Music Banter

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Ma Cherie 01-24-2006 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by ArtistInTheAmbulance
This is going round in circles. This is the point where someone states how they dont want to have to go elsewhere to discuss these offtopic things, because theyve built up relationships [I dont know the right word for this here] here, and want to share it with the people they know.

Which is all valid.

Thing is, youre never gonna get rid of all the spammy pointless threads. Its just how it works. Every few months, this forum goes haywire with n00bs and everyone complains and then the major posters all threaten to leave yadda yadda yadda.

How about you just deal with it for once? The mods here do the best they can, even with you all not appreciating this. Theres a limit to how much we can step in though, we shouldnt have to babysit you, with each and every post. We'll step in where we can, be happy we do that.

shes right misfits.... hate to admit it or not she is.

Urban Hat€monger ? 01-24-2006 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe
i understand what youre saying and all. people come here to talk about music but thats not their whole life....and they also want to talk about other things......



and the parts of the forum dedicated to MUSIC are DEAD compared to the off topic area. stop it with your comments like "people dont want to talk about only music...

if they want to talk about other things then they can go SOMEWHERE ELSE.

Then it`s down to the moderation not the forum. I like talking about music , but I like to know about the people i`m discussing it with , it makes it more interesting knowing more about other posters.

But the problem is nobody knows what the lounge is supposed to be.Is it supposed to have serious topics or stupid joke threads?

Personally I think the lounge should be scrapped & the games & pointless threads should be shunted off to the Introductions forum , make it something like a meet & greet forum for lighthearted stuff and then what was the lounge should be left for proper serious topics properly modded like the music forums.

That way you use 2 existing non music forums in a more defined way.

sleepy jack 01-24-2006 02:45 PM

Someone just close it, the mods won't do anything gregb sure as hell won't take your suggestion urban. No point in even "complaining" anymore.

ArtistInTheAmbulance 01-24-2006 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
Then it`s down to the moderation not the forum. I like talking about music , but I like to know about the people i`m discussing it with , it makes it more interesting knowing more about other posters.

But the problem is nobody knows what the lounge is supposed to be.Is it supposed to have serious topics or stupid joke threads?

Personally I think the lounge should be scrapped & the games & pointless threads should be shunted off to the Introductions forum , make it something like a meet & greet forum for lighthearted stuff and then what was the lounge should be left for proper serious topics properly modded like the music forums.

That way you use 2 existing non music forums in a more defined way.

If we were to do that, we may aswel go with the subforuming of the lounge, and just have one subforum for forum games and shizz, maybe without a post count so people dont complain about spamming.

Just whatever stops this constant complaining seems like a good idea to me.


Originally Posted by Crowquill
Someone just close it, the mods won't do anything gregb sure as hell won't take your suggestion urban. No point in even "complaining" anymore.

THE MODS CAN DO NO MORE. The mods have banning and deleting powers. That is all. We ban, we delete, we do too much however and that gets screwed up too.

Shooting Star 01-24-2006 02:46 PM

Urban's idea sounds very good. I feel like a random newb blathering on about a forum I've only been on a couple days but yeah...

Ma Cherie 01-24-2006 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by Shooting Star
Urban's idea sounds very good. I feel like a random newb blathering on about a forum I've only been on a couple days but yeah...


Sneer 01-24-2006 02:57 PM

im glad someone made this thread. because i wholeheartedly agree.

sleepy jack 01-24-2006 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by LedZepStu
im glad someone made this thread. because i wholeheartedly agree.

But as senior members are opinions don't matter because all we do is complain, so seeing as my post earlier was probaly ignored just close this.

ArtistInTheAmbulance 01-24-2006 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by Crowquill
But as senior members are opinions don't matter because all we do is complain, so seeing as my post earlier was probaly ignored just close this.

Yes, we completely ignored you just because youre a senior member...

Christ. It gets so frustrating every time this forum goes through one of these moments. It lasts for a few weeks every time, and all the good members threaten to leave because they cant put up with it, and so their way of fighting it is making thread after thread on the subject? Logic = ?

All Im saying is, this happens all the time on this forum. If everyone just grits their teeth to get through the worst of it, the mods will clean up the mess as much as we can, and ban where we see fit. We've tightened the rules up, since the new mods, but theres a limit to what we can do without it infringing on babysitting. The subforuming is probably not gonna happen any time soon. So in the meantime, quit acting like its the end of the world, we'll do what we can. Just dont look in the threads that dont interest you, we'll keep the number as low as we can, and Im sure looking at page 2 of the lounge isnt such a difficult task for now, is it?

Sneer 01-24-2006 03:05 PM

one day our complaining will get us day.

Fenixpunk 01-24-2006 03:07 PM

dont post in the pointless threads and they will fade away. Duplicate ones get combined or deleted, the lounge is what it is, a lounge with no criteria what gets posted in it, and i believe that it saves the actual music forums from getting overrun with off topic threads. It serves its purpose, its a melting pot for anything non-music related. If you want a serious topic, start a serious thread, if you want to play a game start a thread, if you want to talk about how you hurt your back trying to lick your own ass, start a thread..just try and help out and keep it in the lounge where it belongs.

Sneer 01-24-2006 03:10 PM

surely a warning to these idiots (yes, you know who you are) like a sticky at the top of the page, would at least improve the situation. i dont see the point in threatening to leave because lets face it, whoever does that always comes back

sleepy jack 01-24-2006 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by LedZepStu
surely a warning to these idiots (yes, you know who you are) like a sticky at the top of the page, would at least improve the situation. i dont see the point in threatening to leave because lets face it, whoever does that always comes back

I agree, but natrually thats just bitching again.

Fenixpunk 01-24-2006 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by LedZepStu
i dont see the point in threatening to leave because lets face it, whoever does that always comes back

:rofl: really??

Sneer 01-24-2006 03:14 PM

^??? im slow today, fill me in on the joke.

ArtistInTheAmbulance 01-24-2006 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by Crowquill
I agree, but natrually thats just bitching again.

Spluh. Quit taking it so personally. Is it that hard to believe that I do get tired of threads complaining about how this forum is? If you hate it, leave, dont make more threads of complaint.


Originally Posted by LedZepStu
surely a warning to these idiots (yes, you know who you are) like a sticky at the top of the page, would at least improve the situation. i dont see the point in threatening to leave because lets face it, whoever does that always comes back

Hmm. You think newbies always read through the stickies before they post? They rarely read any of it. Cant blame em. Its just "Oooooh, posting" and they're off.

sleepy jack 01-24-2006 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by ArtistInTheAmbulance
Spluh. Quit taking it so personally. Is it that hard to believe that I do get tired of threads complaining about how this forum is? If you hate it, leave, dont make more threads of complaint.

I just think its stupid that we get told to shut up for trying to address a problem.

Fenixpunk 01-24-2006 03:20 PM

the problem is, its a problem that wont go away while threads you are complaining about are getting 30 or more posts a day. ignore them and they will fade to the back of the line like all the other long lost and forgotten threads. everytime you post in one to say how stupid the thread is, it gets bumped up to the front of the line for everyone to see, making it more likely to get posted in again, and the vicious circle continues...

ArtistInTheAmbulance 01-24-2006 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by Crowquill
I just think its stupid that we get told to shut up for trying to address a problem.

Then I guess its just a difference of opinion, because I personally think its stupid that we get so many of these fapping complaints-about-how-the-forum-is-run threads.

sleepy jack 01-24-2006 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by ArtistInTheAmbulance
Then I guess its just a difference of opinion, because I personally think its stupid that we get so many of these fapping complaints-about-how-the-forum-is-run threads.

and i think its stupid we have so many threads rating the above users whatever.

Sneer 01-24-2006 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by ArtistInTheAmbulance
Spluh. Quit taking it so personally. Is it that hard to believe that I do get tired of threads complaining about how this forum is? If you hate it, leave, dont make more threads of complaint.

Hmm. You think newbies always read through the stickies before they post? They rarely read any of it. Cant blame em. Its just "Oooooh, posting" and they're off.

give it a hard hitting title like "any idiots posting pointless threads will be cyber-shot". and lets put two and two together to solve the problem, we're moaning about stupid threads, your moaning about us complaing, get rid of the threads, place a sticky, then we'll all be happy little musicbantarians!!!

ArtistInTheAmbulance 01-24-2006 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by Crowquill
and i think its stupid we have so many threads rating the above users whatever.

So ignore them. Because theres nowt I can do about it, and the admin have obviously decided against the subforuming. So, theres nothing any of us can do. Making yet more threads wont solve it, just clog up the forums even more.

Fenixpunk 01-24-2006 03:27 PM

i just try not to post in threads i find stupid, alot of them i dont even look at unless someone complains about something in it. sometimes you just gotta have self control and skip through the threads that you dont want to post in, i dont think its that difficult...

God i wish the supermarkets would stop selling the national enquire, everytime i walk in to a store to get something i have to walk past the papers in the checkout line, and i cant resist i have to buy one everytime even though i will surely complain to everyone about how idiotic the contents are, i cant help myself. why cant i just go buy some milk without having to buy one of these damn papers????

Sneer 01-24-2006 03:31 PM

i dont post in them. yet at the same time, sometimes complaining about something is the only way its going to be rectified. though evidently this isnt going to be the case here, so i may aswell limp off with my tail between my legs.

Barnard17 01-24-2006 03:34 PM

I'm kinda with Urban here. While I'm not bothered about people making a load of relatively pointless threads, it makes the interesting ones hard to find. If we had better defined boards for "serious" and "non-serious" threads it would make things much simpler.

madeinNY 01-24-2006 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by Fal
I'm kinda with Urban here. While I'm not bothered about people making a load of relatively pointless threads, it makes the interesting ones hard to find. If we had better defined boards for "serious" and "non-serious" threads it would make things much simpler.

I wanna build off of that...

I think we should also have a "forum games" sub-forum...

And I also agree with the "pointless" and "not-pointless" sections...

sleepy jack 01-24-2006 04:02 PM

Nothing is going to be done about and thats been made obvious.

madeinNY 01-24-2006 04:03 PM

So why is this thread not closed?

FfEeeEeeKk 01-24-2006 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by holdyoualways
its been a proven fact that noobs annoy the **** out of everybody here who has seen numerous other noobs post whore & knows what happens when they do that. intelligence doesnt really have much to do with it. & i agree with merkaba up there. where the hell did all these people come from anyway?

Everyone is a newbie at one time or another....

sleepy jack 01-24-2006 04:08 PM

Because the mods think its pointless spam and we need to quit whining about spamming because this thread is spamming and complaining not trying to adress a problem. So they wont close it, and i have no clue why its still open.

madeinNY 01-24-2006 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by FfEeeEeeKk
Everyone is a newbie at one time or another....

There's a different between a n00b and someone that is new....Crowe is new and he is respected because he is not a post whore. skaterbabii69 was a
n00b and hated because the fact that she was a post whore.

FfEeeEeeKk 01-24-2006 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by madeinNY
There's a different between a n00b and someone that is new....Crowe is new and he is respected because he is not a post whore. skaterbabii69 was a
n00b and hated because the fact that she was a post whore.

ah. Well, I am glad I am up on the noob/n00b/newbie lingo....:rolleyes: even though is all seems a bit silly.

SittingBehindYou 01-24-2006 04:18 PM

Even "vetrans" can be post whores and make dumbf^ck comments. Every site is a n00b prejudice thing.

madeinNY 01-24-2006 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by FfEeeEeeKk
ah. Well, I am glad I am up on the noob/n00b/newbie lingo....:rolleyes: even though is all seems a bit silly.

Yes I's a world full of erroneous charges and inconcevable allogations.

SBY, I agree with you.

Urban Hat€monger ? 01-24-2006 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by SittingBehindYou
Even "vetrans" can be post whores and make dumbf^ck comments. Every site is a n00b prejudice thing.

I hate idiots whether they`ve been here 12 months or 12 minutes.

Who are you by the way , I don`t think i`ve had the pleasure of meeting you in the music forums.

FfEeeEeeKk 01-24-2006 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
I hate idiots whether they`ve been here 12 months or 12 minutes.

Who are you by the way , I don`t think i`ve had the pleasure of meeting you in the music forums.

Probably because she has never posted in them....

Muzak 01-24-2006 04:37 PM

Late on this topic, sorry. But I have to agree that these spam topics are a waste. There are other forums, AIM, myspace that you can use for these lame things. This is a forum for music though it is only fair for the right to disccuss other things, but it is rediculous for this kind of threads that are not even discussions to populate.

SittingBehindYou 01-24-2006 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
I hate idiots whether they`ve been here 12 months or 12 minutes.

Who are you by the way , I don`t think i`ve had the pleasure of meeting you in the music forums.

I'm Kelsey... yes, Fffeeekkk, I'vo posted several things in music forums. :rolleyes:

Urban Hat€monger ? 01-24-2006 04:52 PM


sleepy jack 01-24-2006 04:53 PM

Shes posted like 5 times and i think in the rap forums.

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