I have a problem with all of these spamming noobs. Why did you guys join a music forum, if you were going to talk about each others signatures, and how pretty everyone else is. And do not tell me "just skip over the stupid posts". because, frankly, I shouldn't have to. This is a music forum, and it has some of the most intelligent members of any forum I have been to. It is ruined by the fact that we get people on here like fFeEeEkK and SittingBehindYou, who just want to post whore, and fill our lounge up with stupid forum games.
mosesandtherubberducky made a great thread. It was a game thread, but it was created to expose everyone here to new music. It was posted in the General Music forum 2 days ago, and it has 9 replies. Mostly by me, him, and PTS. That is pathetic. If the game was "post a pic of yourself, and the person below you rates it" it would be filled with 8 pages by now. But no, since it was about music, it doesnt get replies. PEOPLE, THIS IS
MUSICBANTER, not rate the person above you's avatar-banter. If you want to talk about that sh
it, go to
www.offtopic.com you can spam about whatever you want. Don't do it here. Urban has made a bunch of great music threads, and they get 5 or 6 replies, but then, he goes out and makes a "compliment someone" thread in the Lounge and, badabing...INSTANT SUCCESS (not a dig at you Urban ;)) That is ridiculous. All of you newcomers who have joined just to pic whore yourselves, are pathetic. Get a life. This a place to discuss music. If you aren't going to do that, then I will watch every post you make, the second you cross the line, I am reporting you to a mod for spamming. Hopefully you will be banned.