12-19-2012 07:49 PM |
Originally Posted by Pedestrian
(Post 1265734)
I read your post, Vegan, and honestly feel like you're proposing some kind of bizzarely sensitive cult-dictatorship.
Possibly! :) I do think a bizzarely sensitive cult-dictatorship sounds kind of nice. :D
But I think of the debate over this suggestion of not allowing pictures that ridicule people's ideas in the music forums is more like the debate over whether YouTube videos without commentary should be allowed.
Because videos are about music and share music, I always felt posting YouTube videos alone should be fine, but I recall quite a few mods felt that people should include commentary.
If mods felt YouTube videos alone weren't desirable on a music forum, then I feel it would be consistent to encourage people to use their words rather than simply post a picture alone. Of course, what would probably happen is that people would post the picture and include words. :p:
The basic issue is how important it is to try to make MB an even more welcoming place for sharing opinions and observations about music. Too much moderation squelches discussion, just like too much ridiculing and antagonism squelch discussion, so finding a balance is the challenge.
Originally Posted by zevokes
(Post 1265735)
i say this while fully acknowledging that i'm pretty disrespectful at points, but that's sound advice you've just given, vegangelica.
Thank you for saying so, zevokes, and welcome back!