adidasss |
01-25-2006 05:05 PM |
Originally Posted by ladyluckrules
We shouldn't start attacking him, he isn't a bad lad.
We just want to have some basic notification on this sort of thing.
well, i know he's going to be hurt by this, but at the moment i'm pissed off; i have no idea if he's a good or a bad lad, but that's EXACTLY the point, i have no idea who he is, after almost 9 months of being on this board i just recently discovered that he's actually a guy!! and i would preffer to know who the mods are and what makes them tick, what ever you may think, mods affect the way this site is run, it's a political decision, and i definetly wasn't expecting HIM to be made a mod, he has done nothing to deserve this, when someone is made a moderator it's also a way of showing respect and appreciation for who he/she is and has done for the boards, aswell as a recognition of their personalities and me and many others, this guy has done nothing to deserve such a recognition.....
sorry for being an as shole, someone had to say it....i stayed quiet when allnightdinah was made a mod, but this was the straw that broke the cammel's back.....