Music Banter

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Piss Me Off 06-26-2008 03:26 AM


Originally Posted by Sasquatch (Post 493077)
1. I don't agree with you about "The best users post right away and latch on quick anyway", have you noticed PMO that you have hardly any women members in your forum,,,they don't have the same attitude that the majority of members in Banter share. If you want to retain and invite new blood in here which is what Jackhammer started this thread with, then a few very small subtle changes might help accomplish that. Women pick up on things that sometimes slip past guys like us,,,a little tweak here and there and who knows what might happen. Can't hurt to try anyway.

2.I'm so glad you, Right Track, Urban and Rainard don't like the "Octagon" suggestion, I don't much care for flaming/swearing etc., but I wanted you all to know that I'm not a religious fanatic or anything, I work in construction and believe me I hear enough crap every day to fill a full page of your forum.

3. I suggested that one of the experienced Moderators think about this because they Know most of the really good stuff already stored in the old threads, I read a comment the other day by Urban complaining about someone resurrecting an old thread so that's why I suggested that you guys think about it. If it doesn't pan out then simply stop reviving old threads and carry on as usual.

Urban touched everything i would say really. It think there's quite a few females regulars here and even a few guys who pretend to be girls too :D I must admit i ahve no idea about the attitudes you're talking about though. I think it wouldn't be a good idea to treat some people differently just because of their gender.

Also regarding 3, there's always going to be threads that get bumped for no real reason. I think we should both 'carry on as usual' and bump anything good if there's going to be some good discussion. For instance if you've just got into an artist that is new to you there's no problem in searching the relevant thread and saying something about it.

Ghostrider 06-26-2008 05:12 AM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 493102)
Don't know where you got the idea that I was against it , I didn't even comment on it. As it happens something like that has been discussed in the past. In fact I raised the idea before I was modded also. I think the consensus was that this forum was pretty laid back as it is & it wasn't really needed.

I don't have a problem with old posts being bumped. I have a problem with people bumping loads of old polls without bothering to post. Or people bumping silly lounge discussions quoting members who left this place years ago. It's common sense really , if you want to bump an old thread then do so to create fresh discussion. I don't think it should be down to mods as any member can do this.

There's been a lot of discussion of mods this & mods that , but there are only a handful of us. A lot of the things being discussed can be taken up by the members on this forum. You don't need your name to be bolded to self moderate yourselves.

1. I simply assumed Urban that you were against the idea, or that it didn't warrant a comment, sorry for the mistaken assumption.(When you didn't comment about it and then started talking with RJ I just figured you weren't interested in the concept.)

2. Okay, I understand what you mean by bumping unnecessary threads, I was just thinking that you all must have some old favorites in the archives and could bring them back into discussion, and as I grow more comfortable in here I will definitely bump some myself.

3. All of that is true,,,but you are the Leaders of this forum, that is undisputed fact, anyone visiting here for the first time would notice instantly who's in charge. My idea of the intro by the Mods would help with the self moderating you mentioned, and just might help some members feel less hesitant about plunging into this forum.

Anyway I was just prompted by Jackhammer's request for suggestions about subtle improvements to help make the forum a little better, and thought I would participate and offer a few ideas. My comment about the women in this forum is simply an observation, a very good friend of mine wants to join Banter but feels a little unsure about it at this time. You are right though, some forums are almost 100% guys, and something is just missing when that happens, and I have noticed some prominent women members here already.

Rainard Jalen 06-26-2008 07:46 AM

All I'm really suggesting is that there should be a forum for brand new members where they have to post say 5 REAL posts before being allowed into the real forums, in order to show they are serious posters and not just some spam machine or obvious flamebater or whatever.

Alfred 06-26-2008 10:42 AM

More pop-punk fans!

Molecules 06-26-2008 05:27 PM

get rid of all the confrontational, sexually frustrated arsewipes. some people just seem to love a good argument. *waits for pot-kettle-black rejoinder*

oh and has anybody else brought up the Musicbanter graphic at the top of the page? Would it cost anything to change?

sweet_nothing 06-26-2008 07:30 PM

the color scheme is just too blue

Farfisa 06-26-2008 09:57 PM

Can we please, please bring back the arcade please, please?

sweet_nothing 06-26-2008 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by loose_lips_sink_ships (Post 493350)
Can we please, please bring back the arcade please, please?

what was the arcade?

Loser 06-27-2008 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by loose_lips_sink_ships (Post 493350)
Can we please, please bring back the arcade please, please?

That was a waste of space...No one layed it or even cared.

insinkerator 09-28-2008 10:46 AM

I think it would be better to change the way the reviews are presented.... non forum style would be good, ordered alphabetically or something...

Also, im kinda confused about the differences between this thread and forum as regards suggestions... are all suggestions limited to this thread or, can new threads be started too?

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