12-31-2012 07:33 PM |
Originally Posted by Urban Hat€monger ?
(Post 1265901)
Woah woah woah hold on there one moment.
The whole thing about posting youtube videos without commentary started when MEMBERS began complaining they were spam.
As the mods had no policy on this we opened it up for debate among the forum. Some mods were for it, some were against it just as some members were for it and some were against it.
This is just you clutching at straws just for the sake of being anti-authority and to knock the moderating staff any chance you get, as usual. It seems whatever we do when it comes to your opinion it's always the wrong thing regardless of whether the members here asked for us to take action on something or if we did ourselves.
I agree with your comments in bold about the debate over whether posting YouTube videos without commentary was spam or not.
My point was that a member recently raised the issue of discouraging posts that contain only a picture (used to ridicule someone else's point) in music threads, and I feel it is reasonable for mods to debate this issue since some mods felt a YouTube video alone was spam.
I have no problem with authority because rule enforcement helps an online community function peacefully without dissolving into chaos. I love it when you mods are playful, fun, supportive, helpful, and courteous, as you often are.
I am only anti-authority when those in power abuse it. I only question and challenge your behaviors when I feel you are being impolite and are breaking the first rule of MB:
• While debating and discussion is fine, we will not tolerate rudeness, insulting posts, personal attacks, trolling, purposeless inflammatory posts or members deliberately provoking another member into committing any of these acts.
^ I feel that breaking this excellent guideline harms MusicBanter by discouraging people from wanting to discuss their opinions about music openly here. So I argue, as I have for 3 years now, that mods should also follow the rule when enforcing it.
An additional argument in favor of discouraging people from posting picture-only posts in music threads (especially when the pictures appear to be used to ridicule someone) is that we already have an MB rule asking people to refrain from one word (or short) posts, which I'd say include posts that contain only pictures:
• Please refrain from posting meaningless threads, one word (or short) nonsense posts, or the like.