Music Banter

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sleepy jack 01-23-2006 05:24 PM

Whats with all these stupid threads in the lounge? I realize this one is pointless but I think it needs to be adressed...I mean half these threads seem like they were made for the sake of being made i mean honestly "Things that make you go mmm...."? What the hell is that? and alot of these threads are just repeats of older ones or extremely similar to other threads made.

*waits for a billion lounge whores to freak out and attack him for "spamming"*

holdyoualways 01-23-2006 05:26 PM

agreed. even though i spend most of my time in the lounge. but with 9 gazillion threads being made it makes it seem like the actual music forums arent getting enough threads to post in. which is why im rarely on. or at least not on as much as before. i think the solution is to ban all the retards that make pointless threads. but then again, im always irrational.

sleepy jack 01-23-2006 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by holdyoualways
agreed. even though i spend most of my time in the lounge. but with 9 gazillion threads being made it makes it seem like the actual music forums arent getting enough threads to post in. which is why im rarely on. or at least not on as much as before. i think the solution is to ban all the retards that make pointless threads. but then again, im always irrational.

Im not saying its bad to post in the lounge or mainly post here, I mean alot of people that mainly post in the lounge are fine and have there posting under control and at least you contribute to the music forum unlike the majority of users here, and its obvious by your signature you at least care somewhat about music. Its pathetic when you have people with 500 something posts and they have about 10 of those in the music forum.

holdyoualways 01-23-2006 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by Crowquill
Im not saying its bad to post in the lounge or mainly post here, I mean alot of people that mainly post in the lounge are fine and have there posting under control and at least you contribute to the music forum unlike the majority of users here, and its obvious by your signature you at least care somewhat about music. Its pathetic when you have people with 500 something posts and they have about 10 of those in the music forum.

yeah i get what you mean. & i agree its not a bad thing to post in the lounge, thats what its there for. just that certain users tend to get a little post crazy which pisses quite a few people off. ha. i think to teach them a lesson the lounge should be off limits for like a month. theres a reason why its called MUSICbanter. thatd be great.

Merkaba 01-23-2006 05:31 PM

* Laughs. For no reason*

Wheres some ****ing creativity.
And the damn "rate" threads. Grrr. Pathetic. Thats what the annual MB awards should contain so we don't have to sit through these threads every second week.

Go stick your fingers in the toaster for some self gratification. I'll rate how well you burn your fingers.

SittingBehindYou 01-23-2006 05:31 PM

I personally think most people are alittle more chill about it. Yeah, there's stupid posts. Many of which have my name on them. But alot of stupid posts enterain people and ya know you can't please everyone, sometimes no one. But if there's a post you find crazy dumb... skip over it move on to the next one. Its not that hard.

FfEeeEeeKk 01-23-2006 05:32 PM

Yeah, I am going to have to say, some of the threads are just plain I just don't reply to them...but others whatever. Its not the end of the world. I mean it is an internet forum. I am not going to have a panic attack just because people are may be annoying, but its not worth getting my panties in a bunch over.

sleepy jack 01-23-2006 05:33 PM

Im tired of scrolling through 10 pages of crap to find something on topic, and im tired of seeing a billion stupid threads. Like a few months ago we could of skipped over them yes, but now its getting to the point where we're skipping over more then half the threads. Its stupid and pointless, we don't need 5 diffirent threads all on the topic of signatures.

littleknowitall 01-23-2006 05:34 PM

if we're going to start killing off threads in the lounge that are a waste of space atleast wait till i find out what time it is in japan before my thread gets blocked, im just too damn curious.

holdyoualways 01-23-2006 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by moley
if we're going to start killing off threads in the lounge that are a waste of space atleast wait till i find out what time it is in japan before my thread gets blocked, im just too damn curious.

then google it.

littleknowitall 01-23-2006 05:36 PM

no! i made a damn thread for it might aswell just wait till someone posts it, you could google it for me, that would work.

sleepy jack 01-23-2006 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by moley
no! i made a damn thread for it might aswell just wait till someone posts it, you could google it for me, that would work.

Its 9:38 am in tokyo, does that anwser your question?

littleknowitall 01-23-2006 05:38 PM

yes :). thankyou very much.

FfEeeEeeKk 01-23-2006 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by holdyoualways
then google it.

Its cool to see what time the other members are online...that is actually a good thread.

jr. 01-23-2006 05:40 PM

I've never started a thread. When I think of something interesting, I will.

littleknowitall 01-23-2006 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by FfEeeEeeKk
Its cool to see what time the other members are online...that is actually a good thread.

muchos grasias :)

holdyoualways 01-23-2006 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by FfEeeEeeKk
Its cool to see what time the other members are online...that is actually a good thread.

please tell me youre joking.

littleknowitall 01-23-2006 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by holdyoualways
please tell me youre joking.

it kept me ocupied for 5 minites, what more could you ask.

FfEeeEeeKk 01-23-2006 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by holdyoualways
please tell me youre joking.

No. I think time is a really cool thing. I like to think about it a lot. Its pretty much my thing. So seeing everyones time is really cool to me. So, no I am not joking. Suck it. hehe:)

littleknowitall 01-23-2006 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by FfEeeEeeKk
No. I think time is a really cool thing. I like to think about it a lot. Its pretty much my thing. So seeing everyones time is really cool to me. So, no I am not joking. Suck it. hehe:)

what FfEeeEeeKk said! *shakes fist*

FfEeeEeeKk 01-23-2006 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by moley
what FfEeeEeeKk said! *shakes fist*

*shakes both fists and starts scruffing the cround like a bull* eheh....:afro:

sleepy jack 01-23-2006 05:45 PM

*sigh* this is what im talking about, I make a thread about how bad the spamming is, and it turns into a spamfest.

SittingBehindYou 01-23-2006 05:45 PM

I think that this is a pointless thread. Because there are random people, tons of them. And making this thread saying that you don't like it... well, its not going to change people. Unless you can find a spamless community you'll have to learn to live with it. You cannot force people to be on topic. I agree its annoying but sometimes people have a proclivity to babble. Life is too short to worry about the little things. Ride with the flow of the river, don't swim against it. You'll be happier.

SittingBehindYou 01-23-2006 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by Crowquill
*sigh* this is what im talking about, I make a thread about how bad the spamming is, and it turns into a spamfest.

I wonder why...

FfEeeEeeKk 01-23-2006 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by Crowquill
*sigh* this is what im talking about, I make a thread about how bad the spamming is, and it turns into a spamfest.

Well, not all of us have sticks up our ****ing peice of ****. You need to chill out. I am not even joking. What are we supposed to do...rant about how bad the spam is...? Who gives a flying ****? IT is the internet....GOD. and ranting about it doesn't help.

sleepy jack 01-23-2006 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by Crowquill
I realize this one is pointless but I think it needs to be adressed...

and I do believe im not the only one with a problem with it.


Originally Posted by FfEeeEeeKk
Well, not all of us have sticks up our ****ing peice of ****. You need to chill out. I am not even joking. What are we supposed to do...rant about how bad the spam is...? Who gives a flying ****? IT is the internet....GOD. and ranting about it doesn't help.

Wow, I bet your going to get a warning, quit insulting me like a ten year old honestly.

FfEeeEeeKk 01-23-2006 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by Crowquill
Wow, I bet your going to get a warning, quit insulting me like a ten year old honestly.

And I care sooooooo much.....not.

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 01-23-2006 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by FfEeeEeeKk
Well, not all of us have sticks up our ****ing peice of ****. You need to chill out. I am not even joking. What are we supposed to do...rant about how bad the spam is...? Who gives a flying ****? IT is the internet....GOD. and ranting about it doesn't help.

if its the internet why the hell are you getting so worked up about it. insulting people that you dont know.....well....that just seems a little pointless.

youll get reported sooner or later.

holdyoualways 01-23-2006 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by Crowquill
and I do believe im not the only one with a problem with it.

i was sooo gonna mention it.

lets put it this way for all you hard heads out there. who here has a problem with the massive amounts of spam in this forum? that would be all the members who have been here for several months, a year, or over a year. & who seems to think that spamming is fine & dandy? itd be you twats who have been here for 2.5 seconds. i can name a list of noobs who have gotten their acounts disabled for spamming. trust me, were complaining for everyones benefit. if the spam stops, or at least gets down to a lesser degree, everyone will be happier. then we can all hold hands & drink coke.

littleknowitall 01-23-2006 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by Crowquill
and I do believe im not the only one with a problem with it.

Wow, I bet your going to get a warning, quit insulting me like a ten year old honestly.

shut up poo face!:bonkhead:

FfEeeEeeKk 01-23-2006 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe
if its the internet why the hell are you getting so worked up about it. insulting people that you dont know.....well....that just seems a little pointless.

youll get reported sooner or later.

Nah. I cuss for the hell of it. I know its unattractive but I do it as instinct...even to people I love. I am like, "I ****ing love you, you ****ing peice of ****, cu.nt face..." Thats just the way I role. I should try and break the habit..but I cant

holdyoualways 01-23-2006 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by moley
shut up poo face!:bonkhead:

that must be the most intellectual post ive seen on this forum thus far.

SittingBehindYou 01-23-2006 05:55 PM

I bet you internet "omg stop spam forver" people are the kind of over obcessors that people don't want to hang with. Trust me everyone likes a chill person.

sleepy jack 01-23-2006 05:57 PM

I love have you guys have yet to actually give an arguement on why the spams okay and for your informantion yes, i have no friends and no one likes me, because im not funny at all and im ugly and everyone hates talking to me.

Merkaba 01-23-2006 05:57 PM

I remember 3 months ago before a tidal wave of noobs came in buzzing on the latest hit of fingertip to keyboard viagra, we had some decent threads going. Barely any were spam.

Now it's just makeyourboatfloat5000.

FfEeeEeeKk 01-23-2006 05:58 PM

Wow. You are just obnoxious...take a valium or two, man.

holdyoualways 01-23-2006 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by FfEeeEeeKk
Wow. You are just obnoxious...take a valium or two, man.

are you freaking kidding me? HES obnoxious? wow.

littleknowitall 01-23-2006 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by holdyoualways
that must be the most intellectual post ive seen on this forum thus far.

i have nothing to prove, especially to someone who puts so much focus on nitpicking and complains for the pure sake of it and another thing im hating is this whole 'noob' thing, so what the time its taken me to find this forum should dictate wether or not im a spamming prat now? lets be really idiotic and make it whoever can sit on their arse and post the most are the more inteligent:rolleyes:

holdyoualways 01-23-2006 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by moley
i have nothing to prove, especially to someone who puts so much focus on nitpicking and complains for the pure sake of it and another thing im hating is this whole 'noob' thing, so what the time its taken me to find this forum should dictate wether or not im a spamming prat now? lets be really idiotic and make it whoever can sit on their arse and post the most are the more inteligent:rolleyes:

its been a proven fact that noobs annoy the **** out of everybody here who has seen numerous other noobs post whore & knows what happens when they do that. intelligence doesnt really have much to do with it. & i agree with merkaba up there. where the hell did all these people come from anyway?

franscar 01-23-2006 06:03 PM

Right, now everybody please stop having this bun fight. Don't make me write a long post, I'm too tired.

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