010 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA (Post 956403)
I think some people would hit the 50 private messages limit pretty quickly if visitor messages converted into private messages, James! They may not want to spend the extra time deleting all the messages from their inbox. (But how *do* you make a visitor message convert to a private message? Mr dave could use that function!)

Other forums list on the top right how many private messages and visitor messages you have, in addition to "Friend Requests" and "Notifications," so when you click on those links they show up.

Just like we see "Private Messages Unread 0 Total 44" or whatever your numbers are! Except right below that you'd see "Visitor Messages," and below that you'd see "Friend Requests" and below THAT you'd see "Notifications" in case you are informed of some site event by the administration or moderators.

No not a private message, an actual email.

VEGANGELICA 11-14-2010 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by James (Post 956446)
No not a private message, an actual email.

Oh! I see, James. I misunderstood. So there's a way to get visitor messages to show up in your e-mail just like private message do? I didn't realize that.

On a related topic, the e-mail verification system...


Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 956433)

The funny thing about it is an email verification system is an extremely easy thing to implement in the forum software.

I admire your optimism, but if that couldn't be figured out for 3 years, I have little hope for any request that requires even slightly more effort than that. I do realize that the reasoning behind the admins decision to implement something or not may escape us, but I get the feeling that going beyond base functionality to keep this place interesting enough to attract hits and gain Google ratings is not in the owner's interest. And although I really don't think the request in question is a bad idea, I would just rather bug the admin about things that have a larger effect. I'm not opposed to one of you guys requesting the notification thing. I'll just keep bothering them with the other stuff. Maybe they'll get annoyed into submission.

If MB had an e-mail verification system, I assume this means that when people sign up they would get an e-mail with a random ID link that must be clicked to activate their account.

This e-mail verification system would benefit us (and especially you and the other moderators) because it would create an extra step people have to take before they can join MB, and force them to use a real e-mail address, making it harder for people to spam the site.

I wonder if the Admin just doesn't really care about spammers because for statistical purposes a spam post is still a visitor, and a member is a member. So the more people who use the site, even if it is for spamming, the more traffic the site gets. This may make it easier to sell advertisements, which I assume are the only source of revenue that the owners get from this site.

If this is the case, then the Admin wouldn't be motivated to have an e-mail verification system. If they see the site just in terms of money, and it sounds like they do, then I think we've got to argue in terms of money, pointing out how improvements like this could make the owners MORE money by increasing the number of active, legitimate members who come here for a positive, spam-free experience.

Hey! Annoying people into submission is MY technique, Freebase! :p:

Freebase Dali 11-14-2010 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA (Post 956487)
Oh! I see, James. I misunderstood. So there's a way to get visitor messages to show up in your e-mail just like private message do? I didn't realize that.

On a related topic, the e-mail verification system...

If MB had an e-mail verification system, I assume this means that when people sign up they would get an e-mail with a random ID link that must be clicked to activate their account.

This e-mail verification system would benefit us (and especially you and the other moderators) because it would create an extra step people have to take before they can join MB, and force them to use a real e-mail address, making it harder for people to spam the site.

I wonder if the Admin just doesn't really care about spammers because for statistical purposes a spam post is still a visitor, and a member is a member. So the more people who use the site, even if it is for spamming, the more traffic the site gets. This may make it easier to sell advertisements, which I assume are the only source of revenue that the owners get from this site.

If this is the case, then the Admin wouldn't be motivated to have an e-mail verification system. If they see the site just in terms of money, and it sounds like they do, then I think we've got to argue in terms of money, pointing out how improvements like this could make the owners MORE money by increasing the number of active, legitimate members who come here for a positive, spam-free experience.

Hey! Annoying people into submission is MY technique, Freebase! :p:

That's all pretty much exactly what I was thinking as well. But since this particular site doesn't advertise, apart from some very minor stuff for unregistered members from what I hear, and have never actually seen myself, it would be very hard to make money off what they've got going at the moment at this particular site.
But there is another angle. There are people who flip websites in pretty much the same way they flip houses, land, or any other thing in order to gain a profit off what they paid initially. The general idea in the website sense is to buy a website from the original owner that is already started up and has a following, and either just simply wait for more traffic to increase its worth, or implement your own changes to expedite the process.
You may already know this, but websites have a "theoretical" monetary "worth" based on how many hits/visits/stays the site regularly gets. This "worth" is based on what the average payout from advertisement is for sites with a given number of regular visitors . You don't have to let advertising companies advertise on your site to estimate this worth... If you fall into a category where advertising would pay well, i.e. you draw a crowd consistently (because advertisers need an actual audience) then you are worth something as a website.
You can either choose to let advertisers advertise on your site and make money from the advertisers... or you can let your worth increase and sell the website based on that worth, assuming there is someone else who is willing to buy the website and make money off it with advertising or flipping it again.

For as long as you don't either sell a product from your website or advertise on it, you aren't making money from it. Being that Musicbanter is owned by a comany, "Advameg", who owns a bunch of other sites which don't contain any significant advertising at all from what I've seen, I think it's a pretty good bet that these are simply investments.. us included.. that have nothing to do with the actual subject matter other than the propensity for people to be drawn to them and increase a website's worth with hits, so that the sites can either be sold for a profit, or advertised on for an income.

Anyway, I say all that to say, you got the right idea. I don't think these people give a shit about Musicbanter in the same way that we do. That's why it's obviously tooth and nail to get even the little things done around here. All we are, are hits.

Violent & Funky 11-14-2010 11:59 PM

I don't like clogging up my email with stuff from message boards and the ilk. With a site like facebook I always change the settings so I don't receive any emails. A simple notification is greatly preferred. Sorry, James... :)

Scarlett O'Hara 11-15-2010 04:49 AM


Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA (Post 956354)
Vanilla, are you in the loop with Lady Gaga? :D

If I was in the loop with Lady Gaga she'd be in my bed right now getting busy.

James 11-15-2010 06:02 AM


Originally Posted by Violent & Funky (Post 956610)
I don't like clogging up my email with stuff from message boards and the ilk. With a site like facebook I always change the settings so I don't receive any emails. A simple notification is greatly preferred. Sorry, James... :)

Well, that;s up to you. But you shouldn't complain about lack of notifications when you could have them if you wanted.

VEGANGELICA 11-15-2010 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 956552)
Anyway, I say all that to say, you got the right idea. I don't think these people give a shit about Musicbanter in the same way that we do. That's why it's obviously tooth and nail to get even the little things done around here. All we are, are hits.

Well, the MB site owners are getting a little revenue from the ads, because I've seen several posted.

In fact, one of the ads is from You can get a booklet about why not to use marijuana! I thought that was funny and was going to post about it in the "should the U.S. legalize marijuana thread." Also, there is some company that advertises boots here.

But I agree, it looks like to the owners hits are hits, posts are posts, and members are members, regardless whether spam or not. So, if we are primarily an investment for them, rather than a way for them to express their undying love of music, we could either try to reduce our hits or increase them to get the site sold off to someone who may be more interested in it!

Since MusicBanter is a stud muffin thanks to Urban and Vanilla, I think reducing hits won't work. So, the only way to get the site sold off to impassioned owners is to increase the number of hits the site gets!

Which brings me back to my "Get Famous Musicians to Post Here" idea. My hopes, Freebase, are pinned on YOU.

So GET CRACKIN' with the songs so you can become even more famous!!! Then we will dangle you out there as a lure, with those eyebrows of yours wiggling like an anglerfish's thingamabob:

NEW MUSICBANTER MEMBERS ........................... FREEBASE:

Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 956634)
If I was in the loop with Lady Gaga she'd be in my bed right now getting busy.

I guess then we could say that Lady Gaga would be in *your* loop...if you catch my drift. ;)

Well, I still think you should invite her to visit MusicBanter to increase the number of hits we get. You could offer yourself as part of the b&b (?) to entice her in!

Arya Stark 11-15-2010 09:14 AM

Ew Erica.


Urban Hat€monger ? 11-15-2010 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 956433)

The funny thing about it is an email verification system is an extremely easy thing to implement in the forum software. It's a standard feature that just needs to be turned on. Here is an example:


I admire your optimism, but if that couldn't be figured out for 3 years, I have little hope for any request that requires even slightly more effort than that.
I was thinking more in line that the reason it hasn't been implemented is because it was them that turned it off in the first place.


Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA (Post 956678)
Well, the MB site owners are getting a little revenue from the ads, because I've seen several posted.

In fact, one of the ads is from Foundation for a Drug Free World: Substance & Alcohol Abuse Prevention, Education & Intervention. You can get a booklet about why not to use marijuana! I thought that was funny and was going to post about it in the "should the U.S. legalize marijuana thread." Also, there is some company that advertises boots here.

All the ads are run through google ads and are chosen by word association of what's been posted. It's all run by google & has nothing to do with musicbanter or the people in the advert.

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