Music Banter

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FfEeeEeeKk 01-24-2006 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by Crowquill
Shes posted like 5 times and i think in the rap forums.

I don' t think that qualifies as music...really, not at all.

SittingBehindYou 01-24-2006 04:59 PM

Okay, Erika that makes you better than me. God you piss me off. You better not think about borowing anything tommorrow. I don't care if I borrowed your jacket today, you ass! You wouldn't be on here if it wasn't for me... ho bag!

Barnard17 01-24-2006 05:00 PM

I'll be honest with you guys, I don't think issue should be made as to the topic of posts. If the mods are that bothered about always posting on music they should close down off-topic entirely, and I hate the think of the potential repercussions of that. The issue should be with the quality of post, not location.

Urban Hat€monger ? 01-24-2006 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by SittingBehindYou
Okay, Erika that makes you better than me. God you piss me off. You better not think about borowing anything tommorrow. I don't care if I borrowed your jacket today, you ass! You wouldn't be on here if it wasn't for me... ho bag!

Can`t you tell her when she comes around to borrow something rather than bore us with it?

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 01-24-2006 06:12 PM

ya know getting tired of all the mods coming down on us and telling us "we are limited in what we can do" and giving us all that bullshit and then closing any threads that contain any hint of discussion of the things here that annoy us. ethan was right, making a thread about the problem is a way of dealing with it. we can discuss it and see what comes of the discussion.


Originally Posted by ArtistInTheAmbulance
Then I guess its just a difference of opinion, because I personally think its stupid that we get so many of these fapping complaints-about-how-the-forum-is-run threads.

if you dont like the way something you just sit there and let it be? or do you do something about it. well...fenix said "make a thread". and thats exactly what ethan did. there is no reason to give him sh!t for it at all. we have a problem with something and we are trying to deal with it in the only way availible to us. by talking it out. im sorry if thats not how you deal with things, but we are just trying to get our opinions dealing with this subject heard. hell, maybe if we get them out in the open then threads like this wont spring up as much, but every time one gets locked.


Originally Posted by Fenixpunk
dont post in the pointless threads and they will fade away. Duplicate ones get combined or deleted, the lounge is what it is, a lounge with no criteria what gets posted in it, and i believe that it saves the actual music forums from getting overrun with off topic threads. It serves its purpose, its a melting pot for anything non-music related. If you want a serious topic, start a serious thread, if you want to play a game start a thread, if you want to talk about how you hurt your back trying to lick your own ass, start a thread..just try and help out and keep it in the lounge where it belongs.

this is very true, the lounge is simply a melting pot for off topic discussion. but as of late, the lounge has become the most popular forum on these boards, and its filled with unintelligent "rate the person above you" threads. with everyone on the forum playing the games in the lounge, no one is posting in the music forums at all. most of the music forums get maybe 5 or 6 new posts a day, possibly more if an actual conversation is drawn up. hardly anyone talks about music any more.

now, sure...fenix you say the game threads will fade away if we dont pay attention to them, but we can only control one person on these boards...ourselves. even if everyone that has expressed an opinion towards this stopped posting in the game threads.....the lounge would just become a giant shithole filled with postwhores who play forum games and talk about how they hurt their back trying to lick their own asses. if that happened, then any threads not related to music that actually contained an ounce of intelligence, would just be overrun by the constant posting the the game threads, and would die out before anyone noticed them.


Originally Posted by ArtistInTheAmbulance
All Im saying is, this happens all the time on this forum. If everyone just grits their teeth to get through the worst of it, the mods will clean up the mess as much as we can, and ban where we see fit. We've tightened the rules up, since the new mods, but theres a limit to what we can do without it infringing on babysitting. The subforuming is probably not gonna happen any time soon. So in the meantime, quit acting like its the end of the world, we'll do what we can. Just dont look in the threads that dont interest you, we'll keep the number as low as we can, and Im sure looking at page 2 of the lounge isnt such a difficult task for now, is it?

lately i havent seen people banned unless they are reported. ridiculous threads, obviously, have run rampant, or else this thread wouldnt have been made. and no one would be complaining. now im not saying that i have a problem reporting spammers, or anything like that, but we shouldnt have to. as far as i know thats a moderators job.

the reason its the "senior" members who are complaining, is because its us who were here when this site wasnt filled with spammers and game threads. sure, you may think that we are just bitching and whining...but since we have absolutely no power on this site, and apparently our opinions dont either, thats all we really can about it. like i said earlier....if someones doing something that you dont like....are you just going to sit there and let it happen? or are you going to get up and do something about it?

i dont know about anyone else, but im sure there are a few people that will agree with me when i say that im tired of this elitist attitude that some of the members have taken on.

go ahead, flame me, close this thread and ban be if you want, but im not going to sit back and not voice my opinion.

sleepy jack 01-24-2006 06:15 PM

I agree 100% with that.

Urban Hat€monger ? 01-24-2006 06:19 PM

Does make you wonder why we have a feedback thread.

Usually when someone posts an idea we get the usual 'PM admin' response.

If I have a good idea I want to see if people agree or disagree , you can`t get that in a PM & if the admin don`t look at the ideas posted or take any on board whats the point in having a feedback forum in the first place?

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 01-24-2006 06:21 PM


i would like to hear a moderators response to this.

sleepy jack 01-24-2006 06:22 PM

The mods usually don't come on this late, alejo and rise occasionaly.

bungalow 01-24-2006 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by FfEeeEeeKk
I don' t think that qualifies as music...really, not at all.

Please, elaborate.
Though I'm, sure that there is no way that your argument will be logical.
I really can't stand people like you. Why isn't rap music? Because they don't sing? Is it because they rap? Define music. If you can, I'm sure you will be intelligent enough to back down from the coming argument, before you are completely and utterly torn to pieces.

As for the rest of what was posted today. I am not a "senior member", but I really enjoy hearing new bands. Being introduced to new music, is one of the greatest things that can happen to you. Avoid being genre biased, and you will find that a world of new music opens up. This "world" of music, however, is drowned out by ignorant posters (SabrinaMaher, Kashmir86, FfEeeEeeKk) and, by people who are constantly making dumb, pointless threads (madeinNY, hobojesus) Why are the threads about "what makes youo go mmmm", more popular than threads that discuss music intelligently? This is a music forum. Sure, talking about music can get redundant, and when it does, log off. Or, make a thread in the lounge...but, do all threads in the lounge have to be about "wet dreams, what makes you go mmm, rate the persons above you ???? "

Please, make some decent threads in the lounge. That is why it was made, not to be filled with stupid game threads. It is ridiculous. I have made quite a few threads in the hip/hop rap forums, folk, punk, indie/alternative forums, but they die out after 2 days. Only to be replaced by "what time is it in Tokyo". We are here to talk about music. I think the people who are incapable, should be gone. There should be no arguments about it. I think that threads like this one, are neccessary. They need to be made. Even if their only use is to flame noobs to the point that they dont want to make stupid posts anymore. Even that helps.

I'm too lazy to write more =)

gregb 01-24-2006 11:34 PM

If this "crisis" is the front running problem then I think MB is doing pretty damn well :)

The lounge is ment to be essentially discussion for non music topics. Or muscial topics that don't fit any of the other forums. The possibilities are endless as it should be. The staff is not going to go crazy with censorship or moderation.

The description of useless threads is completely subjective. Obviously some members like them because they are posting in them. Whether they are new or old members is really irrelevant and descriminatory.

I am however interested and encouraged to see members promoting contructive discussion. I would like to see MB increase and mantain a high level of discussion.

Alot of this is just not in our hands. We can try and guide people to the right forum and encourage them to post contructive material, but we don't have mind control or control on who registers and posts.

Now, if there is a concensus that there has been an influx of unheathly game/spam threads in lounge then maybe we can devise a sub-forum for those kinds of topics. We can also disable post counts in the lounge.

sleepy jack 01-24-2006 11:36 PM

Im with the disabled post counts in the lounge idea, I think it would knock down alot of eltism. I think the sub forums idea would be good for forums games that way we don't have to run into them if we dont want too..

Scarlett O'Hara 01-24-2006 11:42 PM

Good to hear Gregb. I'd personally like to see "ACTION! ACTION! ACTION not words..." :D

MURDER JUNKIE 01-24-2006 11:44 PM

I think it is small potatoes. People sure do a lot of complaining, if you don't like the thread don't post. Nuff Said

ArtistInTheAmbulance 01-25-2006 04:22 AM


Anyway, now Ive calmed down a bit, Im gonna agree with greg. I still stand by my opinion. Im just less likely to bite your head off about it.

I just have to reply to this though. Sorry to bring it back when its calming down.

Originally Posted by PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe
lately i havent seen people banned unless they are reported. ridiculous threads, obviously, have run rampant, or else this thread wouldnt have been made. and no one would be complaining. now im not saying that i have a problem reporting spammers, or anything like that, but we shouldnt have to. as far as i know thats a moderators job.

So, we literally have to be here 100% of the time to watch over you guys? You know what, Im so sorry, from the bottom of my heart, that you might have to wait for a while before one of the spammers gets banned.

Oh wait. We do do things without you telling us to, dont we.. Remember when we used to get those trolls joining the forum just posting in every visible thread with nothing but emoticons? Yeah, we still get that, you just dont see it as often as you used to because there's more mods around to go on a deleting spree for you. No one notices this, but everyones quick to point it out when it takes a day or so to get a warning sent out to another member.

Aaanyway, thats totally off topic.

Im done.

adidasss 01-25-2006 05:26 AM


Originally Posted by PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe
this is very true, the lounge is simply a melting pot for off topic discussion. but as of late, the lounge has become the most popular forum on these boards, and its filled with unintelligent "rate the person above you" threads. with everyone on the forum playing the games in the lounge, no one is posting in the music forums at all. most of the music forums get maybe 5 or 6 new posts a day, possibly more if an actual conversation is drawn up. hardly anyone talks about music any more.

what on earth are you talking about? so the lounge is essentially distracting people from posting about music? em.....nooooooo.....
i post in the lounge when i have nothing better to do, it's not like there's a new fantastic band to talk about every single day. when i come across something new related to music, i discuss it, the lounge is not going to comepletely sidetrack me.....

and i don't mind stupid threads, like greg said, what is stupid to me doesn't neccesserily mean that it's stupid to someone else. if some people are having fun with those threads, i don't see any harm in them. i simply don't post in threads i don't find interesting.

and it's really not that hard to cruise through new threads and posts. i can do it in 5 minutes. i essentially look for threads with either interesting names or topics or threads created by people i know and/or respect.

explosions-in-my-pants 01-25-2006 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by bungalowbill357
As for the rest of what was posted today. I am not a "senior member", but I really enjoy hearing new bands. Being introduced to new music, is one of the greatest things that can happen to you. Avoid being genre biased, and you will find that a world of new music opens up. This "world" of music, however, is drowned out by ignorant posters (SabrinaMaher, Kashmir86, FfEeeEeeKk) and, by people who are constantly making dumb, pointless threads (madeinNY, hobojesus) Why are the threads about "what makes youo go mmmm", more popular than threads that discuss music intelligently? This is a music forum. Sure, talking about music can get redundant, and when it does, log off. Or, make a thread in the lounge...but, do all threads in the lounge have to be about "wet dreams, what makes you go mmm, rate the persons above you ???? "

and i almost thought i wouldn't post here at all. well see how many threads i started, and you tell me how many are music related and how many are in the lounge, because when you do, you will see that i've been here because of the music. I know i can be very igornate when it comes to type's of music, and i've admited to it. but at least when it comes to music threads i try, they may not be great but at least i'm trying. I've only started a few threads in the lounge and i'm not planning on always starting them in the lounge. I came here for the music, an have gotten into a few bands that i never new of before. as for the stupid lounge threads that are getting more attention then the actual music threads. its because people are bored, want something to do with little interesting music threads being made... but thats just what i think. I find enough interesting threads i don't need to post in a million differnt ones, that just gets annoying. but my point is if there is a 100% pointless thread being made then trash it, get it deleted. people will find them selves so bored in the lounge they'll either leave MB all together or they'll actually realize that this is in fact a music forum. but ya i came here for the music, but i make off topic post when something interesting me like one of my last ones that i made... tell your life story or something, very few people actually posted in it, but i made it so people can get to know each other so i didn't think the thread was half bad.


riseagainstrocks 01-25-2006 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by FfEeeEeeKk
Its cool to see what time the other members are online...that is actually a good thread.

there is a button near the bottom of a person's post. if it is green, they're online. If it's not, they're not.


littleknowitall 01-25-2006 11:02 AM

right ive only read 2 pages after my last reply so my question might have already been answered, if so many people hate the fact that people go off the topic of music by posting in the lounge then why is the lounge even there, cant we just remove it?

riseagainstrocks 01-25-2006 11:13 AM

Couple of things.

1. I banned 4 people who posted in this thread. It attracted the spammers like flies.

2. We do what we can. Many of these game threads aren't breaking rules. When the posters in them do, we close/delete as neccessary.

3. I am against n00bs (not newbies, newbies are our lifeblood). this is a music forum. there are forums for sharing pictures, etc. We have an off-topic section for debates and the like. Not for "who is the sexiest" that is just stupid.

4. I am very much attached to this forum, I've been going here regularly for 2 years and am e-friends with many members here. I come here to learn about music. Not how hot they are.

5. I am going to lay the smackdown on rule breakers from now on. So please GOD! FOLLOW THE RULES WE HAVE HERE!

riseagainstrocks 01-25-2006 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by moley
right ive only read 2 pages after my last reply so my question might have already been answered, if so many people hate the fact that people go off the topic of music by posting in the lounge then why is the lounge even there, cant we just remove it?


Originally Posted by riseagainstrocks
We have an off-topic section for debates and the like. Not for "who is the sexiest" that is just stupid.


holdyoualways 01-25-2006 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by riseagainstrocks
Couple of things.

1. I banned 4 people who posted in this thread. It attracted the spammers like flies.

2. We do what we can. Many of these game threads aren't breaking rules. When the posters in them do, we close/delete as neccessary.

3. I am against n00bs (not newbies, newbies are our lifeblood). this is a music forum. there are forums for sharing pictures, etc. We have an off-topic section for debates and the like. Not for "who is the sexiest" that is just stupid.

4. I am very much attached to this forum, I've been going here regularly for 2 years and am e-friends with many members here. I come here to learn about music. Not how hot they are.

5. I am going to lay the smackdown on rule breakers from now on. So please GOD! FOLLOW THE RULES WE HAVE HERE!


whoever made you a mod deserves a congratulatory pat on the back.

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 01-25-2006 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by riseagainstrocks
Couple of things.

1. I banned 4 people who posted in this thread. It attracted the spammers like flies.

2. We do what we can. Many of these game threads aren't breaking rules. When the posters in them do, we close/delete as neccessary.

3. I am against n00bs (not newbies, newbies are our lifeblood). this is a music forum. there are forums for sharing pictures, etc. We have an off-topic section for debates and the like. Not for "who is the sexiest" that is just stupid.

4. I am very much attached to this forum, I've been going here regularly for 2 years and am e-friends with many members here. I come here to learn about music. Not how hot they are.

5. I am going to lay the smackdown on rule breakers from now on. So please GOD! FOLLOW THE RULES WE HAVE HERE!

exactly. EXACTLY, my feelings.

Fenixpunk 01-27-2006 03:30 PM

1 Attachment(s)
didnt know where else to post this but i found it interesting:

MB forums in Dec 2003

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 01-27-2006 03:35 PM

strange thread to choose, but thats pretty funny, its like....the original musicbanter.

gregb 01-27-2006 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe
strange thread to choose, but thats pretty funny, its like....the original musicbanter.

adidasss 01-27-2006 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by gregb

em....i can see it for like a split second then it disappears? don't titilate me!

riseagainstrocks 01-27-2006 06:08 PM

ohhhh man. I got here like, during the transition i think.

ah the good old days....

Scarlett O'Hara 01-27-2006 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by gregb

That is so cute! *most members online=9*

It's certainly come along way!

Oh and RiseAgainst, have I ever told you that you rock, own, and pwn n00bs like the should be? :tramp:

jibber 01-28-2006 02:45 AM


Originally Posted by gregb

haha, yes! I remember those days, it would take about 2 days on average for any new replies to a thread to pop up, and it was really exciting if there was another member on besides you.

adidasss 01-28-2006 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by jibber
haha, yes! I remember those days, it would take about 2 days on average for any new replies to a thread to pop up, and it was really exciting if there was another member on besides you.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

riseagainstrocks 01-28-2006 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by jibber
and it was really exciting if there was another member on besides you.

hahahahaha so true. man those were the days.

jibber 01-28-2006 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by riseagainstrocks
hahahahaha so true. man those were the days.

haha, most of the threads were made up of two or three people talking to eachother, since that was the biggest number of people on at the same time usually. Actually I think the best were the huge political debates we had, there were actually some good intelligent debates, i'm gonna see if I can find one of them, just for sh*ts and giggles.

riseagainstrocks 01-28-2006 10:57 PM

The one on the Election was good. the one started by Skank I think.

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